The lying canard the masses swallow about the “un-Aryan-looking” Hitler

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The Jews lie that Hitler was “un-Aryan” because he was supposedly 1) small (false), 2) dark-haired (true), and 3) had brown eyes (false). All three of these things did apply to the gifted Dr. Joseph Goebbels, who hailed from the Rhineland (which had been a Roman/ = Italian colony in ancient times).

Certainly, the brown-eyed canard about Hitler at least has been disproved. His eyes were steel-blue, or southern-Atlantic Ocean-blue.

Close-up of him peering out an airplane window 

I saw this same color many times in the ocean while visiting my father at Vero Beach in Florida. My 1990s girlfriend, who flew with me in 1993 to see him around Christmas, always said:

“Your eyes are the exact color of the Atlantic here.”

(I am also 5’10”, the same height as AH.)

But back to Adolf… 😉 The lie about Hitler’s “modest height” also deserves refutation. Hitler was not short. He stood 5-foot-10 (179 centimeters), which was taller than most men of that time. The average man in 1912 was 5’8″.

From a 1912 algebra textbook

We no longer have Corporal Adolf Hitler’s WWI military records, which recorded his height, but we have those of Captain Herman Goering, who was a military hero, a top fighter pilot, and commander of the Red Baron squadron who won the highest German decoration, the “Blue Max,” called “Pour le Mérite.”


Goering stood at 5’10”, as his military records attest, and in every single photo of him and Hitler together, and there were many taken between 1922 and 1945 😉 , the two men are exactly the same height.

Marching through Munich to commemorate the 16 fallen heroes of the failed 1923 putsch


The vile lies about and against Adolf Hitler will never end, until he takes the race that lives off lies, and besmirches every hero and heroine that our race has ever produced, and sends them, as my goddaughter has suggested,  to “Jewpiter.” 😉




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