A Yankee muses on the Civil War

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(I am very busy on the religion and have cut back on the blogging. It is obvious that we could be in a major crisis either before or after the election, the result of which may be violently contested.)

Thank God the Yankees won! (Sarcasm — I say this as an ashamed Yankee myself from New England.)
And now we have kumbaya, racial rainbows and unicorns. Check out how the famous cities of the Civil Rights struggle or the race riots of the 1950s and ’60s look today: Birmingham or Selma, AL, Memphis TN, Little Rock AR, Detroit MI, Newark NJ, Wash DC (I lived there for 17 years!) and Baltimore MD — all Third World, crime-racked, filthy SHITHOLES.
Thanks, Yankees, for Obama, Kamala, and the race war with (literally) 100 black-on-white rapes every day (FBI crime statistics).
Thomas Jefferson (and Robert E. Lee) predicted this race war. The Founding Father Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and third US president, advocated that the Blacks be 1) freed, and 2) immediately expelled to another country or area, or sent back to Africa.
I remember two Ontonagon HS kids standing next to Roxey’s asking me “What exactly do you have against the Blacks?” I said: “I have nothing against Black conservatives like Candace Owens — or Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas — who work hard, keep their nose clean, defend and love this country. The problem, realistically, is the other two thirds! Maybe you boys should leave 99% white and almost crime-free Ontonagon for a year and go live in Detroit instead, or in St. Louis, MO, or Washington DC, or New York, or Chicago, and see some racial reality.
Go see how a black-run city looks, and then you might understand me. I lived in some of these cities. My late wife Margaret was raped in Washington DC, severely injured and infected in her female area, developed heavy bleeding, and after years had to have a hysterectomy. She could not have kids after that.” The boys fell silent.
Somebody else (with 8 DUIs, btw, between MI and NC) blasted me over “hating the Blacks.” I said: “Then why did you leave North Carolina — you know, where you racked up all those DUIs — with all those wonderful Blacks that they have there? Why did you return to lily-white Ontonagon? Certainly not for the great job market!
Why not run for Village President, H, and say: ‘You know what this depopulated town of Ontonagon, with its lack of young people, really needs? We need a thousand black people to pour in! ‘Diversity is our strength!’
In every single tv ad, I see all these phony images of some idealized, bright, professional, middle-class Blacks driving their luxury cars and living in their snazzy houses — a husband, a wife and two well-behaved kids, an intact nuclear family.
Actually, Blacks have a 72% illegitimacy rate, and one in five Blacks is a felon.
But if you think the TV Blacks in the ads how the REAL Blacks are, then fine! Go run on this platform — I challenge you — ‘What Ontonagon needs is to be 50% Black!’ I bet you’ll win in this town in a landslide, honey!”
I am just saying out loud what the white majority is thinking deep-down! That’s the very “democracy,” baby, that you libtards say you are defending: to do what The People want!”

John De Nugent

May 20 on the (once safe) North Side of Chicago — Black shoots white kid coming home from work, then robs him. He died. (And no, he did not own slaves and run a cotton plantation. He was 20 years old.)

John De Nugent

Black orderly in Michigan records himself beating elderly white patient with Alzheimers

John De Nugent

Thomas Jefferson had a genius IQ, and doubled the size of the US with the Louisiana Purchase. He was also governor of Virginia and the founder of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, from which my younger daughter graduated. He also left his library in Monticello to our country — the beginning of the Library of Congress.

1 Comment

  1. Hitler’s Strange Last Ordersthedailybeast.com
    [pic on the link]

    The Jew Propagandaministerium
    here, in the Land of Oz, usually
    had a weekly Hitler Hour on
    the Jew-prostituted SBS TV.

    Since the beginning of the
    ‘punitive’ Jew genocide of Gaza,
    however, the Hitler Hour was
    doubled, tripled and quadrupled.

    Some of the most vile Talmudic
    lies are perpetrated by omission.
    For example, while the Jews may
    well have went on as many as six
    million times about the putative
    ‘six million Jews’ – not on one
    single occasion did they allow
    any mention of the sixty six
    million Christians exterminated
    by the Soviet Judo-communists.

    And likewise, while quoting Hitler
    in the kosher TV documentary
    Hitler: Countdown To War, the
    Talmudic liars mendaciously
    omitted the most crucial part
    of the text – the dozen-odd
    (highlighted) words that may
    well provide some explanation
    of the heavily militarized,
    waistfully polluted, nuclear-
    armed, impoverished and
    conflict-riven world of today.

    “If international financial Jewry
    inside and outside Europe should
    succeed in plunging the nations
    once more into world war, the
    result will be [not bolshevization
    of the earth, and thus the victory
    of the Jewry, but] annihilation
    of the Jewish race in Europe.”

    Alas, with the kind assistance of
    the ‘democratic’ Allies that wasn’t
    really necessitated by the war,
    bolshevization of the earth did
    come to pass, even if only by half –
    with dozens of millions more
    being driven to death.

    The Western Allies weren’t really
    among the victorious WW2 powers –
    least of all the broke Britain – and,
    in the long run, not even the US,

    The real WW2 victors were the
    Jew Rothschild banksters and
    their murderous Judo-communist
    spawn that expanded its domain
    into Eastern Europe and half
    of Asia.

    And it is to the Judo-communists
    and the Jew Rothschild banksters
    that we owe the KGB-run Russia
    of today – bent on its cannibal
    conquest of Ukraine – and
    the aggressive communist-cum-
    capitalist China, threatening
    Taiwan and busy setting up
    its numerous ‘co-prosperity

    And, of course, it’s also to
    the Jew banksters, the Jew
    neocons and the rest of their
    vile minions that we owe the
    most predatory form of the
    US capitalism, the multibillion-
    dollar arms industry, as well as
    all those endless wars on behalf
    of the Jews and their I$rael.

    People George Bush as Osama Bin Laden | x_xchokex_x | Flickrflickr.com
    [pic on the link]

    We couldn’t have
    invaded Iraq
    without 9/11

    For example, there is a good
    reason to believe that even
    the US Civil War was started at
    the behest of the Jew Rothschild
    banksters desirous of subdividing
    the United States into smaller,
    more ‘manageable’ parts.

    Abe Lincoln, being of bisexual
    persuasion, may well have felt
    physically attracted to athletic
    Negro men, but, beyond some
    obligatory liberal posturing, he
    never really concerned himself
    with abolishing slavery – not
    until this became expedient
    during the course of the war.

    In fact, originally, Lincoln had
    every intention of profiting from
    slavery – by demanding of the
    Southern States that Federal
    ‘protection money’ must be paid
    off the sales of cotton, the most
    valuable American export
    commodity at the time.

    According to the kosher historians,
    it’s on this somewhat slim grounds
    that Jefferson Davis led the
    Southern States into the Civil War.

    Davis?… Really?… No, it wasn’t
    Davis. It was his money man
    Judah Benjamin, a notorious
    Rothschild agent, who must have
    resorted to all of his persuasive
    powers of an inveterate litigator
    to assure Davis that the war
    credits would be never exhausted.

    Indeed, apart from any money
    manipulations by the Oberjuden
    on behalf of the Jew-favoured
    Confederacy, the small-time Jews
    of the Southern States are also on
    record as the most conspicuous
    purchasers of large amounts
    of the Confederate bonds.

    Judah P. Benjamin,
    [pic on the link]

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