A good theory of relationships and attractions

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Are You a ‘Testosterone’ or a ‘Dopamine?’

A brain-based personality test helps people understand themselves better and why they are attracted to certain other personality types


I find it intriguing that this theory ends up saying what astrology has stated for thousands of years, that people fall into clearly different categories: cardinal, fixed and mutable as well as earth, air, fire and water.

Margi and I,in harmony with this theory, are both high-dopamine (adventurous), which causes a lasting attraction, and she is high-estrogen, meaning she likes the opposite — a high-testosterone guy.

Fourteen and a half years later, despite terrible economic, emotional and now physical stressors, all related to being seen as a serious potential threat to the Jew system, we’re still a loving team. 🙂

Indirectly, all this lends itself to reincarnation. People are born into this world as tiny babies already possessing strong, fully developed traits, likes and dislikes.

In this theory, BOTH opposites attract and “birds of a feather flock together.” 😉 Just like in reality.

What this system leaves out is this:

People are also attracted to a mate who reminds them of the parent they still have issues with.

Margi, like my beautiful, late mother, Constance Coldwell Nugent, is a fantastic cook, a lover of beautiful clothes, multilingual, artistic, and also strong-willed, a bit stubborn and impulsive.

In each incarnation, we can grow through relationships with other individuals — or end up at war with them.

We broke up for a while in 2011-12, but got back together to grow, love and learn.

What is the purpose of reincarnation? To have relationships — and either grow OR always fight and be miserable,either gradually shedding the egoic mind or torturing yourself and your mate.

I had a wonderful GF in the 1990s (and everyone loved her), but it was just not stimulating. She was a serotonin type, not an adventurer.

With Margi every day is “exciting” and “different.” 😉

Grow through having loving, lasting relationships with another and quite different individual!

Everyone you encounter will be either your friend or your teacher, or, if your mate, that person can be both!


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