Be good with God, because you never know how much time you have left

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I have often written on the hard scientific proofs of life after death, near-death experiences and reincarnation.

I feel pity for those readers who find this part of my writing “boring” and just want to read more race-and-the-Jews stuff. 😉

For me, all that is now ineffably boring. My God, we were racking our brains over that stuff back in the Rockwell days 1960-67, and when I was in it (1978-80), yes, forty years ago! All we could think about was the-jews, the-jews, the-jews! 😉

How appropriate then that it was a rectal orifice of a WN who up and murdered Rockwell because his swollen egoic mind could not take the rebuke of Rockwell firing him! An utter worm with two bullets, lying cowardly in wait, killed the best man we then had!

The real reason we have our current problems with the various, inferior, lower, non-white races — and with the (normally) suspicion-arousing, devil-resembling  jews —

Jew mega-publisher Donald Newhouse, who waged war partly via a huge New Orleans newspaper he owns, the Times-Picayune, against the rise of David Duke. Only a spiritually blind man — namely, 99% of whites 😉 — would not be alarmed when such a face looms up at you


Trotsky — look at the face and the diabolical expression both. That is a human devil from a race of human devils.


…is only BECAUSE we still find the spiritual stuff boring. 😉

…although WNism is going almost nowhere. (The only political parties allowed to protest Third World immigration are the ones that glorify Israel, never mention the jews except to bemoan their “Holocaust,” and bray that Arabs and muslims are the only threat to the West.)

It is spiritual blindness — a mind that controls us, not we it, a mind toxic and domineering, receptive and tuned-in to jew frequencies — that makes us either 1) fight each other or 2) do absolutely nothing. 

A superior race such as ours, descended from literal gods — meaning very highly advanced humans from elsewhere in our galaxy — can be defeated only by its own  degeneracy.

Look at Donald Trump himself for the best example of the egoic mind, the tyrannon — a man doing, yes, some real good, and at least opening the Overton Window on the Deep State, the controlled media and Third World migration …

….but in his foreign policy, Trump is deluding himself totally…

…imagining that by licking the Jews’ boots (especially in his support of Israel, of sanctions on Iran, and of moving vast US/NATO military and nuclear forces right to the borders of a powerful Russia under Vladimir Putin, which possesses eight thousand hydrogen bombs) he can, well, at least stay in power and do “some good.”


In reality, President Donald Trump, for all his good intentions, is taking us straight into World War Three.

***Latest news on that evolving situation:

Russia said it deployed its new frigate with long-range Kalibr cruise missiles to the Mediterranean Sea on Monday, a few months after Moscow had reinforced its naval forces off Syrian cost.

“The Black Sea Navy Fleet’s frigate Admiral Makarov left [Navy base] Sevastopol and laid a course for the Black Sea straits. The vessel will be acting in the standing naval force of the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in statement.”


If WWIII happens, if I cannot avert it despite the effort I will soon undertake once this momentous election today is over, then this name, “Donald Trump,” will be a synonym for shame for ten thousand years among those who survive the catastrophe.

It will be death for 3/4 of the whites immediately as Russia and the US go at it,

….and starvation, cannibalism and anarchy afterward — gang warfare, rape and terror — during years of nuclear winter when almost all the crops die from the permanently overcast skies.


Donald Trump is a man who already knew well back in his life as George Patton how evil the jews are.

He knew how malignly clever they are, and yet he has deluded himself in this life that he could play ball with these human devils….

…all so (let us face the facts about this ego-driven Trump) he could

1) become and 2) stay president,

…and keep on hearing the ego-feeding “Hail to the Chief,” walking on a red presidential carpet, flying in Air Force One, and riding in “the Beast.”


Donald, these jews don’t respect or even like you.

Nor does, sadly, your own wife. You go home from the office, the frontlines of an outright war against you, to your wife, the second front. 😉 And no one knows more than I do what it is like to fight an exhausting two-front war. 😉


President Trump, or George (the name you had when we spoke), the Jews are laughing at you. They see you as merely their latest goy victim who had imagined he was so smart, and yet around whom they have, as usual, gleefully run circles.


There is actually nothing that is more practical for good outcomes in this material world of ours than a rich, powerful spirituality.

…spiritual mastery…

…than reading good books about us, not others, and our spiritual growth, for a change….



…so you at least know the most important things there are:

–why the heck you are here,

— what you are (a soul in a body for the purposes of learning),

why good, sincere men suffer rejection and lose, while rank evildoers get rich, famous and “win,” and

Look at this fat pig with his cigar, sitting in a chair from the Führerbunker. Your British Empire was already financially bankrupt then, Winston, from war debts. And post-war, the jew-merican moneylenders demanded and forced you and Clement Atlee to totally dismantle your empire. Now your beloved London is 50% black, brown, Chinese and muslim. Britain sure “won” by you playing ball with the satanic jews, didn’t it, Winston? 😉

–and you will understand what happens to you when you die.

Die as this affluent couple, who had it all, suddenly died — what a surprising end to their happy wedding day……




…..Recent donations


It strikes me 1) how many non-Americans support me, and 2) how few of my own compatriots do — with some glorious exceptions, such as the old Rockwell stormtrooper and the noble, pretty Walgreens girl from Rhode island, who five years ago was already sending me some of her precious babysitting money when in high school. Let me also mention a Washington State man who dug deep in 2009-09, and a Texan who made huge sacrifices in 2010-12, and a dentist in January 2016-present, my support has come mainly from non-Americans:

(in descending order) Germans, Finns, Canadians, Australians, Boers, Brits, French, and Italians.

I heard it a hundred times from regular Germans who observed the behavior of American tourists and GIs:

“Die Amerikaner sind grosse Kinder.”

[The Americans are just big kids.]

We Americans have never experienced a staggering national catastrophe. (Well, Dixie, the South, that big chunk of America, sure did.)

The Southern men who were in on the assassination of the tyrant Abraham Lincoln were kept in chains, in the dark, and in head masks in 130-degree heat inside a submarine (an “ironclad”) for three weeks. They went crazy from the thirst, heat and sensory deprivation. On the gallows, they were slow-strangled for five minutes, by a “mistake” designed deliberately to NOT quickly break their necks. The same thing happened to the German martyrs at Nuremberg in 1946 — a long, slow strangulation. The karma of the willing servants of the United States regime is unfathomably dark.

Eric Thomson, who invented in the 1970s the two famous terms 1) “white nationalism” and “ZOG” ( = the “Zionist Occupation Government”) once described Americans this way, as “infantile entertainment addicts.” 😉

(So, of course, Daily Stormer is the number-one WN website. 😉 )

We Americans, by comparison at least, have had it too easy.

Non-Americans know what hate-speech laws, gun-ban laws, arrest, trial and imprisonment are for something you SAID….

Ernst Zündel — three major trials and seven years in prison, two of those years being horrific

And some of the non-Americans also know what war, blood, and oceans of tears are… when you have raping, torturing, pillaging foreign troops on your streets, you starve, and you hear women and children wailing, and as a man, you are disarmed, locked up, and can do nothing.


For the Brits, it has been the lingering effects of the horrific, cruel Judeo-Norman Conquest of 1066, and England has never been the same since.

Read this, and scroll down in the article to “the Harrowing of the North” by William the Bastard.

…..The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who borrowed from and intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class.

Prescott Bush (r) of the Bush political dynasty — note the nose — with then-U.S. Congressman Richard Nixon

Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

UK PM Theresa May, hooknosed and all smiles with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is already seizing all white farmlands without paying a cent and disarming the white population, preparatory to full genocide.

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud

These brave white men and women HAVE recently donated.

–6 November 2018 — yet again, an Australian comes through for me and our race


–5  November 2018….. an old, fanatically faithful, do-something Rockwell party activist sent this…


–2 November 2018 Stripe from D in Australia

–31 October 2018 PayPal from S in Germany

–28 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–23 October 2018 the pretty Walgreens girl sent $120

–21 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–15 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–8 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–3 October 2018 PayPal from M in Florida to


A final note:

Someone said: “John, you will lose readers if you chew them out for not sending donations.” (He was right. Views go down by ten percent every time.)

My replay: Yeah, and exactly what kind of reader have I then lost? 

“I can’t afford to send one dollar wrapped in aluminum foil, not even anonymous, in cash, John!

One reason I joined the Marines (the Waffen-SS not having any recruiting stations in the US in 1977 😉 ) was for the sad, maturing pain.

As my dad, who fought at Iwo Jima and in Korea, said to me:

“One thing you learn in the Marine Corps is that life is not a f—-g game.

If you screw up in combat, and do not carry out the mission to destroy them before they destroy you, you can’t do it over.

You and your buddies will die.”


Actually, we are at war now. The Jews declared war on us 3,500 years ago.

Most to us just don’t act that way, however.

Only the Jews, and the hard-core national socialists, understand that we are indeed at war — and that our enemy is now closing in for the kill.


And if or when the race war breaks out, if you never sent me one dime, please don’t come crying to me that you need $200 in gas money to move up with your family to the 98% white, rightwing UP. I keep records. Why would I want a freeloader?

…..White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Yes, in this heavily Finnish-Swedish-German area, we do have people who look like this here.

White Safety and Heritage Zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan



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