ENGLISH Black TSA agent steals from wheelchair-bound lady; Michael Bradley strikes back at Svente Pääbo semi-lie about Neanderthal genes

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These Obamacare cartoons yesterday did not display properly in some browsers, (although they did perfectly in Firefox) so I and an assistant are now reposting them. Enjoy! 🙂 (Or skip them if you saw them yesterday….)

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==============lobotomized without a lobotomy

The tiems below are not just psychopathic, and not just dumb, although they are BOTH.

This is yet another sign of a genetic inability to foresee consequences and suppress urges — due to the frontal lobes of the brain being less developed.

This is genetically-based impulsiveness as well.

I KNOW that blacks know this. I KNOW that they know that they need white managers. They (and also some whites) just cannot compete and succeed in any modern society — unless carefully managed.

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TSA Agent Accused of Stealing Cash from Wheelchair-Bound Woman


[source: http://blacklistednews.com/?news_id=8776]

Updated 12:50 PM EDT, Wed, May 19, 2010

A Transportation Security Administration agent has been arrested for allegedly stealing nearly $500 dollars from a wheelchair bound passenger as she passed through a security checkpoint at Newark Airport. Leroy Ray allegedly went into the disabled woman’s bag as it passed through the X-ray machine. Ray was caught on surveillance video on February 3, 2010, reaching into the woman’s bag to steal an envelope of cash, according to a criminal complaint. The fiftyish year old woman, investigators said, was from North Jersey and was flying out of Newark to visit relatives overseas.

She apparently checked her purse several minutes after going through security, found the missing money, and went back to complain. The victim reported $300 dollars in cash in a white envelope was missing as was $195 dollars that was in a zippered pocket of the bag. When the woman returned to the C-1 checkpoint to complain, Ray allegedly left his post and quickly left the area. When Ray returned to the checkpoint, he allegedly saw the woman there and then went to the Lost and Found office to turn in the envelope, the feds alleged. TSA’s own Inspections Division helped uncover the alleged wrongdoing. The TSA emailed NBC New York a statement “TSA will continue to move swiftly and decisively to end the federal career of any employee who engages in illegal activity on the job.” In screening more than 2 million passengers a day nationwide, the TSA’s Ann Davis told us 23 security officers have been “removed/terminated for theft from the check point or checked baggage” since the beginning of 2007. [JdN: Yeah? Show me their pictures! I suspect “racial profiling” and discrimination against minorities!;-) Stealin’ be part of black culture!] Ray, an eight-year veteran of the TSA who also appeared to hold a job with a private security firm, had no comment on leaving the federal courthouse. [JdN: What, is he an enforcer for a drug kingpin?] But his attorney, Brian Hill, said “I’ve known him for a long time and everything about these allegations appear to be out of character for him.” Ray, 45, was released on $1000 bail after an appearance in federal court in Newark. Meanwhile, fliers at Newark Liberty Airport today were aghast at the charges. “I watch it like a hawk,” said Lynne DeSherbinin of Norwalk, Conn. of her possessions, just before catching a flight out of Newark. But another flier, José Ramirez, of Piscataway, N.J. admitted

“They’re federal employees so you wouldn’t expect, like, that to happen to you.”

[JdN: 😉 LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)]


Now here’s another incident that shows that three things are at work here, as my webpage to African Americans (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/for-african-americans/) show:

–Average IQ of 85 (white IQ is 100); 70 IQ is mentally retarded.

–15% more testosterone, making for a more physical, aggressive (and sexual) person

–frontal lobes of the brain are not as developed as in whites or East Asians, leading to less SELF-CONTROL. (A lobotomy — one of the Kennedy sisters had one — is cutting out your frontal lobes, the part of the brain behind your forehead; if that is cut out you have no willpower and just go along with whatever another person tells you.)

Conclusion: Blacks (and when you hear them calling each other “n—-” they are often agreeing) act less smart, more violently and more wildly than they should.

A case in point……

=======Florida black tries to stun-gun white Wendy’s employee over ketchup packets

[source: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2010/0517102wendys1.html]

Drive-Thru Taser Incident At Wendy’s

Cops: Armed with stun gun, woman chased worker over botched order

MAY 17–Angered that drive-thru workers at a Wendy’s botched her order, a Florida woman stormed the Daytona Beach restaurant this morning and tried to tase an employee with a stun gun.

Melanese Reid, 20, reportedly became enraged after fast food workers failed to provide her with the requisite number of mustard and mayonnaise packets. After Reid and Katrina Bryant, 23, argued with drive-thru employee Jason Hill (and called him “bitch” and “faggot”) Hill “told them that they were childish and to leave,” according to a charging affidavit prepared by cops.

Reid then attempted to slap Hill, but the worker was able to deflect her hand. At that point, witnesses told cops, Reid and Bryant exited their red PT Cruiser and entered the Wendy’s. While inside, Reid, armed with a pink Cheetah brand stun gun, chased Hill “around the kitchen/employee area of the restaurant with the Taser turned on and making the ‘electric’ noises.”

For her part, Bryant “cheered [Reid] on” while continuing the previous argument using “profane and discriminatory language.”

[JdN: In other words, the victim was WHITE…]

After Hill escaped, the women fled when a Wendy’s manager announced that she was calling police. Reid and Bryant were arrested early this afternoon and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a felony. The stun gun was recovered from one of the women’s purses.

While Reid denied ever going inside Wendy’s, Bryant contradicted her pal’s claim. Bryant told cops that after Hill released Reid’s hand at the drive-thru window, Reid entered the restaurant and threatened the worker with the handheld stun gun. Reid (left) and Bryant are pictured below in mug shots taken today by the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office.

Tazer Queens….Young and dumb….No longer seventeen….. 😉

< 1 2 3 4 >

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My last black story for today…..


South Africa: Dog Guards Dead Master

Date Posted: Friday 14-May-2010

Virginia Keppler, Beeld

Pretoria – A toy pom dog belonging to Robert Botha, 57, who was murdered on his smallholding at Kameeldrift West near Pretoria on Monday, sat on his master’s chest and guarded his body until the police arrived.

The little dog, named Louis, probably watched helplessly as the attackers stabbed Botha five times in the heart.

Botha was also stabbed in the face and there are several cuts on his arms, presumably self-defence wounds.

Botha was attacked in his house by three armed robbers. On Tuesday, Louis was still very anxious and didn’t make a sound.

Eddie Horn, 40, Botha’s second cousin, said the incident took place at about 15:00. [3 PM]

Looked for hiding place

“I think Robert saw the three men approaching and ran to his bedroom to open the safe and take out his .22.

“They (the robbers) must have been too quick for him and attacked him in the bedroom just after he opened the safe. They overpowered him near his bed and stabbed him,” said Horn.

[JdN: The LIBERALS MURDERED HIM! This “keep your gun in a safe” nonsense wastes precious seconds!!!!!]

According to Horn, the trail of Botha’s blood illustrates how he tried to flee from his attackers and looked for a place to hide from them.

“Robert stumbled from his bedroom to a workshop next to his room.

“If you look at the trail of blood, you can see how he ran to the workshop. There he must have stumbled, because he lost his shoes there,” said Horn.

Dog belonged to grandmother

Horn said Botha then stumbled around the corner to an awning next to the workshop, where he tried to hide on an old mattress under rubble, leaves and branches.

“That’s where the dog went to sit on his chest. Robert loved that dog very much. His late grandmother, Louisa Botha, left the dog in his care when she died.”

Botha’s grandmother died on December 24 last year.

According to Horn, Botha’s body was discovered ten minutes later by a man he shared his house with. He then called the police.

“The police were soon at the scene, but they weren’t able to get the dog off Robert’s chest. My sister, Annetjie Enslin, 33, had to come and take the dog away.”

Community terrorised for 7 years

The dog is currently in Horn’s care.

During their investigation, the police discovered a puddle of blood on the western side of the smallholding’s fence, and they suspect the blood belongs to one of the attackers whom Botha presumably injured. [JdN: GOOD! But too bad he kept his gun in a safe!]

Hettie Jordaan of the rural security sector said they suspect that two of the attackers involved are the same men who shot and killed Jan du Toit, 80, in his bed two weeks ago.

According to Jordaan, these robbers have been terrorising the Kameeldrift community for the past seven years.

Source Url: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Dog-guards-dead-master-20100511

Posted By: JoAn
*AfricanCrisis Volunteer*

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…..More white victims, killed by anti-white racism, black supremacy and hatred

================BEANS, BULLETS AND BOMBS

That’s what every Marine on the front lines needs. Please send me cash or PayPal (simply to “john@democratic-republicans.us”) so I can finish my work of preparing the launch of something totally NEW.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

in 98% white Butler County, just north of Pittsburgh…..a CITY THAT IN THIS DAY AND AGE IS 67% WHITE…..

Interviewed in 2008 at the EURO conference in Memphis, Tennessee in French by Canal Plus TV of France, a major French network, wearing my $7 blue blazer from Goodwill. (My mouth was agape; maybe the French Jewess had just asked me, as an American reporter did, “Why do you have the right to meet in the city of Martin Luther King?”…. 😉 [What??]) When the Jews and blacks terrorized one meeting location after another, Henrik Holappa, Margaret Huffstickler and I hopped in our 1991 car to drive 900 miles from Washington DC on the East Coast to Memphis on the Mississippi River, and support the David Duke-Don Black event. Black, who was touchingly recovering from a stroke and walking bravely with a cane, gave a very informative speech about founding Stormfront, the first WN discussion forum. Holappa got a standing ovation for his ten-minute remarks about fighting gang rape by Muslims and hate-speech laws in Europe. Margi sang a spellbinding Stephen Foster song with the refrain: “Why Must the Beautiful Die??” They should not die out –but flourish!

My TV appearance, hoarse and exhausted but glad to fellowship with other white brothers and sisters:

Leftists harassed and issue death threats to hotel staff at the peaceful gathering of white human rights supporters at the David Duke/EURO conference in Memphis, Tennessee

(WPTY-TV Memphis, the ABC affiliate, 3:09 minutes)


The French Holocaust revisionists speculate that the Vatician and the Jews are threatening each other……with dirt files each has on the other.

Don’t wonder: this happens all the time — my dirt file on you and yours on me…. Whose is juicier and who can publicize it MORE?

I wrote a French comrade:

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The only defensive lie the Neanderthals could tell now — to stop the truth that the Vatican knows about the “Holocaust” at Auschwitz, that there WERE no mass gassings or exterminations there at all — is this:

by claiming that the SS guards were all heathens, not Catholics…..

….and thus never went to confession.

That would be a total lie.

Beyond that, there were thousands of Hungarian, Polish and other Catholics working in the coal gasification and agricultural enterprises at Auschwitz.

(Thies Christophersen, whom I met in 1987, supervised the growing of buna plants at Auschwitz for the production of artificial rubber for truck tires, and had many Catholic — Polish, Hungarian and I think Ukrainian –prisoners working for him.)

I strongly suspect that without a lot of other things to do, and wartime causing people to worry and seek relief, these Catholic prisoners at Auschwitz DID go to Mass — and they DID go to confession.

So the Vatican can threaten the Jews with Auschwitz truth, and the Jews can threaten the Vatican with pedophilia scandal dossiers, a kind of Cold War situation, or as the nuclear doctrine back then went, MAD: “Mutually Assured Destruction.”

It is time for a third party to step in and demand the Auschwitz Vatican files. Of course the priests knew if a million-plus people were being gassed.

And the Vatican knows there was NO Holocaust.

And the Jews know about cardinals and maybe even popes who are/were pedophiles.


===============ON BEING A MODERATOR

A WN asked me my opinion on what a moderator on a WN discussion forum should be monitoring. I replied:

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I was thinking about your new moderator duties and my experience as a poster myself, and as a moderator of comments on my own blog.

I think the key is to really understand the message of this key article I wrote in 2007, Psychopaths in Power: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/psychopaths-in-power

One could also look at it from a Christian point of view: Any poster who treats another poster as a THING, and is full of ego, judgmental superiority, and personal abuse, is trouble. A white nationalist should LOVE his own race, not focus on hating other races (although he or she will RESENT any attacks on our people).

To love the white race means to see all white men and women as our brothers, and admire our CULTURE and inventions, our courage, humor and beauty.

A girl with the Bund deutscher Mädel

Chateau of Sully in the Loire Valley of France

If a person’s posts do not have that spirit….they are just haters, just as the Jews say….and we do not want them. We are all God’s children, not merely blond beasts scrapping in the hot dust with brown beasts. And this is God’s war. We are actors on God’s stage.

I recall many posters where I sensed directly that the person was on an attack mission, looking for first this and then that reason to insult. That is a psychopath, an agent or both.

Psychopaths among WNs are also the first ones to become agents — when the FBI approaches them, just like Judas.


Michael Bradley is the half-Jewish writer, thinker, prehistorian and novelist who was recently massively vindicated when the latest issue of Science magazine, the world’s most prestigous magazine FOR SCIENTISTS (alongside the magazine Nature), admitted that YES, just as Bradley has been saying FOR DECADES………


Which means SOME of us may have a lot of Neanderthal in us. Like the semitic peoples……

See my post here: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/05/09/english-israelis-test-more-genocide-viruses-on-americans-finland-investigates-criticism-of-multiculturalism-as-a-hate-crime/

And these semites would, he stated, HATE whites especially — as the Cro-Magnons that drove them out of Europe!

Like Bogey and Bacall, the Neanders had it all….until WE showed up, the earliest white modern Europeans…..

Neanders had/that is, HAVE a curved face; pure whites have a more up-and-down face….. with strong frontal lobes for self-control.

A scientific depiction of an ancient Neander:

And here is Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized U.S. citizen who tried to ignite a “Death to America” bomb in Times Square……. LOOK!!!!!

Big (i.e. everted, thrusting out) lower lip, sloping forehead, big brow ridges, big nose…..

HE’S A NEANDERTHAL! How much closer does the correspondence have to get?




Let that sink in….


Now why would a Pakistani, outside the “Neanderthal range” of ancient times, have Neander features?

Because Islam’s armies and the neanderthalic Turks spread their neander genes much later on to that region by conquest, rape and harems. Under the lovely laws of Islam any woman who does not convert to Islam (meaning “Submission” in Arabic) can be raped. Many were….. Many white women NOW are being raped all over Europe by neo-neanderthalic muslims!!!

(And this is why Henrik Haolappa became a white nationalist, after a horrific series of MUSLIM gang rapes in his lily-white country of Finland: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/henrik-holappa/)

(And why are there neander features in Los Angeles? Because Jews like this guy moved there….)

Actor Rick Moranis

Bradley also says that Cro-Magnons would see Jews, Arabs, Armenians, Turks, etc, as THEIR enemy and thus that both antisemitism and antiaryanism are deeply ingrained hereditary tendencies…..

The heavily Irish-blooded, very Solutrean-Cro-Magnonic Australians — at Cronulla near Sydney — riot in December 2005 against Lebanese gang-rapists lurking near their beaches and savaging the beautiful Australian girls. The ju-trained police had done NOTHING to protect white Australian women and girls from the “Lebbos”…. So the white Aussies exploded. Cro-Magnon versus Neanderthal….. again….

A typical white Australian, Keltic and Germanic in origin, the actor Paul Hogan, once famous for his Crocodile Dundee movies…. Note the up-and-down forehead and mouth area that does not bulge out, and the somewhat jutting (“strong”) chin.

A real cover of Newsweek last year….

In Michael Bradley’s BRILLIANT 1992 book Chosen People from the Caucasus (subtitled Jewish Origins, Delusions, Deceptions and Historical Role in the Slave Trade, Genocide and Cultural Colonization)…………..

……the author makes it crystal-clear that he, a half-jew himself, also sees the jews as genetic quasi-Neanderthals, but he interprets this in a very negative light — seeing jews as the vicious, psychopathic, brutal descendants of equally vicious, psychopathic, brutal Neanderthals.

Bradley became a razor-sharp critic of judaism by 1992, later in his writing career, believing the Neanderthals were basically violent sociopaths, and in fact misogynists (brutal toward women).

In Bradley’s view, as modern man (the Cro-Magnon’s descendants) spread over Europe over the course of tens of thousands of years, the Neanderthals likewise retreated from those same places and eventually “holed up” for safety, yeti-like, in the Rock of Gibraltar…..

and most of all in the Caucasus mountains.

The Caucasus, home of Armenians, Georgians (such as Joseph Stalin) and Chechens, all dark-skinned quasi-whites, many hook-nosed.

Ruth Bader Ginzburg, appointed by the white psychopath Bill Clinton to the Supreme Court.

Henry Kissinger, an ultra-juish muilitant, world government cut-throat –and classic example of a quasi-neanderthal face and forehead.

Barack Hussein Obama’s Jewish-looking grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham; note the short forehead, everted lower lip and curved (bowed-out) face.

Wikipedia: Carly Simon, singer, was born in New York City, New York. Her father, of Jewish descent, was Richard L. Simon (co-founder of Simon & Schuster). Her mother was German and supposedly African.

Neanderthals on the warpath

Bradley posited that because Neanderthal were unattractive to white Cro-Magnons, and in fact their hooked nose looked sinister to them, virtually all interbreeding was by rape. The Neanderthals were perhaps shorter than Cro-Magnons (this is uncertain) but they were physically very powerful and with a large brain. They were not stupid, but likely inflexible and less creative and innovative than Cro-Magnons.

Modern Arabs and Jews would then inherit these traits, yet they of course also have Cro-Magnon (“European” blood as well….. They are Cro-Magnons with LOTS of Neander blood and we are Cro-Magnons with very little Neander blood. Bradley suggests that some modern peoples such as Armenians and others (certain Jews, Georgians, Jews, Arabs, etc.) are up to 40% Neanderthalic.

Here is Michael Bradley’s website…..http://www.michaelbradley.info
Courageous author, thinker and prehistorian Michael Bradley of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Here now is Michael Bradley;s statement exposing the flim-flam associated with the new study released by Svente Pääbo [pronounced Pab-(as in pablum) – o]
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Dear All:
As everyone in the Western world must know by now, Svante Paabo was born in Stockholm, Swenden and went to Uppsala University. His father, Sune Bergstrom, was a Nobel Prize co-winner. His mother Karin Paabo is Estonian and apparently (according to a television interview I saw in 1997) Jewish.
Since Jewishness supposedly passes through the mother, that makes Svante Paabo “Jewish” too. He at least adopted her name rather than his father’s name, perhaps because he wanted his own career and wished to distance himself from a a former Nobel Prize winner. He was one of Time magazine’s “world’s 100 most influential people” sometime in the 1990s.
In an email to John de Nugent I called Paabo “a Jewish spin doctor” on the basis of the interview I saw because of his 1997 Cell article with Mark Stoneking of the University of Pennsylvania in which they claimed to have reproduced Neanderthal DNA “statistically” to an “acceptable” (2%) degree and compared it with human DNA (but the entire human genome wasn’t mapped until 2005).
In short, Paabo and Stoneking were comparing nothing with nothing. American University (St. Louis) geneticist Alan Templeton called the 1997 Cell study “a statistical house of cards”.
And the world’s (then) leading expert on Neanderthals, Eric Trinkaus, dismissed the study because he had already written in the conclusion to his 1996 book The Neandertals (Random House) something like “only people from the Middle East and parts of Central Europe can boast Neanderthals in their direct ancestry” (my emphasis).
However, the Paabo/Stoneking results in the 1997 Cell article received massive favourable coverage in the popular North American press at the time. This prevented Random House from publishing a cheap paperback edition of Trinkaus’s The Neandertals, which was, perhaps, the whole intention of the 1997 Cell article.
[JdN: aand Cell are the most prestigous science magazines in the world. I taught American accent (1996-2004) to many Japanese scientists affiliated in Boston with Harvard and MIT, and it was their dream, or past achievement, to be published in one of the Big Three.]
It also enthroned Svante Paabo instead of Trinkaus as “the world’s leading expert on Neanderthals”. The 1997 Cell article also helped to discredit my The Iceman Inheritance (1978) and Chosen People from the Caucasus (1991) where I said exactly what Trinkaus said, only I said it first.
Now, this newest 2010 study on Neanderthal DNA, published in Science on May 6, contradicts the 1997 Cell pronouncement mainly because Paabo’s “team” included researchers from the Harvard Medical School who came up with different results than the concocted but highly-popular-among-Jews 1997 Cell article.
Nonetheless, I just suspected that Paabo would try to present the statistics in a misleading way by inferring that the “1 to 4 percent” of Neanderthal DNA in the human genome was sprinkled evenly among the world’s total human DNA (except in Africa where there is supposedly no Neanderthal DNA).
It makes more sense for this Neanderthal DNA to be concentrated in the Caucasus-Middle East [region], where the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons met and mingled, and to taper off rapidly from the Caucasus Mountains interbreeding epicenter so that there is virtually no Neanderthal DNA in Atlantic Europe, the Baltic and the Pacfic Far East.
I suspect that the New Guinea Neanderthal DNA came from a very carefully chosen subject of very recent Eurasian origin. This more reasonable distribution might “average out” to “between 1 and 4 percent” of the world’s total human DNA but it would mean at the same time that all living Semitic peoples are substantially Neanderthal.
On May 10, 2010 a member of Paabo’s team, Johannes Krause, said on the Mid-German TV network [Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk] that Middle Eastern people carried “10 to 20 percent” Neanderthal DNA. I personally think it must be nearer to 40% Neanderthal DNA in some ethnic and national groups of Caucasus Mountain origin.
By the way, the link to Krause’s statement no longer worked as of two days ago (May 18)……

Michael Bradley
The Jews are trying to spin this that we ALL are neanderthals. Just as they have begun spinning that people who believe in Kennewick Man are “nazis.” When they see the threat, they begin the spin, the dishonest slanting and ludicrous diversions.
This man is a Cro-Magnon, Thomas Jefferson
These men are part-Neanderthal, two prime ministers of Israel, Ehud Olmert (sloping forehead) and especially the brutal, no-neck, prognathic (protruding-mouth)  Ariel Sharon
The struggle is between an altruistic Cro Magnon and a psychopathic Neanderthal, it has been going on for fifty thousand years, and it is reaching a climax in our lifetime.
The answer is the Solutreans.
My speech in October 2007 to the “No More War for Israel” conference, which defeated Neanderthal sabotage and first saw the Solutrean flag displayed.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Bader Ginsburg always struck me as looking like some kind of intestinal polyp….but then, nearly everybody in American politics today gives the distinct appearance of having just emerged from a test tube…
    And to realize this consummately repulsive twit, along with that breed sow, Sonja SotoMEYER, gets paid 208,000 of our tax dollars per year to “interpret” our Constitutional rights right down the sewer and into oblivion….yes, with each passing day, I know increasingly well what pushed James von Brunn over the edge.

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