A young man and supporter asks many good questions, including about porn and “fapping”

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Kim Novak, a fine white 1960s actress

To: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, 15 October 2016, 1:42
Subject: Re: Question about the Contact/Support section


Dear John:

I do wonder why it is so few people among WN’s give donations. Surely there are good numbers of people there who haven’t been hit too hard by the economic recession from earlier and have a decent portion of spendable income beyond basic needs that isn’t needing to be spent a lot on debts. Going out to restaurants, buying time-waster video games, and all of the other extra stuff is, first of all, not that useful or good in the first place, and second of all, pretty unimportant compared to actually trying to prevent an impending and real catastrophe if Hillary can have her WW3.

I saw your one article on pedophilia and rape, and it really does seem like a good motivator. For people who actually live where this is happening, like in Berlin or London where there is the massive refugee influx, this is really a very personal issue of responsibility, although it’s really unfortunate that exactly where that is happening the most, whites don’t have guns.
Besides the pedophilia and rape, although those two are definitely the far bigger rallying banners to get people to actually do something, one activity, or rather, lack of it, would help a lot in giving people the energy to actually feel the need to change things.
If you’ve ever heard of the NoFap movement on Reddit, that’s basically it, in that a lot of Americans, beyond getting fat on McDonalds, are too busy jerking off to have any real initiative in life. It’s one thing to get people rallying behind stopping the massive amount of rapes by nonwhites, but if these same people are masturbating to some form of Jew-made pornography, maybe even rape porn, then that innate sense of righteous indignation is probably going to be a bit diluted.
Although I feel lucky to have never masturbated to or viewed any pornography, I can say from personal experience of nearly a year now of not masturbating at all that the difference between masturbation and not doing so is an absolutely huge thing. Granted, you’ve probably known about this for a while, but it is a really big and widespread problem. I know of one site called YourBrainonPorn that details a lot of the science behind the damage porn and masturbation cause to the brain, which helps to refute that common myth that masturbation is healthy.

http://yourbrainonporn.com/stu dies-reported-relationships-be tween-porn-use-or-porn-addicti onsex-addiction-and-sexual

Granted, it has a few implicit materialistic background assumptions, but overall the data seems to be decent proof to rebut the myth of healthy masturbation.
There are many recovery stories as well on the site. The reason I think it can stay so prevalent is that the myth that porn and masturbation are not unhealthy is so widespread in being thought to be scientific, since for many atheist people who do so, there’s no other reason not to.
I do think that even the mere scientific data can be lacking as a motivation of its own, since in a materialistic mindset, there is no real point to anything, or point to committing not to masturbate, since it all ends up as nothing anyways, leaving the somewhat insidious idea of ‘Why not get a dopamine rush? After all, it’ll put your mind off the abyss for  5 seconds. Who cares if it causes damage to you?”
Knowledge about the reality of life after death would probably be really helpful for people to avoid thinking of that excuse with drugs too.
This is where it seems like part of your one religion/knowledge of the facts about life after death in general could help out, although I’m personally skeptical of some bits like Jesus not being a Jew, since at least based on the Bible, quite a lot of the text seems to be supporting him being a Jew, excepting the one John quote.
Other than that, the one thing I was wondering was a bit about where the money goes. I know some is spent on maintaining the site, some is spent on Sonnenrad.tv, and I’d guess that a lot of the rest would be towards you trying to have spare time outside of whatever your normal income-gaining work is to spread your Solutrean religion? I was surprised to read at one part in your written biography that you actually go door-to-door in trying to spread this kind of information, since I’ve heard of that happening about 0 times with anything associated with WN or even evidence of the afterlife.

(I replied)

Dear M,

Thanks for the thought-rich email as well as the contribution.

People don’t donate because, well, to be frank, they are shortsighted and selfish pigs — simple as that. 😉 How can even a guy on foodstamps be unable to send one dollar?

If one tenth my readers sent just one dollar I would not be doing audiobooks, cutting lawns and asking in every blog for donations. In fact, I would be expanding my operations. Jews understand it takes money to do anything. And they give generously to Jewish organizations fighting for their interests.

And how can these vegetables not grasp that the Jews consider me as — potentially — a huge threat when the White House threatens me and the Russians show my site in their evening news, and I have had constant, severe harassment since 1990?



Two Bushes and Obama against JdN


$100 a month for special webhosting with a server in Iceland (a company that believes in free speech called Orange) and a special anti-hacking software, and $75/month to two webmasters, who fend off attacks and improve the site, one in upstate New York and the other in Australia, plus I send money for Sonnenrad whenever I can, since it is the only WN video platform left on this  planet and it hosts all my videos.

Videos of JdN Speaking

Plus I often give $100 a month to a young German who translates for me.

Why are most people selfish, shortsighted pigs? because the majority are young souls, and recently came up from the animal stage. This is why democracy is an insane delusion. The majority just are not idealistic or responsible. Me, me, me, me, me. Hitler ranted about it in Mein Kampf in 1924!

The Germans were great for 12 years under Hitler, but have reverted also to how they were before Hitler, or even worse.

The noble life and sad fate of William Dudley Pelley ” proof that the masses, the liberals, Pauline Christians ” and the whole delusion called “democracy” ” are literally insane “ John de Nugent

My task in the new religion Virtus is to give the masses a good heaping portion of humble pie, and to look at how they really are. The masses are in denial that most of them are selfish, stupid fools who are totally uninterested in the truth unless it affects them. The crassest example of this is women supporting Hillary, who is a monster who has attacked and defamed women whom her husband has raped.

Or Democrats being for more muslim immigration. These feminists are bringing in more rapists, and these agnostics are bringing in the most intolerant religion of forced conversion on earth!

Because they don’t care about the truth, or the real effect on others, just themselves and their feelings, most of all their ego trip of being progressive, kind and compassionate.

I am now 62 and let me tell you, M, this was a very, VERY different and nicer country in the 1950s and ’60s. Liberalism has brought misery, poverty and literal death to the masses, where we used to have prosperity, patriotism, unity and pride.

Now do I hate the masses? No. I too rose in an earlier life from a lower stage, and why? Because someone took me under their wing, and helped me grow to a higher level. Now I have to pay it forward. and, to paraphrase Jesus, those who judge others harshly shall be judged harshly themselves.

What Hitler did as a Weimar-era politician was openly promise to abolish parliamentary democracy, because the masses are fundamentally incapable of self-rule, just as a kid cannot be given the keys to the car or handed a loaded pistol!

What Hitler did was create a firm structure to lift and ennoble the masses,and he succeeded.

The Marine Corps was famous for taking out-of-control boys, some literally facing jail, and straighten them out. But first came the infamous three-month bootcamp to break their snotty attitude of selfish, pointless individualism.

The goal is this: Yes, you are an individual, but properly finding your way to serve, not the self, but THE WHOLE.

And the Germans were rapturously happy when they dropped their old, selfish ways and everything pitched in and made sacrifices. They felt noble and good about themselves and the country was one giant, happy family. And men were men, and women loved it. 🙂



On the porn issue, thank you soooooo much for this info.

A German sent me his writings on the topic, saying that in his view porn creates shame in men and rage in women, and amplifies the Jew-enhanced battle of the sexes. Men know they should be having sex with a real woman, and making babies. They know fatherhood is a great dharmic challenge and a time when every man has a chance to drop his selfishness and also become a role model and a leader, the leader of his wife and kids.


Women know they have a right to a strong, masculine, responsible and loving man and to have babies with him. These women feel a latent rage at today’s men being just large boys, and at how they are cheated out of their primary function.

As for Jesus, he was clearly a real person because even the hostile Talmud admits it, and that He performed miracles. Galilee was a racially mixed area of Jews and Gentiles.  Jesus was a higher being who incarnated as a half-Jew to try to destroy Judaism from within, as a sleeper agent. All His teaching about love-they-enemy, turn-the-other-cheek, and how He was the Messiah, was designed to defang this incredibly, uniquely dangerous JEWISH people and make them peaceful instead.


It was Saul-Paul, a Sanhedrin agent, who then took a message meant for Jews and spread it to wimpize the Gentiles, the 180-degree opposite of what Jesus wanted.

Who needs ipecac when you have Rabbi Eckstein? And who was this Jesus guy? What’s up with “love thy enemy”? Who was he saying that to? “ John de Nugent

I will make a blog out of all this, carefully edited to keep out any identifiers.

Thanks again,



…..Contact and support


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