A male writer’s opinion on Facebook: “Ten Reasons Why a Woman with Previous Multiple Sex Partners is a Dangerous Choice for Marriage”

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I have never been highly promiscuous or been with a bed-jumping woman in this life or any recent incarnations. So I do not know, but I do fear, that this article may be accurate, though not valid regarding women forced into sex as the Israelis do with abducted slavic women in Tel Aviv.  They might even want very badly to become a traditional wife — strictly monogamous, loving, and loyal. 

Ten Reasons Why a Woman with Previous Multiple Sex Partners is a Dangerous Choice for Marriage

Source: (On Facebook) https://tinyurl.com/4e5psafn
Gentlemen, let’s get real. A woman’s history matters. If she’s had a multiple sex partners, she’s not going to make the stable, loyal wife you need to build a secure future. The truth is harsh, but ignoring it will only lead you to a path of frustration, heartbreak, and even financial ruin. Let me break it down for you, unfiltered and straight to the point. Here are 10 reasons why women with high body counts struggle to maintain stable marriages and are statistically more likely to divorce you.
1. She Will Always Compare You to Other Men
A woman who’s been with many men carries the memory of those experiences. She’ll measure you against every man she’s ever been with—how they made her feel, what they gave her, how they performed in bed. It’s a never-ending comparison game that you’ll never truly win. No matter what you do, she’ll always find a reason to feel dissatisfied because she’s used to variety. This constant comparison erodes the foundation of any relationship.
2. She’s Confused and Struggles to Know What She Wants
When a woman has been with multiple partners, it clouds her sense of direction and priorities. She becomes indecisive, unsure of what she truly values in a man or a relationship. Her past partners have left conflicting imprints on her, leaving her emotionally scattered. She lacks clarity, making it nearly impossible for her to fully commit to one man.
3. She Cannot Be Sexually Satisfied
Let’s face it: someone who has experienced multiple sexual partners often develops an insatiable appetite for variety. She’s used to new thrills, new sensations, and constant novelty. This makes it difficult for her to settle into a long-term, monogamous relationship. She may begin to resent you for not satisfying her unrealistic expectations, leading to infidelity or divorce.
4. She Is Likely to Have Had Many Abortions
With a high body count comes a higher likelihood of unplanned pregnancies and abortions. This doesn’t just leave physical scars; it creates emotional baggage that she brings into the marriage. Many women don’t openly share this part of their history, but the guilt, shame, or indifference toward life can surface in ways that damage your relationship.
5. She May Still Be Talking to Her Exes
Women with high body counts often maintain connections with their exes—whether out of nostalgia, unresolved feelings, or convenience. These lingering ties create unnecessary drama and mistrust in your relationship. Imagine competing for her attention with the ghost of every man she’s ever been with. It’s exhausting and unhealthy.
6. She Cannot Pair Bond with You
Pair bonding is the emotional connection that develops between partners in a committed relationship. A woman who’s had numerous sexual partners has weakened her ability to pair bond. Each time she forms and breaks a bond, the next one becomes harder to maintain. This makes it nearly impossible for her to fully attach herself to you, emotionally or otherwise.
7. She Is Broken and Carries Emotional Baggage
Every relationship leaves its mark. A woman with a high body count carries the emotional wounds, disappointments, and traumas of every failed relationship. This baggage weighs heavily on her and, by extension, on you. You’re not just dealing with her; you’re dealing with the emotional debris left by every man she’s been with.
8. She’s Used to Jumping from One Man to Another
Old habits die hard. If she’s spent her twenties bouncing from one relationship to another, she’s unlikely to break that pattern in marriage. The moment things get tough, her default reaction will be to leave and seek validation elsewhere. She’s conditioned herself to believe that men are replaceable, and that mindset doesn’t change overnight.
9. She Thinks She Can Always Replace You
A woman with a high body count often develops a sense of entitlement. She believes there will always be another man willing to take your place. This belief gives her little incentive to work through problems or value the relationship. Instead, she’s constantly looking for the next best thing, making her unreliable and untrustworthy.
10. She’s Ungrateful and Entitled
The more men a woman has been with, the more entitled she becomes. She’s used to being pursued, spoiled, and validated by men, which makes her unappreciative of genuine effort. Instead of valuing what you bring to the table, she’ll always feel like she deserves more. Gratitude is the cornerstone of a healthy marriage, and entitlement is its enemy.
The Bigger Picture
Marriage is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make, and choosing the wrong partner can cost you your peace, your finances, and your future. A woman’s past doesn’t just disappear—it shapes her character, her mindset, and her behavior. A high body count is not just a number; it’s a reflection of patterns, habits, and values that are incompatible with marriage.

…..A  perhaps useful comment

Stephen D

I can only give anecdotes and observations. At age 70, while none of those points are absolutes, about 85% of them unfortunately ring true with what I have seen with friends, acquaintances, workmates, and even my own children as adults. The points are equally true with men. Very, very few of the males I have known who played “Man about Town” have made good husbands and good marriages. Maybe one out of six.
The person who actually wants a life of marriage forms that decision in many cases long before they are sexually active. In a marriage, sex is often the glue that holds it together, particularly in the first 10 to 20 years. Have you ever noticed that Post-It notes eventually stop sticking after they’ve been unstuck and restock eight or nine times? That’s just how I see it.
I will also say that the marriage partner that accepts someone’s past is the best marriage partner. One of the most key and overlooked ingredients to a long, healthy, happy marriage is the ability to forgive.
In any marriage partners will accidentally hurt one another, and make grievous errors. The ability to forgive is a key ingredient in a loving marriage. Our society seems to have made sex a sport. It is not; it is how marital partners bond. Maybe body counts, male or female, don’t matter —  but I suspect that my lifetime of observations suggest to me that high body counts in either partner do NOT help a marriage. Lots of other issues matter, so focusing on sex is also very stilted.



  1. Lieber John, ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ein völlig sexualfreies Leben der Frauen so gut ist. Ich kenne deutsche Nationalisten, die 30 sind und noch nie Sex hatten. Sie sind frustriert deswegen, so dass ein echter Hass auf Weiber entsteht. Man redet sich ein, dass deutsche Frauen sich nur mit Kanacken und Neger einlassen, was nicht stimmt. Es würde für ihr Selbstbewusstsein gut sein, hätten sie mal Sex.
    Ich las von einem Lager der Hitlerjugend. Dort gab es sehr viel Sex. Ein BDM-Mädel hatte mit vier Jungs an einem Tag.
    Gibt auch Frauen, die glauben etwas versäumt zu haben, wenn sie als Jungfrau in die Ehe gehen.
    Vielleicht ist die goldene Mitte der richtige Weg?
    Habe mit einer Norddeutschen gesprochen, sie meint die Männer und auch die dänischen Männer wären treu, bodenständig, aufmerksam und lustig. Das ist gut zu hören, liest man ja sonst nur Schlechtes über die Deutschen…

    • Ja, wenn man sein Leben als eine richtig zu führende Inkarnation sieht, und sich völlig vom Gedanken trennet, wir wären nur aufrechtgehende Tiere (mit Handys zum Quatschen und pausenlos Selfies machen), und stattdessen im Anderen ein Kind Gottes sieht, das respektvoll zu behandeln ist, dann kann auch Sex gut und sogar edel sein. Es kann die andere Person glücklich machen, beruhigen, und stärken — und ist somit keine selbstische Ausnutzung um, verzeihen Sie bitte die Krassheit, die Hoden zu leeren.

      Es ist der Jude, der uns wirklich als Tiere ansieht und will, dass wir seiner Vorstellung entsprechen und unser Ariertum und den Sinn der Reinkarnation vergessen, die Emporentfaltung einer immer schöneren Seele.

  2. It’s advertised in the disgusting degenerate mainstream media that a 22-year-old woman with very good looks and a great body had sex with 19 men in one day.

    Her mother said that it’s great that she’s doing what she wants in her life and exploring different things.
    The filthy slut, who’s originally from the U.K., said that her father supports her and is sticking by her, and as long as she’s happy that’s all that matters.

    She’s obviously a degenerate liberal whore that’s been brought up by liberal parents, spoilt and entitled, with no morals or ethics.
    I think the men that she slept with are just as bad. They’re a bunch of sleazy, degenerate man-whores.

    And I don’t understand white liberalism or feminism. It’s just a bunch of degenerate scumbags that have low intelligence and are not in touch with reality.
    They will only see reality when they become a hated minority and are raped and brutally murdered by black and brown people.
    My area is full of degenerate white whores and disgusting lesbians as young 14 or 15 years old, and 14- to 15-year-old white girls who dress like filthy sluts. I’m 39 years old and six foot 5, a 100-kg male with good looks fpr my age.
    I’ve found that a lot of white western women use the marxist system to have power over their men and treat them like shit.
    There are middle-aged, low IQ women in jobs that men should be doing — such as police chiefs, security, and counter-intelligence.
    They don’t want equality. They want the easy, cushy, high-paying jobs. Why don’t we have an equal amount of female bricklayers, construction workers, boiler makers, welders, oil riggers, etc.?

    It’s because our women don’t want to do the hard physical jobs that their men do.
    Plus most white women here in Brisbane [Queensland, Austrlia] are liberal, even if they’re not political. Their views about society are still classified as liberal.
    If I ever saw a white liberal woman being attacked or harassed by black or brown men, I’m not sure I would go help them.
    White women are treated better by their men then any other race, and they repay their men by becoming entitled, spoilt bitches. They have unrealistic expectations for their men and they want to be pampered like a princess. Or they become lesbians or betray their men and fuck and date black or brown men. If so many of them see white men as the problem, and white male oppression, they want everything their way.
    Then fine, they can date cucked liberal white men or black and brown men or become a lesbian.
    If a trashy white women asks me out, I’ll say I have standards, and you’re not my type.
    I’ve found that Asian women that have not grown up in a western country, still have biological roles and come from a conservative culture with better values.

    I live in a hipster area that’s full of spoilt, entitled white women like this. So that’s why I notice it so easily.
    I have absolutely no sympathy for any white liberal woman who gets raped or gang-raped by black or brown men. They would just call you racist if you tried to warn them.
    I’m not having children, so it doesn’t matter to me about dating or sleeping with a non-white woman.
    These entitled, spoilt white women are not going to change — so that’s the way it is. There are more women in Australia then men, but twice as many men are single as women. This is because of the much higher amount of gay women then gay men in Australia, and because so many white women are prostitutes, degenerate whores selling their body for money.
    Most white men don’t want to sleep around, and want a proper relationship. But most white women are, as I say, entitled and spoilt with unrealistic expectations, and they want to be treated like a princess. I’ve met almost no one not like this. I see few conservative white women except for one in her sixties, but I’ve met plenty of conservative white men.
    Plus I’ve found white women get offended really easily compared to other races of women. They’re all protective of the LGBT cult and the innocent Tyrones and Leroys.
    Okay, I’ve finished my rant and raved on enough. I stand by what I said. 🙂

    • Thanks for this comment.
      But what about the beautiful Aborigine Women? You’re just too fussy. 😉

      I was blessed with a woman of my own generation that wanted and expected me to be a real man, and who loved feminine things like cooking, gardening, dressing up nice, and even some after-hours activities. 😉
      Margi saw a confused turtle trying to cross to the other side of the highway — time for the knight in shining armor (me) to carry this slow, heavy little guy across to safety, legs wiggling. 😉

      The level of denial is amazing when a chick thinks she can take on a huge “Lebbo.”

      But on Facebook there is a page called “Died Suddenly Worldwide” — and it is one horror story after another about goyim who took the jew-jab and suddenly died, some outstanding athletes in their twenties.

      And then everyone grieves. BUT if you dare say “I warned Joe, I pled with him, to not get vaccinated,” they STILL shoot you a murderous glare!

      Some even took more Covid boosters AFTER they first got sick.

      “Ego causes suffering” — the Buddha (and Eckhart Tolle)

  3. Ive heard a lot of white females say they don’t need a man to protect them, and they can look after themselves. Okay then, if you think you can protect yourself against a group of aggressive, buff Middle Eastern Lebanese men that work out in the gym all the time!
    And they have 50 cousins and brothers and sell drugs in the Australian state capital cities. And they carry around knifes and have access to firearms.
    So, fine, use your feminist empowerment to protect you if you don’t need your menfolk to do so.
    I’ve actually met many clueless white women like this who put down their men. I can’t stand them.

  4. The U.k ha snow censored the old Australian film “Crocodile Dundee.”
    They are crappy old movies that I would never watch again. But censoring old movies for saying “fag” and insulting “trannys” is a f–king joke. I would have liked to have been around in the 1970’s and 80’s, when men were men.

    And women still had biological roles.

    If you wanted to go back to when Europeans were in control of our rce, then you would have to go back 300 years.

    I would be happy to go back to the 1970’s before the computer era when there was still a bit of freedom left instead of this digital communist jew prison we live in mow.

    It’s definitely the most unstable, dangerous time to live in human history. And it’s looking like the death and possible slaughter of our race.
    —and mass famine, war, and destruction of the planet — all by the psychotic, schizophrenic, psychopathic jew demons.

  5. You can turn around the article or his opinion, just fill in him or he and you have the answer why women don’t want such men as choice for marriage. And that includes point 4 where a man forces a woman to abort. Men can be *ssholes too regarding women. It has always been so easy to call a woman a sl*t or a wh*re.

    • Why do white women blame white men for society’s problems, and why do you team up with black and brown men against us? When so many white women have turned against their men, do you expect us to just take that?
      We don’t need you all — we can phyically defend ourselves — I am six-foot-five — but the truth is that so many white women here in Oz call their men “racist,” sell their bodies for money, and use their men.
      And they date black and brown men, so how do you expect us to act? Of course were going to go our own way and want nothing to do with you’s.
      White women are the biggest of all the degenerates in a decadent western society, not capable of critical thinking and too stupid to understand what cultural marxism is.
      Keep on treating your men this way because we men don’t need you, and we won’t protect you against violent third-world brown and black men if you bash us.

      • I understand your feelings and you have had these experiences.

        I must say that here in Ontonagon, while the town is 1/3 Demoncrat and they (and RINOs) may loathe my racial and political views, the truth is, when I review things in my mind, that 100% of the people who got in my face, unprovoked, and said obnoxious, insulting things to me, taking unfair advantage of their gender, were women — and one, while drunk, even challenged me, truly delusionally, to a fistfight

        This statistic is accurate about 25% of American women being on an anti-depressant or other psych-med. My late wife was on an antidepressant and also on an ADHD med.

      • This article or opinion was/is not about white women going for non-white men, but about women in general which could be a dangerous choice for marriage. I just pointed out, and I think you understood it well, that men can be *ssholes too. I do not team up, that would mean I team up against myself !!

  6. I’m not a chauvinist, I have respect for women and everyone who treats me right. I’m just stating what i’ve encountered in life.
    There is clearly a large percentage of white women who resent white men and use the marxist system against their men.
    And they want to be “liberated” from them.
    I have talked to a lot of white men that won’t date white women, and i understand why they make this choice. White women are now among the biggest traitors to their men. There’s a much higher percentage of white women dating inter-racially — going out with black and brown men — and that are lesbians, that is, homosexuals.
    I hate white liberal men too, especially with that retarded soyboy libtard appearance. But I hate white liberal women the most, because there are a lot more white women that are liberal then white men.
    And we have all these white women volunteering at fake refugee centres to help black and brown men from the Middle East and Africa. And then they end up getting raped and murdered by them. Well, good riddance; they deserve it.
    I almost wish these Middle Eastern and African men would do us all a favour and kill off all these white liberal women who are toxic, hateful and insane.

    White wpmen definitely use the marxist system — political, media and legal, including divorce court — against their men, and speak out to put down their men, accusing them of white male oppression or white male privilege.
    I’ve found by many conversations that the majority of white women are like this. So when our countries become more diverse, they will suffer the most for betraying their men and speaking out against them.
    I get along with white men but not with most white women. So I just won’t date white women any more, only Asian women, because I don’t want to be around white women any more.
    Our countries sill never be white any more, in large part due to white women, who have made it clear that they want to be liberated from us horrible white men, who are their oppressors. So, fine, if that’s the way the majority of white females feel, then live with the consequences.

    • In America it is very similar. Same bunch, the juze and their Freemasonic lackeys, run both countries.

      This is a photo of the girl who was burned to death by a brown Guatemalan man in the NYC subway:

      Thanks, juze, for bringing these brown men in:

      Some Pakistani “groomers” in England:

      However, let us be clear that it was the takeover of our societies by the juze that brought this about.

      I actually have many strong supporters who are women, especially on Facebook.

      In NS Germany, we got huge support from German women. As Matt Koehl of Rockwell’s NSWPP party said to me, “once the Great Depression hit Germany in 1930, and the menfolk were unemployed and the bills could not be paid, the women got radical and demanded solutions and a strong leader who would get things done. The nest, the home, was in danger.”

      It is really this simple: biologically, women are drawn to powerful men who can provide for and defend them. If we White males let brown and black men in, it means — to the very DNA that is in women — that we have become weak, feeble and cowardly, and that the brownies are the strong ones now, the future.

      They go with the strong men only.

      I remember this hit 1963 song and the lyrics said it all: “Creep, stop calling and bothering me. My boyfriend’s back in town!”


      In my generation, girls and women were not like this at all, but craved marriage and kids.

      I posted this on Facebook:


      They bash us Boomers……. but our girls were still pretty delicious

      Peter Sabatini
      Where are the “tats”?…..nose rings, or other weird piercings/self-mutilations?…..what about blue, green or purple hair?? I don’t notice any grotesquely overweight people there , either. -Seems like a more wholesome situation than one would find in today’s schools.
      Mark Luth
      About a third of these boomers were traditional and conservative. Not all were libs.
      Barry Hackney
      Wow! Dresses, skirts, hosiery & no nose rings or gross tatts, all Europeans. Likely over 3/4 virgins. That was the world I grew up in. America has sunk so low after integration & federal control of edumacation, thanks to liberals & the NEA & AFT..
      Barbie Novak
      Thx for sharing. Blue jeans were invented by a White man but taken over by jews. Jeans are the most unhealthy weapon on our White genitals that need to be free and breathe not put into a blue jean’s straight-jacket. That our Whites wear ragged jeans is getting us ready for homelessness, starvation, and enslavement. Jews did the same to Poland for 1,000 years. Another abomination: tattooing the White skin.
      Amelia Saltsman
      Barbie Novak The inventor of blue jeans, Levi Strauss (Levi’s jeans) was Jewish. This is who is listed as the inventor…but maybe you know more…? Did Straus possibly steal the invention from someone else?

      Wendell Handrich
      Weak men blame all their problems on their parents..
      Stefan Per Sigurdson
      Nitro Karlo
      Nicht nur äußerlich, sondern sie hatten auch innerlich schönere Gesinnungen.
      See translation
      John De Nugent
      Nitro Karlo (translating) “Not only on the outside, but they also had more beautiful thoughts on the inside.” I agree.
      Nitro Karlo
      John De Nugent Thank you for the translation. I’ll try in the future to write always in English.

      Betsy Uhrbrock Rivera
      The 1963 Congressional Record Lists 45 Goals For Communism To Achieve In America.
      45 Communist Goals For The USA In 1963 – How Many Have Come True?

      Stephen East
      Only 3 years since the Hart-Celler Act.
      John De Nugent
      Stephen East it was then still a ticking time bomb.

      Russell Weber III
      Yea but the high schools had smoking lounges for the students.
      Barry Hackney
      Russell Weber III Not in Texas.


      In NS Germany, as I say, women supported us wholeheartedly and they were very, VERY loyal, much more so than men.

      I just posted this on Facebook this, and do note also what I post at the very end, regarding poor Emily’s appearance:

      AVENGE HER MURDER! I have two successful daughters myself, and can easily imagine how young Emily’s parents must feel. It was her final year before graduation from the United States Air Force Academy — with a whole promising life before her. — JdN PS A curse on those who killed her or let it happen.
      (From the FB page “Died Suddenly Worldwide”)
      Nusrat Mim · 1m ·
      United States Air Force Academy
      Today, we mourn the loss of Cadet 1st Class K. Emily Jean Foster, 23, of Eagle, Idaho. Emily passed away on Tuesday while at home with her family due to complications from brain tumors that were discovered on Dec. 14, 2024. [This was almost certainly a case of a ju-jab-induced “turbo cancer.”]
      Emily was a member of the Class of 2025, a Geospatial Sciences major, a soaring instructor pilot with the 94th Flying Training Squadron, and a graduate of our Prep School. She was selected to attend pilot training following graduation.
      “We were deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of our teammate, Cadet First Class K. Emily Jean Foster, over the holiday break. She was a stellar cadet, leader, mentor and friend throughout her time here at the Academy and we are shaken by her loss. We will support Emily’s family, Cadet Squadron 14, her friends and colleagues and the entire Academy team during this difficult time.”- Academy Superintendent Lt Gen Tony Bauernfeind.
      A full complement of support services including Academy chaplains, mental health professionals, leaders, and others are in place for cadets, faculty and staff. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Emily’s family, friends and loved ones. Emily, may you find blue skies and tailwinds as you rest forever in peace. See less
      David Carter
      !! Tragic!
      The article says the tumors were discovered on Dec. 14, 2024. Could the tumors have developed because of “the jab”?
      Janelle Neal
      We all have lost. Very sorry for her family.
      John De Nugent
      Umm, not to be unkind, especially regarding a dead person who was murdered by the v@xx, but I feel I should add a remark on a different topic related to this gal. And this is that the juze and Deep State are messing with our hormones, making chicks masculine and guys effeminate.
      As for Emily and, again, I clearly and sincerely mourn her death, dare I say that Emily, while pretty, had 1) a very masculine face and especially a male-type jawline, anything but dainty, and 2) is more or less flat-chested, judging by the photo.
      And when I look at these female basketball players, they ALL are basically flat-chested. And to be frank, without wanting to be cruel, flat-chested girls have problems in terms of being attractive to guys.
      I can think of cases I personally know of girls who are “old maids” because of this, and this is a sad thing. Men and women are meant to be together and be couples. And any woman who cannot get and keep a good guy has a sadder life.
      And I know from overhearing conversations between women that women who are small- or flat-chested regret not having a normal “rack.”
      And, to continue in this vein, and to balance things out, guys with a super-small p3n1s also have a real problem in the real world. I am normally endowed, but I know guys who are not, and they are, ahem, single, “lifelong bachelors.” They are NOT gay, just they are “not getting any.”
      And this is why positive eugenics, and a world without hormone-distorting sh-t in our food, would be a good thing, a kind thing.
      My late wife Margaret had nice curves, and I was pleasing to her too. We had 17 good years as a hetero couple. I loved her body, her mind, and her soul. 🙂 As the song goes, “she made me glad that I am a man.” And she knew until the day she passed on that she had a man who adored her.
      David Carter
      John De Nugent You mean Margi. 🙂

      • Racially aware Aryan women would never be with a non-white. Only the degenerate brainwashed ones would, and they will be taken out of the Aryan gene pool in time. Nature is taking out the trash.

        • Yes, and if we lose 90% we will rebuild with the good ten percent.

          But I must admit that it baffles me that they can find these brownies attractive, but there has always been a gold-digger problem, and girls who hate their “racist” dad and want to anger him.

      • Aus dem ‘Politikversagen’ vom heutigen Tage, und zwar:

        Junger Fußballer (22) plötzlich und unerwartet verstorben

        Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg.

        Tiefe Trauer beim SSV Reutlingen: Luca Meixner ist im Alter von 22 Jahren plötzlich und unerwartet gestorben. Das teilt der Verein mit. Der Spieler sei tot in seinem Bett gefunden worden. Die Ursache sei nicht bekannt.
        Weiterlesen auf schwaebische

        (Auszug aus dem obig verknüpften Artikel)

        Junger Fußballer (22) plötzlich und unerwartet gestorben: Verein ist „zutiefst bestürzt und fassungslos“

        -Photographie im Artikel-
        Luca Meixner (rechts) vom SSV Reutlingen ist mit nur 22 Jahren gestorben. (Foto: IMAGO/ULMER Pressebildagentur)

        Oberligist SSV Reutlingen trauert: Luca Meixner ist im Alter von nur 22 Jahren gestorben.

        Tiefe Trauer beim SSV Reutlingen: Luca Meixner ist im Alter von 22 Jahren plötzlich und unerwartet gestorben. Das teilt der Verein mit.

        Die schreckliche Nachricht habe den Oberligisten am Freitag, 27. Dezember, erreicht. Die gesamte SSV-Familie sei zutiefst bestürzt und fassungslos.

        Die Gedanken, so heißt es weiter, sind bei seiner Familie, seinen Freunden und Wegbegleitern.

        Wie der Reutlinger General-Anzeiger in einem Nachruf schreibt, sei der Spieler tot in seinem Bett gefunden worden. Die Ursache sei nicht bekannt.



        Anamnese Dr. Conti: Erneut ein Opfer des Coronaspritzenholokaust – dieser junge Mann hatte sein Leben noch vor sich.

  7. “Have you ever noticed that Post-It notes eventually stop sticking after they’ve been unstuck and restuck eight or nine times? That’s just how I see it.”

    I’ve used the analogy of contact cement. If you’ve ever used it, you know that you apply it to both surfaces, let it set a short while, and then press the pieces together. It’s almost impossible to pull apart. But, if you succeed, you can then press them together again. It will indeed stick, but with far less adherence. After about 10 times of doing this, there is no “stickiness” left.

    Sex is the same way. Bonding with the “one” is paramount.

    I am 59 years old. I was married 23 years ago at age 37. As a young man, I abstained from sex due to this belief. Even in my teens, as my high school friends bragged about “banging” their girlfriends, I was melancholy yet adamant about my philosophy. I had the motto, “The One, Or None.”

    For me, the conscience is the voice of God. Well, my instincts proved 100% correct. When I finally met my soul mate (as you did, John)… I marveled (and still do) at her yin to my yang. To this very day I love my wife more than I did on our wedding day.

    The essential opposites of the genders compliment each other. I see what has happened to our societies due to feminism and sexual liberation. The jews KNEW in advance the destructive impact this licentious behavior would have on reproduction and societal cohesion. I only pray that God has planned a renaissance within our people against this satanic ideology. There is no other viable solution other than to return to the traditional and moral ways.

    • Thank you for an outstanding comment.

      As a teen, I was grossed out when I overheard teenage boys discussing various girls in animalistic terms.

      I knew as a kid that I was here on a serious mission, and not for fun, or to kill time, or get drunk or get laid — “getting my rocks off.”

      One of the few bright spots in a difficult life (going through a lot over a 45-year period as a WN activist) was to be a chivalrous and loving husband. I feel sorry for any dude who falls for the Devil’s tricks and sees himself basically as a “cum machine.” With all that the juze and many a white a–hole have done to me, the one thing they could not take from me was my wife’s petite hand on my shoulders.

      And I will avenge her prolonged and painful demise. She came down with cancer as soon as she got her inheritance, and when she beat it in 2019, IMO, they gave it to her again.

      And there was the bizarre chemtrail that exploded directly over our house, and over our vegetable garden which was so low-altitude that I could hear the jet engine roar and came out of the house to investigate.

      [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://johndenugent.com/wp-content/uploads/chemtrail-supernova-28-aug-2022-jdn-margi-house-801-michigan-st.mp4"][/video]

      Surprise, surprise, surprise….

      How appropriate that the villainous emperor Commodus was played by half-ju Joaquin Phoenic.

      His maternal grandfather, Meyer Dunetz, was Russian Jewish and his maternal grandmother, Margit Lefkowitz, was Hungarian Jewish; they were both Ashkenazi Jews who resided in New York City.


      I will have my vengeance, in this world or the next.

  8. Noch mehr feministische außenpolitik einer Annalena Baerbock, Bundesaußenminister:



    Videos zeigen Syriens neuen Justizminister bei Überwachung öffentlicher Hinrichtungen von Frauen


    Durchgesickerte Videos aus dem Jahr 2015 zeigen den neuen Justizminister Syriens in der Provinz Idlib bei der Hinrichtung von Frauen, die der Prostitution beschuldigt wurden. Shadi al-Waisi war früher Scharia-Richter bei der islamistischen Terrororganisation Al-Qaida.

    Die Plattform Verify-Sy bestätigte am Samstag die Authentizität von Videos, die in sozialen Medien kursierten und den neuen syrischen Justizminister Shadi Muhammad al-Waisi zeigen, wie er die öffentliche Hinrichtung von zwei Frauen in der nordwestlichen Stadt Idlib im Rahmen der Anwendung der Scharia im Januar 2015 unter der Herrschaft der Al-Nusra-Front – dem Vorläufer von Haiat Tahrir asch-Scham (HTS) – beaufsichtigt.


    Anamnese Dr. Conti: Und die werden mit deutschen Steuergeldern gefördert – jüngst mit sage und schreibe 60 Millionen Euro, die eine Annalena Baerbock im Rahmen einer Lustreise als Bundesaußenminister nach Damaskus getragen hat.

  9. Ich bin 40 Jahre, hatte noch nie Sex oder eine Freundin. Einigen Nationalen, die ich kenne, geht es ähnlich. Wir sind leider alle mit dem Gedanken aufgewachsen, dass weiße Frauen “linke Huren” sind, die mit Negern und Kanacken herummachen und den weißen Mann wie Dreck behandeln. Hinzu kommt, dass nicht wenige Frauen heutzutage lesbisch sind.
    Das Traurige ist, dass “wir” gar nicht so schlecht aussehen, blond und blauäugig sind, aber unterbewusst wurde unser Selbstbewusstsein durch die kulturmarxistische Propaganda gebrochen.
    Denn es wird überall der dunkelrassige Mann als erstrebenswert präsentiert.
    Vielleicht sind wir etwas zu hart mit den Frauen? Wahlbefragungen ergaben, dass in Österreich (Parlamentswahl 2024) und den Landtagswahlen in Mitteldeutschland fast so viele Frauen wie Männer FPÖ und AFD wählten.
    Statistisch gesehen, wählten 20% der Frauen “rechtsextrem”. Also jede fünfte Frau wäre theoretisch von der Einstellung her in Ordnung.
    Klar ist das zu wenig, aber wenn man es hochrechnet, gäbe es da schon Möglichkeiten.
    Doch diese guten konservativen Frauen sind oft vergeben. Ein Teufelskreis.

    • Ich bedanke mich für diesen freimütigen Kommentar. Das Problem ist reell, krass, und überall vorhanden.

      Ich glaube, ohne Widerspruch erwarten zu müssen, dass man sagen könnte, ich sehe (oder in der Vergangenheit ich SAH — bin jetzt 70 Jahre alt 😉 ) nicht schlecht aus, war auch durch Gewichte-Heben stark gebaut, nordisch im Aussehen, usw.

      Und doch, infolge meiner Kindheit bei MK-ULTRA, hatte mein Selbstbewusstsein als Junge einen Knacks erlitten. Ich war 1999 auf Besuch in Tirol/Österreich, lernte online eine ganz akzeptable Obersekretärin im Städtchen Kundl bei den dortigen Chemiewerken kennen, die ich nun per Flugzeugreise persönlich treffen konnte.

      Aber ich hatte von MK-ULTRA her ein Händezittern, was ihr auffiel. Unter dem Einfluss ihrer Mutter warf sie mir vor, Drogenabhängiger zu sein! Das ließ jedoch bei mir ein bitterer Nachgeschmack über. Sie hätte doch aus fraulicher Güte fragen können, warum meine Hände zitterten (was übrigens nicht mehr der Fall ist, da der deutsche Spiritualitätsautor Eckhart Tolle mir durch seine Bücher geholfen hat, die Vergangenheit hinter mir zu lassen.)

      Es gibt Weiber, und es gibt Frauen, und es gibt Damen. Meine deutschstämmige Margaret war eine Dame.

      Das Ziel der kommenden Religion Virtus ist die Wiederherstellung der Liebe und des Glückes.

  10. Da heute ein Feiertag ist, bleibt genug Zeit ein wenig zu chatten. In einem Chatraum war eine LauraBC zu finden. Ich wollte von ihr wissen, was BC bedeutet. Es heißt “Black Cock”. Sie schrieb mir, dass sie blond und blauäugig sei und in ihrer Tiroler Kleinstadt mit Blacks in einem Black Underground Club verkehrt. Dort würden weiße Mädchen, die ganze Zeit mit Blacks es treiben.
    Tja, solche Erlebnisse sind natürlich demütigend für weiße Männer, die so oft alleine sind hier.
    Ein Kamerad ist in einem internationalen Incel-Forum. Dort beschweren sich polnische Männer, dass junge Polinnen mit schwarzen Studenten verkehren.
    Mir ist es ein Rätsel, was sie nur an diesen Schwarzen finden.

    • Entsetzlich, und gerade im einst “heiligen Land Tirol”!

      Dieses üble Phänomän kann man unmöglich durch die “Schönheit” von Negermännern erklären. Ich lernte einmal Albino-Neger kennen….mit weißer Haut, aber afrikanischen Gesichtszügen. Das ist zum Weglaufen!

      Ich sage es Ihnen mal ganz offen, und zwar auch aufgrund eigenster Erfahrung:

      Auch eine Dame will, wenn es so weit ist, voll tierisch und hemmunglos “genommen” und hart “gebumst” werden…. und sie wähnen, Neger, da sie nun mal offensichtliche Halbtiere sind, würden es tierischer machen.

      Die Mona Lisa, die Giaconda, nach Computer-Entfernung des jahrhundertelangen Lacks….mit rötlichem Haarschimmmer….

      Und wenn sie auch noch einen Hass auf den eigenen Vater haben, ist Sex mit Negern auch Rache an ihm.

      So sehr ich den Islam verabscheue, haben die ihre Frauen im Griff.

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