This is just the beginning, the beginning of a radical new kind of Christianity.
There can be a new serenity, a new inner peace, and a new joy. But “happiness,” which depends on the external world, is far off.
And God is just in all that shall happen. We reap what we sow, as an individual and as a people.
It is said that we have just one life. I disagree.
……Second email
John 8:44-48
“You are from your father, the Devil,
who was a liar and murderer from the beginning.
When he lies, he is speaking from his own nature!
The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
Peter Schafer-Jesus in the Talmud-Princeton University Press (2007)
He [Onqelos] went and brought up Jesus the Nazarene (Yeshu hanotzri)/the
sinners of Israel (posh< e Yisrael) 11 out of his/their grave(s)
84 Chapter 8
by necromancy and asked him/them: Who is important in that
He/they [Jesus/the sinners of Israel] answered: Israel!
[Onqelos:] What then about joining them?
[Jesus/the sinners of Israel:] Seek their welfare, seek not their
harm. Whoever touches them is as though he touches the apple of
his [God’s] eye!12
[Onqelos:] What is your punishment?
[Jesus/the sinners of Israel:] With boiling excrement.
For the master has said: Whoever mocks the words of the Sages is
punished with boiling excrement.
G: I’ve heard he was an honorable person..
T: No, Yeshu was an enemy of the Jewish people. He attempted to convert us into Christians. Although there are good Christians, to the Jews this is a terrible danger, a threat to the peace of the Jewish people.
G: I want to assimilate.
T: Do you even know what it means to assimilate? It means to get fucked up with a goyah [a fleshly, carnal being; the word “goyah” is related to the word “goy,” meaning literally a cow or bull, one of the cattle, a contemptuous word meaning a non-Jew]. This is something that neither I nor you, obviously, want.
G:I want my children to eat Toblerone [a chocolate bar] and become goyim.
I am bored here [in Israel], Toffee! I want to live in Switzerland with a goyah and eat Toblerone all day long!
T: Okay, darling, if you love Yeshu so much, you will have to play Yeshu. And I am Judas.
G: I am Yeshu. I want for all to become Christians, and eat pork and Toblerone, and have fun. Do you, the viewers at home, want to?
T: Because of this, I will crucify you. How dare you preach to the innocent Jews!?
G: “My God, why have you forsaken me?” [Quotation with sarcastic intent from Jesus on the Cross found at Matthew 27:46]
T: You are a Nazi, Yeshu. You are a Nazi.
G: [now on a cross as Toffee pounds a nail into his hand] Toffee! No, Toffee! I am scared! I walked on water! I transformed crickets into cake! No!
I am not Yeshu; this is a mistake! I am Moses, our teacher. Do not drive in the nails. Toffee, no!
T: It’s only one nail, you coward.
G: Nooo, oh Toffee, no, aaaaah, aaaaah, no, no, no, no! [dies]
“Yes, we do admit, and now say proudly, that Jesus is dead and suffering in hell, boiling forever in excrement, and that Mary was a whore. We say that (in “Toledot Yeshu” that Judas urinated and ejaculated sperm on Him.
And so we hate, revile and oppose Christ and all His followers, and we intend to enslave or exterminate you.
And so what will you, our cowardly, stupid, cattle-like (“goy”) slaves, do about it?”
“(Ignatiev) “Die sleutel tot die oplossing van die sosiale probleme van ons era is die afskaffing van die wit ras.” (Klein dogtertjie) “Hoekom haat jy my, meneer Jood?”
“As heidene weier om ‘n lewe van minderwaardigheid te lei, beteken dit hul opstand en die onvermydelike noodsaaklikheid van Joodse oorlogvoering teen hul teenwoordigheid.” –Mordechai Nisan (Wiki in Afrikaans; in engels:
“Die wit liberale skuldkompleks
Wit rassiste is kwaad. Ons haat blanke mense. Ons haat ons voorvaders en ons erfenis. Wit Christene het die groot swart ras verslaaf en onderdruk. Hulle het swartes in krotbuurte laat woon en ontwerp IK-toetse om hierdie dinamiese ras van uitvinders, ontdekkingsreisigers en bouers van die beskawing te laat dom te verskyn. Ons is lief vir die swartes en hul hoë kultuur!
My vrou en ek het ons laat van ‘n dokter steriliseer sodat ons geen wit duiwelskinders kon hê nie. Nou neem ons swart kinders aan om die samelewing se onregte reg te stel.
Eendag sal alle mense in die wêreld een gemengde ras wees en mekaar lief hê. Natuurlik moet ons daardie vrot wittes uitvee … vrot wittes … vrot wittes … vrot wittes … vrot wittes … vrot wittes ”
“O, dit is brave gojim! Hulle herhaal soos ‘n papegaai wat ook al ons hulle leer in die televisie en flieks.”
“Shalom, welkom in Israel
Heidene is slegs gebore om ons te dien. Sonder dit het hulle geen plek in die wêreld nie, net om die volk van Israel te dien. — Rabbi Obadja Josef (in engels;) in afrikaans:
A few years ago I read this outstanding work in French by Martin Peltier, a French patriot and Christian. Its title obviously means “Jewish Anti-Christianism,” and is a reversal of the usual Jewish phrase about “Christian Antisemitism.”
In it, Peltier demonstrates how the Jews moved heaven and earth to defame the Christians and get the Roman authorities and the general population to hate and kill the Christians.
Professor Schaefer’s pro-Jewish book actually agrees, and fully supports the main message of Martin Peltier.
On pp118-21 of Jesus in the Talmud, we read of the Jews defaming and accusing Christians of committing cannibalism, incest and orgies.
This accusation can be found early on in the pagan and Christian literature, and it should not come as a surprise that R. Eliezer was charged with it by the Roman authorities. It appears already in the Christian apologist Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho, written in Rome around the mid-second century C.E. There, Justin addresses his Jewish interlocutors as follows:
My friends, is there any accusation you have against us other than this, that we do not observe the law, nor circumcise the flesh as our forefathers did, nor observe the Sabbath as you do? Or do you also condemn our customs and morals? This is what I say, lest you, too, believe that we eat human flesh and that after our banquets we extinguish the lights and indulge in unbridled sensuality? Or do you only condemn us for believing in such doctrines and holding opinions which you consider false?17
Having first referred to the obvious and well-known distinction between the Jews and the new Christian sect (they do not circumcise themselves and do not observe the Sabbath), Justin gets to talking about the slanders spread about: that the Christians celebrate orgies during which they practice cannibalism and promiscuous sex.
The Jew Trypho’s brief answer (“This last charge is what surprises us, replied Trypho. Those other charges which the rabble lodge against you are not worthy of belief, for they are too repulsive to human nature”) reveals that these horrible slanders are indeed widespread but that he does not take them very seriously: the subsequent discussion shows that he is mainly concerned about the Christian habit of not observing the Sabbath and the festivals and not practicing circumcision.
Moreover, he seems to ignore the question of who is the originator of these slanders—or else takes the answer for granted—and simply dismisses them as repulsive. However, later in the dialogue Justindoes not leave any doubt that he holds the Jews responsible for the slanders:
“And you [the Jews] accuse him [Jesus] of having taught those irreverent, riotous, and wicked things, of which you everywhere accuse all those who look up to and acknowledge him as their Christ, their teacher, and the Son of God.”18
No doubt, the “irreverent, riotous, and wicked things” refer to the orgies of cannibalism and sex mentioned earlier, and no doubt either that the Jews not only are presented here as the source of theslanders but as those who spread it about the whole civilized world, sending out “certain men chosen by vote” into every part of the empire as official representatives, “proclaiming that a godless and lawless sect has been started by a deceiver, one Jesus of Galilee.”19 But what precisely is this strange ritual of cannibalism and sex?
Tertullian, Justin’s younger colleague (second half of the second century C.E.) reports more graphic details. In his Apology,
written 197 C.E., he writes:
“We are said to be the most criminal of men (sceleratissimi), on the score of our sacramental baby-killing and the baby-eating that goes with it (sacramento infanticidii et pabulo inde) and the incest that follows the banquet, where the dogs are our pimps in the dark, forsooth, and make a sort of decency for guilty lusts by overturning the lamps.
That, at all events, is what you always say about us; and yet you take no pains to bring into the daylight what you have been saying about us all this long time. Then, I say, either bring it out, if you believe all this, or refuse to believe it after leaving it uninvestigated.”20
And even more drastic is Tertullian’s malicious parody of the alleged Christian ritual in the following chapter, ironically inviting the Jewish interlocutor to join in with the Christians:
Come, plunge the knife into the baby, nobody’s enemy, guilty of nothing, everybody’s child; or, if that is another man’s job, do you just stand by (that is all), by this human creature dying before it has lived; watch for the young soul as it escapes; catch the infant blood, steep your bread with it; eat and enjoy it.
Meanwhile, as you recline on your couch, reckon the places where your mother, your sister, may be; make a careful note so that, when the darkness of the dogs’ contriving shall fall, you can make no mistake.
You will be guilty of a sin, unless you have committed incest. So initiated, so sealed, you live for ever….
You must have a baby, still tender, that can know nothing of death, that can smile under your knife; add a loaf to catch its juicy blood; add lampstands and lamps, a dog or two, and some sops to set the dogs tumbling the lamps over; above all, you must come with your mother and sister.21
This story, as Elias Bickerman has demonstrated in a famous article,22 is nothing but the anti-Christian adaptation of an originally anti-Jewish propaganda narrative that accuses the Jews of ritualistic cannibalism. Its most prominent anti-Jewish propagandist is Apion, the Greek scholar of Egyptian origin in first century C.E. Alexandria, who, according to Josephus, relates the “malicious slander” about the Jews, capturing, fattening, slaughtering, and finally consuming the flesh of a foreigner (Greek) in a bizarre ritual.23
In our anti-Christian version, the clandestine symposium consists of the two elements of cannibalismand sexual orgies among the participants, more precisely (in Tertullian) incestuous sexual orgies.
[JdN: “Incestuous” here would likely refer to brother-sister sex, since Christians were well-known to address each other, then as now, as “brother” or “sister.”]
The more detailed description in the second quotation from Tertullian, with the blood of the slaughtered child collected by the bread and then shared by all the participants, is clearly a parody of the wine and bread of the Eucharist.24
And the incestuous sexual orgy seems to be an inversion of the Christian command to love one another.25 Hence, according to the early Church Fathers, the Jews take up a propaganda narrative that was originally directed against them and turn it into a powerful anti-Christian weapon with the declared goal to discredit the new sect once and forever.
Ironically, in our Eliezer b. Hyrkanos story, it is the Jewish rabbis who adopt this anti-Christian propaganda and apply (part of ) it to one of them—to mark, and eliminate, him as the arch-heretic.
Schaefer confirms that the Talmud repeatedly calls Mary a whore and Jesus “the whore’s son”:
“La tragédie échauffe l’âme, élève le cœur, peut et doit créer des héros.”
………Facing our own inner reality
And we must face the flaw in our own race.
We tend more than other races to place a naive trust in anything with white skin. This causes us to let our guard down in fatal ways.
Remember that one trait of our race (even if we have brown eyes) is to often have blue eyes in our family tree.
And in German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish do you know what the secondary meaning of “blue-eyed” is?
NAIVE! (in Afrikaans “naïef” or “liggelowig”)
Why did Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, God bless his pure and kind Christian soul, go naively without his bodyguards into a bank to be stabbed, and soon after into the Parliament to be stabbed — and killed?
Why did Eugene Terre’Blanche hire blacks to work his farm?
Many Ancient Egyptians also, the ones who built the pyramids, were naive and kind people with BLUE eyes and were white-skinned with a special powder on their skin to prevent heat stroke.
But they were so naive and kind, they disappeared from history!
Far too often, we Whites gullibly trust our fellow white man just because he is white and says he is a good man, a Christian, a conservative and a patriot, and that realism is “racist”! Our flawed kinds of Christianity have even made this flaw in us worse! We are dying from kindness! The Chinese call us “Baizuo,” “insane white liberals”!
Our goal is NOT, however, to learn to distrust everybody.
The goal is to build a new race and people who can be trusted!
Where we can trust each other with our lives! And the safety of our children!
And kill traitors without mercy!
Roman senator Cicero, 40 years before Christ
And we must become a race and people again who will fight!
For know this:
Either we stand together, and sacrifice all to win, or we stand apart, and sacrifice all to lose!
Let me be frank:
Either way, you and I, we must face that except for exceptional good luck, we are already dead!
But enough of our sons, daughters, and grandchildren must live!
White Boers, 1975
White Americans
White girls everywhere must be protected!
White Germans
White Russians
…..I can say as a former US Marine (in the infantry and also intelligence)
The SADF (your military, the South African Defence Force) was excellent.
After all, you descend from the toughest warriors — Dutch, North Germans — and those French Huguenots ready to lose everything or die, and not renounce their faith!
Your ancestors were the heroes and Bitter-Einders of the Anglo-Boer wars!
There was no need whatsoever to surrender to a bunch of Stone-Age kaffirs who never invented the sail or the wheel!
……If you wish to help yourself and me, then first read these especially important blogs & videos by John de Nugent
Justin L. Smith One of the most depressing lines of the song by Saga “Ode to a Dying People”: “The heroes of the race have already died…” We need giants to appear and lead our people.
–My university beats Harvard — why you get the best content on all topics here, and at my website:
Top ten percent of the class
With high honors (“magna cum laude”)
–Reincarnation facts
–Psychopathy in leaders
–Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals
–Israel seeks global white genocide
–WN biography of JdN
—New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s
–UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet
(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the €œNazi danger € was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians like him, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)
This Reich (which has only five million citizens now) is not strong enough to challenge the US, NATO and Russia, just protect itself, and it has the nuclear weapons and other technologies to destroy any attacker. BUT IT CANNOT RESCUE US.
The Russians admitted in a major documentary on Russian state television that this is true, with testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform.
Does he look like he’s kidding? Or that Nazis with super-weapons is a laughing matter?
–Two comrades were joking on Facebook about aliens and nuclear codes. One of them also friended me. I interjected: “Actually, while I enjoy reading this jocular banter, that part about aliens and nuclear codes is literally true. See the Malmstrom AFB incident in 1967 and the Ukrainian-Soviet ICBM incident in 1983 “back in the USSR.” Here is some factual information on that subject. PS Aliens do not view this planet as being “ours,” but instead see us as barbarians who are ruining a good planet which THEY have long used — and very much need intact today — so they can keep on extracting the raw materials they need, such as copper, hydrogen (from water), gold, titanium, etc.
–The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics
–The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory (but in a world in ashes ) marches toward its fulfillment.
According to the 1919 prophecy of the militant Boer Nicholas van Rensburg, after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = Mandela) and later a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), and recall that back in 1917 such notions seemed absurd and even unimaginable, with the black US president described as “a black boy,” THEN a male, white conservative will take over the reins of the state. He will have “hair like a wig,” constantly frown, and he will end up waging a catastrophic war against Russia.
Russia will be destroyed, and some European countries as well, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.
Germans and Boers in South Africa will be the only major white survivors of this useless war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.
They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War, and these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose them..
As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of elite German scientists and military to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (on neither Soviet Russia nor that of Putin).
What are his prophecies about the Tribe, who are certainly our worst enemy?
He did not mention them. He was a fervent Calvinist Christian, thus a typical Boer, and not anti-Semitic. Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps), and he loved and admired the Germans. He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — alone — the third one.
Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”.
–Solutreans — the white first Americans
–White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan
–The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family
–Holocaust course
If four million Jews were gassed, each cremated body weighing six pounds of ash, that would yield 24 million pounds of ash, which equals 12,000 tons of ash… Where is this Mount Ash?
–Captain Archibald Ramsay €™s €œThe Nameless War €œ — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim
(See also
–Youtube channel JdN
–The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class. Ever since the Norman Conquest (done by my ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people. They were Vikings who conquered Normandy and learned French, then cast about for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry. Rouen Jews lent them the money to conquer England in 1066, and were made their tax farmers, using the Domesday Book. In the end, the profligate Normans went broke, married their sons to the daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and bourgeois with semitic features and vile attitudes 0f secret contempt toward the common British peoples: they simply use and abuse them.
–White South African tragedy
-For African-Americans (who actually are far, far more antisemitic than whites, and from direct, negative experience)
–Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia
–Hitler ‘s love for the British people
–My wonderful British grandfather and his eery return
Part 1 of 2 .
Part 2 of 2 .
–Who really was and is JdN?
Hitler ‘s Landsberg prison cell in 1924
–Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament
–Hitler opposed atheism and prohibited its expression
–President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message
–The Obama White House calls me directly with a threat
—-The Hebrews of the Bible (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were roaming criminal hordes of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”
–Washington Post blasts JdN over his Leo Frank exposé
— My 54,000-view video on the Leo Frank case: “VIP Pedophiles, Kill Them All!”
–My four hit videos on Hitler, his achievements and where we must go now
(1) (music) .
(2) (music) German girls and their soldier boys .
(3) Hitler caring about the workers
4) Hitler then and now
–My lady Margaret Huffstickler on Reichsmusik
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..Contact and support
John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953
Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689
(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)
Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts
Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)
To donate or volunteer, click here
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tags:, Twitter, Skype, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook,, Margaret Huffstickler, Washington Post, Leo Frank, Habiru Hebrews, Obama White House, Putin, Trump, Hitler Landsberg prison, hitler britain, hitler anglophilia, White South African, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Anglo-Normans, The Nameless War, Captain Archibald Ramsay, Lyndon Johnson, USS Liberty, John Kennedy death, curse of the Kennedys, van Rensburg prophecy, Solutreans, simon roche, nordic, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, UFO, Third Reich after 1945, et, aliens, hitler, picker table talk, biography of John de Nugent, Jews, Arabs, neanderthals, semites, New York Times, Washington Post
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