Brother Nathanael on the Pittsburgh synagogue “shooting”

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Take a look at Brother Nathanael’s narrative and subsequent comments. He was born and raised Jewish in Pittsburgh, then abandoned the Talmudists and became an Orthodox Christian monk! 

Brother Nathanael October 27, 2018 @ 6:09 pm

About The Synagogue Killings
By +Brother Nathanael Kapner
I LIVED IN SQUIRREL HILL where the synagogue killings took place for many years which is a heavily populated Jewish area of Pittsburgh.  I had attended Yom Kippur Services and Sabbath Services at the Tree of Life synagogue on a few occasions but did not care for it.  It is VERY secular, very liberal, and VERY wealthy. Like Judaism in all its aspects, totally BANKRUPT spiritually.

I’m sure than many of its members are BIG donors to all the wretched causes: LGTBQ, mass immigration, socialistic big government, and of course, bloody wars for Israel.

When disasters and murders occurred in ancient Palestine during Christ’s sojourn, he told the Jews, “Except ye repent ye shall likewise perish.” (St Luke: 13)

Instead of Jews in Jewmerica BEEFING UP their physical security in light of this latest shooting with TONS more of Homeland Security tax-payer money, they should BEEF UP Eternal Security by repenting of their sins, embrace Christ, and undergo baptism in the Orthodox Church.

In the Russian Church there are many former Jews and quite a few of them are priests.  +Brother Nathanael Kapner  Member in Good Standing of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia @

The Holocaust hoax is on its last legs, and the Jew knows it. Kids yawn about something that supposedly happened 80 years ago.  So the Jew needs a NEW victim trick.

How about ‘Hate Speech’ on Gab supposedly resulting in 11 Jews dead but with all the press coverage appears as if 6 million died.  Ah, that’s the trick! Make a few dead Jews appear out of the “Hate Speech” hat to multiply into 6 million in one day!  The horror of it all! Bring out the gas chambers, the showers, the Zyklon B that Gab used on the six million and shut it and free speech down!

Aren’t you glad you’re not a Jew? Don’t you wish everybody wasn’t?

The Jew will kill off more free speech in his death than he’ll do in his life. +bn

I’ll tell you why I like Trump — he’s a wrecking ball knocking down the present order.

Will a new one arise? Not before cataclysms, plagues, natural disasters, and epidemics wreaking large scale destruction ravage the West.  Abortions, which the JEWS push, have created female demons like the locusts with womanly hair flying out of the bottomless pit.

Homosexuality, which the JEWS push, have created male demons, like the locusts with stings in their tails flying out of the bottomless pit. The blood of the unborn, the foulness of anal sex proliferating throughout JEW-ruined America, are the precursors of seals unloosed. +bn

STEVE:  Whenever anyone is shot all medical resources are applied to save that life. A victim is not declared dead until every possible remedy is applied. Even when someone is “dead” they can be resuscitated with emergency procedures. The one element missing from ALL these shootings is the absence of ambulances, triage units, etc., to treat and transport. Look at the youth from the Florida shooting who supposedly took 5 AR15 bullets protecting others… The mangled bone and tissue damage would be beyond lethal.  STRANGER THAN FICTION!


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