A German writes me implying he is the reincarnation of Goering; the god-hero Prometheus

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Hermann Goering was a brave and very smart patriot, though he had his flaws, as do we all. A bona fide WWI war hero, he was a key Party and then Reich government official 1923-34. He, like Julius Streicher, also attacked the Allies at the very end, refuting on the witness stand the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial’s shameless lies.

Goering looking like” all this ‘trial’ crap is Allied-jewish bullshit.”

Goering somehow also managed to take poison to avoid being hanged like some common criminal. (As soldiers, he, Jodl, Keitel, and others had the right to execution by firing squad, but when did the All-Lies not trample on every single tradition of chivalry toward a vanquished foe?

Only two percent of Anglo-American POWs had died in OUR custody, and that was from their combat wounds, or, ironically,  from being killed by indiscriminate Allied bombing!

26 US officers were killed by an Allied bombing raid on Stalag XII, located near Trier

Eisenhower starved a million innocent German POWs to death along the Rhine meadows! 



Hermann Goering was one of the highest-ranking NS leaders, second only to me in the party and  the Reich government hierarchy.

Early life

With 22 ‘kills’, Goering was himself considered a flying ace. Toward the end of the war, Goering was given command of the fallen Red Baron’s fighter squadron and won Germany’s highest medal, the Pour le Mérite (which the Americans and Brits dubbed “The Blue Max”).
Like me and other leading NS, Goering was surprised at Germany’s war defeat; he subscribed to the truth that notorious conspirators and deluded, cowardly politicians had stabbed Germans in the back. On receiving orders to hand over German warplanes to Allied forces, Goering instead ordered they be wrecked. (German naval officers did the same with some of their warships, scuttling them.)

Joins the NSDP Party

Between the wars, Goering worked as a private and commercial pilot in Germany, Sweden and Denmark. In 1922, Goering settled in Munich, the heartland of my NSDAP. He was soon drawn to our movement, its strong nationalism and constantly emphasized anti-Semitism, having already been a foe of  Jewry.

By the end of 1922, Goering had formally joined the NSDAP. Before long, Goering’s leadership qualities and reputation as a flying ace and Blue-Max recipient saw him welcomed into my inner circle. In 1923, I appointed Goering as commander of the Sturmabteilung (SA). He made important changes that started the transformation of the SA from a disorganised rabble into a disciplined, paramilitary force.


Goering also marched alongside me in the Munich putsch of November 1923. He was severely injured during the putsch, shot in the groin. This injury became highly infected and caused him considerable pain for the rest of his life, resulting in a morphine addiction. One should never forget that if you are killed, you leave this tawdry world for a better one, but if wounded, you may suffer for the rest of your earthly life!

In the bloody final act of the the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich in 1923, when all hope was lost after our betrayal by the unspeakable Gustav von Kahr (later to be deservedly beaten and then shot for his truly staggering crime in 1934)….
Hermann Goering (see him in a helmet festooned with a swastika on the right in this screenshot from a Hitler-bio movie) marched with interlocked arms straight at the Bavarian police machine guns with us. On the left was the revered WWI commander, General Ludendorff; then you see me; and then the brave aristocrat von Scheubner-Richter, who was shot seconds later right through the heart. When he collapsed, the interlocking of our arms dislocated my shoulder. Sixteen brave men died that dismal day; I was shot myself in the thigh this time (as happened to me before, during WWI.  (I spent four hours on the battlefield, wounded and hurting, until nightfall, when comrades crept out and dragged me away to a field hospital.)
Poor Goering took a large bullet to the groin. Everyone was pleasantly astounded when he was finally able to father a lovely daughter in his second marriage.  Here she reached out as a baby to me, held by her mother.
I loved that little girl.
Edda always spoke with loyalty and love of her late father.

Political career

Through the mid-1920s, Goering lived in exile in Austria; there he suffered serious depression, caused by his isolation, his agonizing injuries, and his ongoing addiction to morphine.

By 1928, Goering had returned to Germany and was elected to the Reichstag as an NSDAP candidate.

When our party became the largest party in the legislature in 1932, Goering was elected as Reichstag president.

My press spokesman, Ernst Hanfstaengl, a Harvard graduate, btw; me; and Goering

On my appointment by Reich President von Hindenburg as chancellor in January 1933,

….Goering was chosen to join him in the cabinet as ‘minister without portfolio,’ meaning he had a high rank and prestige for getting things done, and he was available for any task.

As l extended my control over Germany in the spring of 1933, Goering assisted with the creation of a unitary state, ending centuries of Germans being at each other’s throats. I appointed him as governor of Prussia, which was two-thirds of Germany!


This gave him command of Prussia’s powerful police units. Goering replaced the previous leadership with NS commanders, then detached several units to form the Gestapo, the state security service, akin to the American FBI.

The Reich Security Head Office at Prince Albert Street in the Berlin neighborhood of Charlottenburg

As French revisionist Vincent Reynouard pointed out, the Gestapo did NOT commit atrocities on enemy prisoners. Prisoners were induced to talk by literal spankings, by stress positions, and by sleeplessness. Here a jew shows Eisenhower, acting all outraged, how he had been spanked! 

Some photos here may be missing — I guess the jews hacked this article specifically.

The truth about the Gestapo (by Vincent Reynouard) and staggering US hypocrisy on torture

Military and economic roles

As well as being in charge of early domestic security, Goering also held important military and economic positions. In 1933, he became Reich minister of aviation and commander of the newly-formed Luftwaffe (German air force), positions he would hold until the end of World War II.

In 1936, Goering was given oversight of my Vierjahresplan, the four-year economic plan to modernize the economy and give us the industrial capacity for a superbly armed military. Most of the programs Goering led were VERY successful, which earned him my trust. Goering was very popular and was known as a man who got things done.

During the first days of World War II, I formally anointed Goering as my successor. In 1940, Goering was given the special rank of Reichsmarschall, making him the highest commissioned military officer in NS Germany and subordinate only to me.

Though Goering was faithful to me, he was also independent-minded and less inclined to the same blind loyalty practised by Himmler, Goebbels and others. His views often differed from mine, especially with regard to foreign policy, and, looking back; on some things he was right and I was wrong.

Goering did not consider Germany ready for war in 1939; he believed it would take at least three years for German naval and air strength to surpass that of Britain. Goering was also opposed to invading Poland or the Soviet Union; he thought we could infiltrate and eventually dominate eastern Europe without excessive military action.

Goering favoured recapturing Germany’s foreign colonies, while I wrongly viewed  taking Lebensraum and European territory from Russia as greater priorities. Regardless of these differences of opinion, Goering was nevertheless committed to obeying my orders.

Goering’s greatness came from seeing greatness in others, just as I saw it in him, in Himmler, in Heydrich, in Goebbels, in the engineer Fritz Todt, and the architect Albert Speer.

Admiral Doenitz, in the dark naval uniform, said as some were muttering near the war’s end, “We are all just big kids compared to the Führer.” As the trusted head of the German navy, he knew all about the above-top-secret Absetzbewegung, the Disengagement Movement, created to send the ultra-elite of German scientists, military — and fertile young Aryan females — to the Antarctic and the Andes! 1945 was not the end of the Third Reich, but our u-boats, equipped with our new device, the snorkel, had to be very quiet and “hush-hush” to get away from the US and British navies!!



We were both 5’10”,  btw, just as I am today in this life.  This was three inches taller than the average white male a century ago.

During the peacetime years of 1933-39, everything was wonderful.

Here now is a commentary by a person who is perfectly unknown to me for your own evaluation, but the intelligence, sincerity and desire for progress and action are, in fact, very much like those of Goering, whom I knew for 23 years.

In 1944 with me and the Duce, who, btw, understood German fairly well and once gave a speech in German.

[source: https://johndenugent.com/extremely-important-cat-wiggles-butt-before-pouncing-pfizer-jew-bourla-admits-vaxx-has-failed/#comment-681327]

Hello! I’m writing this from a phone so it may be a bit disorganized and my grammatik will likely be less than ideal.

I found your site while researching past lives. I’ve had past life feelings since I was a child and, since I was a teen, I’ve had memories of being a “Nazi.”

I read an article on your site in which you state that, having been Hitler in your past life, you take full responsibility for those military decisions which led to our ultimate defeat.


…..Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism

Henrik Holappa, now married to a Chinese and working for the enemy, mocked me in his slanderous 2011 “exposé” for having tears in my eyes in his presence over this dreadful defeat and the incredible suffering that ensued for all white nations. 1945 was a disaster for us all, because, with Germany gone, Jewmerica then declared its hatred and its war on all Whites.

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – JANUARY 02: Clashes erupt between police anti-riot officers and antivaxxers affiliated to far-right parties near Museumplein on January 2, 2022 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. With riot police expected to be on strike, authorities hav banned the Covid-19 lockdown protest in the Dutch capital. The postponed police protest is part of a series of strikes by police union members to draw attention to police capacity problems and conditions of work. (Photo by Pierre Crom/Getty Images)


(Of course, it must be remembered that we were horrendously outnumbered and logistically outmatched.) I want to say that, due to my high position in the Luftwaffe, I share a portion of the blame and wish to apologize to you for not seeing several problems until it was too late to correct them.

I am currently experiencing severe thyroid issues which cause me to feel like I did towards the latter years of my past life. I feel the same lack of focus, eye swelling, and tiredness which I periodically felt back then and it is frustrating.

I almost feel that my past life guilt is worsening a genetic predisposition to thyroid issues and slowing my recovery. I am therefore in an extremely ‘past lifey mood’ right now. It all feels fresh.

Being in that state of mind, it is obvious to me that there were several things which were ‘our fault’ (meaning the Luftwaffe high command) and not yours:

1. I feel that the Allies had chemtrail technology during WWII….

….and their reconnaissance aircraft were used to spread toxic vapors over Germany, and disrupt the weather, which in turn made it difficult for us to enact our battle plans. There are many pictures of Allied aircraft leaving contrails far larger than those left by Luftwaffe aircraft:


I remember being baffled by this in my past life and, as a child, I remember seeing a chemtrail and somehow knowing that it was very, very wrong.

Aside from the negative physical effects, I believe the materials used in chemtrails impair mental health and may even impair past-life recall and one’s ability to sense one’s incarnate purpose. Personally, I was amazed at how much I remembered about my past life when I spent two weeks in South America in an area free of any chemtrails.

2. For all his charm, Bruno Loerzer was a dysfunctional man and should not have been given nearly as much power as he was. He instigated copious amounts of infighting and drama.


3. Ernst Udet made many mistakes at the Luftwaffe Technical Office. Udet was not always a sickly and drug-addicted man and he did have many good traits.

Udet was a heroic WWI pilot who was not good at running major government programs, began drinking heavily as the Russian campaign bogged down, and he shot himself in 1941.

Generaloberst Ernst Udet

However, the dysfunctional state of Luftwaffe aircraft manufacturing and development under his leadership was a great hindrance to our war effort. I feel a sense of guilt at being unable to correct his downwards spiral.

I feel that you deserve to know that others too can admit to making mistakes — and that, while you were our CinC, we still share some responsibility for our failures.

Don’t be too hard on yourself and Godspeed in your endeavors, John.

Please stay focused on your goals, and I pray that you master those great tasks your soul incarnated to tackle.


I replied:

Thank you.

A fascinating comment. Wow. 🙂

To grow is to see one’s flaws honestly without beating up on oneself, and remembering love and self-forgiveness.

The Germans have an expression, Selbstzerfleischung, meaning “Self-Un-flesh-ing,” that is, tearing chunks of your own flesh off.

But that is egoic, that is self-sadistic, that is masochistic, and actually indulgent.

Plus, as the Americans would say, and Eckhart Tolle would agree:

“That was then, and this is now.”

And now the masses once again are ready for us, as they were in 1932, 90 years ago. 🙂

Danke, Kamerad!


He responded:

Thanks for the kind words!

I completely agree that wallowing in guilt can be masochistic, and at times, even an excuse to avoid taking action. Selbstzerfleischung is the perfect word for that state of mind.


…..Reincarnation facts


Reincarnation Evidence

…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945) 

Trump, previously George Patton, is ready for conflict, war and death once again in this incarnation



…….Honoring Prometheus

In Greek mythology, Prometheus, is a Titan god of fire. Prometheus is credited with the creation of humanity from clay, and who defies the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity as civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and for being a champion of humankind, and is also seen as the author of the human arts and sciences generally. He is sometimes presented as the father of Deucalion, the hero of the Greek version of the Great Flood story.

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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing misspelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!



  1. Fantastico.Io ne ho individuati 8, e mi sono sempre chiesta dove fosse Goering.La mia fortuna è quella di “riconoscere” i volti 🙂

  2. Ma nonostante il buon Cuore di tutti..alcuni di loro sono stati ingannati da questo vaccino e dalla loro posizione sociale 🙁
    Chissà come andrà a finire 🙁

  3. Se noi calcoliamo la tecnologia avanzata(nucleare)di quel tempo(i Graffiti egizi ci indicano qualcosa di simile)anche la presenza di alieni/Rettiliani e Grigi.
    Il Vangelo di Giovanni può essere un racconto di quel Tempo,il marchio qualcosa che è già accaduto,gli tsunami e le attività vulcaniche.
    Siamo arrivati allo stesso punto,non so come spiegarlo perché è molto difficile.

  4. Le profezie sono una cosa,la realtà un’altra.
    Non abbiamo perso tutto del tempo Prediluviano.
    Abbiamo avuto i Kurgan/Ariani/indoeuropei solo dopo il Diluvio e non avevano di certo quella tecnologia avanzata.
    Solo uno stupido potrebbe pensare che tutte le piramidi del mondo siano state costruite con la sola forza dell’Uomo..piccolo di statura.

    • Transl:

      Prophecies are one thing, reality another.
      We haven’t wasted all of the Prediluvian time.
      We only had Kurgan / Aryans / Indo-Europeans after the Flood and they certainly didn’t have that advanced technology.
      Only a fool would think that all the pyramids in the world were built with the strength of man alone … small in stature.

  5. Non mi piace neanche la parola Alieno,usata spesso nella Bibbia come Nephelim.
    Abbiamo la stessa tecnologia di allora ma non siamo alieni.
    Ci manca la stessa statura(dico Forse)e non siamo alieni di altre Dimensioni più elevate.
    Diceva Tommaso:”Io non posso credere se non Vedo”.
    Ci sono persone che “vedono” davvero e quelle che non vedono affatto.
    Ma tutto passa attraverso l’esperienza umana e la Reincarnazione.

    • Transl:

      I also don’t like the word Alien, which is often used in the Bible as Nephelim.
      We have the same technology as back then but we are not aliens.
      We lack the same stature (I say Maybe) and we are not aliens from other higher dimensions.
      Thomas used to say: “I cannot believe if I do not see”.
      There are people who really “see” and those who do not see at all.
      But everything passes through human experience and Reincarnation.

  6. An exceptionally well written and thoughtful article!

    A few thoughts on it:

    1. When I found your website and read that you had taken all of the blame upon yourself, I immediately thought, ‘he deserves to know that others feel a similar sense of guilt regarding our defeat and are capable of taking responsibility for our actions.’

    Those of us who were there understand that you were a human being, in an extremely difficult position, who was doing his best.

    However, I also was slightly apprehensive about directly stating that I am the reincarnation of Goering. I wished to break the news rather gently because, in our previous lives, we had a falling out shortly before your death. My experience with other reincarnated National Socialists has been that they often hold onto the feelings they had in their final dramatic moments. After the infamous ‘telegram episode,’ I was stripped of my titles and arrested by the SS – my family and staff were told that you believed I had betrayed you and had ordered our execution.

    I don’t remember everything about my past life but I do know that I was told by General Koller that you wished for me to negotiate the end of the war – and I wished to take some sort of action based off of that – however, my adjutant Bernd von Brauchitsch insisted on shortening the original note.

    BvB was a wonderful adjutant and I will always jump to his defence against those who attack him (he has a surprising number of critics). However, I don’t think he understood the situation in the bunker or the severity of the grudge Bormann had against me. Additionally, no one was in their best state of mind at that point in time.

    Regardless, I am glad to see that you have not held a grudge over that particular incident and that we have both moved on from it.

    2. Henrik Holappa, now married to a Chinese and working for the enemy, mocked me in his slanderous 2011 “exposé” for having tears in my eyes in his presence over this dreadful defeat and the incredible suffering that ensued for all white nations. 1945 was a disaster for us all, because, with Germany gone, Jewmerica then declared its hatred and its war on all Whites.

    I have never met or spoken to Holappa but I have heard of him. He is despised within the Nordic Resistence Movement.

    3. Regarding your reincarnation article that you linked to:

    It is a bit off topic but you may find it interesting to know that I believe that, before I was Goering, I was Graf Friedrich von der Decken:


    His face bears a resemblence to Goering’s before obesity and glandular issues altered my features:


    His wife was a tall brunette who bore a resemblence to Carin:



    He lived in Schloss Ringelheim, which was in some ways similar to Carinhall:


    I do not have any verifiable memories of having been von der Decken, only a strong feeling. A past life as von der Decken would also explain why, during my next life, I had a fascination with warfare, a strong sense of self-assuredness, and a love of pomp.

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