A very dark take on Trump

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I do not endorse this view below of Trump as an agent, betraying “America First” and working for the other side. But it is troubling that such a good an persuasive case CAN be made claiming that he IS, making endless egregious “mistakes.”

Btw, the author is not Tyler Durden, but his friend Donald Jeffries. (Here is the original link: https://donaldjeffries.substack.com/p/trumpenstein-and-the-death-of-politics)

After the article I will state why I do not think Trump is an agent, but IS a deeply flawed individual…..


Trumpenstein And The Death Of Politics

Tyler Durden's Photo

WEDNESDAY, MAR 06, 2024 – 05:40 PM

Authored by Donald Jeffries via “I Protest,”

I’m the guy who coined the term The Trumpenstein Project. My good friend John Barbour came up with Trump Agnostic to describe how we felt about the former Reality TV star. Trump, I mean, not John Barbour, who has been described as the Godfather of Reality Television.

I may very well be the last Trump Agnostic standing. It’s not only the smallest minority group in the world, but I’m not even sure who any other members are at this point. My Trumpenstein thesis is that the elite recruited the most bombastic and obnoxious personality they could, and inserted him into the presidential campaign. They assigned him the role of populist outsider, and wrote some alluring rhetoric for him, which was often revolutionary. He wooed millions, including me. Millions of others instantly hated him. That’s how programming works. I didn’t think he could possibly be sincere, but I couldn’t completely discount the notion that a billionaire could theoretically become fed up with what he’d witnessed behind the scenes. At any rate, once Trump selected his cabinet, the psyop became obvious.

Choosing Mike Pence as his running mate gained him nothing politically. Were the evangelicals going to vote for Hillary without Pence on the ticket? He also lost how ever many gay votes he was going to get. For whatever reason, gays hate Pence like no other politician. Trump redeemed himself a bit with his inaugural address, which was the best since JFK’s in my opinion. But as he announced the choices for his cabinet, each one brought an additional shake of the head, and an additional dose of disillusionment. Nikki Haley had been one of the loudest Never Trumpers. Trump, nevertheless, first offered her the prestigious position of Secretary of State, and she ultimately became his U.N. ambassador.

Jeff Sessions seemed like a decent choice as Attorney General, given his strong stance on immigration. But his lust for our militarized police forces came through loud and clear. He actually wanted to bolster the odious asset-forfeiture laws, which are the foundation of the corrupt policing for profit system. He also inexplicably recused himself from any potential prosecution of Hillary Clinton. You know, Crooked Hillary, “Lock her up!” and all that. But Trump let his supporters know there was going to be no prosecution of his old friend, when he began complimenting her during his speech declaring victory. He declared she was “good people,” and didn’t want to prosecute her. Which he promised to do countless times during his 2016 campaign. His second Attorney General, William Barr, was even worse, prosecuting only Trump supporters.

We now know that Hillary was scheming to orchestrate the “Russia! Russia! Russia!” psyop before the 2016 election. This was revealed not by some lowly Thought Criminal like me, but by beloved former CIA director John Brennan. They don’t come any more reliable than CIA officials, as our “free press” regularly reminds us. So, yes, along with the ridiculous Steele Dossier, Trump was indeed under attack by the Swamp he vowed to drain, during his entire four years in office. This is invariably the excuse given by his adoring fans. But they never explain why, as he was under such an unprecedented assault, he never attempted to fight back. Never used the considerable powers of his office. Instead, he produced a steady stream of often juvenile tweets.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was appointed to his position by Trump.That’s right, this maverick outsider chose an undisguised Never Trumper to head the Bureau that would have been instrumental in an investigation of Hillary or any other villain from the Swamp. So naturally Wray concentrated, from the very beginning of his tenure in office, on following the deluded “Russiagate” fantasies, instead of focusing on those who were attacking Trump unfairly. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller was chosen not to investigate Hillary’s destruction of emails and a laptop, or her scheme to tie Trump to Russian “collusion,” but Donald Trump himself. Mueller and William Barr, Trump’s second Attorney General, just happened to be best friends. No one said the Trumpenstein Project had to be believable.

Trump wasn’t playing “4D chess.” He wasn’t following the old adage of “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” And I don’t believe he’s actually as stupid as he usually sounds. “Covfefe” and “hamberders” weren’t some mystical code that mere mortals couldn’t fathom. But I do think they were part of the act. Covfefe, by the way, is now an accepted word. It has its own Wikipedia page. Which some of us don’t. The absurd misspellings and grammatical errors, the repeating of the same word or phrase ad nauseum, all just exacerbated the hatred that millions felt for him. And endeared him to millions of others. Some inferred that Trump didn’t know how to read, that he was illiterate. Like all those athletes we are supposed to believe are college graduates. Maybe Trump was just a One Percent version of an Affirmative Action project.

QAnon was a necessary invention of some intelligence agency. There had to be a way to explain to the MAGA faithful why Trump was surrounding himself with Never Trumpers and not even attempting to fulfill any of his many campaign promises. So millions became disciples of “Q drops,” and never blinked when the continuous predictions never came true. They actually believed the military- exemplified by Trump hater General Mark Milley (who was, naturally, appointed by Trump)- was in charge behind the scenes. They claimed child sex traffickers were being rounded up. There were secret trials of Hillary and other Deep State criminals being held at Guantanamo Bay. I read recently where Oprah Winfrey is secretly on trial now. These “White Hats” behave as inconspicuously as the “White Supremacists” do.

At any rate, Trump never kept any of his promises. To American citizens. He was so loyal to Israel that they named streets for him there. He didn’t try to end birthright citizenship. Or the foreign visa worker programs. Or sanctuary cities. Or DACA. He somehow managed to deport fewer illegals than Barack Obama. That couldn’t have been easy, so give him some credit. He let statues be torn down, cities burn and looters run wild during the summer of 2020. He did tweet a lot. Never sent the National Guard in. Like the Republican governor of Massachusetts did when Ron DeSantis shipped a handful of migrants to the entitled community of Martha’s Vineyard.

If Trump had been a real outsider, you would have seen people like Ron and/or Rand Paul, Paul Craig Roberts, Pat Buchanan, Dinesh D’Souza, maybe even Alex Jones, named to key positions in his administration. I know the response to that is, “He had to name those insiders. They would never have approved those others.” Well, Trump should have at least tried. Historically, some nominees have been rejected by Congress. For instance, Jimmy Carter, in his best attempted move, tried to get JFK’s speechwriter Ted Sorenson approved as CIA director. I don’t think Trump had a single nominee rejected. And considering how much he was despised by both parties, that ought to really tell you something. Trump selected nothing but Swamp creatures.

But despite Trump rescuing a Black rapper from Sweden, and engineering the release of an unfairly convicted Black woman from prison, at the behest of Kim Kardashian no less, millions declared that he was a “racist.” Period. In all reality, those moves on behalf of Black citizens were two of the few actions Trump was responsible for in his entire presidential term. The closest he came to being a “racist” was very reasonably saying there were “good people” on both sides during the Charlottesville protests. He never mentioned the word “White” in reference to Caucasians in four years as president. He certainly never uttered the words “Great Replacement.” He did brag incessantly about how low Black unemployment was, though. Actually, he called it African-American unemployment. It’s a White cuck thing, you wouldn’t understand.

But enough about how different Trump’s rhetoric was from his record. He definitely had, and still has, the right enemies. All the worst people in the world, the modern doorkeepers of Satan, hate him with a fervor that even Adolph Hitler couldn’t match. Of course, “Russiagate” was a joke. And it was documented to have been the illegitimate brainchild of Hillary Clinton. Who not only wasn’t prosecuted (by the Trump justice department), but continues to rant about how the 2016 election was stolen from her. Almost like Trump does about the 2020 election. Only Trump is being prosecuted for complaining about his election. Some allegations of electoral fraud are more equal than others.

Trump was the subject of more obscene and distasteful public comments and media ridicule than any other American in history. More than Huey Long. More than Richard Nixon. More than Jim Garrison. There was a play running for months in New York, that celebrated the mock assassination of Donald Trump. Upstanding America 2.0 celebrity Snoop Dogg also depicted the assassination of Trump in a video. Trump would repay the venerable Snoop by pardoning his friend, the president of Death Row Records, and not Julian Assange, as he left office. Trump was certainly a strange sort of “racist.” Kind of like all those “White Supremacists,” who remain in the shadows, overseeing the Great Replacement.

Celebrities showed absolute disdain for Trump in their intellectual offerings on Twitter. So did virtually every “journalist” in our state controlled media. Indeed, Trump’s one enduring legacy may be to have popularized the phrase “fake news,” and inadvertently exposed just how bad our “free press” really is. No matter how many Black rappers he rescued, or how few illegal immigrants he actually deported, the constant refrain was that Trump was a hopeless “racist.” In fact, he came to define the term. And, of course, everyone who supported him were “racists” too. Trump actually instituting the unconstitutional lockdown (proving that he could do something after all), and claiming credit for, and praising the dangerous “warp speed” vaccine didn’t matter. He was still a “racist.” And responsible for all the incorrigible anti-vaxxers.

Trump’s three nominees to the Supreme Court were attacked viciously by the usual suspects. And his loyalists, when confronted with the stark evidence of his inactivity as president, invariably point to them as his greatest accomplishment. Except that one of them, Amy Coney Barrett, votes against him every time. Brett Kavanaugh is hit or miss. Only Neil Gorsuch has been pretty decent. And yet, those with Trump Derangement syndrome (and it is a very real mental disorder) continue to portray them as right-wing extremists. White Supremacists. Perhaps “insurrectionists.” Like Trump, they are guilty of Thought Crimes they never committed. We’ll see how they rule on his politicized prosecutions and remaining electoral disputes. So far, their track record doesn’t give much hope to MAGA loyalists.

So let’s look at these Trump show trials. I don’t know what the Soviet legal process really was like, before they sent dissidents off to Siberia, but how much more corrupt could it have been? Trump was convicted, and forced to pay millions, to a certifiable lunatic, who paints her trees blue and named her cat vagina. For sexually assaulting her in a crowded department store dressing room, at some point in the 1990s. She couldn’t recall the exact year. Seriously. And she is on the record having joked about having sex with Donald Trump on social media. She is the poster child for uncredible witnesses. But a jury, and one of the endless biased judges assigned to Trump’s cases, ruled in her favor. As the “Woke” White women say, “I believe her!”

Trump just lost again (he always loses, this is part of the Trumpenstein Project), in a ridiculous case where he “defrauded” well…not sure who, exactly, but his “crime” was exaggerating the value of his assets. You know, something pretty much everyone has done. Those who loaned him the money said he paid them back properly. In other words, they were witnesses for him. But Judge Nosferatu (and there is really no more appropriate name for him) ruled against him anyway and ordered him to pay an Alex Jones-like $400 million. Since there was no party claiming to have been injured or defrauded, it’s unclear where that money is going. But the millions who hate him are overjoyed. Well, not exactly. They won’t be satisfied until he’s hung in Times Square. Do it on New Year’s Eve and have him swing along with the giant ball.

In Georgia, Trump is being prosecuted for trying to “overturn” an election. By “overturn,” the “Woke” authoritarians mean legally attempting to get the courts to act on what Trump and his team believe is clear electoral fraud. In the same state, the lovely Stacy Abrams continues to insist she was robbed in her race for governor. Somehow, this is not an attempt to “overturn” an election. I’m sure Rachel Maddow could explain the distinction. And the even more lovely Fani Willis is large and in charge here. If Trump really is a racist, he must be feeling like unreconstructed southerners felt in the late 1860s, on being “represented” in Congress by illiterate former slaves. If he ever were to utter a racial epithet, now would be the time.

TDS has claimed millions of victims. It’s nonfatal in physical terms, but it is absolutely lethal to the intellect. I’ve seen many a friend fall victim to it. It causes one to lose all sense of perspective. The victim begins to believe that the intelligence agencies, the military industrial complex, and the mainstream media are all fine and worthwhile institutions. They actually believe that Trumpenstein opposes these forces, which represent the Deep State he talked about. The Swamp he vowed to drain. And so George W. Bush is now a hero. He opposed Trump! Demonic Dick Cheney’s vile offspring Liz is now the sexiest thing since Michelle Obama. Forget about the dead intern in Joe Scarborough’s old congressional office. He hates Trump!

To those with TDS, all politics is viewed through the prism of Trumpenstein. Because Trump spoke out against the “senseless wars,” those who hate him have to be in favor of war. See “I stand with Ukraine.” Because Trump criticized our Third World infrastructure, those who hate him want the roads, bridges, and power grids to remain in their present laughable state. Except for getting rid of any “racist” roads. And rest assured that the saintly Joe Biden will see to that. He’ll be on it like it was a little girl with the fresh scent of No More Tangles in her hair. Since Trump often hinted at conspiratorial thinking, those with TDS can no longer believe in any conspiracies. Well, except “Russiagate.” And the Trump-directed January 6 “insurrection.”

The only issue where they face a real dilemma is the COVID vaccine. Despite 90+ percent of his supporters being skeptical about it, Trump continues to tirelessly promote it. And yet, while all those with TDS enthusiastically embrace the vaccine, they curiously manage to ignore the fact that their sworn enemy claims credit for it. While Trump threw the January 6 protesters under the bus by not marching with them as he promised, didn’t pardon them before leaving office, and rarely mentions them in his circus barker rallies, he is still blasted for orchestrating the entire thing. His speech proves he didn’t “incite” anyone (he told them to march “peacefully and patriotically”), yet the media, and all those with TDS, insist he did. To them, the worst overreaction to a protest in history becomes “an attempt to overthrow democracy.”

We have seen several states take another unprecedented step, in voting to bar Donald Trump, a former president and current frontrunner in the polls, from their ballots. To their credit, the Supreme Court just voted 9-0 in Trump’s favor on this question. But the attempt illustrates the role of this scripted spectacle. All’s fair in the Trumpenstein Project. Politicized prosecutions. Efforts to prevent him from running again. The leadership of the Republicucks- his own supposed party- continues to be repelled by even the possibility of Making American Great Again, let alone emphasizing America First. Yes, Trump never says “America First” any longer. But it’s still an ominous prospect for those suffering with TDS. Can you imagine the horror of putting your own country’s interests first?

People in Donald Trump’s social and financial class, even if they aren’t ex-presidents of the United States, don’t get prosecuted. They are unequivocally above the law. The courts are primarily for convicting poor and working-class defendants who are often innocent. You can scour the huge prison system in this country, and you won’t find any former One Percenters incarcerated there. The system is designed to protect them, in the extremely rare instances where they are actually charged with a crime. Those with Trump’s resources should have a “Dream Team” of legal representatives that puts O.J.’s lawyers to shame. Instead, Trump’s lawyers have all been laughingstocks, the kind a ghetto denizen might get assigned to him. And unlike every wealthy man before him, Trump cannot seem to win in any courtroom.

This should give the Trumpenstein Project away. It’s designed for Trump to lose consistently. While he and his supporters continue to nonsensically claim he’s “winning.” The script calls for the Giant Orange Man- representing the last gasp of White alpha masculinity- to be defeated over and over again, usually at the hands of arrogant, ignorant Affirmative Action hires like Fani Willis and company. Like the Stupid Party he represents, Trump is basically the Washington Generals, being defeated in every game, by the lovable all-Black Harlem Globetrotters. Who openly cheat, and always have the referees on their side. It’s somewhat of an allegory for life in America 2.0, as far as average White Americans are concerned.

Trumpenstein has destroyed traditional American politics. The childish, cafeteria food fights on social media. The immature nicknames. Trump’s penis size even made it into a 2016 presidential debate, when he insisted he didn’t have small hands, and that “trust me,” the other thing wasn’t small, either. The more extreme TDS patients call him “micro-penis.” If things devolve logically, perhaps Trump will just whip it out at the next presidential debate. You can bet his fans would cheer it on. If it looks big, expect his millions of haters to call it “fake news.” Despite the term originating with Trump, everyone uses it now, to dismiss something they don’t like. They even denigrated the looks of Melania Trump, the most beautiful First Lady in history.

The Trumpenstein Project was designed to tap into the widespread populist sentiment in the country, and control it with this larger than life contrived personality. The political show trials are symbolic prosecutions of any real potential dissent. The independent political movement was destroyed by Trump. RFK, Jr. claims to still be polling at over twenty percent. If so, by their own debate rules, they have to let him participate. I just don’t see them allowing that. Any halfway competent individual would expose Joe Biden’s dementia in a debate. But not Trumpenstein. He can be counted on to bluster and bully, and make the helpless old codger-in-chief look sympathetic. That’s the Trumpenstein Project.

Thanks to this giant psyop, there will never be a viable Third Party movement in this country. Not that there was much of a chance before, but now virtually all Americans, having been subjected to this intensive programming, are back mired in the two disastrous “choices” or Democrat or Republican. Evil vs. stupid. The millions afflicted with TDS must vote for the putrid Democrats, regardless of wars, censorship, and massive inflation. Because Trump. The millions who cling naively to Trump will vote Republican Because Trump as well. Both parties “care about the children.” Both insist on a “strong defense.” Support the troops. Respect the police. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Unless you’re a billionaire or an illegal immigrant. “Hate Speech” isn’t free speech. Say “African-American” three times and click your heels.

In the days before Trump, things were awful. There was never any one worth voting for. Thus, the popularity of choosing “the lesser of two evils.” It was accepted by all that two evils would always be the choice. To be fair, Trump has at least made politics more exciting. When he’s attacking the unspeakably evil Democrats, or their insufferable mouthpieces in the media, it’s hard not to applaud. Or at least laugh. I am rooting for Trump to be selected as president again this year. Not because I think he’ll do anything good. But for the sheer entertainment value. CNN and MSNBC would become must-watch TV. It’s surely a sad commentary on the “world’s greatest democracy” that this is the best we can hope for.



……Trump is literally just Patton, warts and all, VAIN AND IMPULSIVE, and sadly not even “new and improved” in his next life

Trump’s border wall, incomplete due to the 2020 Stealection, not only obeyed the Constitution, but also kept America white longer.


Attached are two PDF files containing General George Patton’s last official diary entries. Below are some pertinent selections.

1. May 7, 1945 to August 8, 1945 PattonDiary-19450507-19450808
2. August 8, 1945 to September 26, 1945* PattonDiary-19450808-19450926

May 14, 1945 after a celebration with Red Army commander Marshal Tolbukhin:
Marshal Tolbukhin, who actually was an excellent general and kept casualties relatively low, unlike other marshals, conquering much of the Balkans (Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia) for Stalin
“I have never seen in any Army at any time, including the German Imperial Army of 1912, as severe discipline as exists in the Russian Army. The officers, with few exceptions, give the appearance of recently civilized Mongolian bandits. The men passed in review with a very good imitation of the goose step. They give me the impression of something that is to be feared in future world political reorganization.”
Red Army marshal’s shoulder board
The typically ugly, crude Soviet medal of a marshal. (Note how the round diamonds around the star form a downward-pointing and thus satanic pentragram.) 
British and American generals chat with Red Army Marshal Zhukov in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

May 18. 1945, advocating the US Army attack the Red Army 

“In my opinion, the American Army as it now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest of ease, because while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air, tanks, and in the knowledge of the use of the combined arms, whereas we excel in all three of these. If it should be necessary to fight the Russians, the sooner we do it the better.

Patton talks to US Army combat engineers after crossing the Rhine

General Eisenhower and General Bradley were somewhat worried about the attitude of the soldiers, Personally, I don’t thin the soldier cares. The present American soldier is so well desciplined and so patriotic he will fight anywhere he is told to fight, and do a good job. I believe that by taking an strong attitude, the Russians will back down. So far we have yielded to their Mongolian nature.”

August 8, 1945:

“The only young people who were not Nazis came out of the internment camps and are therefore either Jews or Communists.”

“I have arranged to have wood cut by the Germans and by prisoners of war so that all the cities of Bavaria willl have sufficient wood to heat and least one room for every family. Ths project is proceeding quite well except in the case of the displaced persons, who are too worthless to even cut wood to keep themselves warm.”

Jewish DPs in 1945

August 18, 1945:

“It is indeed unfortunate, my General, that the English and Americans have destroyed the only sound country, and I do not mean France. Therefore the road is open for the advent of Russian Communism.” ~ French General Alphonse Juin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphonse_Juin) said this to Patton.


August 29, 1945:

“Today we received a letter … Subject: ‘Special Camps for Stateless and Not Repatriable Individuals’ in which we were told to give Jews special accommodations.  If for Jews, why not for Catholics, Mormons, etc.?”

“Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch, of a Semitic revenge against all Germans, is still working.”


“We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man, and the Civil War to abolish slavey, and have now gone back on both principles.”


September 15, 1945:

“… Harrison and his ilk believe that the displaced person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to Jews, who are lower than animals.”


“Mr. Harrison [of the State Department] further objected to the sanitary conditions, again being ignorant of the fact that we frequently have to use force to prevent the inmates, Germans [anti-Hitler communists], Jews, and other people [formerly concentration-camp inmates], from defecating on the floor when ample facilities are provided outside.

Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau…

and Baruch, of a Semitic revenge against all Germans,…


…is still working. Harrison and his associates indicate that they feel that German civilians should be removed from [their] houses for the purpose of housing displaced persons.

There are two errors in this assumption.  First, when we remove an individual German, we punish an individual German, while the punishment is not intended for the individual but for the race.

Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person, which is a punishment, without due process of law.

In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the displaced person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to

Jews, who are lower than animals.

I remember once at Troina in Sicily, General Gay said that it wasn’t a question of the people [liberated anti-Mussolini communists] living with the dirty animals, but of the animals living with the dirty people.

Furthermore, I do not see why Jews should be treated any better or any worse than Catholics, Protestans, Mohammedans or Mormons.

However, it seems apparent that we [US Army generals occupying a defeated Germany] will have to do this, and I am going to do it as painlessly as possible.”


September 17, 1945:

“The buildings were therefore in a good state of repair when the Jews arrived but were in a bad state of repair when we arrived, because these Jewish DP’s, or at least a majority of them, have no sense of human relationships.”

September 22, 1945:

“There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press.  They are trying to do two things: first, implement Communism and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.”

“The attitude of the American people as evinced by the press and the radio is such I am inclined to think I made a great mistake in serving them for nearly forty years, although I had a very good time doing it.”

Source: George S. Patton Diaries

*In PDF-2 there is a missing plate between 7 and 8 (42 and 43 at LOC) for ‘September 15, 1945 (cont’d p.3) / Sunday, September 16, 1945’.  Plate 19 (54 at LOC) appears much different than the rest.



…….Patton on Hitler’s “megalomania” 

The Schwerer [“Heavy”] Gustav  was the largest artillery gun ever built, cost about $24 mio in current US money, and was quite effective for the Wehrmacht in reducing massive Soviet fortresses and bunkers, especially in Sevastopol, Crimea in June 1942. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerer_Gustav


I inspected it with Speer (far right), with Bormann behind me. Sevastopol was a giant Soviet naval and air base on the Crimea, which was not only holding out but also sending bombers to hit our vital German fuel refinery in Ploiesti, Romania, located 590 km (370 miles) to the west.

Gustav once blew up a huge ammunition dump located under 30 feet of rock, dirt and steel-reinforced concrete. It was a very effective weapon, and the Americans have a “bunker-buster bomb” today to do what we did with Gustav. It was ready for use in the siege of Leningrad, but we ended the siege and withdrew.

In the diary, Patton talks about seeing the remains of the gun (after it was blown up to prevent its use by the Allies against Germany). He claimed in his diary  it was a waste of resources; that 100 smaller guns could have been built with the money; and it was more evidence of my “megalomania.” 😉
(Actually, Rochus Misch, my telephonist-bodyguard, all my secretaries, the cooks, the adjutants and orderlies and many others said I was not megalomanic at all, and treated everyone with courtesy and sincere respect, and was a good listener, but anyway. 😉 )
*** Misch on working for me

Remembering Rochus; what I told him about the Bomb

1/4 down:


Do you have any particular impressions of Hitler that have stayed with you?

Hitler, to me, was always a completely normal person. He spoke completely normally to me. I lived together with him for five years. I only knew him as a wonderfully good boss, right? I could talk with him. He was always satisfied with us.


No, he was never authoritarian. And we were with him day and night; we knew him. He was never without us, day and night. If he wanted something in the night, his servant was asleep, so he called one of us. If he wanted to be awakenws an hour later, or to call Eva — anything.

We just had a wonderful boss. We couldn’t have wished for better. 

When I was married he had a case of champagne delivered to my house, this one we’re sitting in [gestures to the surrounding rooms].


The masses still perceive, after and despite all the propaganda, that I was a kind and idealistic person who, with many really great supporters, achieved a lot. These scenes with an actor playing Hitler in the 2015 film “Look Who’s Back” were absolutely not faked, but spontaneous, and it was the same across all racial lines: White, Muslims, Blacks and East Asians. Only the Jew for some reason looked unhappy. 😉

As I have written, I had a keenly disappointing conversation with Patton in December, 1945, after the Jews had murdered him.  As with reincarnation memories in general, by age five all details have faded away, but you recall how you felt during the experience and toward a certain person, symbol, building, etc.
I was in fact curious to meet the one man who, via his soldiers, had killed 250,000 of my Wehrmacht soldiers. 🙁   He was highly respected by us as a very dynamic leader, full of energy and hard-charging, though not exactly a military genius on the Top Ten list along with Alexander,  Julius Caasar, Napoleon or Robert E. Lee. 😉
Patton decided the Germans were actually the finest people in Europe, and he came back in 1946 as a rich German- (and Scottish)-American.
I was also aware that Patton had turned against the Jews, the American media, and the Russian Bolsheviks, and had planned to leave the Army, become a civilian, go back home to America from Germany as a proven, charismatic, famous and flashy war hero, and then wake the American people up as to its true enemies – the bolsheviks, the Jews and the Jew-controlled US media and government.
Always a showman, even then — ivory pistol grips and gold inlay.
A gold nut, narcissist and show-off to this day… 😉
“My wife has got the biggest boobs in New York, even if they’re silicone! But it’s the BEST silicone.”
They are silicone:
This intention to openly fight the Jew Power is of course what triggered Patton’s murder by “car accident,” and when that car wreck did not finish him off, the doctors banned his wife from visiting him — and killed him in the hospital on the day of the winter solstice. (Jews love killing people on certain “special” days, select them for their astrological and numerological use, and feel they get away better with their crimes on them.)
It was disappointing in our short encounter that he still clung to the Allied propaganda attitude toward me as being a kind of megalomanic or crazy person.
But then again, how else can you live with yourself after you helped evil win (the Jews and communists) and destroyed a good people, Germany, and a good system, national socialism, on a vast scale?
Patton was not ready to face what he had done. He had fought for the wrong and evil side. He had enabled the jews and bolsheviks to take half of Europe, and now he realized that our own American government was in secret league with both.
I had my own deep regrets, too, but the conversation ended fairly quickly. A huge, blinding ego is what this Patton had. And I do not accept arrogance and insults.

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

I saw then as I see now, that because of ego, many leaders, or as they say, “alpha males,” tend to resent, fear and dislike, even to trash other leaders.
This was very true of Patton. He acted dismissive and basically said something haughty, ungracious and smirking along the lines of “we won — and you lost.”
Yes, at 3 against 1, (US, USSR and UK vs. Germany) you did win.
After six years, imagine that, the whole world finally beat ONE country. 😉
I never told him we had a back-up plan, the Disengagement Movement in the Antarctic.
I saw this jealous-alpha reaction also in both Pennsylvania and here in Ontonagon, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where ministers or priests spot me immediately out of the crowd of attendees at the service or mass, and, while likely not at all knowing my political persuasion or “who I am,” sense correctly that this is a “rival alpha” who is “fishing” in “their” congregati0n, and they eye me like a hawk. 😉
John de Nugent discusses — on July 16, 2009 with Jewish talk show host Alan Colmes of FOX News Radio — the shooting carried out at the US Holocaust Museum in Washington DC by white nationalist James von Brunn
Certainly, General Ulysses Grant treated the defeated General Robert E. Lee with far more grace at Appomattox Court House, and the Union Army then presented arms in respect to the Confederate soldiers as they marched past to stack their arms in surrender.

But in WWII, there was no chivalry or respect by the Allies for our civilians, our brave an HONORABLE soldiers. or our leaders — who were hanged in deliberately “botched” methods so that they broke their noses dropping down and then strangled slowly rather than their necks being properly snapped, which is the purpose of the trap door — a quick death.
A German woman raped and killed by Patton’s solders in Zerbst, Saxony-Anhalt. Margi stayed in this town several times, and said to me recently she felt she had been a German woman who perished at that time. She acts like someone with previous-life PTSD and hates all acrimony, conflict and hatred. She was so happy when an old enemy and I became friends again. 🙂
Margi in her friends’ kitchen in Zerbst
Soon I will renew my direct connection with Patton-Trump — he already knows who I am from a special communication in March 2016 and also from Putin warning him via my website about assassination by the jews on September 11, 2016.
And then we shall see if he has learned anything at all, in painful and honest reflection, about himself and the world he can so powerfully affect. I thought about my mistakes for nine years — 1945-54.
Can Trumpatton ever become a uniter and not a divider?
We shall see if the Van Rensburg prophecy, which foretold his presidency and WWIII, can be used to slow the mad course to the destruction of most of our white world.
Trump must destroy the jews. He must purse his isolationist t agenda of 2016: withdraw from and disband NATO, end up support for Israel, bring American boys home to their wifes and children to defend America alone, Build That Wall and arrest the powerful pedophiles who honeycomh our society. Just do it, Donald, and be as ruthless as you need to be. Feel pity for our suffering white people.
Bring our boys home!
Or I will have to go back in there myself, the most hated and feared man on this planet due to Jew brainwashing and the spiritual darkness within the goy masses, and sacrifice myself to stop this madness of a Russo-American nuclear war.

…..Who really was and is JdN?


Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler

I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.” My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man.  

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-to-long paragraphs and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe. ;-= Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it.
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through ibn the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity, andCowardice — A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty since age 5 on that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp  —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH, a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE, of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth.  Shit! 


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deepblue.



Here is some humor — but the serious point is this:

The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people and the Spartans of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF ;-(


The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies.  Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders.

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency — two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”

So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!



guts and glory!

And, Jews,

this time the world!

…..The 1917 Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars


It marches now toward its fulfillment, ending with the Reich Germans of the Absetzbewegung, the Disengagement Movement, re-emerging from bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountain chain to rule a world mostly in ashes — in alliance with the Boers who have survived, with sudden Reich-German help, a merciless race war.



NVR foresaw Britain turns against America, Turkey againt Russia, then Russia invades trueky and the rest of NATO in Europe (as being the weaker party) “in order to get in the first blow.”



And then (in the quaint 1917 phrase by Van Rensburg) “the horror bombs” go off.





https://johndenugent.com/images/Jdn-Van-Rensburg-27-June-2018.mp< .

Van Rensburg predicted that after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = the communist Nelson Mandela, here with his communist, Lithuanian-Jewish adviser, Joe Slovo)

….and also after a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), described as “a black boy,”


….and recall that — back in 1917 — such notions of black presidents seemed absurd and even unimaginable….

…THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state.


This white, male conservative will have “hair like a wig,” constantly frown, and he will end up (against his will?) sucked into, and then waging, a catastrophic war against Russia.



America will be crippled for generations by massive destruction.

Russia too will be almost completely destroyed.

Some European countries as well will be wiped out, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.


The Soviet nuclear Sakharov Plan was to plant and ignite hydrogen bombs at key places to crack open the crust of the earth, creating a gigantic tsunami that will drown everyone in low-lying England — or the whole, low-lying US East Coast. 


Andrei Sakharov, later a famous dissident, built the first Soviet hydrogen bomb.


America before WWIII

After the Sakharov H-BOMB’s tsunami waves flood over the west coast up to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains — and cover the East Coast up to the spine of the Appalachian range, major US cities will be GONE: 
San Diego, L.A., San Francisco, Portland and Seattle on the west coast, but likewise Miami, Atlanta, Richmond, Wash. D.C. , Philly, NYC (oy veh) and Boston.
The US population will then go down by half. (This will also wipe out huge numbers of blacks, jews and white Northeastern libtards — and hateful, violent leftists, feminists and antifas.) What will then be left is, in a sense, Redneck America. 

This movie is based on the actual 2004 tsunami that killed 400,00o people in Thailand, including many white tourists. I am highly suspicious that this was a tsunami triggered deliberately via an underwater nuclear device — practicing mass killing and population reduction of the hated goyim, as per the openly statesd first goal on the Georgia Guidestones, by the jewish Deep State.


Ironically, Germans and Boers, supposedly the vanquished ones of history, down in South Africa, will be the only major white survivors of this utterly useless, pointless world war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.

They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War.

And these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose law, order, civilization, and progress.




As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of the most elite of his German scientists and military down to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (neither against Soviet Russia 1945-91 nor the Yeltsin-Putin Russia of 1991-2018).

The Reich population is only five million, like Finland, Ireland, or the US state of Wisconsin.

Their only option is to wait for WWIII, and for their enemies to destroy each other.

What are Van Rensburg’s prophecies concerning the Tribe, the Jews, who are certainly our worst enemy, not the primitive blacks?

NVR did not mention them. He was a fervent Calvinist Christian, thus a typical Boer, and not anti-Semitic. They all have the Bible on their night table.

Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps).

And he loved and admired the Germans.

He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — and survive alone — the third world war.

Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”. (“Sich absetzen” in German means “to withdraw your troops.” “He who runs away can live to fight another day.”)

But this whole scenario is so incredibly sad — the pointless annihilation of 95% of the white race.
No more Russia, Europe, England – and as for the United States, according to Van Rensburg, they will fall to the status of an insignificant country, and will take decades to rebuild from the rubble.
The 2009 movie “The Road” depicts a post-apocalyptic America during the nuclear winter that takes place after WWIII.
It stars Viggo Mortensen and Charlize Theron (herself a Boer, though a renegade who has adopted black kids) and also a little Boer boy actor, Kodi Smit-McPhee, playing the little son.
A terrifying moment when a cannibal — a ruthless, starving human —  grabs him.
No plants or trees can grow in the long darkness — the atmosphere is full of dust from 20,000 hydrogen bombs going off on major cities — so food production stops.
Many humans who have guns and ammunition resort to cannibalism to survive.




…..Reincarnation facts


…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945) 



  1. Why would a multibillionaire put himself and his family through what Trump did ever since running for President? Because he genuinely loves his country and considers it to be in mortal danger. He wouldn’t just do it for fun, a passionate wish to help the deep state or because he is being blackmailed. No way.

    • I tend to agree, and this has long been my own position, but my serious fear is that they will get him over a barrel legally and financially, and let us not forget implied or open death threats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      They would involve Secret Service agents suddenly “dropping the ball” at the decisive moment. This is what happened with both President John Kennedy and also Yitzak Rabin, PM of Israel, a bona fide Israeli war hero, who sincerely wanted peace with the Palestinians, so the Mossad saw him as a “traitorto the jewish people”!

      The bodyguards conveniently “slipped up” at the appointed moment.

      The ultimatum to Trump would be: “Either go full neo-con and get tough with Russia,sending in US troops to fight for Ukraine, OR we will steal the 2024 election as we stole 2020, then bankrupt you with legal judgments AND put you and also your sons in prison.”

      Some people have a strong backbone and even fearlessness about themselves and their own fate, but when you threaten to go after their kids, they knuckle under.

      This is what the Yiddish Empire did in the Second Anglo-Boer War. The war was dragging on and the Boers had become expert guerillas, doing hit-and-run attacks and frustrating the British generals and all hopes of ending the war (which was unpopular and totally unjustified; Rothfilth simply coveting the Boers’s gold and diamond fields). So Lord Kitchener and Lord Roberts 1) burned their houses down and 2) abducted their wives and children and let them perish in what the Brits called “concentration camps,” which was a euphemism for death camps.

      We saw Trump cave in in the first weeks of his administration and fire his National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, who was super-loyal to Trump andn also was “up” on all the real goings-on, the pedophiles, the jew, the illegal alien threat, etc. — all the genuine NWO conspiracies.

      With Flynn gone, he then caved in and fired missiles at Syria over CIA-invented and bogus “chemical attacks” on his own people, and then he appointed one neo-con after another to the highest positions, including the ineffable John Bolton and Mark Milley.

      Trump has a four-year track record of caving in to the jews.

      …which included dropping the safe and effective ivermectin and endorsing the LETHAL Covid mRNA vaxx!!!!!

      I truly believe that this guy WILL cave in t 1) become president again, and 2) to avoid th aforementioned dire consequences, and then confront Russia, causing WWIII.

      This is what the Van Rensburg prophecy also seems to say.

      The scowling white male conservative with fluffy hair like a wig who succeeds a black boy as president gets into a war with Russia and “horror bombs” go off. Russia (and England!!!) are totally wiped out, Europe is in ruins, and most of America is devastated as well. The US becomes a minor power for decades.

      Trump talks tough and he means well, but in the end he always cuts a deal. His book was called “The Art of the Deal.”

      Btw, the quite good Russian movie “Demoted” shows that the Red Army under Stalin enforced all orders, even the most insane and counter-productive commands to launch human-wave attacks (something my father, a Marine Corps captain, saw to his horror the Chicoms do in the Korean War), with the threat to round up your family if you, as an officer, disobey a direct order, and put your loved ones in the gulag, into a death camp… which in Stalin’s USSR was no empty threat.

      This is also how Stalin, in the 1930s Moscow Show Trials, got the Old Bolsheviks (many of them jews, but also Russians) to “confess” to the most absurd crimes. The most hardcore and loyal communists, some going way back and with years of dedicated service, “confessed” to spying for Hitler and the NS Germans. And they even asked the court to sentence them to death. This was how they saved their wives and children from the gulag.

      The case of Marshal Michael Tuchachevsky shows that Stalin would indeed shoot family — his wife and both brothers — which of course caused more “confessions” of guilt in the hope of sparing loved ones.


      *** Demoted
      Original title: Razzhalovannyi
      TV Movie
      1h 32m

      It is 1943. A young platoon commander (officer) refuses to follow an order of a frontal attack without any preparatory artillery barrage, which the officers manual says must take place first; he doesn’t want to send his soldiers against the enemy machine-guns to a certain death. A battalion commander rips off his shoulder straps and sends him to the rear for a military tribunal and to be shot. But the front lines are unstable, Germans are everywhere, and the demoted officer and his escorts have to start an unequal fight with the enemy..and after ditching his guard, he encounters something truly horrible — a literal cannibal.



      Same thing as the jews did during the kangaroo Nuremberg War Crimes Trial to prop their Holohoax gas-chambers myth. First, the judges “took judicial notice” that the Holohoax happened, an outrageous and illegal action.

      THEN they said to German officers who were on trial for “participating in the Holocaust” that if they actually showed backbone and refuted on the stand the sacred jewish myth, their wives and kids would be turned over to the Soviets.

      Trump will justify and rationalize in his own mind this compromise:”get tough with the Russians” — no problemo — then I get to finish building The Wall, i fix th economy, I end inflation, I stop the Fentanyl crisis, and do lots of other good things. I end the scandalous Biden administration. AND I stay alive and my kids are not molested, either.”

      But getting tough with the Russians will only lead to WWIII.

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