“Misgendering” is now “violence” — also saying he/his & she/her — in insane, harsh new University of Minnesota policy

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Once again we see the most nordic American states (full of blond Germans and Scandinavians) are the most nutty. As I have often written, the adjective “blue-eyed” has the secondary meaning of “naive” in German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish!

They would know! And so would I, and Margi, two blue-eyes who together have helped so many worthless, treacherous whites!

Misgendering? Policy Forces Students To Live With Transgender Roommates

DCNF Presents The Facts

These University students will be expelled and their professors fired if they don’t use the pronouns “Ze, Zer, and Zers” instead of “He, Her, Theirs.”

Is Political Correctness going too far?


Angelita Smith disgusting agenda…but even more concerning is how many people are watching and sharing these facebook created videos. Most of it is fake news, and being shared in favour of more important things.

Thomas Kolstø What are these more important things…and I also see what facebook is doing creating this…why do You think they have so many groups like this…and many of the groups are pro zionist and israel…even alt right…and even groups that goes full in for anti israel and zionism and corporatism (owning every thing your food water air and your ideas and spiritual luciferian input (school your childrens minds, media films series music ………….) You know when they fully control the opposition…they can stear away and monitor opinion and topics…



Angelita Smith ThomasKolstø I most probably just conveyed confusing rhetoric as I agree that this is important, but I was more trying to point out the number of videos promoting this as something positive, feel good stuff that has subliminal messages. I am very much opposed to this agenda and just check out my wall for evidence of my opposition.

Christine Mud Evil agenda


Doug Provenzano PC insanity!


Barbara MacArthur There’s nothing “correct” about Orwellian newspeak


Thomas Kolstø Lgbt ppl are enemies….there is no way to debate them…a lot of ppl dont get it because they have all the empathy everywhere…by dumbed down idiots…they can not take critcs…and want other ppl childrens in their sterile artificial lifestyle…they want to degender all of us…lgbt has no place in an healthy society…and has nothing to do with human rights…it is now promoted as a new way of life and cause division….same goes for multiculturalism and miscegenation…and destruction of white culture…and all that white had erlier and what keept them together as a ppl or a group is removed….that is why all this BS is so effective….all politicians and governments are doing it


John de Nugent The militant ones sure are. But I have known some big names in WNism who were closet gays and they wrote fantastic books. Big names. Two gay and two bi.


Thomas Kolstø John de Nugent does not matter much in light of what is happening ..and i bet the ones you talk about also want other ppl children in their sterile life…and I think they are indictrinated and mislead…because of projection repeatedly of the gay idea and gay predators

Thomas Kolstø A young boy I know…he said I know 3 boys that are gay.. 2 of them was sodomised by their father…the last one probably mislead a d sexualized just like everyone is also exualized…it is a powerfull tool which they use against ppl…the elite or what you want to call them..
Thomas Kolstø The same boy also told that until now he knows about 5 white youths (most of them boys) that killed themselves and no coverage in the local news.

Thomas Kolstø EVERYBODY READ THIS!!! Yes ISIS and white helmets are on their way to Africa….to new projects…and this will flood Europe with millions upon millions og black ppl…yet foreign aid to africa has vastly increased the population in africa…it is aactually up adjusted by 50 persent by the year 2050….and yet white ppl that are being reduced in criticle speed(and nobody talkes about it no governement in white countries not a singel on…even my brother that is in the top norwegian politics says that white ppl dissapear is not important.

So further white fertile women in europe is just 2 persent off worlds population yet they are groomed to mate outside their race(and they dont know the fact because school and govrnment does not inform) and also they face LGBT(jewish led anti core family agenda) and promote abortion. All this and much much other things like professor idiots are proof that they are trying to crush white ppl…ex denmark is runned by jews….

And back to my initial info…now they they are going to stear up things in africa…the EU and Norwegian PM Solberg has signed the marrakech decleration(ensuring legally millions of future african migrants to flood europe. You see they ensure the laws in before hand..and also parallell with this Macron is intitiating a new intervention army outside of EU(since this is the only way now when EU is in turmoil) and traitor to her etnic ppl PM Solberg want to be part of it…

You see this is 9/11 all over again…because it is all about migration all of it!!!
Last time they did it was barcelona decleration in 1995 years before 9/11 and they ensured millions of refugees and the fake war on terror…and jews and zionists are at the center of it all..
And this is what you see in full effect today…but now with marrakech decleration they are in a hurry.. and katalyze the agenda….this is what not solving 9/11 is telling you


Jack Kennedy So just WHO in the HELL would go there and PAY to be treated like this???


Doug Provenzano Angelita… Are you saying there is no anti-white agenda?


Thomas Kolstø It is so obvious…that most whites does not believe it…even If their childrens kindergarden is 50 % and a lot of mixed ones…they dont realise that the psykological effect this would have on their children living up in this conditions….they themselves(their children) would reject their identity … because nobody reinforce or promote give solutions. same goes on their view on gays lgbt. because they are born into it and has internalized it to be truth..and if course this Denugent is not going to go against it or migration…he just are here to work for facebook/fakebook) ….


Angelita Smith Definitely NOT. There is from what I am experiencing and witnessing.


Matthew Jerabek Mental Hospitals


Jeanette Unger Domzalski Well…if people have not yet awakened to know something is really wrong and very fckdup (Satanic)(((people))) are creating a new narrative and designing a new and very Satanically different world/society and “edJEWcation” for your children, then THIS should give them a clue as to what we’re up against. And that if they don’t act now and oust these (((people))) from ALL THE INFLUENTIAL POSITIONS THEY NEFARIOUSLY HAVE GAINED CONTROL OF IN ACADEMIA AND ESPECIALLY MEDIA, WE ARE ALL ROYALLY FCKD. WE MUST STOP LENDING LEGITIMACY TO THESE SUBVERSIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE USURPERS AND STOP EVEN PARTICIPATING IN THEIR INSTITUTIONS!! AND STOP PAYING FOR THEM!! Handing your children over to these PROVEN MORTAL ENEMIES IS INSANITY!


Randall Carey Anything not female or male….I will call “IT” or “THING”…..and nothing else…..because “THAT” is what “IT” is. Anybody or “anything” that doesn’t like it can shag off back to their Satanic fantasy world and ROT in “their” uselessness…….




Thomas Kolstø Yes it is all projections and mirroring(in the brain ) of “new” ideas and genders…it is all based on feelings…..If I state that I am a Donkey…it does not mean that I am right….Or if I go to the doctor and say that my left leg is not part of my identity…so can You help me remove it….then he would send me to a psychiatrist because I am diagnosed with a mental disorder and he want that confirmed.. .But if I say I am a another gender and have ten pronouns and I have feelt this way since childhood…and that I want to cut off my penis or more precise…change it to a vagina….then the doctor would not send You to a psychiatrist…or if he would do send You…. it was to get it “confirmed” they would use all their energy to see if they could confirm it(they really cant…because it is like the bogeyman ISIS(when You look at it You will not be able to reason because they want an up side down marxist world)….these are the challenges of future children…and stupid mothers cant cant see it…chokefull of feelings.. and when one lay it out more subtel on how kindergarden would look like in the future ..they often respond….well then I am no longer here….so what about her children then??? Same goes for silent genocide of whites(rasists) that want to point out that we are being destroyd by these jews zionist elitists


Thomas Kolstø Yes it is all projections and mirroring(in the brain ) of “new” ideas and genders…it is all based on feelings…..If I state that I am a Donkey…it does not mean that I am right….Or if I go to the doctor and say that my left leg is not part of my identity…so can You help me remove it….then he would send me to a psychiatrist because I am diagnosed with a mental disorder and he want that confirmed.. .But if I say I am a another gender and have ten pronouns and I have felt this way since childhood…and that I want to cut off my penis or more precise…change it to a vagina….then the doctor would not send You to a psychiatrist…or if he would do send You…. it was to get it “confirmed” they would use all their energy to see if they could confirm it(they really cant…because it is like the bogeyman ISIS(when You look at it You will not be able to reason because they want an up side down marxist world)….these are the challenges of future children…and stupid mothers cant cant see it…chock full of feelings.. and when one lay it out more subtile on how kindergarten would look like in the future ..they often respond….well then I am no longer here….so what about her children then??? Same goes for silent genocide of whites (racists) that want to point out that we are being destroyed by these jews zionist elitists


Ian Price If I can’t tell if you are a man or not, I am not interested.

Ian Price Just say “Hey fellow student” instead of worrying about pronouns

Ian Price Now people are realizing that maybe Germany had it right to take out the Weimar (Cabaret drag) Republica


Stephen A. McNallen Der Untergang des Abenlandes…I don’t think Spengler mentioned transgender stuff, but the principle applies.


Christopher Daniels When will this insanity finally stop



Kenn Gividen Identity confusion is a key component of thought reform and brain washing.

Thomas Kolstø Because Shlomo…says it is OK!
Wendy White That is so incredibly stupid!

Richard Connelly The Left is pushing it, and they will fall on their own swords.


Wendy White Not soon enough.

Richard Connelly Wendy White We can help them.
Mark Luthh It is evil. And it’s totally confusing.

Kristine Huddleston We have a Jue from Israel as the Editor of our local small town (population, 7,000) “newspaper” here in central Alberta. He’s very “progressive” and is now using “ze” or “they” for pronouns in his so-called “Editorials”. No one can understand the bullet-headed, Khazar Klown. Here’s a recent example:

“At the Council Meeting Ze asked Council a question regarding the Union wage negotiations. The Mayor stated that in they’s position negotiations were going fine which seemed to satisfy ze.”

I should mention that the “newspaper” is part of a Chain owned by (((Them))) and this Israeli import was made Editor with no Journalistic experience after the former Editor (a Palestinian Christian) wrote an Editorial exposing 911 as a False Flag and telling readers to watch “Loose Change” and “911 Missing Links”. He has now been Blackballed and and cannot find work with any other newspaper

Richard Connelly Start cancelling your newspaper subscription with others with the reason: Your Newspaper Now Writes TOTAL Nonesense in Gibberish and Mumbo Jumbo that nobody understands.
Richard Connelly Sounds like Talmudic Central Banking money at play. “I care not who makes your laws, but merely give me control of your money”. –Nathan Rothschild

Kristine Huddleston No need to cancel the subscription, Richard. The rag is free. They do have a FB Page also but I am banned from posting on it. It must have been something I said. LOL!


Richard Connelly Save it then for Arse Wipe..especially the Editorial Section.

Richard Connelly Kristine Huddleston Do you have their FB Page…I’ll post someting.

Kristine Huddleston Ponoka News (just don’t mention my name as my husband was already charged with a “Hate Crime” by the Alberta Human Rights Commission a few years ago on a complaint by the JDL that took him 3 years to win with a Common Law defense. Don’t want to go through that again).


Richard Connelly I recently was in Canada and did a circle tour from Winnipeg and then north on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg to visit the Icelandic settlements and then south to Steinbach, then to Kenora…Dryden,Ignace and Thunder Bay. I gathered from Canadians that they are fed up with what is going on. Apparently Winnipeg has become the new murder capital of Canada. And they day after they said that…a Muslim nut in Toronto shot a few people and acid was thrown into the face of a 12 year old. And more than a few Canadians told me they wish they had a PM like Trump. Of course we would never hear this on the news or in our newspapers.

Richard Connelly Kristine Huddleston I would never mention your name. But that’s how they work…they tie you down with frivoulous law suits…typical tactics.

Kristine Huddleston Trudeau has a 10% approval rating in Canada. He is even more hated in Western Canada. Here’s what he thinks of us:Manage

Richard Connelly Screw Him!
Harry J. S. Ludwig Which paper is that? I live thereabouts as well.
Harry J. S. Ludwig Harry J. S. Ludwig oops, should have drilled down. I see it now.
Richard Connelly The bastards never quit. They have institutionalized their madness.

……..Jews are literally aliens — and sent to “conquer the earthling” — says major Russo-Israeli rabbi, Michail Laitman

Video of infamous JDL terrorist Irv Rubin eating food literally like a reptile? Rabbi Laitman says Jews are aliens sent to conquer earthlings



……Recent donations

(from https://johndenugent.com/contact-support/)

–2 August 2018 PayPal from B in New York

–2 August 2018 medical (health-food) donations for Margi to help her fight cancer, and something yummy for us both 😉

–1 August 2018 via Stripe from N in Michigan

–30 July 2018 cash from P in Florida

–30 July 2018 via Paypal from S in Germany

–30 July 2018 via PayPal from P in Massachusetts

–11 July 2018 donation via PayPal from K in Germany

–4 July 2018 donation via PayPal from M in Florida

–2, 9, 16, 23, 30 July 2018 checks from G in Nevada

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