I hate fake quotes; we cannot lie as the Jews always do to win; major statement on Jesus the Nordic with his “noble lie”

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Sad to say that while the message above about the Jews promoting race-mixing is 1000% true, there is no corroboration whatsoever at all for this Rabbi Rabinovich’s words, or that this specific rabbi actually ever existed,  or that there ever took place a big Budapest Jewish event in Stalinist Hungary in 1952. (In fact, Joseph Stalin was then on his third wave of antisemitism,  the “Doctors Plot” campaign.)

AND the National Geographic cover is also fake. (Who on earth in the public would buy such a cover besides, maybe, black men? Just think about it. It is both offensive to 90% of NG readers and also R-rated. What news-stand would carry it????)

As Dr. William Pierce used to say (and he said it to me):



“The Jews say and do so many real and verifible things that there is no need to invent them. People who invent stuff are just lazy, and besides, as Hitler said, we will never beat the jews anyway at their own game, which is lying.”

Why are these verifiable quotes not enough?

Yes — as an Israeli professor at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel, Ariel Toaff, son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome,  proved in 2007– some jews do ritually murder white, Christian children, crucifying them while conscious, and draining out all their blood with a hundred stab wounds in order to dry it into a powder and then they bake this Christian blood into matzoh bread for Passover. They also did this to an adult Catholic priest, in Damascus, Syria, on February 5, 1840, though the naive priest, Father Thomas, had been an outspoken friend and helper of the local Jews.


Anyway, we are not going to wake the masses up with fake quotes.

Besides, lying itself is an act that is arch-Jewish! Should we ourselves go down to the level of the sickening Jews!?

Jesus as depicted in the catacombs of Rome by the very earliest Christians, including some who had known Him

These fake quotes have been around for a decade or more — I saw them first, however, on the Net — and obviously have accomplished little.

I posted yesterday in French an entire book by the great French novelist Lousi Céline (actually a practicing medical doctor, a regular physician named Louis Destouches, MD) who once also worked in the US, in Detroit, Michigan, in fact.

In his Les beaux draps (“A fine mess”) in 1941 Céline condemns his own French people (not that the other white nations are one whit better!) for ignoring the truth about the horrible Jewish peril for decades.

Édouard Drumont was bashing the Jews long before Céline, in bestsellers going way back the 1880s.

“Popular illustrated edition: Jewish France”

Jewish army captain Dreyfus sold top military secrets to Germany for call-girl and champagne money; all the jews in France rallied to him and called the plain truth of his dangerous treason a lie. (The French had excellent artillery, and he sold the Germans everything he had.) The sneering jew Dreyfus was finally released from Devil’s Island, where a French army court martial had justly sent him, and his accusers defamed as lying bigots.

And Céline had picked up the cudgels himself in the 1930s with his successful, brilliant and funny novels such as “Journey to the End of Night.”

And yet the French in 1940 still trooped off to war against a once-again innocent Germany, like lambs to the jew slaughter, and 100,000 Frenchmen were killed.

France was beaten, humiliated, and occupied in just six weeks despite an enormous army (which actually had fought very well in World War One!!!) and having built the vast and expensive fortification system in eastern France against Germany called “the Maginot Line.”

This was an interview in the 1950s with Céline, a quiet, sensitive man,  as you can see, defending himself (English subtitles) after he had returned from exile in Denmark against the interviewer’s charges that he was all hateful and inciting violence against the poor Jews:

His 1941 novel “A fine mess” can be summarized this way:

The opening section of the pamphlet is, in the main, a commentary on the psychological weakness of the French soldiery, especially during the First World War – in which Céline did military service for a short time.

He deals with the formation of the new French elite out of gullible country bumpkins by wily, urban, Parisian Jews, then with the apathy and inertia of the working class — socialist or communist-influenced, but they do not have the financial esources to mount a successful revolution against the bourgeois, which is not born out of noble sentiments but envy — because they just want to be rich, too.

The Jews themselves have the big banks to support their own world-transforming revolutions, like the one they committed [with Jacob Schiff’s money] against the Russian people in 1917-21.

The last section reinforces the selfishness of both the working class and the bourgeoisie and their easy deception by the Jew, who, as Céline wrote,

“is always in agreement with you, whatever opinion you may express [think of the leftist Jews bashing Trump, the Wall and “Russian collusion” on CNN and MSNBC, and then the rightwing, flag-waving Jews over on FOX], but on this one condition: that always a jew has to be in charge.”

Céline, who was more a critic than a solver of our problems as humans, did, however, analyse the spiritual problem perfectly:

He wrote:

FR Les hommes semblent éprouver un grand effroi, absolument insupportable de se trouver un beau matin, tout seuls, absolument seuls, devant le vide. – Céline Les beaux draps, 1941

EN Men seem to experience a great fright —  absolutely intolerable to find themselves one fine morning quite alone, absolutely alone, before the void.


JdN: In a post-Christian era, Aryans do not know who or what they are (immortal souls), why they are here (to have relationships where they can learn to grow above the grunting, fighting, feeding, sexing, dying animal stage), what happens when they die (they are judged, and sent to other worlds, and then return to earth to try again to grow), or why evil keeps on beating down the good (because even the humblest man has a gigantic egoic mind that blocks out unpleasant realities and precludes human unity, to the utter delight of the cunning Jew, a professional, experienced, determined divider-and-conqueror of the goyim).

Christianity was what Plato (who dat? 😉 ) would have called a “noble lie,” a beautiful con spread with genuine miracles and the very best of motives by the Nordic who incarnated as Jesus to save the Aryans — and stop the Jews by undermining their own religion, or, failing that, by discrediting it.

Given the primitivity of humans, the Nordics decided the masses needed, certainly not a wallop of the whole truth, but instead a god, something they were used to, but a new god, an antisemitic god, a god who arose among the Jews in order to either change or undermine and expose them.

His miracles were very real, designed to wow the masses, and nothing that Nordics cannot do today with anti-gravity.

Jesus’ horrific death was not a result of cowardice, but was accepted by Him as necessary — and designed to

put a curse on the Jews forever for murdering a loving Prince of Peace.

The murder of Gentle Jesus, as intended, made Christianity intrinsically antisemitic at its very core. Christianity, still strong two  thousand years later for teaching that God is our “heavenly father” and that “God is love,” is the only major world religion whose founder was murdered by the jews.

I repeat, for all you Christ-bashing blockheads 😉 :

Christianity is the only major world religion whose founder was murdered by the Jews.

Mary and the Savior, by some nut named Adolf Hitler

But Christianity, especially as twisted by the “Apostle” Paul, a “former” Sanhedrin employee, half-rejudaized the breakaway religion. Now Christianty is both 1/3 false and an actual danger.



……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?

UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”

One more good reason why Christianity must be kept (though urgently fixed)


On white people rising up against the Jews:

Ça suffit pas la misère pour soulever le peuple, les exactions des tyrans, les grandes catastrophes militaires, le peuple — il se soulève jamais, il supporte tout, même la faim, jamais de révolte spontanée, il faut qu’on le soulève, avec quoi ? Avec du pognon.

Pas d’or, pas de révolution.

Les damnés pour devenir conscients de leur état abominable il leur faut une littérature, des grands apôtres, des hautes consciences, des pamphlétaires vitrioleux, des meneurs dodus francs hurleurs, des ténors versés dans la chose, une presse hystérique, une radio du tonnerre de Dieu, autrement ils se douteraient de rien, ils roupilleraient dans leur belote. Tout ça se paye, c’est pas gratuit, c’est des budgets hyperboliques, des tombereaux de pognon qui déversent sur le trèpe pour le faire fumer.

In English:

Misery is not enough to stir the people up, the ill-treatment of the tyrants, the great military catastrophes. The people will never be incited successfully. They tolerate everything, even hunger, so never is there any spontaneous revolt. They have to be stirred up, and with what? With cash.

No money, no revolution.

Bread line during the Great Depression, during which the masses four times elected the utter con man and failure Franklin Roosevelt, a half-Jew. As Céline says,  the masses delude themselves that “voting should really suffice to solve our problems.” 

For the damned to become conscious of their abominable condition they require a literature, great apostles, people with highly developed conscience, vitriolic pamphleteers, stout leaders who yell, leading lights experienced in these matters, a hysterical press, a radio emitting constant divine thunder.

Otherwise they will not suspect anything; they’ll fall asleep over card-games. All that revolution has to be paid for; it’s not free, It’s a matter of hyperbolic budgets, of cartloads of cash that are discharged on the garbage to make it smoke.


When I did this massive project on Captain Archibald Ramsay’s The Nameless War, he really flushed this out, that without massive amounts of Jew money and experts on subversion, no successful revolution against any modern, powerful government is possible.


I wonder how man peepul have even looked at this, my six-month project about a true masterpiece? 😉



…..Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

WWI hero Ramsay, a Member of Parliament, was jailed without charges for four years by Churchill to prevent him from opposing a fratricidal war with Hitler Germany!



For all governments have their highly paid, highly trained secret state police who keep a close eye on subversives, rebels, dissidents, rabble-rousers and troublemakers, and on any financial, weapons and ideological training ties they may have with hostile foreign powers.

No one experienced this more than I did as an open and active national socialist, attemtping to run for president when these three ruthless psychopaths were in power between 2009-17: arrests, massive waves of defamation, constant theft of mail containing donations, bank accounts closed, harassment, death threats, a direct threat from the White House itself to me on my phone on 23 November 2015, black helicopters overhead, and grinding daily poverty.

President Barack Obama sits with Attorney General Eric Holder, left, and FBI Director Robert Mueller.

The one great exception in human history — a successful revolution not financed  by the Jews — was the National Socialist German Workers Party, which came to power legally and was largely self-financed from the tiny monthly dues of the suffering working and lower middle class.

Despite all the vile Jews lies about Wall Street financing Hitler, the WASP fat cats sent very little, and even then it was only later on… only after the Hitler movement had already gained steam.

The goal today is the same as then: to liberate our suffering white nations and lead them to the folk community anew.

But this time we shall address the underlying cause of our idiotic cowardice and wilful ignorance – the spiritual void.

Then the masses, ENOUGH of the masses, will understand,  for the first time in their lives, and really deep, deep inside:

Who and what am I?

Why am I here?

What happens when I die?

If there is a God, then why does evil so often defeat the good? 



….. lesson


When George Dubya Bush declared on the and USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003 “Mission Accomplished”, that was a lie, and one based on earlier lies about Saddam having “weapons of mass destruction” and how “the Iraqis will welcome us as their liberators” — so therefore it had to crumble, and it did.

No lie, noble or ignoble, can stand. Our race, at least on this one very benighted planet, will either embrace the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, or die.

(August 2, 1934 was when the old, conservative Reich president Paul von Hindenburg died, and Chancellor Hitler became the unchallenged master of all Germany under the new legal title of Führer.)

But if we perish from our own wilful ignorance and disgusting cowardice, proving we are not worthy to live, the enlightened branches of our white race will go on evolving, go on growing, and go on fighting the evil that exists throughout the galaxy.





    • That is very polite and respectful of you. 🙂 I am indeed dedicated to the truth per se. And once one has been slandered (as happens to any WN activist whom the jews genuinely fear), and you see people gobbling it up, then you realize the danger and harm that come from lies, and from those who embrace lies without the slightest effort to verify the claims which people whisper in their ear.

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