Image goes viral of two members of the “hate-filled mob” (the Yellow Vests) slandered by spoiled weirdo Macrothschild

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"Hateful mob members © Benoit Tessier Source: Reuters. Président Macron, the rich, childless weirdo married to his 20 years senior English teacher,  said in a nationally televised New Years address: 

The two presidential predecessors of Macron, Sarkozy and Hollande, both secret Jews, with their Macron baby:

“The first surrogate pregnancy

The delivery took place on 14 May 2017

The pregnancy lasted 10 years “

“Hate-filled mob”: in response to Macron, a photograph of two Yellow Vests becomes viral

[source: ]

Reacting to the head of state’s phrase about “hate mongers,” netizens have been sharing a photograph of two Yellow Vests sitting by a fire: a woman resting her head on the shoulder of an elderly man leaning on a cane.

Emmanuel Macron demarcated himself in his speech held on December 31 from his earlier mea culpa remarks in his mid-December speech aimed at responding to the Yellow Vests crisis .

The New Years Eve speech contained this particular and harsh sentence: “…and becoming the mouthpieces of a hate-filled mob, they [Yellow Vests”] attack elected officials, the police, journalists, Jews, foreigners, and homosexuals, which simply is the negation of France!”

If the head of state did not once said the word “Yellow Vests” during the 16 minutes of his speech , commentators see a barely veiled reference to their national mobilization against him that began in November. And, on social networks, many Internet users wanted to respond to what they perceived as defamatory remarks against the Yellow Vests.

In this regard, one photograph has been shared repeatedly on Twitter: that of two people wearing yellow vests, sitting outside near a fire – a woman resting her head on the shoulder of an elderly man, who leans on his cane.

Collectif Carton jaune@collCartonJaune

EN You simply cannot love the French people or France to dare to call the #GiletsJaunes a “hate-filled mob.”

Here it is, Macron, our “hate”!

Voir l'image sur Twitter




1 Comment

  1. JdN never slackens in the struggle for our aryan race! More men of your character are urgently needed!

    Not very known is the fact, that Rothschild and Marx (Mordechai) are directly related:

    They use this strategy of capitalism and communism to strangel us. NatSoc is the third way, which can save us. That the jews clearly want us all dead, can be seen here:
    “Are you jewish? Yes=Love, No=Death”

    “Death to all Goyim” (all non jews=Goyim=cattle)

    They use mass migration and race mixing as a bio weapon against whites!

    White genocide is a crime that must be punishable by death!

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