Fighting cancer and, so far, winning

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Naomi Ruth Congratulations I am happy for you. 🙂
John de Nugent Thank you, Naomi 🙂 🙂 Cancer is no joke, esp. when it happens to a loved one.
Naomi Ruth I have known many that survived and ones who died of cancer. My paternal grandmother had two siblings die with cancer. My maternal grandmother was a breast cancer survivor. She had both breast removed.
John de Nugent Wow… a great local barmaid here (and the one who told me about the dream she had had of me being gunned to death right when there WAS a plot against me — I told the sheriff the whole thing) told me her cousin had breast cancer, but cured it with chaga (the grown on birch trees) and by juicing,and she emphasized “AND juicing.”
Going over to Margi’s to make her more JUICE! 🙂 This is Margi’s old, but expensive, big juicing machine, with veggies and salad-type ingredients on the far left, the juicing machine itself with a stovepipe and a rammer for pushing the veggies down it. They go into the spinning, lathe-like abrasion device. Under that is a bowl to catch the juice, and on the far right, a big bowl catches the pulp, which we put in a compost heap for NEXT year’s veggies! 🙂 (Unless Trump is ordered by Satanyahu to blow up the world 😉 )
This is what the full bowl looks like afterward, reflecting the ingredients put in in sequence. You can see the orange from the carrots, and the various colors reflecting celery, beets, etc. To drink, it is really delicious!
Juicing away –it is fun to watch a pretty stiff, solid object like celery become delicious JUICE!
Christine Kraus May I suggest she view the YouTube of Dr Lorraine Day. This lady knows her stuff. Margi CAN beat it with food/diet/juicing, I have seen it with my mother.
John de Nugent Thanks. So glad about your mom! As the blog says, she actually is juicing, and doing three other things. I am helping her make the juice, and loving it too!
Christine Kraus John de Nugent I missed that, so glad. Hugs and Blessings
Margaret Huffstickler Thanks for reminding me, Christine – I’ll watch it.
Avran Iv yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you’re getting better Margaret
Blenda Richter Great news!
Peter Carmody Blessings!
Steve Harris Congratulations that’s great news.❤️


Paul Currie I hope so,
You two are good people.
Earl Word Red heads always win
Jeffrey Hunter Masters of Medical Thermo Therapy M.MTT, Loma Linda University hyperthermia full body immersion, cease feeding tumor by fasting 21 days. Protein feeds cancer cells. Stop protein. cannabis CDC. Ozone Steam Sauna, immersion baths. www.biolabmedical.wixsite/hcmc
Ivan Jeddos Very best to her.


John de Nugent Thanks very much, Jeff. 🙂
John de Nugent Thanks, Ivan!

Franz Radl Baldige Genesung!
Dan Cunningham Have you considered using powdered ingredients?
I threw my juicer away after I found powdered sources. There’s no mess, nothing to clean, no wasted ingredients due to spoilage, no going to the store several times a week.
Here is the list of everything I put in my powdered drink mix, Mango juice powder, monk fruit powder, mangosteen powder, rasberry powder, strawberry powder, maqui powder, blueberry powder, acai powder, ginger powder, matcha green tea powder, amla powder, goji berry powder, vitacherry powder, pomegranate powder, ashwagandha root powder, spirulina powder, cholorella powder, kelp powder, chery acerola powder, beet powder, maca powder, moringa powder (kills 93% of all lung cancer), spinach powder, apple powder, cinnamon powder, cranberry juice powder, kale powder, broccoli powder.
I feel better than I have in years! What juice recipe are you using now?
John de Nugent Thanks, Dan. I have actually never heard of it, actually. Do these powders contain all the goodness of fresh vegetables? We use carrots, beets, celery, ginger, lettuce, cabbage, and Margi’s own home-grown kale, chard, and tomatoes, plus some powders.
John de Nugent Btw, I can really relate to “I feel better than I have in years!” It is delicious and my body craves it, too! But Margi drinks most of the juice, of course.
I am not sure what exactly is shrinking Margi’s throat tumor, but something sure is, and maybe it is the combination she is doing: Rick Simpson Oil, juicing, chaga (a growth on birch trees), mega-doses of Vitamin C (20K), and specific anti-cancer supplements.

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