Abductee’s life ruined for telling the truth; spiritual reading

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Was my ‘alien-abductee’ father telling the TRUTH? Rancher became a homeless alcoholic after being mocked for claiming on national TV that aliens mutilated his cattle then abducted him. Now his son says the Pentagon’s UFO revelations ‘concern’ him

  • In 1981, Patrick McGuire became the town laughingstock after he appeared on national TV to recall his experience with alien abductions
  • The Wyoming farmer claimed he was visited by ‘Star People’ who mutilated his cattle, making him a pariah as he was accused of being crazy  
  • Now, after a recent spike in interest in UFOs, McGuire’s son has come forward to express regret at laughing at his father’s claims
More than four decades ago, Patrick McGuire became the laughingstock of his small Wyoming town when he appeared on national TV to claim he’d been abducted by aliens.

After being placed under hypnosis live on the air, McGuire claimed he had been visited by ‘Star People’ from outer space who mutilated his cattle, then warned him of an incoming apocalypse.

McGuire’s claims became the subject of mockery, with his son, Daniel Riedel, writing in HuffPost this week that the farmer spiraled into alcoholism and despair after becoming obsessed by ideas of aliens and ‘deep state’ cover-ups.

But now, following months of blockbuster Pentagon hearings about alien visitors and renewed interest in UFO lore, Riedel admitted he ‘never should have laughed’ at his dad.

Patrick McGuire, pictured in 1980, was publicly ridiculed after he came forward with claims of alien abductions over four decades ago

Man describes under hypnosis what aliens did to his cows in 1981 show


PUBLISHED: 08:33 EDT, 2 July 2023 | UPDATED: 08:33 EDT, 2 July 2023

More than four decades ago, Patrick McGuire became the laughingstock of his small Wyoming town when he appeared on national TV to claim he’d been abducted by aliens.

After being placed under hypnosis live on the air, McGuire claimed he had been visited by ‘Star People’ from outer space who mutilated his cattle, then warned him of an incoming apocalypse.

McGuire’s claims became the subject of mockery, with his son, Daniel Riedel, writing in HuffPost this week that the farmer spiraled into alcoholism and despair after becoming obsessed by ideas of aliens and ‘deep state’ cover-ups.

But now, following months of blockbuster Pentagon hearings about alien visitors and renewed interest in UFO lore, Riedel admitted he ‘never should have laughed’ at his dad.

McGuire’s TV appearance came in 1981 on NBC’s prime-time show ‘That’s Incredible’, where he was placed under hypnosis by famed psychiatrist Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle.

While under a trance, the farmer recounted in harrowing detail how he came face-to-face with ‘Star People’ – aliens – who he claims made threats on his life.

He claimed the saga began after finding a mutilated cow on his farm, which had ‘the nose off, tongues out and sex organs gone’. When a ‘spaceship’ landed on his Bosler, Wyoming ranch, several other cows from his herd were also beamed to the sky.

The year before, in an interview with ABC News, he also claimed to have been visited by aliens ‘somewhere around 25, 30 times’. Riedel writes that a witness to some of the landings was quoted as seeing ‘two or three (spacecrafts) land at separate times’.

‘We stayed and watched the sun come up and we saw two of them, in daylight, hovering in two separate places,’ they added.

The televised claims made him a pariah in his Wyoming town, but Riedel said his father’s hypnotic confessions were far from attention-seeking.

‘From the earliest points in my childhood, I was told that UFOs were nothing to make light of,’ he recalled.

He says his father would warn him and his brothers that the ‘Star People’ could take them at any moment, a source of nightmares for the youngsters for years.

This was coupled with harrowing descriptions of ‘5ft hairless beings with eyes like colorless pools hovering by my bedside’, details that Riedel admits are similar to the stereotypical alien look as seen in film and TV.

A ruined building on the farm in Bosler, Wyoming, where McGuire lived, and where he claimed ‘Star People’ from outer space made regular visits

Within just a few years of his fateful 15-minutes of fame, McGuire was destitute. He was a confused, sad, homeless man who had, by his own son’s admission, become the town outcast.

In one incident recounted by Riedel, McGuire’s decline saw him caught rifling through a classmate’s garbage. When the classmate revealed the embarrassing moment the next day, the school erupted with laughter – including from Riedel himself.

He said despite his newfound respect for his father’s UFO inclinations, he and his brothers used to frequently mock McGuire when he would warn them about alien encounters.

‘My brothers and I laughed when our father talked about the implants and their accompanying pain,’ he wrote.

‘We laughed when he claimed he could barely walk after what the Star People did to him. We laughed when he said that he was suing the government for the land they took from him, for destroying his life, for destroying our lives.

‘We laughed. The world laughed.’

The family’s remote farm is pictured in 1980. McGuire used to terrify his sons by warning that Star People could abduct them at any time – and inflict painful probes on them

Decades-old footage saw McGuire detail the flying saucers he saw on his farm over two dozen times

Patrick McGuire passed away on May 14, 2009 at the age of 67 from cancer. Writing 44 years after his father’s TV appearance, Riedel said the world’s renewed fascination with UFOs has left him full of regret.

‘I’m the one who feels ashamed,’ he wrote. ‘How should we address our past mockery and ridicule if it turns out that, hidden in a desert base somewhere, there are indeed crafts, cadavers and photographs of strange visitors?’

With even Barack Obama claiming he has viewed UFO footage that he ‘can’t explain’, many could argue McGuire didn’t deserve to be so publicly ridiculed.

Greater numbers of whistleblowers are coming forward with eerily similar tales of non-human made aircrafts entering airspaces and leaving their witnesses as baffled as McGuire once was.

Earlier this month, a top attorney involved in bringing UFO whistleblowers to Congress revealed to DailyMail.com that the US military had recovered a craft that could defy the laws of nature.

Daniel Sheehan says he was told the mind-boggling tale by a whistleblower who allegedly took part in an illegally-undisclosed program retrieving crashed non-human spacecraft.

They claimed the retrieved spacecraft ‘distorted space time’ and was ‘bigger on the inside’ than it appeared from the outside.

A high school yearbook picture was used for McGuire’s funeral program after his death in 2009 aged 67



…..Boy, this really rings a bell in me, and in other comrades

You tell the truth — and you become an outcast.Yeah, it hurts! You were trying to WARN and HELP people!


Whether it is about the jews, race, Hitler, the Holofraud, vaccines, Covid, Churchill — the bisexual, alcoholic pedophile who ran around nude in FDR’s White House (yes!!!) and knowingly ruined his own British Empire — earthlings prefer lies to any truth that might require effort, sacrifice or being ridiculed and shunned.

A.J.-Gentile has pointed out in his mostly superb “Why Files” series that two scientific theories that are now completely accepted were assaulted initially with withering ridicule by the very scientific community that supposedly is all about logic and facts.

One revolutionary idea they trashed was the idea of continental drift proposed by the German scientist Alfred Wegener– that there was once one humongous,  gigantic mega-continent, now called “Pangaea,” that broke up.

Severely wounded as a German army officer in WWI, the scientist Wegener, of Berlin, Germany, had the guts to proclaim this radically new idea.

From Day One his idea made perfect sense, however. You can SEE how the continents once fit perfectly together.

I find it amusing how India was a big island just sailing around the “Indian Ocean” before it crashed up into Asia, creating the Himalaya Mountains. 😉

And the idea of dinosaurs was also mocked, even though, especially in North America, thousands of fossilized, enormous leg bones, skulls — whole skeletons — and huge, carnivorous teeth had been found!


Now the jew, exploiting that fact that earthlings simply believe whatever the f– they “wanna,”are serving this garbage up to us:

Why not? King Richard III — a black king in medieval England…

And this, too, and hey, why not? We earthlings can believe anything.

It begins with lying to yourself.

Once you cross that line and knowingly lie to yourself, then you can lie to anyone else, or about anyone else, and thus you enter into a world of fantasy, of delusion, and pretty soon, of mortal danger to yourself and others.

As I wrote yesterday, the loathsome jew whose IP address I cannot delete — showing he is tied in with the NSA — says once I start my religion they are going to call me a wife-beating alcoholic and say Margi was a call girl and drug user.

And why not? Hey,on earthlings  slander WORKS — that is, on a race of liars it does.

The masses make no effort to verify, to fact-check, what they hear.

And the jews plan to lie their way to total world conquest and white genocide.

Eckhart Tolle has said over and over that Jesus said many profound things, though his primitive jewish disciples often had no idea what he was talking about. 😉

This was one of Jesus’ biggies: THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.

Love the truth!

Hate the lies!

And hate the jew liars who are the professional servants of Satan.



…..Independence Day?

I served with distinction in both the Marines and the US Army (infantry), but I’ll celebrate today when I see the white American people do something about the jews.


……Spiritual reading for July 4

A profound sense of gratitude can prevail today. Not only for those things which enhance and grace your life, but especially for the interconnectedness of all life. The truly incredible and mostly incomprehensible web that weaves us all together, whether we are in a particular form, or even in form at all.

This gratitude, in reality, is for the oneness that is the reality. For the knowing of that oneness and the absolute perfection of that knowing. There is little, if anything, more exquisite than the understanding—not at a cognitive level, but at the level of the heart—that there are no separations, no lines that keep us from union with all that is.

There are the things of the mind, especially fear, which cordon us off, one from another. But there is nothing genuine or real which prevents our seeing and being part of the truth. Today we urge you to indulge in the great joy of being part of the One. Do what you can to drop those ideas of the mind, do what you can to recall that you are not separate or alone or even whole unto yourself.

Of course, you can act independently, as one must when living in finite material terms, but don’t be drawn into the illusion.

That is our message for you today. Don’t believe what you see. Go deeper and hold most prominently the reality of non-duality. And give in to your gratitude. Relish a day when this is so easily felt, and enjoy the opportunity to see and be in the truth. Allow a picture of this truth to be imprinted where you can find it whenever you need it. Feed the truth today so that it will be stronger tomorrow.

We are here, in love and oneness with all of you and all that is.





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