1. Records are always being broken and new ones set. January 15, 2019, was the worst chemtrail spraying I’ve ever witnessed over the Boston area. The afternoon sky was saturated with this poison. It made me sick – literally and figuratively. I keep a log of chemtrails over my area. I’m not sure why. Maybe I feel it’s the only way to fight back. Maybe I feel I’m gathering evidence of a crime. Probably both.

    I’ve noticed, several times, that these nano-sized particles take two hours to fall to earth. The effects start with itchy eyes and itchy nasal passages. Then a mildly sore throat. Symptoms then feel like a light case of the flu for a few hours.

    I’m astounded that the vast majority of people I point this out to while the spraying is occurring have no idea what is happening and don’t care. They tell me it’s water vapor or jet exhaust. I am shocked at the lack of concern. Some are interested, but the majority are not. This is right in front of their eyes, and they deny it.

    There is a shopping mall the next town over where the top of nearly every tree young tree, about 15′ tall, is dead.

    Perhaps one of the desired effects of this poison is to dumb-down the population. Judging by the reactions I’m getting, it’s working.

    Watching this upsetting video, I can’t think of any possible better use of a surface-to-air missile.

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