Turkish ambassador to the UN gets a warm gaze and hand grope by the blithering idiot Nikki Haley, US ambassador there.
German RT (https://deutsch.rt.com/meinung/76112-zwischen-usa-und-russland-idlib-tuerkei-zeitnot/):
It must be said that Turkey is in no way inferior in the sense of using threats and pressure on Russia, Iran and Assad. Dozens of war machines, including tanks, were transferred by Turkey to the Syrian border.
A senior, “retired” Russian diplomat now says Russia will NOT turn the other cheek yet again if the US [ = claiming a false-flag “chemical attack” or to “prevent a humanitarian crisis”] attacks Syria again — or Russian forces.
***In review of Van Rensburg (skip over this if you already read it):
…..The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory (but emerging into a world in ashes ) marches toward its fulfillment. Britain betrays America, Turkey betrays Russia, Russia invades Europe to “get in the first blow” and “horror bombs” go off.
According to the 1917 prophecy of the militant Boer Nicholas van Rensburg,
after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = Mandela) and later a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), and recall that back in 1917 such notions seemed absurd and even unimaginable), with the black US president described as “a black boy,” THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state. He will have “hair like a wig,” constantly frown, and he will end up (against his will?) waging a catastrophic war against Russia.
Russia will be destroyed, and some European countries as well, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.
Germans and Boers in South Africa will be the only major white survivors of this useless war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.
They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War, and these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose them..
As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of elite German scientists and military to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (on neither Soviet Russia nor that of Putin).
What are his prophecies about the Tribe, who are certainly our worst enemy?
He did not mention them. He was a fervent Calvinist Christian, thus a typical Boer, and not anti-Semitic. Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps), and he loved and admired the Germans. He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — alone — the third one.
Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”.
See also:
….Turk says his country will oppose (just as USrael also wants Turkey to do !!!!) the wiping out by President Assad of the final pocket of rebel (ISIS and Al Qaeda) in Idlib province, Syria
Turkey has been the most vocal critic of the seemingly impending military assault against Idlib by the Assad regime. Turkey has serious concerns about the strategic and humanitarian consequences of a potential operation.
An Assad-Iran ground operation supported by Russian airpower (though limited it may be) can unleash yet another humanitarian catastrophe, [LOL, as if the ISIS/al Qaeda/Syrian-civil-war-backing muslim fundamentalist Erdogan cared anything at all about humanitarian effects!] producing hundreds of thousands of IDPs and refugees.
***No, Erdogan. YOU, a psychopathic liar, and the Israeli Mossad, and the US jew-puppet regime, and US puppet Qatar, weapons smuggler, produced this devastation of Syria ever since Barack Obongo gave the signal for a Syrian civil war in 2011!
Before — and after “regime chance”!
Syrian news photographer cries after seeing the bodies of 30 children burned alive after the Mossad-created, IDF-supported, US-financed ISIS attacked a school bus.
YOU, muslim nut and Turkish-supremacist Erdogan, YOU caused this crucifixion of the Syrian people!!!
A regime takeover [of Idlib province] would signal the end of the opposition as we know it.
Umm, isn’t crushing an armed rebellion what Saint Abraham Lincoln did?
Ontonagon (Michigan) High School seniors at the Lincoln Memorial — “What a great man…. He saved the Union.”
Lincoln also ordered the greatest mass hanging in US history — and it was of “Native Americans”…
Lincoln deliberately provoked the South to attack Fort Sumter, South Carolina to prevent the peaceful and legal independence of a South that was rightfully fed up with Northern policies, especially its intent to free the black slaves and dump said angry black males suddenly by the millions onto the streets and isolated farms where the white women of the South lived.
But Saint Abraham crushed the rebels and “saved the Union, ” and his ugly mug is still on the $5 bill.
AND he had General Sherman burn down everything in Georgia to terrorize and starve “HIS OWN PEOPLE.”
Atlanta was set on fire, and tens of thousands lost their homes and livelihoods., “War is hell” shrugged Sherman. (Scene from “Gone With The Wind.”)
We burned all of Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, down to “crush the rebels”!
AND Richmond, the capital of Virginia!
And we named the American tank that smashed through Germany in WWII the “Sherman tank” in that psychopath’s “honor”!
Nuremberg being “liberated” by Shermans
The most monstrous thing about the US-Jew regime is its perpetual, shameless, infuriating moral hypocrisy.
However, Turkey’s adamant stance combined with its recent military reinforcements to the 12 observation posts might bear fruit and deter the regime, at least for the time being. Given the strong rhetoric used by the U.S. against the Assad regime especially with regard to its potential chemical weapons use, Russia might not be so eager to deploy its air support to the regime any time soon.
The most recent Tehran summit that brought the main sponsors of the Astana process, Turkey, Russia and Iran, demonstrated the level of deep disagreements between these powers.
While Ankara has pushed for better relations with Moscow recently, the summit showed that Turkey would stand its ground when it comes to defending its interests in Syria, including the support for the moderate opposition.
*** “moderate” opposition including ISIS
Christians crucified in Syria by ISIS
ISIS seizes white Yazidi girls as sex slaves.
Woman remembers wishing she were dead, rather than live through the horrors of that experience. “The day that ISIS entered our village, we all wanted to die. But they wouldn’t let us die.”
Turkey has not contended itself with warnings about a possible disaster in Idlib but has taken measures to deter the Assad regime from engineering a fait accompli. Clearly, a regime assault on Idlib goes against the basic logic of the Astana process and it can seriously derail any attempt at a political solution.
With the recent U.S. appointment of James Jeffrey, the new representative for engagement on Syria, there are signs that Washington might listen to and understand Ankara better, especially on its Syria policy.
The Assad regime and its supporters have shown time and again that they have little interest in a truly political process to end the conflict in Syria.
*** JdN:
Neither did Abraham Lincoln pursue a “political process.” He sent in troops!
Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
The regime has been trying to “win” through a systematic effort to take over most of the country by implementing strategic ceasefires and military operations both sequentially and simultaneously depending on the region.
While there has been the talk of a political process, there has been little tangible progress on that front. Turkey’s military presence on the ground and its continued support to the opposition appear to be the only true obstacles before the regime to accomplish its goals.
Turkey, on the other, is trying hard to ensure that when and if the Geneva process happens, it comes to the table with a strong hand and a viable opposition to speak of.
The most recent reports indicate that there has been a quiet policy shift in U.S. policy.
Having justified its military operations in the north of Syria on the Daesh threat, the U.S. political and military leaders have not been making a strong case for continued operations in Syria, albeit until recently. The recent shift seems to entail a more open-ended commitment despite President Trump’s earlier comments about leaving Syria soon.
Now, the [Jewnited Snakes] Syria policy appears to be insistent on the departure of Iranian forces from the country as well as a stronger, albeit rhetorical, posture against the Assad regime’s potential Idlib operation. It is difficult to say the U.S. and Turkey see eye-to-eye on Idlib but there are clearly strong overlaps. [….]
This article was originally published by The New Turkey on September 12, 2018.
…Former top Russian diplomat warns the US against confronting Russian troops — THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT
[My translation of an article in the German version of RT: https://deutsch.rt.com/der-nahe-osten/76074-russland-diplomat-usa-werden-keinen-dritter-weltkrieg-syrien-riskieren/]
US Marines in Al Tanf province, Syria — with their legendary instant obedience, inculcated over three months at Parris Island — I was there myself — the Marines will carry out even the most idiotic orders, such as attacking the nuclear-armed Russians.
If the troops waver, there are pedophilic and satanist officers at the top level of all the armed forces branches to enforce “discipline.”
Also the wives and children of these men live on military bases and can be taken hostage, just as the jew Trotsky did with Russian army officer families during the Russian Civil War of 1917-21.
Just as “Lord” Kitchener (after whom Kitchener, Ontario, Canada is still named) starved 30,000 Boer women and children to death in what he named “concentration camps” in the Second Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902.
This alone induced the otherwise victorious Boer soldiers, who were only resisting the invasion of their land, to give up the fight.
Boer cavalry attack — the Boers were brave and outstanding shooters, and fought with a perfect conscience to defend their own land.
They never DREAMED in their worst nightmares that the British would stoop to abducting their women and children and starving them to death.
But the British people did not control the Empire; the jew Rothschild family did. THIS explains the “British” atrocities!
And the Jews, as outright psychopaths, are far superior to us in sheer ruthlessness!
…..Psychopathy in our leaders (religious, political, financial, and in entertainment)
Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, (http://www.abc6.com/story/17632537/nicole-cianci-daughter-of-buddy-cianci-dies) …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.
Chelsea Clinton wearing an inverted, satanic cross
Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the party.
1999 —- 2000
The Pentagon — its cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1941.
Inside the pentagram (a five-pointed star) a pentagon fits, a five-sided object
The sign of Baphomet (Satan)
……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from neanderthals
Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany
…..Israel seeks global white genocide
Israeli fetus in soldier uniform salutes in a blood-red graphic from the Lis Maternity ward, part of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, featuring a caption in Hebrew, reading: “Received the Presidential Award of Excellence, 2038.”
Trump enemy and ex-FBI Peter Strzok
Russian diplomat: Rampant US policy leads to the division of Syria
Syrian offensive supported by Russia against terrorists in Idlib is only a matter of time.
by Ali Özkök
Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Matusov (born 1941) worked for several years as a Soviet and Russian diplomat in Lebanon and the USA. In the years 1974-1990 he worked in the international department of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
He is President of the Society for Friendship and Economic Cooperation with Arab Countries and a Member of the Committee for Solidarity with the Peoples of Libya and Syria.
Will Russia support a complete reconquest of Idlib by Assad – or is it an offensive in phases?
This question can be clearly answered with reference to the head of state of Russia, President Putin.
He has the attitude that Syria must be united, an indivisible sovereign state.
Therefore, I think that the question of belonging to Idlib – as well as the east bank of the Euphrates River – from a Russian point of view is not a subject of discussion. This is Syrian territory, and the sovereignty of the Syrian state on all this territory is obvious.
Therefore, I do not see the slightest reason for an annexation of parts of Syria by Turkey, the US or anyone else, not even by the Kurds.
Turkey is involved in a complicated negotiation process. The Turks can be understood – they are concerned about the events in Idlib, which is located on its border. And the presence of tens of thousands of supporters of terrorist structures there is undoubtedly a threat to Turkey’s national security.
What do you think about the possibility of a distinction between “terrorists” and “rebels,” which is particularly being promoted by Turkey?
This possibility must exist, because there is no other way.
Three weeks will pass, and after these three weeks, the Syrian army will most likely begin its offensive against terrorist groups.
As for the possibility of a separation between them: assuming good will that is not a problem. Because although all the armed groups in Idlib are mixed – and there is talk of 50,000 and even 60,000 armed militia supporters, and of up to 15,000 terrorists – how to separate these 15,000 from the 60,000, is a question for the Turks.
They have contacts with all groups, and I think that is the essence of all current negotiations and consultations, as well as statements between Turkey, Iran and Russia, and on the level of real action, that is, on the Foreign Offices, Defense Ministries and intelligence services be able to proceed concretely.
Do you find the term “moderate armed opposition” legitimate in the context of Syria? Russia calls for the disarmament of the entire opposition.
As for disarmament, there are no questions.
It is the legal right of the Syrian government to establish and protect order and law throughout the territory, including in Idlib.
And therefore this topic is not a topic of discussion.Because all unlawful, armed groups have to lay down their weapons – this is a precondition for a national reconciliation.
And the second is the fate of those who today are members of armed militias. We have already had good experiences in other regions of Syria: in the south, in Deir ez-Zor, in Suweida, in Kuneitra and around Damascus. Many who have fought the Syrian army are laying down their arms and becoming normal citizens of their country. I think nobody will violate their rights.
This is obvious and guaranteed by the Syrian government.
And those who refuse to disarm are treated the same way in every country in the world.
Turkey wants to preserve its influence in Syria. Ankara controls al-Bab, Afrin and a part of Idlib. How do you rate the Turkish attitude?
I have a comment on Turkish influence in the north of the country.Well, there are, of course, ethnically homogenous Turkmen groups, ethnic Turks with Syrian citizenship, who have close ties to Turkey and participate in warfare against the Syrian army. One such group is the militia, which was named in honor of Nureddin Zengi. Who is Zengi?Zengi was a Turkish sultan, ruler over all of Greater Syria before the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, this group is counted by the Syrian government as a category of terrorists, because it continues the fight against the legitimate Syrian government.
How the Turks will solve this question, of course, is one of the fundamental issues in our relations and, above all, in the relations between the Syrian government and the Turks, where Russia acts as an intermediary. Therefore, I think that the disarming and recognition of the Syrian citizenship of these people by Turkey is the basis for a peaceful solution and for the pacification of these Turks.
Because, in my opinion, Turkey has no long-term opportunity to exert any influence at the expense of the interests of the Syrian state. That must not happen. This contradicts the UN Charter, international law – and I think if Turkey takes that position, that will be a major historical mistake.
For Syria will fight for unity, for its territorial integrity, and I think Syria will find support in the world community, including the Russian Federation.
What is the relationship between Moscow and Tehran in relation to Syria?
As for Iran and Russia, they are acting in complete harmony, and I do not see any major issues between us and the Iranian government. The Iranians are doing their part of the mission on Syrian soil, and our air forces are also carrying out their military tasks.
The West, especially the US and Western Europe, want to prevent Assad’s offensive. Nikki Haley threatens retaliation in the case of Assad’s suspected chemical weapons attacks. What scenario do you expect in such a case?
Well, I think Nikki Haley is, excuse me, a very bad military leader. This is a typical case, while military understand the danger of war, the tone of civilians, especially Nikki Haley politicians, is quite another. It’s hard for them to see the consequences of armed conflict, especially two nuclear powers.
I would not call that an irresponsible statement, but quite an unprofessional one. I think there is a common understanding on the Syrian soil between the military of Russia and the United States of America of the inadmissibility of a military conflict.
Although information is currently being built up from one side against the other, fleets and other armed forces are concentrated on both sides. But I cannot imagine that in the US hotheads can be found risking an armed conflict with the Russian Federation on the territory of Syria and unleashing World War III.
The Russian Federation has clearly and unequivocally declared that all actions that harm Russian forces in Syria will be answered.
I think that word will be followed up on, and I suppose the Americans understand that.
While the US was still extremely aggressive in March with about 100 rockets down, this could only happen after Russia deliberately decided to leave provocations unanswered – and that was a provocation – and someone from our leadership has the leadership of the US military informed accordingly.
If the Americans had an answer for sure, I think they would never have taken such a step. As a corroboration of my words, a recent article in the New York Times serves as a reference to sources in the CIA in denouncing the loss of very important informants within the leadership circles of the Russian state. These have apparently passed on such information [to the Americans as] to Russia’s real attitude.
Western commentators claim that the Idlib offensive will weaken the peace process in Geneva. Do you agree with this statement?
You know, I would say that a little differently. It can not disappear completely, because whether we like it or not, there is a split, there is an opposition – whether political or military, but it exists real. Today’s task is to achieve an agreement of the Syrian society, to liquidate the division along political lines in it and to carry out a constitutional reform and transparent elections to the governing bodies under UN observation.
I am sure that today’s President Bashar al-Assad will receive the majority of votes in all possible democratic elections in Syria. He will not have to use any tricks or administrative resources. The authority of Assad has been confirmed in the course of today’s seven-year-long war; he has proven that he can lead the country in the hardest conceivable time. Why should you exchange it?
That is why I think that the Geneva platform will preserve its value, if only to bring Western countries – the United States as well as Europe – to peaceful settlement because they are participants in the negotiations in Geneva. In my opinion, the negotiations will be held in Geneva under conditions of completely different negotiating positions, compared to last year. For today, when the military potential of the opposition factions is virtually destroyed, there are only political oppositionists scattered throughout the world: one in Washington, another in London or Paris, the third in Saudi Arabia, others in Istanbul, in Cairo, wherever, but not inland.
Nevertheless, they must also be recognized as Syrians with full citizenship rights, and on this basis, the Geneva platform lures this scattered part of the Syrian opposition and also the Western countries. It would not be right for Russia or Iran to single-handedly resolve issues of the caliber of the Syrian crisis. Only with the involvement of the global community under the UN banner can one arrive at a positive result.
However, if the US is bent on disrupting the Geneva negotiations, they will find a way to work towards this [thwarting of peace] and hinder a genuine political solution for Syria. I think that only with the participation of Western countries can the negotiations in Geneva lead to real results.
The US has called on its Kurdish allies, the YPG, to cease all cooperation projects, from selling oil to selling wheat; Recently, battles took place in Qamishli. Do the US want to split the country [of Syria]?
Americans are not so keen on the need to divide Syria, which would be a losing business for them. Rather, they are guided by a different philosophy: to gain a military footing in a considerable part of Syria. If you look at a geographical map – bearing in mind the location of the numerous military bases on the east bank of the Euphrates, the material and weapons depots – then you come to the conclusion that they are only interested in their own politics, namely in this area, and you can believe it. The fate of Syria as such does not interest them.
Such an unrestrained policy of Americans leads to the division of the country, although the Kurds themselves have an important say in the matter – and they were already in Damascus.
The Kurdish political structures have conducted negotiations with the Syrian government. But the desire of the United States is clearly to put the Kurds in their place and to thwart any relaxation of relations. And that’s one of the last trump cards in the US. Because they support the Kurdish movement – and by the way, not only the Americans, but also the Israelis support Kurdish political structures in Syria and Iraq – that brings in my opinion the necessity of a strict observance of international law, the UN Charter and the right of the Syrian people to decide their own fate on the agenda.
And this fate must be decided in general democratic elections under the UN banner and on the basis of a new constitution, which is currently being drafted by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the UN, Staffan di Mistrua.
Mr. Matusow, thank you for the interview!
Here are some articles on a weird situation in the town of Sunspot, New Mexico, which is the home of a state-of-the-art sunspot observatory. The entire town of Sunspot, including the observatory and its staff, has been evacuated for a week now, with sunspot observations suspended indefinitely, and the FBI has been investigating an unspecified “security threat” there. Very strange. Granted, the observatory is near Holloman Air Force Base, and some speculate that that one of the observatory’s staff may have been a Chinese spy, but if that’s the case, why has the FBI evacuated the entire town and shut down the observatory for a whole week now? Why not just arrest the spy and be done with it? Also, a Black Hawk helicopter was seen in the area round the time the observatory was evacuated. Something strange happened, or is happening, there. Here are the articles, and one video from 2012 suggesting a possible explanation:
From the above article:
“The telescope at Sunspot was originally built by the U.S. Air Force. After several years of operation, it was transferred to the National Solar Observatory, which is part of the National Science Foundation.
New Mexico State University in 2016 launched an initiative funded by the foundation to upgrade and update the facility through the newly formed Sunspot Solar Observatory Consortium.
Sunspot’s one-of-a-kind telescope produces some of the sharpest images of the sun available in the world, officials said.
Data from observations done at Sunspot is sent to New Mexico State University servers and can be used by researchers around the world.
Solar physicist R.T. James McAteer, who is based at New Mexico State University, said in an email Friday that it will be up to the astronomy research association to decide when Sunspot reopens.
“We have paused observations, and are taking this opportunity to catch up with the back log of data from previous months,” he said.”
Maybe the lockdown of that observatory has something to do with this? (video is from 2012):
Thank you. I blogged on your material — and gave my perspective here:
Van Rensburg prophecy keep creeping up all the time. The final salvo of this prophecy it is a German victory. Balderdash of promethean proportions. Van Rensburg prophecy was based in the geopolitical configuration of the 17-20 “s. Van Rensburg prophesy did not see the collapse and Germany”s finale in 1945. Germany, having lost lgermanic lands dating back to 1000 years, is today an occupied and vassal state of the Anglo americans. Subjected to massive third world invasion ( migration) indoctrinated from cradle to grave, they are no longer a force in the world, but simply a cog in the Anglo American wheel. Van Rensburg prophecy is just as credible as all the prophets of the old, New Testament. Factionalized delusions of self appointed seers. Germany which existe today is not the historical Germany of yester years.
Incredibly misinformed. Try reading what I wrote. Open eyes, open mind, listen, and learn instead of typing crap on a caffeine high. 😉
A smart young man once approached a sage and said he wanted to learn. As they sat at tea, the sage poured tea into the young man’s already full tea cup. The delicious hot tea, of course, flowed over the cup’s brim and spilled out on the floor.
The young man asked why he did this. The sage responded:
Van Rensburg did explicitly foresee in 1917 the German defeats in both WWI and in WWII.
And, despite massive ridicule which wrongly discredited him in the eyes even of his supporters, Van Rensburg predicted black, negro presidents in both the US and in South Africa. In 1917, however, both countries were VERY “racist,” very anti-black, and very white-dominated countries!!
In fact, in 1917 the Ku Klux Klan was enjoying its second round of life, and in the 1920s spread far into the North of the USA.
The US also passed laws limiting immigration to nordic countries (1923), passed laws to castrate the mentally retarded, and to keep college kids, the brightest men, out of the trenches in future war.
Hitler himself praised the racial consciousness of Americans in his Second Book (1928).
So when NVR predicted black rulers of the US and South Africa, he was wrongly laughed out of town.
Van Rensburg foresaw Germans, not Germany, surviving a WWIII elsewhere and creating a new Germanic Reich IN SOUTHERN AFRICA.
This would happen after Europe and North America are destroyed in a nuclear war. (He foresaw “horror bombs” in 1917, 18 years before Hiroshima.)
In the same way that Jews, but not Israel, will survive WWIII, and Italians (in Argentina), but not Italy, Germans — but not Germany, the country in Central Europe — will survive the coming nuclear war.
But you would have to actually read what I wrote, comrade. This website is for teaching and learning, not spouting and opining.
You are welcome to read all the other WN websites you want, but they all say nothing new, and we are advancing with them at a snail’s pace despite looming white doom.
Comrade, God gave you two ears and two eyes, but He gave you just one mouth. Think about that. 😉
Van Rensburg was an honest farmer, and a father of many fine white children. He served selflessly as a soldier. He suffered great ridicule after 1917, and he never made one penny off any speech or book.
And his prophecy is hardly a rosy, sugary vision. He foresaw most of the Boers dying in a race war, in fact, until certain GERMANS intervened.
But he predicted that the white race would survive and thrive in a white-ruled new country. Southern Africa is full of every possible natural resource — it just needs germanic white rule.