Note to Trump’s female NATO ambassador – You don’t “take out” Russian missiles without having A WAR

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Note To NATO – You Don’t “Take Out” Missiles Without Having A War


JdN: If there is one female in the Trump regime who is even more cringe-worthy than the ignorant, war-mongering bitch Nikki Haley…..

… it is Kay Bailey Hutchinson, “US Ambassador to NATO.”

Since when are females, with the testosterone of a four-year-old boy, the most appropriate choice for war, military matters and defense minister?

Here are the daffy “defense ministers” of Albania, Holland, “Germany,” Norway and Italy.


…..Girl cries over cartoon dinosaur

White females are supercharged with estrogen and oxytocin, making them extremely caring and compassionate –even for a sad dinosaur. 😉


….. Women and shotguns

Fascinating video in so many ways: 1) Joe Biden is a lying POS (but we knew that 😉 ); women, and wussy guys, should be warned before they fire a shotgun is how powerful its recoil can be; this is one more reason why average women should not be in the infantry — their softer and more tender nature.

If a shotgun makes them shriek, how about seeing a bloody head, a chunk of skull and brains, or a ripped-away leg fly past them?


A woman should be warned how powerful a double-barreled shotgun is. There is no spring inside the stock to accept the force that is kicking back. It is solid wood or plastic. An assault rifle has this spring and far less “kick,” which the vile Biden deliberately does not mention. An assault rifle is far better for a woman, a girl, a boy or a small man to fire! A shotgun held at the shoulder will literally punch you and give you a bruise!

…..Adolf Hitler, a highly decorated veteran of WWI, on women serving in the military


The way his mother was, whom Hitler adored, Hitler felt that women should not even serve on juries that were deciding the death penalty for murder — because of their excessive compassion.

He talks about men who buckle under the horrors of war and vows that women will never be sent to the front.

As for the female drill instructors, such as this gal, about 10% of Marines are women. Traditionally, they serve in the rear doing various tasks of a non-combat nature so the men can actually go forward and do the bloody work of killing.

The Israelis tried having women in combat and stopped the experiment. The men would freak out if a women was injured, and insist the wounded woman must be evacuated and all fighting stop until she is safe.

So we see that a man’s programming is to fight and protect, and a woman’s role is to BE protected and in turn do the many other vital things at which she is excellent.

Of course, Joan of Arc was a woman, but she is famous largely because women warriors are so rare. 😉 Frontier women had to be brave in case of Indians, bears, etc., but this was for brief moments only.

To ask a woman to go for long days, weeks and months of combat, gore, suffering, fear and death would be unimaginable cruelty and wrong policy as well. For women are designed to be natural liberals, strong on compassion (which makes them good mothers and soothing wives) and weak on physical conflict.





Earlier today the U.S. ambassador to NATO threatened to “take out” a new kind of Russian missiles:

The U.S. envoy to NATO on Tuesday said that Russia must halt development of new missiles that could carry nuclear warheads and warned that the United States could “take out” the system if it becomes operational.

The U.S. and Russia have for some time disagreed about the INF treaty. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed in 1987 between the Soviet General Secretary Gorbachov and U.S. President Reagan. It prohibits land based (not sea based) nuclear capable systems with a range of more than 500 kilometers and less than 5,500 kilometers. The agreement came to pass after the Soviets stationed SS-20 missiles in East Europe. NATO responded with the Pershing II deployment. The problem with these missiles was warning time. Fired at a relative short range they threatened to overwhelm one side before it could respond. The missiles thus destroyed the equilibrium of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). The INF treaty banned these missiles.

Russia said for years that the U.S. broke the INF agreement when it stationed missile defense systems in Europe to allegedly take out North Korean and Iranian intercontinental missiles.

The American Patriot missile is now stationed in Romania and aimed at Russia.


The missile defense missiles could be armed with nuclear warheads and could probably be used in a surface-to-surface mode. Previously deployed U.S. Nike-Hercules ‘air defense’ missiles had such capabilities. The National Defense Authorization Act for the year 2018 calls for (pdf, pg 240):

… evaluating existing U.S. missile systems for modification to intermediate range and ground-launch, including Tomahawk, Standard Missile-3, Standard Missile-6, Long-Range Stand-Off Cruise Missile, and Army Tactical Missile System.

Any such modification would be undetectable from the outside, especially when the missiles are stored in launch canisters or silos. It would also clearly be in breach of the INF treaty.

The U.S. denies that its current missile defense systems break the INF and accuses Russia of breaking the treaty by testing a land launched version of its sea launched Kalibr cruse missiles. Russia denies that it is testing anything that is not compatible with the INF treaty. If there is a land launched version it is likely confined to a range below 500 kilometers and thus in compliance with the INF. The sea launched version has a reach of up to 2,500 kilometer, but its export variant is limited to 300 kilometer. The possibly land launched version, which is said to be shorter than the original Kalibr missile (see comments), might well have a much shorter range than the sea launched system. The missiles have, as far as is publicly know, non-nuclear warheads.

The U.S. ambassador to NATO is Kay Baily Hutchinson, a long-term Republican politician with no military experience. Her choice of words in today’s press briefing was clearly unprofessional:

Question: […] Ma’am, can you be more specific what kind of new information that you are bringing to the table regarding the breach of the INF Treaty? And more explicitly also, what kind of countermeasures that you are considering.


Ambassador Hutchison: The countermeasures would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty.

So that would be the countermeasure eventually.

We are trying not to do anything that would violate the treaty on our side, which allows research, but not going forward into development, and we are carefully keeping the INF Treaty requirements on our side, while Russia is violating. …

The reporters in the room were in disbelief over such aggressive wording, and followed up:

Question: Thanks, Ambassador. Lorne [Inaudible], Associated Press. Just to clarify a little bit when you said to take out the missiles that are in development, we are a little excited here.

Do you mean to get those withdrawn? You don’t mean to actually take them out in a more [inaudible]?


Ambassador Hutchison: Well, withdrawing, yes. Getting them to withdraw would be our choice, of course. But I think the question was what would you do if this continues to a point where we know that they are capable of delivering.

And at that point we would then be looking at a capability to take out a missile that could hit any of our countries in Europe and hit America in Alaska.

So it is in all of our interests, and Canada as well, I suppose. So we have our North Atlantic risk as well as the European risk.

So what is the ambassador going to do? Bomb Russia over a disagreement about the technical specification of a potential new missile that is not even deployed yet?

This nonsense comes just days after the U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke suggested that the U.S. Navy might blockade Russia’s energy trade.


Deranged US Interior Secretary Zinke says 1) the US Navy should blockade Russia 2) so it does not export oil TO the Middle East… Remembering POW wife Marian Shelton, driven to suicide by the CIA


When the INF treaty was signed, NATO was far from Russia’s border.





Now NATO is directly at the Russian border.

The Russian government takes such threats seriously. Its spokesperson was not amused (Ru, machine translation):

The North Atlantic Alliance does not realize the degree of its responsibility and the dangers of aggressive rhetoric, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Tuesday when commenting on the words of US Permanent Representative to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison about the possibility of shooting down Russian missiles.

“It seems that people making such statements do not realize the degree of their responsibility and the dangers of aggressive rhetoric.

Who authorized this woman to make such statements?

The American people? Are the people in the US aware of the fact that so-called diplomats are paid aggressively and destructive? It is very easy to break and destroy everything. It is difficult to repair and repair. American diplomacy has a lot to do to recover from the consequences of its inherent errors, “Zakharova told reporters.

One hopes that the ambassador erred in her “take out” response. Otherwise Russia will probably consider to “take out” the ABM assets the U.S. deploys over Europe. That would surely produce a lot of frightening content for the Express’ “World War3” category.





  1. You often build up Russia as an undefeatable monster, but the truth is that the Germans, massively outnumbered though they were, were kicking the Soviet Union’s ass in WWII, UNTIL the Jewnited States of America provided the Soviet Union with many billions of dollars in Lend Lease military equipment and supplies, AND access to all of Germany’s top secret Enigma codes, which the UK had broken with the help of the homosexual mathematician Alan Turing. That is why, after utterly smashing the Soviets in the early phase of Barbarossa and taking millions of Soviet POWs, the tide eventually turned against the Germans, and they began losing battles left and right on the Eastern front, like Stalingrad and the massive tank battle at Kursk. There were also numerous German communist traitors in the German general staff (“The Red Orchestra”) who were supplying German military plans to the Soviets. But they were being rooted out by the SD and Gestapo, and were becoming less effective as time went on.

    It was the massive military assistance provided via American Lend Lease aid, and the breaking of the German Enigma codes, shared with the Soviets, that enabled the Soviets to turn the tide and defeat Germany. Without that massive American and British assistance, the Soviet Union would have been smashed. Stalin had already evacuated Moscow when the Wehrmacht came so close they could see the Kremlin, and it’s said that Stalin was on the verge of a nervous breakdown over his impending defeat by Germany.

    My point is that Russia would have none of those advantages in a real war against America and NATO. There would be no massive Lend Lease aid for them, and no code-breaking assistance to pull their drunken, raping Slavic asses out of the fire. And, we likely have secret weapons that would be used against them, if needed.

    I have to say, John, that I really resent your constant portrayal of Russians as moral, undefeatable supermen, especially given the horrible war crime atrocities and rapes that Russians inflicted on Germans during and after WWII. And the fact that the “Holocaust” was a Russian invention, orchestrated by the Jewish-controlled Soviet Union. Although Russians are half-white (the other half being Mongol), they are duplicitous, untrustworthy, evil bastards by nature, and it wouldn’t bother me if Russia were to suffer the same evils they inflicted on Germany in WWII. That is called Karma, and Russians and their Jewish overlords are well overdue for it. The descendants of those murderous, raping, war criminal, atrocity-committing Red Army “heroes” are alive today in Russia, many of them probably also in the Russian military. Think about that before you praise Russia again, John.

  2. It’s pretty much true that women aren’t suited for military positions. Although this whole situation of ridiculous military escalation is entirely unnatural. I’m sure 1000’s of potential Tesla’s Edison’s or Plato’s have been killed meaninglessly in all the unnecessary wars produced in history. I suppose you could say white men are really efficient at fighting and learning to mass-murder each other in ever more effective ways, only worsening now as the Jews have invented atomic bombs for them to throw at each other and threaten to blow up the planet with. But overall, this whole debacle of military escalation needs to end fast for the planet to really have a chance of survival.

    As for women in general, the 2 income issue doesn’t really do what women expected it to do. Not only are they stuck with a job where they are exploited just like the men, and now leave children alone, they also now run into the same issue as the men, lack of time to actually improve in any way due to being too focused on making the paycheck and then either relaxing in the little time remaining or instead, more likely, still having to scramble to make ends meet, given how the economy is. Meanwhile, said jobs are quite often directed in entirely ineffective ways towards ‘fueling the economy’ as the primary goal, not accomplishing social goals that improve the civilization, the people, and the quality of life overall. I can say one thing about that, even if the Germans truly were evil Nazis they at least understood the importance of social goals like improving public health and fitness, and the quality of life.

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