Even the left-wing president of France Mitterrand called the Jewish lobby “powerful” and “harmful”

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François Mitterrand, French President 1981-1995 from the Left Socialist Party, stood alongside Helmut Kohl, then Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, on 25 September 25, 1984 to commemorate the terrible mutual slaughter of 600,000 brave young Frenchmen and Germans during the battle of Verdun.

Mitterrand was very upset during his last breakfast as head of state on May 17, 1995, just hours before the transfer of power to the pseudo-rights Jacques Chirac.

(That same Chirac would very quickly, on July 16, 1995, “pay his electoral debt to the Jewish community” — dixit Jean-Marie Le Pen – namely by giving a shameful speech where Chirac blasted all of France as anti-Semites or as being indifferent during the war because of the “Vel d’Hiv” raid, which was a raid by the French police against foreign Jews living in France, which were then deported to the then German-occupied Eastern Europe.)

Outgoing President Mitterrand (the president of France is both Head of State and head of the government under the French Constitution) said to the nobleman Jean d’Ormesson, a member of the prestigious “Académie française” (who was also a great novelist and sympatico TV personality), regarding a media campaign launched against him at that time regarding his long-standing friendship with the anti-Semite René Bousquet, who was murdered in 1991 by a leftist , and regarding his refusal to bow to the dictates of the whining Jew activist Serge Klarsfeld:

Meeting in 1943 of the Wehrmacht and SS in Marseille with René Bousquet (2nd from right), Chief of the French Police, regarding the deportation of foreign Jews from France

“You see here the powerful, damaging influence of the Jewish lobby.”




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