1. A Question for John De Nugent, and Nelson,

    In the Interest of the White race, I must contend the examples presented by the polygamous chanters, are Biased to say the least. With every silver lining comes tarnish. A tarnish that would leave a bitter sweet taste in the mouth of anyone who was exposed to the “DARK SIDE” of polygamy. Of course, when one wishes to endorse a way of life, they present the most appealing examples of its fruits, and do not even spend ONE SENTENCE reiterating the same premises, very applicable downside. This type of single view presentation smacks of jew controlled mass media.
    I have stated that in Judiciary context, Polygamy is actually not Illegal. The Act of polygamy is only defined as Criminal if the male participant is LEGALLY married to more than one woman.Or if any of the “Plural Wives” are underage for sexual activity in the states they reside in. Again, THERE IS NO LAW preventing a male from impregnating several willing females in such an arrangement.For the sake of Fairness, I do not have a say in such arrangements. Nor am I opposed to such practices that occur with genetically diverse results.But considering that CURRENTLY, THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE OF WHITE DECENT who are open to such arrangements, are CLOSELY RELATED FOUNDATIONAL FAMILIES, that lead to genetic bottle necking.Of course you see only, the Healthy children paraded in uncannily clean homes and seemingly tranquil family atmosphere, but the actual environment most current polygamous followers live is far from the ones presented on “Oprah”.

    This was stated……”Look at us: millions of lonely white men and women going to bed alone in the dark, all across America and all across the white world.”

    This is not a excuse for polygamous relationships. The vast majority of these “lonely” White men and women are not victims of some “monogamous curse”, this simply has to do with simple facts, Very few white women in general are willing to have large families. THAT IS THE ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED, not the promotion of multiple
    wife families.Severe cultural upheaval is what is required.The end of White Trash Joe Six Pack, and White bimbos glued to the tube watching Orange county housewives, and sex in the city, is the problem.

    In the best interest of promoting a cleansing of White European Culture, I am asking a Question to John De Nugent, and the Individual known as Nelson, Where are all these willing plural marriage Females? Since the arena of White Activism is already almost completely populated by Males? What do you propose will bring these seemingly
    millions of lonely White women to this plural wife breeding pond? In effect, What will just bring these millions of ‘Lonely White Females” to Racial Awareness?
    When you have the solution to that problem, The need for polygamous families, will be minute in need. There is simply a lack of Culturally intact, Family Oriented
    White Males and Females.Nothing more. This talk of the need for Polygamous families is laughable without first solving the underlying problems of Cultural Degradation.
    When you have a solution to that quandary, You will have a solution to the current White Birthrate issue.

    • The solution is Solutreanism, and that solves the problem of cultural degradation. That is what I am endeavoring to bring forth now, so stay tuned.

      Polygamy is only an emergency answer to the problems you rightly address. I prefer a nuclear and traditional family for many sound reasons. And I know about all the polygmists out west living on food stamps and having a high divorce rate, too.

      Solutreanism is not a Mormon offshoot or anything like it. It is a totally new/very old concept, of a worldwide, separate, spiritual and racial white tribe — based on triumphant Ice Age values. We beat the ice; we beat the neanderthals; we will beat whatever ecological catastrophe comes now and we will beat the neanderthals’ descendants again today, the semites.

  2. I decided to post my own response to Norse Sword (I’ll post it on your site as well):

    “As the challenge was to JdN and myself, John de Nugent’s reply can be found at the link to the blog at the comments section; and I will answer briefly from my own perspective:

    Norse Sword is a badgerer who I’ve replied to many times on all the issues he raised in the last message. There are two other posters on this thread who have also pestered and one of them even claimed I’m an Indian (because of my British English spelling!)… Anyway, live and let live.

    If people wish to read the replies to the critiques surrounding culture, genetics, psychology and the practicality of plural families, then please see the first approx. ten pages of this thread. -We are not “simply” dealing with any one issue, it is multifaceted. And anyone who tries to convince people that it is “simply” any one thing is either out of their depth or purposefully misleading people.

    Just one point I wish to elaborate on before signing out:

    Originally Posted by Norse Sword
    ‘I am wondering, This question applies to Cassy as well as the Others, The current population of White Separatists, White Nationalists, White racialists, Aryan Nationalists, National Socialists, or even Mildly Racialist viewed Whites.

    THE MALES ARE THE ONES WHO OUTNUMBER FEMALES 10 TO 1, in the MAJORITY of these groups. So I must ask, what fantasy land are you people living in? where there are these throngs of White Women Willing to live in Polygamy for the good of their race? LOL

    In fact, This very forum is a prime example of the ALMOST COMPLETE LACK of Female Racial Ideology. In that example, what are you people arguing about? You can almost count the total number of active female members here on one set of fingers and toes, HOW MANY OF THEM AMONGST THAT POPULATION ARE OPEN TO POLYGAMY?

    That is what I thought. NONE.’

    Nelson’s response:
    To help explain the above phenomenon:
    Men tend to be the warriors and women the creators of the home. Therefore many women with a racially conscious man allow the man to fulfill the political side and the woman are able to focus on the family.

    In saying that, there is however a real problem with many WN men unable to find partners. I would suggest however that before blaming outside influences, to look within. Judging by some of the negative responses to this thread, a significant percentage of WN men are impolite and unreflective. –That really isn’t attractive to most women.

    At the opposite extreme:
    If a man is genetically, culturally, psychologically and materially wealthy enough to attract more than one woman into a family, then he certainly doesn’t need to be restricted to finding a mate in the current WN community. Such an admirable man will be able to win the heart of women who are not racially conscious and bring them to his worldview. Such is the dynamic between the sexes in the normal way of nature.

    Finally, plural families, as I have written (and emphasised) many times before, are not for everyone and only exceptional men are so attractive that women would want to be a member of such a family.

    E.g., for those who understand German, and even for those who don’t (because one can see from the pictures to appreciate it enough), a genius such as Friedrich Schiller was a well-known man who without material wealth, though riches of physical beauty and soul, attracted to him two of the most beautiful women in Europe, who wished to live with him as a plural family:

    YouTube- Friedrich Schiller (1/4)

    Signing out from the thread,
    I must away,

  3. (Apologies if this is a double posting. The hated FireFox browser strikes again!)

    One thing we need more than anything if we are ever to break free of all this destructive Jew-imposed nonsense is a decent living wage for everybody.

    Most women nowadays are forced to work because of ever-diminishing wages, competing with men for jobs in order to maintain even a basic standard of living which, in turn, drives wages down still further. This, combined with the non-stop barrage of “feminist” (=homosexual) propaganda is turning to many of our women into half-men that no real man would touch with a barge pole, and it’s not only women who are being harmed. The same Jew-created pressures are turning our boys into effeminate zombies, if not actual sexual perverts.

    The Jews endlessly preach the LIE that (homosexual) filth is sex and that sex is love, keeping those who believe the lie locked into adolescence for life.

    Homosexuality has been defined – correctly in my opinion – as arrested development, and I for one have never met a queer – of either gender – who didn’t behave exactly like a little kid, even down to the infantile tantrums when they don’t get their own way (just like a Jew in fact).

    Real love can only exist as a true union of souls between a man and a woman. The queers can never know how much greater, how much stronger, how much more fulfilling true love is than the often temporary childish friendships they mistakenly call “love”.

    Even the normal majority of males, unless they can find that perfect partner, remain like children, thinking only of themselves. Only true love, a deep commitment and the responsibility of providing for a family can turn a boy into a man, and I write from experience as a 60+ year old boy who never had the opportunity to fully grow up because my one love was taken from me just as we were about to take that final step.

    At least I have the comforting knowledge that she’s still with me and that we’ll be reunited at God’s appointed time.

    • This is a wonderful, perceptive comment and I thank you for it! Yes, I have myelf seen homosexuals act like spoiled kids on tantrums.

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