ENGLISH Celebrate diversity; Schopenhauer on shocking new truths

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On a serious note, the German panzers were visibly equipped with tall, excellent antennae for communications (unlike, for example, Polish or French tanks) — and the cannon on the monstrous German Landkreuzer [ = “the land cruiser”] was taken off a battleship!

A comrade and Vietnam vet (US Navy), Robert Hauser, wrote me:

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Robert Hauser

Celebrate Diversity 😉

Tthe birthplace of the tank as we have come to know it could well be Stockton, California, where, in 1909, the first Caterpillar “track type tractor” was designed and prototyped by Benjamin Holt. The original company still stands there (last time I was in the city) right on the Blvd so named in his honor.

This was largely to be expected since Stockton is pretty much the umbilicus of the predominantly agricultural San Joaquin Valley…

Shortly thereafter, in the Great War in 1914, the earliest Cats were immediately pressed into service towing heavy artillery at the front; in no time flat the idea of simply mounting a large rifle on the tractor itself evolved and voila!!!…the tank. But to the Brits probably goes the lion’s share of credit for being the first to create an exclusively dedicated vehicle from the keel up as a fully functional armored weapon…

The term “keel” was intended: when first built in Britain, they were regarded as a naval craft to be manned by RN [Royal Navy] personnel… The program was highly secret, and to divert public curiosity they were dubbed “tanks”. When you boarded a “tank” you were to salute the colors on the stern, then the quarterdeck just as is routine aboard any naval vessel….

In his deeply moving novel, IM WEST NICHTS NEUES (All Quiet on the Western Front) Erich Maria Remarque, who saw it all in the trenches of West Flanders near Torhout with the 2nd Co., Trench Battalion Bethe, 15th Reserve Infantry Regiment, describes the totally pervasive feeling of futility that is simultaneous with the sight of the metallic crawling monsters against which nothing the Germans initially had at the time was effective aside from a very direct hit by a heavy artillery round….hardly and not about to be outdone by the Brits or any of the rest of the Allies in what Ulich Varange (Francis Parker Yockey) referred to as the “grim creativity of war”, the Germans wasted no time in developing and fielding track-laying armored units of their own such as the Sturmpanzerwagen A7V which, with their seven 7.92 Maxims and 5.7 cm main rifle, operated in groups of five and could easily take on anything the Allies had…..

Interestingly, the notorious race-poisoning propagandist, Ashley Montague, openly admitted in one of his treatises that if World War I could have been decided by scientific ingenuity alone, the Germans would have won hands down and that the only reason they lost both conflicts was due to being grossly outnumbered by the sheer masses of their enemies.

Lighting off Operation Barbarossa on June 22nd of 1941, the specially designed PzKpfw (PanzerKampfWagen) III armored vehicles (Tauchpanzer) crawled completely submerged along the bottom of the Bug River like U-boats to re-emerge on Soviet soil near Patulin and meet ten times their number of Russian armored columns in furious action.

It is said that the conflict between NS Germany and the bolscheviks from 1941 – ‘42 witnessed the appearance of strange weapons that would be considered highly advanced even by today’s standards.


And the nuts on the Net say Putin is a Jew……!

Look at this….. Click here: Russia Today, which is state-owned television —


Putin is neither a Jew nor a Nazi, but a Russian patriot.

Here Putin’s Russia Today runs an interview with the fierce critic of Israel, Norman Finkelstein:

Russia just signed an agreement with Obama, where the US in effect concedes that Russia can give or sell the ultra-high-tech S-300 missiles to Iran — which can shoot down any US or Israeli jet that might attack Iran!

Hello? Does anyone realize how important that is?

Putin, who is blond like many northern Russians, is of course of Russian-Slavic and also of distant Karelian (Finnish) antecedents. He never drinks, he is a workaholic, and he loves Germans. He speaks fluent German, he raised his kids speaking German, he was stationed in East Germany for 17 years, and he made his first trip as president to Germany, where he spoke in German for 15 minute in the Reichstag building to the German Parliament. I saw it live!

He is arming Syria, Iran and Venezuela! He is building a big Russian naval base in Syria.


With politicians, look at not what they say but what they DO.

Putin’s surname comes from the Finnish surname “Putinen”, a Karelian (FINNISH) surname. Also, what is another interesting fact, 23 % of the Russians belong to the same DNA haplogroup as the Finns. (That is more than the apparently related Hungarians.)

I was just reading about Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, and in it the Elves are the most noble race. It is speculated that Tolkien modelled them on the Finns.

Wer Putin a Jew, would he have twice made virtual pilgrimages twice, as President of the Russian Federation, to the house of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of the 2002 Two Hundred Years Together?

Here is my translation of a German monograph analyzing this important work on the bloody and overwhelming Jewish role in the crimes of Bolshevism:


Look at the president of Russia with Solzhenitsyn….. June 2007….. When a president of a superpower comes twice to see you in your house, what does that tell you?


A thinker I admire greatly but whose racial and political views are much more “moderate’ than my own wrote me:

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These days, John, people crave facts and leadership they can trust to deal with the facts.

You have the looks, Marine Corps background and perhaps the charisma to become a leader.

But can you rise above your personal beliefs and prejudices to deal with fact? Or, would you find it more comfortable to remain a big frog in a very small pond […]?

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I answered:

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I thank you for the well-meant advice and the compliments as to certain good attributes. All I can say to that is what Jesus warned:

“From those to whom much has been given much will be demanded.”

The Solutreans are a very broad-minded approach within the context of white nationalism. My own natural inclinations are in fact liberal and compassionate. (For any who believe in astrology, I have a so-called “stellium,” five planets, in the one sign of Cancer, the nurturing sign. )

My fiancee, whom I in a sense care for, is handicapped by attention deficit disorder, and takes four medications daily for it and other issues. I have never shed her as some men might so as to advance myself and my selfish happiness. (I read a statistic that floored me once: 70% of married men abandon their severely incapacited wives, but far fewer wives abandon their incapacitated husbands.)

I am going now to clean up an entire house. As a Marine, and son of a Marine, I have nearly “flipped out” many times about this mess, but I accept my dharma [Sanskrit: my chosen path in this incarnation] to embrace my people in all their suffering. The US leads the world in Attention Deficit Disorder, and it is no mythical disease, believe me. Recent brain scans have proven this is not attitudinal or cultural, but a short-circuiting of the brain in certain areas.

(And let me point out to an enemy, who knows who he is: I have photos of YOUR house with two-foot-high weeds and I know about your daughter who used to drink beer out of a can at 7 IN THE MORNING, sitting in her mess. Woe unto you, scribe and pharisee, hypocrite.)

I see mental suffering everywhere among whites, confusion, despair, denial, suicide — and suicidal and self-destructive behavior. This is my people today. I fear that my prophesy will come true that we wil yet soon see a national wave of suicides, exactly as in 1932, the year before Adolf Hitler came by peaceful, democratic vote of the people to power.

Even if I were to renounce my core values and beliefs, it would avail me naught. I have long ago crossed the Rubicon by my pro-white words and deeds, going back to 1979 when I was at Georgetown, leading three others in full storm-troop regalia to demonstrate on my own campus.

In front of my own professors in the Edmund Walsh Building.

Before my fellow students.

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Georgetown University’s Healy Towers.

I recently found an interesting story online: http://dspace.wrlc.org/doc/get/2041/…a_19790215.pdf

On page two of the Georgetown Hoya student newspaper, dated February 15, 1979, is a good article on my demonstration, with three other stormtroopers, in full NS uniform, at Georgetown University, directly across from my main building, the Walsh Building, home of the School of Languages and Lingustics, where all the students and professors could see me.

It was a thrilling moment and yet the end of my bourgeois career. both the Marines and the Army ROTC, which were pursuing me for an officer career, AND my wealthy father, and this Jesuit university all came down on me and hard.

(As for the students, some actually asked for my autograph…. and many admired my courage. I think my Marine haircut, physical build and overall persona also helped me avoid physical trouble form leftists. Plus at 25 I was older than the other students, not a pimply punk doing his “radical chic” years. I was also married and a parent; I occasionally brought my little blond daughter to meet some professors. I was not just “the campus Nazi” but a real human being to the student body and the faculty.)

I regret nothing about that stormtroop demonstration against homosexual “gay pride” —  except that the founder and genius of national socialism, Hitler, made serious mistakes in dealing with our white Slavic brothers, tragic anti-Slavic errors that lost the war — and his defeat truly enthroned the Jews, whose Holocaust guilt trip has intimidated and demoralized white Americans for 65 years now.

After all, we are told that we we white Americans “did not do enough to stop Hitler” — because 300,000 white men dead, killed in Europe fighting our German brothers, and a million wounded, was “not enough” done for the Jews!

But whom else was I to join in 1979 to fight for white rights?

Join the Republican Party of Gerald Ford and Henry Kissinger? 😉

I was a young man eager to get into the fight — and I still am a young man at 55, eager to fight and eager to win.

Here is a jpeg of the article:

The Georgetown University campus. G’town is usually ranked in the top 22 colleges in the United States (out of 3,000). The building lower right marked “73″ is the Walsh Building, where I took almost all my classes. Across the street (left of the #73 building) is the 1789 restaurant, on the sidewalk of which I held my demonstration, so all in the classrooms above could see and hear us — including my German professors!

Edmund Walsh Building

1789 Restaurant. Georgetown University was founded in 1789, the year the Constitution also was ratified, as an elite Catholic school in the capital of the new country. The Jesuits were founded on total obedience to the Pope and all Jesuits are expected to get their Ph.D. in their special field of study. Many countries have banned them as highly dangerous and subversive. I was raised Protestant — and had no Jesuit professors at Georgetown, only one excellent Columban father for a course on Plato’s Republic. (He tried to prove Plato was NOT a racialist and antidemocratic, and I think I proved to the class by the end of the semester the very opposite.) Bill Clinton graduated from Georgetown in 1968, nine years before I was there (1977-81) — and then mysteriously traveled to Soviet-bloc countries such as Czechoslovakia and the USSR itself…..at the height of the Vietnam War….. in which he did not serve……

So as a young man I had a fork in my road at Georgetown, like my fellow alumnus Bill Clinton, but I feel that unlike him I chose the right path — the White path.

Bill Clinton’s official White House portrait. What an arrogant-looking traitor and psychopath. At Georgetown, under professor Carrol Quigley, Clinton truly “went over to the dark side of the Force.”

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I do not intend to change my values for this sickening world. I intend to change this sickening world for my values.

Our people has a right to survival and a right to POWER so we can rule our own lives. This world is governed by a genocidal psychopathocracy, and I am its sworn enemy through life and death. It is the world that must bend, and it must change, or by God it will break. My values are eternal, healthy, strong and they give life.

To do this mission, I will however seek to grow as a person, and a responsible and responsive leader, and to listen to wise counsel from all my sincere friends. That is why I am responding now and gladly to  you.

It so happens that today I will be finishing what I hope is a momentous blog (and book section) entitled  “For white liberals.” I postponed finishing it to see how the Gaza aid ships drama would play out, for truly this massacre must give any white liberal pause.

It must now make any sincere white liberal neurotic:

It was the oh-so-evil “Nazis” that kept warning us against the Jews, that they were unspeakably wicked and cruel…. and now anyone not willfully blind can see that the Jews themselves, and their Jewish State of Israel, are the real “Nazis.”

In the sense of viciously and deliberately crushing the weak, the German Reich of 1933-45 uner Adolf Hitler was never “Nazi” at all.

I hope you will find my outreach to sincere liberals intriguing, and it shows that I do mean Namaste, in Sanskrit “I revere the divine within you.” We Aryans can save the world only by first saving ourselves and then, afterward only, the others.

It is just as when the airline flight attendant teaches us before every flight that a mother must first put the oxygen mask on her own mouth and nose and afterward reach out to put the mask on her child.

If the Aryans die, the world will go into darkness. Nothing else will stop the Jew but Aryans, and that means enlightened, Eternal Solutrean power. All men of good will of all races must aid us and advance the power of Arya — so as to help all decent mankind. We will aid all men and women of all races in a common struggle, but we must lead it.

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A moderate wrote me to complain that I was derogatory toward the Chinese for their racial characteristics. I responded:

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It is not out of out of cruelty that I call the Chinese women who are overrunning our white nation called Australia (and often viciously exploiting lonely white Australian men, discarding them and breaking their hearts) accurately as black-haired, slit-eyed and flat-chested. First, it is utterly true, just exaclty as I said it. Second, I believe in karma. They are Chinese because of what their previous lives brought them.

Here is just one of my posts on this subject, and, btw, reincarnation was not declared a heresy by the Church until around 525 AD, five hundred years after Jesus was murdered by the Jews. (If that phrase “murderd by the Jews” is offensive, then censor the New Testament, where I got it.)>


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If one posits we have just one life, then it might indeed be “mean” to say the truth about the physical attibutes of such “unlucky” people or “unlucky” races. “After all, they can’t help looking like they do.”

But if we have many existences, then everyone got what they deserved, including whites, who could only have been subverted by their own adoration of the golden calf, and other lower animal lusts the Jew has inflamed.

Is the belief in many lives ridiculous?

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. — Arthur Schopenhauer

The idea of just one life, the essence of monotheism, changes everything. One god, one life, then one permanent judgment to heaven or hell: THIS tyrannical notion is what makes people atheistic. And then, as Dostoyevsky said:

“If there is no God, everything is permitted.”

That is where we are today; everything is permitted. God (seems) dead.

If judeo-saulo–islam-ianity with the one-one-one fixation worked (One God, One True Religion-One LIfe), then people would believe in God, we would know them by their good fruits, as Jesus said, and they would be working hard to deserve a good afterlife.

But instead these three desert religions of neanderthalic origin create atheists. And that means that Saul, the ultimate Sanhedrin agent and co-opter, also subverted the message of Christ.

Look at how people act, with utter lack of shame, and with utter selfishness. They believe in nothing but their mouth and their genitals.

To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson: “I hear what you say, but what you are speaks much more loudly.”

Solutreanism is to really believe in God and that this life and this planet are meaningful trials, where, yes “all the world is a stage,” where we, under the eyes of angels and mighthy archangels, must grow to be like God, in His image, or sink like swine into the mud and into our own filth.

Hitler made sure that everyone who volunteered for the SS put down that he was gottgläubig, “I believe in God.”

I have had enough personal experiences to know, in the German meaning of kennen and not wissen, to KNOW from hair-raising experience and not from a book, that this higher world exists, and it is always watching ours.

And this supreme world above pushes people directly before our path whom we need to know and learn from. In this sense, I think we were supposed to be having this dialogue and both deriving something good from it. We are ALL fighting our own inner neanderthal.

John de Nugent

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Donations for this blog and so i can finish my book can be sent to my real physical address:

John de Nugent
213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055


I have a friend who is very practical, technical, structured and has plenty of good-old left-brain logic. He has little use for regular Christianity but passsed along this experience.

So many of us have weird “ghost” stories…but they leave a serious question behind for those who were there and know something extraordinary happened….. Some polls indicate that 40% of people have had such a hair-raising experience. They may explain why people go to church even when they do not believe half the dogma.

As Solutreans we do NOT claim to know the mind of God. We humbly satisfy ourselves by doing our earthly duties, and we leave the afterlife where it belongs, AFTER. We merely accept that there IS an afterlife, and all the good and bad we think, say, write (on the Internet) and do, is noted by an implacable higher force.

Solutreanism has NO religious dogmas except these three:

1) There is a just God
2) There is a just afterlife, and for SOME of us it MAY include reincarnation. Others may NEVER come back to this world.
3) The souls of cowards can be destroyed forever, a full personality extinction, and their personality parts reused to make a new human being.

Here is the story. It is not proof of anything, but we are not semitic neanderthals. You can take it or leave it and we won’t mind. In fact, be a selfish atheistic jerk all your life, and then gamble on what happens next. 😉

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Many years ago I lived in a small, rented house. The man next door, Fritz, was also a renter. We both worked for the same employer, and we both worked the same shift. We did not get along as neighbors, and we did not get along at work. I talked about him, and he talked about me. I decided to move and found an apartment 1-mile distant.

Several months passed. I prepared to leave for work one afternoon (2nd shift) and went to my dresser to get my car keys and loose change. I always kept my keys and loose change in a small bowl on the dresser. I approached the dresser and noticed the bowl and its contents looked somehow different.

I found the bowl, with my keys and change still in it, to be filled to the brim with water, actually the water was slightly above the brim, held in place by surface tension. One more drop in the bowl and it would have overflowed onto the surface of the dresser.

My first thought was that a pipe had burst in the apartment above mine. I examined the ceiling and it was dry. I searched everywhere for signs of leaks: none. The top of the dresser was completely dry. The only water was in the bowl.

I went to work and pushed the incident to the back of my mind. While eating lunch at work that evening, a fellow employee walked up and said, “Did you hear about Fritz? He was murdered sometime during the night. His body was found this morning. The police have a suspect, and they are searching for him.”

Several weeks passed without the killer being apprehended. One afternoon I again approached the dresser to get my keys and change. And now, for the second time, the bowl was filled with water. I was certain that someone had the keys to my apartment and was entering while I slept with the intention of messing with my mind.

I went to work with a short list of possible characters in mind, people who might be entering while I slept. At lunch, the same fellow who had originally informed me of Fritz’s death approached me: “Did ya hear? They caught Fritz’s murderer last night in Reno, Nevada.”

The bowl had been filled twice: The night he was murdered, and the night his murderer was captured.

I don’t believe in ghosts and goblins and the like. I believe there’s a scientific explanation for everything. But I’ve never been able to come up with an explanation for “the bowl with water.” I finally decided I’d never be able to come up with a solution and pushed it to the back of my mind.

[I should add that] a year before he died, I sold to Fritz a 50-gallon fish tank. At the bottom of that tank was a 24″ piece of petrified wood, a log. That log was used to bludgeon Fritz to death.

Another poster pointed out “So that’s where the water came from”  [i.e water to fill his cup of coins/keys]

Also, I knew who the murderer was. I’d never met him, but had seem him from a distance. He was a felon out on parole. Awaiting trial for the murder, he attempted suicide in his cell. The victim’s family asked that the trial not be public.

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I have had several experiences of this sort. So have many others.

Solutreanism is a stripped-down religion. For Aryans, not semites.

God. Afterlife. Courage. You make your bed and you lie in it. God loves those who try as hard as they possibly can. He is lonely and disappointed when we let Him down. ther is one thing God cannot do: Make us volunteer from our own free will to do the right thing. Only we can make Him happy, by opening our hearts in a grand individual decision to the noble path.


(I love it.)

[source: http://mantiqaltayr.wordpress.com/2010/06/02/proposed-joint-resolution-no-666-supporting-israel/]

Proposed Joint Resolution No.666 Supporting Israel

June 2, 2010 · 24 Comments

1. As you all know, we here at Mantiq al-Tayr always try to be of service. In light of the recent events in international waters in the Mediterranean where hoards of peace activists landed by helicopter at night onto the decks of helpless Israeli commando boats and beat the shit out of the commandos, killed somewhere between 10 and 20 of them, and then hauled these commando boats and their pacifist commando passengers to Tehran where they were forced to sign papers written in Farsi that said they acknowledge that Israeli hummus is nothing but a cheap imitation of the  hummus served to Hasan Nasrallah every morning; in light of all this, the whole team here at Mantiq al-Tayr has jumped to action. In order to save time for Israel’s representatives in both the US House and Senate – many of whom have been on vacation – probably in Israel or maybe even at “Man’s Country” – we have drawn up a joint House and Senate resolution condemning the violence perpetrated against Israel and supporting as violent an Israeli response as possible. This joint resolution is based on the Senate resolution back in January of 2009, sponsored by Senator Harry Reid (Likud, Nevada) and co-sponsored by 31 other Senators that sided with Israel in its self defense against the murderous women and children of the Gaza Strip.

We suggest cutting and pasting the draft resolution below and faxing it to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well as to your own representatives and that you demand that they bring this resolution to a vote by June 8th, 2010.

Now, now, I can hear you all bitching and moaning “Mantiq, we don’t even know who are representatives are, never mind their fax numbers. We gave up on the government years ago. We’d like to help, but we don’t know where to turn.”

Once again it’s Mantiq to the rescue. First of all, here is Nancy Pelosi’s fax number:  202-225-8259

Here is Harry Reid’s fax number: 202-224-7327

And  here you can get the fax numbers of every single Representative and Senator.

Below is the proposed text of Joint Resolution 666. Fax away folks.


Joint Senate and House Resolution 666

Whereas the Freegaza movement is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and of the Jewish people;

Whereas Rache Corrie got what she deserved;

Whereas members of both Houses are on a mission from God to serve the state of Israel;

Whereas the majority of members of Congress place Israel’s interest over those of the American people;

Whereas the aforementioned members of Congress are a bunch of pussies when it comes to standing up to Israel;

Whereas the Zionist Lobby has a death grip on the entire legislative branch;

Whereas some members of the Senate, such as Charles Schumer, play roles which are “very important in the United States senate, [which] is [for us] to be shomers [guardians]— to be a or the shomer [s] [of] Yisrael. And [we] will continue to be that with every bone in [our] bod[ies]…”

Whereas other members of the legislative branch, such as Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, “ want to be able to maximize [our] ability[ies] to advance the interests of Israel”;

Whereas both chambers of the Legislative branch agree with Ms. Wasserman-Schultz  when she stated “The more advocates for Israel in America, the better.”

Whereas other members of Congress, such as Jane Harman – known to many Americans as “Mossad Jane” – are in close contact with Israeli agents;

Whereas the “Israel Project’s” advisory board is composed of one American actor and 22 members of the House and Senate, to wit:

Whereas many members of the House and the Senate have received free trips to Israel and have flown on Israel Project helicopters so as to see how serious the threat of peace in the region is to Israel’s well-being;

Whereas many members of the House and Senate are sex perverts whose pictures no doubt grace the walls of the classified spaces in the Israeli embassy in Washington DC;

Whereas Wayne Madsen has exposed one of our favorite hideouts in Chicago, “Man’s Country”, which now we can’t go to anymore thanks to White House proclivities in the same direction and man that pisses us off, now it’s back to tapping our shoes in mens’ bathrooms and we can’t tell you how much that sucks, but we digress;

Whereas many of us are being blackmailed;

Whereas we are all a bunch of cowards;

Whereas we support Israel’s murder of not only as many Palestinians as possible but also of the men of the USS LIBERTY;

Whereas we never did a fucking thing about the USS LIBERTY and never will;

Whereas the Executive Branch is riddled with Israeli spies;

Resolved,  that the Senate and the House –

(1)    express vigorous support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel as a Jewish and racist state with ever-expanding borders, and recognize its right to act in self-defense to protect its citizens by engaging in the wanton murder of defenseless civilians – men, woman and children – even if and especially if these individuals are American citizens;

(2)   encourage the Israeli Genocidal Forces (IGF) to torpedo the MV Rachel Corrie the same way they torpedoed the USS LIBERTY, only this time we ask that the IGF not fuck this one up and actually sink the ship and blame it on Iran;

(3)   demand that the Palestinians who dare to live in Judea and Samaria, the Gaza Strip, and inside the so-called green-line, renounce their God-given given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, just as our founding fathers would have had them do;

(4)   believe strongly that the US must commit to fighting more wars for Israel and hence recommend that the Joint Chiefs of Staff be placed directly under the command of the head of Israel’s armed forces so as make de-jure what is already de-facto.

(5) Will move Washington, D.C. to Jerusalem. Enough disingenuous hypocrisy is enough. We are Israel and there is NO light between Israel and the U.S;
(appropriate moment of grovelling and Israeli ass-kissing, holding of breath, and continue)

(6) blame Iran for EVERYTHING that has EVER happened that the U.S. simply does NOT like;

(7) cannot wait to double Israel’s annual tribute, in line with the ‘Shoah business’ slogan of ‘Six billion for six million!;

(8) support changing the 50 stars in the American flag to six-pointed ones instead of five-pointed ones. And how about just two wide blue stripes, instead of all them pinko red ones?;

(9) nominate Nancy Pelosi to sing the Israeli national anthem ‘Hatikvah’ to open the World Series, repeating her performance of singing it to a Jewish lobby group in the aftermath of 9/11;

(10) demand changing the name of the US dollar to the ‘shekel,’ so that collaborationist Christianity [a/k/a ‘Judaism for Gentiles’] can solicit its dwindling membership to contribute ‘shekels for Shabbat,’ for Christ’s sake;

(11) recommend the US Navy string an eruv around the entire border and seacoast of the U.S., with federal funding under the ‘Freedom to Schlep Act’;

(12) will double federal funding for the U.S. Holocaust Museum to $60 million, under the Shoah business slogan of ‘six gets you sixty’;

(13) will order the Library of Congress annex the Balfour Declaration to the U.S. Declaration of Independence;

(14) proudly proclaim May 14th, the date of Israel’s founding, as a paid holiday for Congress and federal workers;

(15) endorse Israel’s right to proclaim victimhood 365 days a year and 366 days during leap years.

2. If you would like to add items to either the “Whereas” or “Resolved” sections, post them in the comments. If they are approved by the team here, I’ll add them to the body of the resolution.

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