A westerner defends the burqa?

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So it is the Fall of Saigon, Part Deux:

Kabul falls. Afghanistan is now the “Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan”

I read this interesting comment under the vid:

In the RT article about the Taliban respecting the rights of Afghan women, it says that women will be allowed to work as long as “hijabs” are worn.

The photo illustrating the article shows Afghan women wearing burqas. Burqas are not hijabs. Hijabs are headscarves worn by Muslim women to cover their hair.

A burqa is a one-piece “veil” that covers the face and body, often leaving a mesh screen to see through.

Government propaganda of 20+ years ago convinced many westerners that Afghan women were forced to wear the burqa; however, if failed to explain other reasons for wearing it.

I spent some weeks in Afghanistan in the 1970s and I totally understand why women would want to wear it. Many parts of Afghanistan are dry and windy and very dusty for long periods of the year and water is a very precious resource. The burqa protects the hair, eyes, skin and clothing from dust. It is made of a fabric that easily sheds dust so when you arrive home you simply remove the garment out of doors and give it a shake before you go indoors, dust free.

It would be idiotic to come home with your hair and clothing full of dust in a place where water is in short supply. I met half a dozen US women living and working in Afghanistan who had adopted the burqa because it was the only thing that could protect them from the dust.

Westerners commonly deride Afghani men’s clothing calling their outfits “pyjamas” and their headgear “rags”, but such coverings also protect their hair, skin and eyes. I didn’t experience seeing this in Afghanistan, but in neighbouring Iran I saw many men and children in remote rural areas with severe eye problems resulting from exposure to dust.

So, RT, Afghani women in the photograph are wearing burqas and not hijabs, and many women truly choose to wear the burqa for personal protection..


  1. Just another weekend in Chicongo:



    “If there’s beef cock it and dump it
    The drama really means nothing to me
    I’ll ride by and blow ya brains out
    There’s no time to cock it, no way you can stop it

    Keep thinking I’m candy ’til ya fucking skull get popped
    And ya brain hop out the top like Jack-in-the-box
    In the hood summer time is the killing season
    It’s hot out this bitch, that’s a good enough reason
    I’ve seen gangstas get religious when they start bleeding
    Saying “Lord, Jesus help me” ’cause they ass leaking”

    • Thanks, comrade.
      “More than 250 children have been shot and 32 killed in Chicago this year, according to police data obtained by ABC station WLS.”

      All these black kids who were wounded, some seriously, will have been hospitalized and treated at largely white taxpayer expense.

      But actually the dollars are being printed out of thin air or just electronically created via “quantitative easing.”

      (The Jews are great at coming up with b-s euphemisms. Eisenhower refused the Red Cross the right to visit surrendered German troops in 1945, saying they were no longer soldiers, no longer POWs, that is, prisoners of war, but merely “disarmed enemy personnel.” And by changing the wording, suddenly, he asserted, they had no rights and were no longer covered by the Geneva Convention….. Same goes for “enhanced interrogation techniques” — AKA torture.)

      The days of this pulling of money for shiftless negroes out of the Fed’s butt will end when the Chinese yuan becomes the world’s reserve currency.

      The day will come when the U.S. will have to live more within its means like other countries, like China or Japan, or Germany, based once again, as with them now, primarily on hard work, on producing real goods and performing actual services.

      In peacetime NS Germany we had very little gold, but we did have hard work and superb products and workers. Our economy boomed with these real things.

      But when the jew dollar collapses, the negro will be seen with a most cold and icy eye.

      “Pull your own weight, black man, or starve.”

      At a local tavern the other day I met a retired US Army senior NCO. His daughter told me he had been a drill sergeant. He was a tough-looking guy with a Fifties flat-top haircut.

      We got to talking, and he muttered:

      “BLM — let them kill each other off. Don’t do anything. Watch the problem solve itself.”

      This is how Ontonagon people think. They do not get it about the Jews, but on the Blax they sure are “crystal.”

  2. “It would be idiotic to come home with your hair and clothing full of dust in a place where water is in short supply”

    But the men and children do….?

  3. Muslim female dress code is designed to dampen mens passions, nothing to do with dust and sun ffs . Any idiot who doesn’t understand islamic dress code and laws is a cock. The guy who spent time in Afghanistan in the 70s probably thinks Disney land is an American state. Dumb twat.

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