A suicidal man reports on his NDE

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Dear Mr. de Nugent,  

In response to your request, I would like to share the following text with you and your readers. It is my personal recollection of the day I briefly left my body and was reincarnated, a.k.a. near-death experience (NDE).


Several years ago, I went through the so called “light tunnel” as it is often referred to by other people who have had a near-death experience. It was indeed a light tunnel, as I will soon explain, but at the time it felt more like a speed tunnel, which is perfectly correct as well, because I left my human body at the speed of light in order to become pure light again, which is what all of us essentially are once we have shed our fleshly bodies.


I hung myself inside my apartment on a fairly short rope attached to the stairs leading up to the next floor. After I jumped and lost consciousness of my familiar worldly surroundings, I felt that I was being sucked somewhere at a frightening speed. I experienced a sort of “speed tunnel”, a sensation which I had only known from accelerating at full blast with a powerful motorcycle, but this was infinitely faster and endlessly more powerful. It must have been the moment when “my lights went out”. ”In my human life I once saw, for a flash of a moment, the light of life leave the eyes of my dog when she passed away. Now I was on the same journey of light. ” The narrow tunnel was scary because of the sheer speed at which I was flying through it and the close distance to the tunnel walls.

Once I reached the outside, things calmed down immediately. I found myself in a wide-open endless space, not unlike the pictures of outer space which we have all seen from NASA.

I had reached another dimension. I was pure light. At a distance, I saw a bright, shiny light with holographs of my deceased immediate family members projected around it. I wanted to get closer but in order to get there I had to pass by other lights which I feared. The next thing I remember is that my family “ my straight-line ancestors “ came up to me to welcome and guard me. They did not have human bodies and neither had I. We were all different lights, each with its own frequency and color. Our lights mingled with each other. It was the greatest moment I can ever remember. I was united with my own source, with my ancestors, with my true self. It was a unification of souls from the same source of light. I had truly come home.

I asked my ancestors whether I could stay with them. They replied: “No, not yet. Be assured, your time will come. We will be here waiting for you. You still have things to do in the other dimension. You are not finished yet. You cannot simply quit on us. We are not able to do any of those things since we don’t have a human body, but you do. Hurry up, you need to go back there while there is still time. And don’t ever dare and try to come here again before it is your call. You would regret it if you did. This time we are protecting you, next time we won’t be able to. Hurry up. Go back now.” (PLEASE NOTE: The foregoing text between quotes is not a word-by-word transcript of what my ancestors told me. It is rather a translation of the message which I got from them. In fact, they did not use words at all in a human sense. Nevertheless, it is exactly what they pointed out to me.)

After I returned into my body, I slowly regained human consciousness. I started to experience the world through my familiar eyes again. The first thing I saw appeared to be a ride on a merry-go-round. I saw the stairs, the kitchen cabinet and the windows of my apartment spinning around me, and I wondered what that was all about. Then it slowly dawned upon me that my head was in a noose and I was hanging from a spinning rope. At that moment my body went into a spasm. My bodily feelings entered my mind and I felt that I was being choked and my lungs were completely cut off from the air. I started to flip around like a fish on a hook in order to get the rope to swing toward the stairs so I could hold on to them and pull myself up. Eventually, I managed to grasp on to the stairs but I lost my strength and slipped down again. I felt I was about to faint and decided to make one final attempt. I managed to reach the stairs again and pulled myself up, which allowed me to catch just enough of a breath to cry for help. Someone heard me and rushed to my help.

Ever since I returned from the other dimension I have felt that I was reborn. In fact it was a reincarnation. I was literally reincarnated into the same still usable body. It was a painful and exhausting rebirth “ just like any natural birth “ and I made it. The rope was my reverse umbilical cord, in a matter of speaking, it was my connection to another state of existence. I am still the same person I was before but my awareness has changed. The knowledge of the other side has turned my life around completely. It has answered a lot of my questions and has given me a deeply felt calmness and a sense of meaningfulness and certainty. I know the other dimension is always around us and they are trying to point me into a certain direction, sometimes in a stern way in order to make me understand. Time and again, ever since my reincarnation, I have been through stunning coincidences and difficult trials, which have taught me things and led me further on my path. I still don’t know where my life journey is headed for, but I have learned to trust and look for hints. It feels like a mission which has never been spelled out for me but which offers a great chance for accomplishment. Life is not a theme park built for our mere enjoyment. We are here for a reason.


(I responded):

In reply to Wolf.Wow, this is an awesome experience and thank you so much for sharing it!

A huge percentage of us have toyed with the idea of suicide, or tried it.

Adolf Hitler once urged his listeners to not condemn those who “den Gashahn aufdrehen” (“turn up the gas,” unlit, in the kitchen, in order to asphyxiate themselves). It was a common thing during the Great Depression in Germany 1929-32.

He said “It is not an easy thing to do,” meaning it is a mistake, yes, but a decision that does take courage.

Clearly, your guardians loved you and love you now, and they know, yes, they KNOW, from their higher level, that you are capable of valuable things for our race and nation.

I have felt tremendous despair too, especially in the year 2005, and am glad that I “walked through the valley of the shadow of death” and emerged, willing to complete my mission.

Thank you so much again.


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