My Covid experience: (Photo by Margi from a few days ago) Since I have been healthy and strong all my life (and among other reasons, this is why I volunteered for the US Marines in 1978, which is the Waffen-SS of the Americans, so to speak), unsurprisingly, the course of my Covid disease was mild — five days of definite fatigue, which is unheard-of for me. I never had the flu, ever, btw.
At 67, I decided to limit myself sensibly to getting plenty of sleep, but here at I happily continued blogging the whole time while flat on my back with my smart phone at hand. 🙂
Being of course un-vaccinated, I successfully treated myself instead with hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, zinc and vitamin D. Now the nightmare is over. And so back to the battle! The truth about Covid is yet to bring a positive worldwide change for the white race! Salvation from murderous Judaism!
….Pine-needle tea against Covid
A stanch supporter wrote me:
I am getting pine-needle extract made by a beautiful Florida family, and bought on Amazon. I mix it in cold drinks. Haven’t been sick [in months].
Spotify recently created a “fact-based” COVID-19 hub that they direct their listeners to. However it is filled with misinformation. So I wrote my own. Let me know what you think.
Spotify made a press release about their new platform policies which prohibits any information which in their sole opinion may cause offline harm or poses a direct threat to public health. They refer people to their “fact-based” COVID-19 hub for accurate information.
I think their “fact-based” hub is filled with misinformation, so I decided to write my own simplified version that takes just a couple of minutes to read.
Here it is:
Early treatments using repurposed drugs in a proven protocol are the best way to treat COVID. Treating as soon as symptoms appear is key. Fareed and Tyson have now treated over 10,000 people infected with COVID without any deaths as long as the people arrived early in the disease. The NIH and CDC ignore these treatments. I recommend you choose an early treatment protocol where there have been at least 10,000 COVID patients treated early without a single death (such as the Fareed-Tyson protocol), and start it as soon as you have symptoms.
The evidence is clear that all of the current COVID vaccines available in the US today are both unsafe and ineffective. They are not suitable for anyone because they are more likely to kill you than to save you. If they don’t kill you, they may permanently damage your immune system or leave you permanently disabled. Avoid these at all costs. After 90 days, it appears that the vaccines have negative efficacy against Omicron, making you up to twice as likely to be infected. This is likely why case rates are so high in highly vaccinated countries. See Incriminating Evidence for details.
Cloth and surgical masks do not work. There have been just two randomized trials with masks and COVID (Denmark and Bangladesh) and they proved that surgical and cloth masks have no effect. Similarly, N95 masks do not work in practice either. The FAA rules basically require you to wear these masks on planes, mandating a medical intervention that is much more likely to make you sick and has no chance to protect you. See Incriminating Evidence for details.
If you require PPE that might protect you from COVID, consider a 3M respirator with a P100 filter. Even better is to use a PAPR with your respirator (with a P100 or P3 filter). See this article on masks and respirators for details. These products that protect you do not protect others. The FAA will not allow these devices on a plane.
Social distancing is not the right way to think about risk reduction. Think instead the 4 D’s: draft, distance, density, duration. Putting yourself in an unventilated small room at close distance to a source for a long duration will maximize your exposure. The 6 foot rule for standing in line is nonsensical since as soon as you enter the airspace of the person in front of you, you will be breathing the virus from people who were standing in that spot hours (to days) ago (depending on the ventilation in the area). There is absolutely nothing magical about 6 feet.
Mitigation strategies such as testing, masking, isolation, and vaccination are largely ineffective. See this article for a convincing example.
The best way to treat COVID is to do the opposite of what the CDC and FDA advises. So when they tell you to mask up, get boosted, avoid all repurposed drugs and supplements (including ivermectin, HCQ, fluvoxamine, vitamin D, zinc, aspirin, budesonide, etc), take paxlovid, molnupiravir, and remdesivir, you know what to do.
There is only significant spread if you have symptoms. For example, in a study in China, they looked at 1,174 close contacts of these asymptomatic individuals and could not find ONE CASE of a person getting COVID from the asymptomatic people. Therefore, testing asymptomatic people is unnecessary because it is a lot of effort for near 0 gain.
Omicron is very mild compared to Delta. After you recover from an Omicron infection, data shows you will be protected from Delta as well.
People who get the virus and recover are always better off than a vaccinated patient. Unlike vaccinated people, if a naturally infected patient is ever re-infected, they cannot transmit the virus to others (as far as we know so far).
Censorship of COVID advice by social media (in particular the hazards of the vaccines and the effectiveness of early treatment protocols) has cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
None of the health authorities issuing mandates and directives are willing to participate in a recorded scientific discussion with the so-called “misinformation spreaders” such as Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Robert Kennedy, … Our authorities are afraid of the truth.
The CDC, FDA, and NIH are all corrupt agencies that have looked the other way at safety signals. There are over 1M adverse events in VAERS and these represent over 40M adverse events in the real world. This is unprecedented, yet the CDC isn’t able to find a safety signal other than a “slightly elevated” risk of myocarditis. Attempts to bring the VAERS data to their attention is futile. They won’t even do a proper calculation of the underreporting factor which is required to do a proper risk-benefit analysis. They ignore the [Pentagon] DMED data entirely.
Compare my fact-based COVID-19 hub to Spotify’s and let me know which one you like better.
I think I had Covid about three weeks ago. For a day I had no appetite, and for a week I felt fatigued. I didn’t take any medications. (I didn’t know where to get Ivermectine or hydroxychloroquine.)
I just slept a lot and drank a lot of orange juice.
Faremo il test seriologico per capire se ci siamo passati tutti.
Io credo di sì.Compreso i bambini.
Siamo tutti in salute e non abusiamo di farmaci.Le difese contano tanto.
Stamattina per miracolo abbiamo evitato il tampone ai bambini da portare a scuola per il rientro(per un bambino positivo in classe).
In realtà era saltato whatsapp a causa degli aggiornamenti che non riuscivo a fare e tutte le notifiche della scuola,email e registro elettronico di venerdì.
Che strano 🙂 🙂
Non so spiegarmi i visi serpentiformi ma queste statuine si.
Possono essere solo i Siriani e non i Grigi;poi in una società matriarcale,bellissima come questa.
Mi hanno detto che questa teoria è propaganda,teoria senza fondamento.
La cultura vinca è fantascienza?!!
La società villanoviana/Gilanica,Vinciana.
Questo è il libro di storia di Matteo e Mario:
“Mamma guarda!C’è Hitler sul vaso dove si conservavano le ceneri! 🙂
Questa è sicuramente la prima razza aliena (Guida) che ha colonizzato il pianeta.
I Siriani sono molto particolari..e anche diversi tra loro.
I think I had Covid about three weeks ago. For a day I had no appetite, and for a week I felt fatigued. I didn’t take any medications. (I didn’t know where to get Ivermectine or hydroxychloroquine.)
I just slept a lot and drank a lot of orange juice.
After a week of rest I was fine.
Glad you are over it. 🙂
Sounds like my case.
I had no comorbidities, such as diabetes, lung problems or obesity, and just took it easy.
The tiredness was marked, however. I am normally a dynamo, but felt like turning in by 6 pm every night.
Covid is real, albeit a kind of flu. IMO it was Fauci’s bioweapon, but it mutated and weakened within weeks.
Faremo il test seriologico per capire se ci siamo passati tutti.
Io credo di sì.Compreso i bambini.
Siamo tutti in salute e non abusiamo di farmaci.Le difese contano tanto.
Stamattina per miracolo abbiamo evitato il tampone ai bambini da portare a scuola per il rientro(per un bambino positivo in classe).
In realtà era saltato whatsapp a causa degli aggiornamenti che non riuscivo a fare e tutte le notifiche della scuola,email e registro elettronico di venerdì.
Che strano 🙂 🙂
Ho letto qualcosa ma non questo articolo.Le sue scoperte sono interessanti…
Ora mi viene in mente Sirio,ecco perché non riuscivo a comprendere questi ritrovamenti. 🙂 🙂
È la cultura siriana 🙂 🙂
Non so spiegarmi i visi serpentiformi ma queste statuine si.
Possono essere solo i Siriani e non i Grigi;poi in una società matriarcale,bellissima come questa.
Mi hanno detto che questa teoria è propaganda,teoria senza fondamento.
La cultura vinca è fantascienza?!!
La società villanoviana/Gilanica,Vinciana.
Questo è il libro di storia di Matteo e Mario:
“Mamma guarda!C’è Hitler sul vaso dove si conservavano le ceneri! 🙂
Questa è sicuramente la prima razza aliena (Guida) che ha colonizzato il pianeta.
I Siriani sono molto particolari..e anche diversi tra loro.