ENGLISH Leftist antizionists wuss out on Rachel Corrie ship; my interview with Michael Collins Piper

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My reaction to reading an article in the German Establishment newsmagazine Der Spiegel (http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,698916,00.html) about the problem-free Israeli seizure of the “Rachel Corrie” aid ship for Gaza last night is nausea and abysmal disgust.

(http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article7144099.ece#cid=OTC-RSS&attr=797093 Israeli commando who shot six passengers in aid convoy in line for medal)

But what else can you expect when “antiracist” leftists go up against the Jews and Israel? They are so full of Holocaust guilt crap toward the “poor Jews” and ‘brave little Israel” and white guilt trips that we vicious white people holocausted the poor little hook-nosed darlings (and also that “we [whites] failed to stop Hitler in time”) that in the end white leftists always back down.

I’ll just summarize this ipecac article that made me want to vomit.

The crew and passengers on the “Rachel Corrie” (a relief ship named after a pretty leftist American peace activist, a girl who was crushed to death in 2002 by an Israeli bulldozer) surrendered sickeningly without the slightest struggle to the Israeli thugs, who easily took over the ship.

The Israhell-is, in their ineffable chutzpah (because the Chosen People have the right to censor everyone’s speech), refused to call the ship by its correct name, the “Rachel Corrie,” but instead they referred to it only by its previous name, the “Linda.” (Thus they dehumanized the woman they had murdered with their bulldozer. Her life and horrific death became an inconvenient PR problem to be de-mentioned.)

The unspeakable and rabid psychopath Benjamin Netanyahu, prime sinister of Israhell, said that the ship was part of building an “Iranian harbor” for Gaza……

Netanya-jew, master of the UN….

He said cement (to rebuild Gaza houses) was a military weapon…….

Oh, and the Turks wussed out; not one country’s naval forces protected the peaceful ship “Rachel Corrie” from the thugs who mugged it.

It was like crushing that girl Rachel all over again.

Rachel before:

Rachel after:

The Israeli government sent out itself a link to this sarcastic video, which is one long stream of psychic diarrhea and insolent lies:

In reaction to the endless Big Lies of which, as Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, the Jews are past masters, this:

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June 4, 2010 at 08:19 (Palestine, Poetry, Sarcasm, War Crimes, zionist harassment)

A massacre is not a massacre
Ghassan Hage
Occupation is not occupation (Anne Paq/ActiveStills)
I don’t write poems but, in any case, poems are not poems.Long ago, I was made to understand that Palestine was not Palestine;
I was also informed that Palestinians were not Palestinians;
They also explained to me that ethnic cleansing was not ethnic cleansing.

And when naive old me saw freedom fighters they patiently showed me that they were not freedom fighters, and that resistance was not resistance.
And when, stupidly, I noticed arrogance, oppression and humiliation they benevolently enlightened me so I can see that arrogance was not arrogance, oppression was not oppression, and humiliation was not humiliation.

I saw misery, racism, inhumanity and a concentration camp.

But they told me that they were experts in misery, racism, inhumanity and concentration camps and I have to take their word for it: this was not misery, racism, inhumanity and a concentration camp.

Over the years they’ve taught me so many things: invasion was not invasion, occupation was not occupation, colonialism was not colonialism and apartheid was not apartheid.

They opened my simple mind to even more complex truths that my poor brain could not on its own compute like: “having nuclear weapons” was not “having nuclear weapons,” “not having weapons of mass destruction” was “having weapons of mass destruction.”

And, democracy (in the Gaza Strip) was not democracy.

Having second class citizens (in Israel) was democracy.

So you’ll excuse me if I am not surprised to learn today that there were more things that I thought were evident that are not: peace activists are not peace activists, piracy is not piracy, the massacre of unarmed people is not the massacre of unarmed people.

I have such a limited brain and my ignorance is unlimited.
And they’re so fucking intelligent. Really.

Ghassan Hage is professor of anthropology and social theory at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

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I was talking to Brendon O’Connell in Australia last night. He has never been a white nationalist, just an antizionist and a man who like most Australians hates those who stomp on the underdog. I did an important interview with him last night which will be held in abeyance, since he is under an outrageous “gag order” and cannot talk about the charges against him or the eleven-year sentence he is facing. He cannot post anything to the Internet either on any subject under the sun. (So how do you rally supporters and get donations to afford a decent lawyer when you cannot talk online about what the government is doing to you?)

But he said to me that the ONLY ones who have seriously helped him have been, not his leftist pro-Palestinian friends, or his tree-hugging friends, because to help him would mean going up against the Jews, but ONLY the white nationalists like me and others.

As poor as I have been, I have been helping him financially, and I ask you therefore to help ME:

John de Nugent
213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055

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All this wimpiness by the antinazis and lefties reminds me of what I have heard people mutter for decades to me…not white nationalists themselves — but just regular people in-the-know who see the Jews’ depredations.

“It’s gonna take another Hitler.”

NOT any wussy lefties paralyzed by guilt. It takes a real jewfighter. Someone who truly “gets” what violent hate, evil and genocide they want for the world.

And by the way, my analysis here — https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/06/01/english-american-blinded-by-israelis-plural-marriage/ (near the end) — was correct: the mighty Turks wussed out too.

As I wrote:

My take on this is as follows:

I know the Turks are a tough and proud people, and even very violent if they feel provoked in their honor. (The white nationalists in Germany constantly report how violent they are.)

My father fought as a US Marine Corps officer alongside the Turks against the North Koreans and Chinese in the Korean War, and said they were incredibly brave and tough.

So the question is…..

Will the Turks really provide military escorts and will they fire on the Israeli navy?

I am skeptical.

1) the Israelis keep dirt files on every major Turkish politician, just as they do on every American, British, French or Italian politician, for that matter. With dirt files you can blackmail people to do your will.

Washington DC runs on blackmail files, or even dueling blackmail files: Is what you have on me worse than what I have on you? And can indictments arise from it?

2) The Israelis are threatening to harm the Turkish economy, and that means the Wall Street jewish titans also…..

So we will see what happens.

It is thus time for a new, a different man to arise who takes on the same role as Hitler did then, to fight the Jew power without any negotiation, taking it to their jugular.

Support me so I can finish my momentous book and start an organization and a WHITE TRIBE that will survive for centuries, to prevail where even such great men as Robert E. Lee and Adolf Hitler failed.

Is this easy? No. Is this scary for me? Yes.

As John Kennedy said:

“We do these things not because they are easy, but BECAUSE they are hard.”

I drove 900 miles one-way to support and speak (exhausted and in a hoarse voice) at the nearly collapsing David Duke-EURO conference in November 2008. Many speakers cancelled after the Jew-black conspracy to deny the group any meeeting place.

(David Duke is initially praising at length my protégé Henrik Holappa in his intro, and then introduces me. I come on around halfway into this “video”, around the time of “5:30.” The Duke/EURO staff unfortunately flubbed a key technical aspect of my short remarks, but this is what I was able to say. And the t-shirt I was holding up depicted the black back-to-Africa leader Marcus Garvey. It is a shame that there is no genuine VID-eo of my remarks, or Henrik Holappa’s, or Margaret Huffstickler’s…..)

My Finnish protégé Henrik Holappa’s remarks, in his very first speech, and in English. (He subsequently arrested by Homeland Security.)

Margaret singing wonderfully the Stephen Foster art song “Ah, may the red rose live alway” (not “always”) with the powerful refrain: “WHY must the beautiful DIE?” (and indeed, why should the ugly and wicked flourish and the noble and beautiful die out?):

(after around the time “4:15” — you can hear me joking on-mike about David Duke’s white dog and the “doggy bag”……)


====================radio show with Michael Collins Piper

I was recently on the Michael Collins Piper show on Republic Broadcasting Network (http://republicbroadcasting.org)

Mike Piper, the host, is a born Pennsylvanian who wrote the magisterial book Final Judgment, which IMO solved once and for all the vital question of who killed John F. Kennedy …. the last US president not controlled totally by the Israel lobby. Kennedy firmly and actively opposed Israel’s acquisition of the hydrogen bomb and found himself addressed by Israeli prime minister (or prime sinister) David Ben Gurion with supreme arrogance in a letter as “young man” — even though John Kennedy was the elected President of the United States (and even a US citizen…)

(This fascinating and constantly updated book with the newest findings is available from American Free Press at www.americanfreepress.net or by calling 202-544-5977 in Washington DC.)

This link has the mp3 of my guest appearance on the long-running Michael Collins Piper show on RBN, June 1, 2010


(We discussed the Israeli massacre of the Gaza aid ship passengers and the topic of semitic peoples having violent neanderthalic genes.)

This radio show referrred back to Piper’s radio interview a few days before with the bold and visionary author Michael Bradley of Toronto, Canada, who posits that the neanderthal subspecies of prehistoric man never entirely died out, but instead became the genetic base of the modern semitic peoples of the Midde East. He further posited that their power causes tremendous world conflict and intolerant world religions because neanderthals see other subspecies (such as, for example, white people, who are the race descended directly from the cro-magnons) as their hereditary rivals and as enemies to be destroyed. Bradley is half-Jewish himself, and recently some of his key findings were validated by the Max Planck Institute in Germany and published by the renowned scientist Svante Pääbo in the prestigious journal Science, reversing Pääbo’s own previous findings. (Pääbo is also half-Jewish.)


The vindicated Michael Bradley (http://michaelbradley.info)

His seminal 1992 book Chosen People from the Caucasus states that semitic peoples have Stone Age neanderthal genes in significant amounts, and this encourages violence, fanaticism and oppression of women (even of goddeses!)

See my webpage for information: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/neanderthals-and-semites/


  1. We need another Hitler? Why? So he can be vilified in the end?

    What we need is another Hitler in every nation across the globe.

  2. We (all White nations) need to unite with all Oriental nations to defend Earth from the jews, the enemy of Earth. If we do not unite with the Orientals, the jews will use the Orientals against the White race, after we are sufficiently weakened. Once the White race has been conquered and exterminated, the jews WILL focus on the extermination of the Oriental race. If the jews can defeat (via extermation) the White race, they will be able to defeat (via extermination) the Oriental race. Humanity’s best chance is for the White race and the Oriental race to unite while the White race is still a viable race. If the Orientals wait until the White race is effectively gone (for self-centered racial competition reasons), the chance of the Orientals defeating the jew on their own will be close to zero.

    This meme needs to get publicized worldwide. Your website, John, has reach. I hope you will begin to push this theme of the White race uniting with the Oriental race against the jew as one of your own major themes — while there is still time to do so.

    I know it’s early, in a sense — since our own people have not yet awakened. But our people ARE AWAKENING. And so we must begin now to form an alliance with the Orientals. They must awaken too. But they must awaken with the realization that we have, the world has, a common enemy: the jew.

    The other people of the world do not have present or potential significant power. This is why I believe what matters is the uniting of the White nations and the Oriental nations. Any others who want to join in this war between human beings and the jew would, naturally, be welcome. We are all — all human beings — in this war to the death together. Everything wonderful that is and can be — is at stake.

  3. Good point, Tenniel.

    I would be happy to make an alliance with the Japanese, for whom I have great respect and who, I believe, are part-white as well due to Ainu genes. In my dealings with them I have found them to be honorable.

    http://democratic-republicans.us/jdn/2009/04/22/the-savitri-devi-articles (Scroll way down to “Japan is one big racial tribe”.)

    As for the other major Asiatic power, China, I believe them to already be joined at the hip with the Jews, and equally materialistic, ruthless and nearly as psychopathic. Ralph Townsend’s book “Ways that are Dark” about Chinese culture was eye-opening.

    I greatly fear a Chinese-Jewish alliance, but I think that may already be in effect and beneficial for both sides, which I have reason to believe hate us equally.

    You might review my blog on this:

    (esp the very end) http://democratic-republicans.us/jdn/2008/04/05/through-eugenics-the-world-can-change

  4. A good point re the Chinese. Yes, I have heard that they are already allied — which really means or will mean that they are under the influence now (and control later) of the jew. There are no (genuine) “alliances” between gentile and jew. But the jew is happy to use gentile DUPES for their own long term purpose (which is always Genocide via divide and conquer). That being the truth, we need to awaken the Chinese PEOPLE to that truth if there is a way to do so. I like the idea of allying with the Japanese (the Oriental Aryans) and the Taiwanese.

    As I’ve said, such a jew-Chinese alliance is in the long term NOT beneficial to both side — only to one side: the jew. China will make short term gains — just as the White race was riding high for a couple of hundred years. With the White race eliminated, in the LONG TERM, the Chinese will then be exterminated. The process of Chinese extermination has, in fact, already begun. I understand there is already a negroid city in China. This negroidization will only grow over the next 100 years — and China, like America, will be no more.

  5. The only way to get to the Chinese is explaining that the worst humiliation in their history, the Opium Wars, was caused by the Jews – the Sassoon family, which used the British Empire to sell (force) drugs onto China.

  6. There’s something else the jews did to China — that today’s Chinese are even more unhappy about. The MURDER of 35 MILLION Chinese during the imposition of JEWISH marxism on China in “The Great Leap Forward.” The jew connection to this story would be worth researching and telling — TO THE CHINESE PEOPLE (if there’s a way to do so).

    Well, memes often have greater disseminating power than we expect.

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