Satanic Conspirator Strzok Finally Fired from the FBI – Sets Up GoFundMe
Andrew Anglin/Daily Stormer
August 14, 2018 [source: JdN: While I have repeatedly, strongly condemned Anglin’s demagogic women-bashing, which plays to his genuinely feminism-harmed readers, the man is very gifted, brilliant, courageous and often right on the mark.]
It is absolute lunacy that it took this long for this to happen.
We have known for a year that this guy was openly involved in a seditious conspiracy to undermine the US government – and he is just now being fired from that government?
And there are apparently no plans to even charge him with anything?
And he’s allowed to use crowdfunding platforms?
Fox News:
Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok took his anti-Trump rhetoric public on Monday, setting up a defiant Twitter account and a GoFundMe page seeking to raise $150,000 to cover his “legal costs and lost income.”
Strzok, who played a lead role in both the Russian meddling and Hillary Clinton email probes but became a political lightning rod after the , and revelation of text messages critical of Trump, wasted no time blasting the administration and House Republicans in his new social media account.
“Deeply saddened by this decision,” Strzok wrote in the tweet. “It has been an honor to serve my country and work with the fine men and women of the FBI.”
He attached an image of a statement from his attorneys that criticized his firing, saying “the FBI and the American people deserve better.”
The letter specifically lambasted the decision of the deputy director of the FBI to effectively overrule the FBI’s internal disciplinary body, which had recommended Strzok be suspended and demoted instead of terminated.
The Twitter account indicated that it had been established at some point in August, but it has “liked” several incendiary posts dating back more than a month.
One post “liked” by Strzok’s account, written my humorist John Hodgman, calls President Trump a “moral monster.”
Strzok’s account follows a variety of other anti-Trump Twitter users, including Rosie O’Donnell and ex-CIA Director John Brennan.
On the GoFundMe account, Strzok, described as a “proud husband” despite his affair with a former FBI lawyer, decries “politicized” attacks on his service and asks for money to go into a trust.
Begging for money after what this guy did is… genuinely shocking.
This is the mindset we are dealing with, however.
These people are on a satanic crusade.
……What kind of name is “Strzok”?
First, it is incredibly rare. In 1920 there were just two families in the entire US with that last name, one in Illinois and the other in Wisconsin. There are now about 1,000 military veterans with that name.
The name of this FBI creep is clearly Polish — the z also helps gives that away. So is his face.
Is he part-Jewish? Very possible…. Poland was full of millions of Jews until 1945. And he may well be a Satanist and pedophile, judging by his ultra-weird facial expressions and Deep State ties.
…..the FBI, after killing two Kennedys, protects a vast, Washington DC pedophile ring centered around the Bush family, by killing white witnesses, murdering white child victims, and causing plane crashes of state investigators and their family members
….The FBI raped, and has harassed John de Nugent, from my childhood on
I had nightmares until age 49 from what they did to me, and to so many other targeted blond, white children.
The swarthy, no-birth-certificate, cross-dressing homosexual J. Edgar Hoover, who lived with another man, FBI assistant director Clyde Tolman, was the founder of the FBI as we know it today. “Hoover” ran it as a murder and blackmail kingdom from 1924 to 1972. The FBI headquarters, significantly, is still named after this fiend.
That egotistical smirk — the dark, wavy hair — IMO a Jew with some black blood admixed
Why Khazars are building a pedophile elite; my personal hell as a child in MK-ULTRA
…….the psychopaths among us
I was just saying to Margi last night how the biggest epiphany I ever had was that psychopaths are, in effect, a different species, one that only looks human, and how important the book The Sociopath Next Door, now out in eleven languages, was for me.
The average Joe has just no idea how some people are made, of pure evil, or that psychopaths elbow, slander, and even murder their way to the top of everything!!!
There must be brain scans done of anyone seeking to run any organization!
Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child who later killed herself using heroin, with her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island (Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion); next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.
Chelsea Clinton wearing an inverted, satanic cross
Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the party.
The Pentagon — its cornerstone was laid on, yes, September 11, 1941. (The number 11 — and its multiples, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, etc. — is very important in kabbalah and in getting away with crimes.)
Inside the pentagram (a five-pointed star) a pentagon fits, a five-sided object
The sign of Baphomet (Satan)
…..What are the Jews? An ancient psychopathic race of criminals!
The Hebrews of the Bible (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were roaming criminal hordes of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”
Can you handle the full truth? That our world is being taken over? That the Jews themselves are nasty little tools of a higher, even more malevolent power that seeks to take over our galaxy?
Yes! Trump revokes security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan. Brennan is a communist who admitted to voting for the Communist Party USA’s candidate for president, Gus Hall, in 1976, during the height of the Cold War, when tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Russia were at their peak. Ironic that Brennan, or all people, should accuse Trump of treason just for meeting with Putin, which is what heads of state are supposed to do! Not only should Brennan’s security clearance be revoked, but he should stand trial for treason, along with the rest of his Jew/commie crew – Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (French) and his brother Lord Jacob Rothschild (British), Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Peter Strzok, etc., etc.:
In other news, NY governor Andrew Cuomo reveals his hatred of white America. Is Cuomo another crypto-Jew?
Thanks for this.
Governor Cuomo’s brother Chris interviewed me for ABC on the James von Brunn shooting.