The sun wheel and the gods’ protection

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I thank all comrades who have sent expressions and tangible signs of support as Margi and I battle her throat cancer, which erupted the same week she received her modest inheritance.
After all, the Jews want John de Nugent to be perpetually broke 😉 , and I have been broke (and fretting every day about paying my bills) almost without eruption since the year 1990, 28 years ago, when I ran for Congress in a 92% white, southern district (in Tennessee), and nearly won — and that is when the Jews first really “came down” on me.


WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

An ever-generous comrade wrote me [edited]:

I received your email, John.  Have no fear.  I will invoke the same spiritual forces to heal Margie that I used, in my own little way, to help Trump be protected and elected.
In the meantime, here are for you the same herbal supplements that I personally use to boost my immune system.

JdN: Liquid Oxygen, Herbal Resistance Liquid, and, quite interestingly, Venus Fly Trap tincture



As for the curse you suspect the kabbalists put on her, April Gaede built a sonnenrad [a black sun/ literally, a “sunwheel” in German] in the landscaping of her yard during a time of need.  Vicious neighbors were trying to destroy her.

But one by one, each of these neighbors met their fate.  The sonnenrad protected her.

I replied:

Dear [], I received your kind and vital gifts today! Thank you so much! Margi I was delighted and touched. Oh, and I remember April Gaede’s Sonnenrad and her photos of it!

It so happens that her two lovely daughters, the “Prussian Blue” singing duo, were actually willing, out of the sheer goodness of their hearts, to consider marrying that young Finnish guy that Margi and I were helping in 2008-09.
He was about to be prosecuted for hate speech for opposing the gang rape of Finnish women by muslim migrants. (We all feared correctly that under Obama he would otherwise never be allowed to stay in the US by being granted political asylum. He was, in fact, ultimately arrested –March 2009 — then held for 87 days in solitary by the Obama-run ICE, then was expelled for ten years from the U.S.A.)

I actually talked with April and one of them —  Lamb — and they were such very sweet girls back then, and age 16, so legally and technically it was doable, but there were other considerations that blocked it. But this is just to show what nice and idealistic girls they were — real “blue-eyes.” 😉
And of course the Sonnenrad is the symbol of the coming religion. 🙂 It is very dynamic, and breathes forward movement and wholeness.
Also, it was chosen for one of the mysterious crop circles in Wiltshire, England, close to Stonehenge!


The date it appeared was in numerology: 8/8/8, that is  8 August [the eighth month] of 2015… 2 + 1 +5 = 8)
And I do ask for your spiritual help.
With everything otherwise coming together finally for the new Aryan faith, a German woman in Bavaria contacted me and said it was 100% a kabbalistic curse on Margi by the Jews.

She then brought up an Austrian comrade, Wolfgang Wiedergut, who died at just 47 from the same thing, THROAT CANCER, and was plumbing the depths of Aryan and Tesla knowledge, and esp. the reptilian aspect.


Brian Ruhe, the Canadian WN, and former professional Buddhist teacher for ten years, says the Buddha spoke a number of times of them as being absolutely real and hostile. His word for them was “nagas.”


The Buddha was an Aryan prince who decided that politics was not for him…..
……but instead his gola was to figure out why on earth these crazy earthlings knowingly harm themselves and others on a non-stop basis, destroying themselves, their relationships, their health and their country.
White Englishman, after stabbing his white gf to death, leaps two stories down onto a car in an attempt to escape.

The Buddha wanted to know why this sad observation is true:
“The only thing we learn from history is that man never learns from history!” 
In fact, the Buddha himself reported on how a reptilian entered human form and then entered a Buddhist order he had set up — but then let down his guard and involuntarily shifted back to his real form as a reptilian, whereupon the horrified monks grabbed batons and beat it until it fled. 😉
Many ancient peoples depicted reptilian beings

UPDATED Reptilian gloating all over huge Paul VI papal audience hall in Rome; black-magic principle of warning the victim; Book of Enoch: some “humans” are incarnated demons

I really appreciate that you are on a higher wavelength, []. 🙂 This is the clearly designated path. As Dr Pierce called it on the banner of his “National Vanguard” magazine,
“Toward a new consciousness, a new order, a new people.”
I worked for Dr. Pierce 1981-84,but left (on good terms), feeling the call within me to focus entirely on the new consciousness, and thus end the insane ego, hate and strife among earthlings, which makes us all such easy pickings for the “dividing-and-conquering” Jews. 
What Bismarck said about the Germans applies to all Aryans:
“If the Germans just stick together, they can knock the Devil right out of hell!”
Thanks again, brother [].
JdN and Margi 🙂

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