A totally RUTHLESS, SHOCKING theory why Trump is pushing the Warp Speed Covid vaccine

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Maybe  I am giving Trump too much credit…. but a comrade sent me this info below on Trumjp advocating a dangeous Covid vaccine, and I give my take on it all.

Frankly, I do find it harder and harder to believe that Donald Trump, in the wake of the current mega-massive election fraud against him by the (((Deep State))), still trusts anything or anyone from the Establishment at this late stage, including his vile jew-snake of a son-in-law. Jared Kushner.

On FOX with Maria Bartiromo the other day, President Trump was just complaining bitterly about the CIA and Department of Justice (and thus about his own appointees, CIA director Gina Haspel and AG William Barr).

Anyway, the comrade wrote me:

Why is Trump pushing the vaccine that is already known to be designed to be destructive to the human body? Essentially, it makes Trump a genocidal sidekick of Gates and Fauci. Jews know how to eliminate goyim most thoroughly.

Another Trump Victory on COVID-19: Moderna Vaccine Is 94.5 Percent Effective
BY TYLER O’NEIL NOV 16, 2020 9:47 AM ET

“Next year, the U.S. government could have access to more than 1 billion doses of vaccine from just Pfizer and Moderna, much more than the 330 million needed for U.S. citizens and residents.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a partnership with Moderna for Operation Warp Speed back in August. HHS and the Department of Defense partnered with Moderna to manufacture and deliver 100 million doses of the company’s vaccine candidate, doses which the government will own.

President Donald Trump celebrated Pfizer’s success in a speech at the Rose Garden on Friday.

“No medical breakthrough of this scope and magnitude has ever been achieved,” the president declared. “Operation Warp Speed is unequaled and unrivaled anywhere in the world.”’



First remark: both the Moderna and Pfizer key people are JEWS.

Jews behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

Secondly, this jew-created vaccine is disastrous! And we know that Trump said years ago none of his kids (five of them) got vaccinated.

The new vaccine will genetically modify you, make you sick — AND leave you sterile — Carrie Madej, MD (YT viciously turned the sound off on this video)

(And, btw, a SIDE-THEME BUT RELEVANT, on September 11, 2001, as a skyscraper-builder himself, and someone who followed closely the details of the construction of the World Trade Center, he showed huge skepticism about the reasons given for the WTC to collapse….)

“Bombs took down the buildings.”


The whole blog is of great interest, but the Trump part is at the end where Trump, 19 years younger than now, cagily shows huge doubt about the official narrative:

Claim that dying CIA agent admitted bringing down WTC-7; evidence of CGI and “no planes”; Trump an early truther


And now a macabre theory which I am not endorsing, just putting out there for discussion:

One possibility, amoral for sure, is that Trump

1) would ensure it is not mandatory, which he has said (and Biden-Harris would do the exact opposite), and

2) he knows that if not mandatory, basically it will be the pathetic, Trump-hating libtards, leftists, Antifa, BLM, blacks, browns and yellows,  and ALL the MSM true-believers who HATE HIM who will line up like heroic little sheep to take it, getting sick and becoming sterile.

Here in Ontonagon, what I have seen is this —

The Covid-obsessed mask wearers — you know, the self-righteous dorks who give you unasked-for guff  in the supermarket if you walk around without a mask — are ALL either

1) libtards who had a revolting Biden-Harris sign on their lawn 


2) RINO Republican traitors, that is, Never-Trumpers.

The late US senator John McCain, Republican presidential nominee in 2008, and Governor Mitt Romney, GOP nominee in 2012. Both deliberately lost to Barack Obama by not discussing the proven fact that Obongo’s long-form Hawaiian birth certificate was a pitiful fake, which meant Obama was literally an illegal alien, he has never been a US citizen, and he was ineligible to run for president. Both thereby could have incontrovertibly WON in a 50-state landslide. (https://johndenugent.com/sheriff-arpaio-obama-birth-certificate-definitely-fraudulent-social-security-the-stupendous-fraud/)

If these hate-filled, pro-NWO, vaccine-loving zombies ignore and mock a thousand anti-vaccination warnings — and go get sick and die, well, sad for them — but that is their karma, their choice.

They chose to “drink the koolaid.”  They chose the wonderful jews’ vaccine.

‘Such a brilliant people,  with 100 Nobel prizes, persecuted by that awful Hitler. Thank God the Greatest Generation stopped him.’

So you heroic, CNN-watching, “expert”-trusting, Obama-missing, “science”-believing libtards, have it your way.

Go take your f–king vaccine.

And this may weaken, sicken, sterilize and possibly kill (or incapacitate and take out of action), as I implied above, two-thirds of the Demoncrats, blacks, browns and yellows in this country who dream of white genocide.

Real peaceful-like. No firing squads, just hospitalization, childless couples, and for many, an early coffin.

Now, Part Two would be this. The vaccine starts to obviously harm people. Then Trump, playing chess and the “long game,” uses the outrage that arises to blame and to slam the Deep State, which absolutely has to go.

“THEY lied to us it was safe.”

THEN he arrests the perps en masse.

Ruthless, yes. but maybe then he can finally “drain-the-swamp” and “lock-them-up.”

I recall how a WN living in Taiwan (he had been married to a local woman before he awoke to racial values) told me on a Skype video chat this,

that the Chinese word for “great man” also means “ruthless man.”






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FRANÇOIS AROUET: Pence created own “VP club” with Trump enemies BIDEN and CHENEY — men he met and spoke with FREQUENTLY during election campaign on both domestic and foreign policies




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