Abraham Maslow and virtuous murder

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The would-be assassin the other day of Trump, the blue-eyed white man Ryan Routh (his Anglo-Saxon name “Routh” means a clearing in a forest, like the German word “rode-“), a would-be murderer who actually looks as spiritually ill and unhappy as he is, was seeking meaning for his pitiful weirdo life through fighting or dying for some “higher cause.”

Of course, “democracy” (rule of the average person, the demos) means nothing to a man determined to terminate the candidate favored by half the US population. Egomaniacal Ryan Routh will decide such things. And look at his slogan on the bottom of his sign to see what it is. “End Russia for our kids.” (I guess Russians don’t have kids. Or theirs are just junior monsters….)

“END RUSSIA,”  eh?

…a country that has been around for a thousand years…. and is four times older than the USA.

Prince Alexander Nevsky (made a saint after his death) crushed a German invasion by the Livonian Knights in 1242 in the Battle on the Ice. The United States of America was established 534 years later.

Suppose you or I would hold up a sign saying:

“End Aborigines for our kids”

“End Jews for our kids”

“End Blacks for our kids”

“End Muslims for our kids”

“End Gays for our kids” ???

Would that not be a call for genocide, or at least for mass murder?


Routh, who was a registered Democrat, has a criminal record dating from 2002 in North Carolina when he locked himself inside a Greensboro business with a gun, according to the News & Record. He was also sentenced for driving without a license, carrying a concealed weapon and hit-and-run in 2003. He was convicted in 2010 for possessing stolen goods. Routh received probation for all of these charges.NBC reported that in total, over 100 criminal counts were filed against him while living in North Carolina.

In the jew psychologist Abraham Maslow’s famous “hierarchy of needs,” physical safety is understandably number-one, ahead of food, water, shelter, sex, etc. (Obviously, if someone is shooting at you, even an American will drop his quarter-pound cheeseburger. 😉 )


However, humans also want to lead a life of meaning, a life that matters, one that impacts the world, and that can supercede personal safety. The phenomenon of Palestinian suicide bombers in one of the Intifadas proves that safety is clearly NOT always number-one. Studies have shown that if Israelis had murdered a close family member, some did decide to blow themselves up to get the jews. It is revenge, sure but also a personal statement : “I MATTER. In my death, I will hurt the enemy of my people.”

To choose the path of giving your life meaning can be either doing something genuinely heroic (like national socialism)

…or, more often, deluding oneself into joining some insane jew-promoted cause that actually makes the world far worse.

Examples include bolshevism:

Scene from the movie “Katyn”

libtardism, rapefugee-ophilia,

Swedes are interviewed by a Muslim and asked if they would take a poor, persecuted, traumatized refugee into their home. Nope, not one was willing. Total hypocrites on an ego trip…… There is an active yet “moderate,” “legitimate” (non-racist) anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, yet most refuse to vote for them.


And we see the bonkers movements that the egoic mind has spawned in America since 2015, Trump Derangement Syndrome, ukrainophilia, and extreme russophobia.

An Australian wrote me:

Why do so many delusional Christians not give a shit about their own people, and if psychotic jews rape, abuse, and murder white children? I thought Jesus was supposed to love children?
And why do they act as if jews were living gods that cannot be criticised? I despise Evangelical, Pentecostal and Zionist Christians, and I think they are extremely stupid and sick, demented and evil.
They are the most ignorant, stupid people on earth, and it’s delusional scumbags like them that have swallowed jewish cultural marxism.

They let jews take over our countries and destroy our people and our race.

I replied:

Yes, this judeophilic form of Christianity (cooked up by Sanhedrin agent Saul of Tarsus) is an egregious example of madness.

But the whole earth-human species on this planet is mad. There are many other delusions out there, this being just the very worst of them all.

As I wrote yesterday, “I will again remind readers that other white nationalists from 2010 on have called me a nut for saying the truth that we are not alone. I lost half my readers, though my articles were then, and are now, very heavy on hard facts.”

I remember, at 70, all the high hopes white people had surrounding the politicians Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and, in 2016, Donald Trump.

Going further back, Adolf Hitler made constant peace offers to a delusional Britain which it rejected over and over and over and over, even after the British Expeditionary Force had been thrashed by the Wehrmacht in June 1940 (with the BEF fleeing at Dunkirk minus all their equipment, and what good is an army with no equipment?)

All this was consistent with Hitler’s  signature book, Mein Kampf in 1924, where he proposed an actual military alliance between Germany and the British Empire. It was in perfect accord with the extremely warm welcome at the Berghof by Hitler of Britain’s Lloyd George, the PM during the second half of WWI, and of the former king of England, Edward VIII, the duke of Windsor.

And it all was consistent with Churchill’s own values, which were 1) preserving the British Empire, 2) opposing communism, 3) wanting to steer the dangerous jewish lobby away from communism, and 4) not becoming a vassal state of the Americans, and especially not of Frank Rosenfeld, a leftwing anti-imperialist and communist sympathizer.

Humans like to lie and they have their favorite lies that they love to believe. This is why this planet is a kind of hell.

Earthlings lie — to themselves, about themselves, to others, and about others.

All day long they lie.

All day long they believe lies.

“Mundus decipi vult,” observed some Romans two thousand years ago — “the world wants to be deceived.”

And it is why aliens avoid us. We are mentally ill and dangerous to ourselves and others. Other planets are not this way, and they have advanced FAR beyond us. In fact, far from progressing, we are near to causing an insane thermonuclear war with Russia that will throw us back to 10,000 BC.

President Putin and his generals

The famous hit movie “The Matrix” went deeply into this love of delusion. How appropriate that jews did this film.

The brilliant, charismatic, and witty total fool, Abraham Lincoln, brought about a civil war where 750,000 white men — fellow countrymen — killed each other over worthless, Early Stone Age negroes, and sent armies to devastate the southeastern quadrant of the United States because Abe somehow “knew” in his precious little heart that Blacks were not “inferior”….

And what exactly is wrong with “inferior”? I am inferior to the negro Mike Tyson as a boxer. I was inferior to Margi, my late wife, as a cook. I am inferior to Donald Trump in wealth. I am inferior to my webmaster in protecting websites. We all are inferior to someone else in something. I am proud to be humble and realistic about this. Superiority and inferiority are facts of life.

Yes, Abe was an imaginary expert on race, knowing the negro far better than Southerners who merely had been around he Blacks on a daily basis for two hundred years. See, these bigoted Southerners were only “quibbling” about race. But, see, Abe KNEW….and he felt all good about himself as the Great Knower. He was the forerunner of Ryan Routh.

In fact, even a highly sympathetic article on Lincoln and his depressions suggests that the Civil War functioned as a ghastly kind of psychotherapy for the mentally ill man. Depression, after all, is not any kind of normal feeling of dismay over a setback or bad turn of events, but a mood disorder.

You can feel depressed — the old word for this was “melancholy” — for no good reason at all — when actually everything is going well for you. In fact, as the article says, there were times when Lincoln’s friends had a kind of suicxde watch going on him so he did not kill himself.

Here is some rather expensive psychotherapy for the negrophile nut Abe Lincoln — Pickett’s famous charge in 1863 at Gettysburg, which by the way, was fought in July heat, with both sides, Confederate and Union, wearing their all-year heavy wool uniforms:

The most heinous thing of all was that Lincoln, in one part of his brain, the lucid part, both before the Civil War, and even during it, had understood that Blacks neither could nor should be integrated into an advanced white society.


And four years later, along the same lines…. and this was spoken bluntly to Black leaders, not to appease the South, which had already seceded and was at war with him….


But as Lincoln visited the war’s gory battlefield at Petersburg, Virginia and saw acres of brave white men, both dead and dying (not to mention the thousands of dead horses, shot by bullets or cannons, sentient creatures for whom we should also feel compassion),

…somehow Lincoln, appalled and shaken, felt that the war had to have some higher meaning than just “preserving the Union” and ending a secession. (This actually was a worthy goal, because behind all of this was the Jewnited Kingdom, which had Canada already, and had designs on retaking the incredibly huge and valuable United States of America by first breaking it up into mutually warring pieces, and then re-absorbing the chunks, one by one.)


His depression symptoms lessened when he felt he could also go down in history as “the Great Emancipator.”

So it was, in the end, all about Abe and his personal psychological problems, and the country be damned. The widows be damned. Atlanta and Richmond be damned.

Richmond, the capital of Virginia, set aflame by Lincoln

He could have proposed that slavery be phased out peacefully gradually over 30 years, with the negroes sent far away, and slave-owners being reimbursed for their losses. Very poor White immigrants — millions of them came from Europe in the 1800s — can pick cotton and tobacco, too!

There was no welfare state or loafing back then! Whites took all sorts of unglamorous jobs to feed their families. In the August heat, you start working in the fields at 7 am and go until 11 am, when it gets really hot, then take a siesta and eat lunch. You resume work at 4 pm and go until 7 pm. Billions of people in the subtropical countries work this practical schedule.

Mary Phagan (raped and murdered by her jew boss, Leo Frank, in 1913, who was righteously lynched in 1915) was the daughter of white Alabama sharecroppers. Whites picked cotton just like Blacks; there was no need whatsoever for them in America!


Everyone, north and south, knew the negroes were dangerous, shiftless, dissolute, and angry people, and none more than the slave-owners themselves. Were America to ever be invaded, as the colonial legislatures of Virginia and Georgia had declared back in the 1700s, the first thing the invader would do is issue the Blacks an offer:  as Nat Turner did, or the Haitians with the French (10,000 Whites were slaughtered there and chaos has ensued to this day), and you slaves will be granted your freedom.”

If one of our “greatest presidents” (libtard historians placing him even above George Washington!) was mentally ill, what does this say about the rest of this country and about this sorry world?

It says earthlings are insane and often evil.

Horrified after surrendering at Appomattox, Confederate General Robert E. Lee barely doffs his hat at Union General Ulysses Grant, who had removed his own hat. Lee foresaw the negro hell that America would become. The gesture meant: “You fool have have destroyed this white nation.”

National socialism was and is seeing the white race without rose-colored glasses, as a race with glorious gifts — but also a dark side that needs to be faced, understood, accepted, and firmly suppressed. It was both yin, kindness, and yang, firing squads.

National socialism is tough love, real love — the kind of love that is not sentimental and delusional, but actually brings about a record level of human happiness, solidarity, justice and safety for our men, our women and our children. It is the opposite of the hell the jews (1/4 of 1% of humanity) have created in alliance with our own egoic minds (the other 99.75%).

And if people object: “Nazi Germany was a militarized society which stuck everyone in a uniform, had everyone sieg-heiling around, ranting, and invading other countries. Our goal as Americans is love and world peace.”

Fine, except a media, political and financial superpower, world jewry, with its nuclear-armed base, Israhell, has declared war on YOU, and is waging war on YOU, and aims to enslave and exterminate YOU!

You don’t want to face the fact that you are at war already — only you idiotically are not facing the bitter truth and fighting back.

And now white GENOCIDE is fast approaching! (I thank an French comrade for the info below.)

And so we move closer to WWIII because the jews hate Russia for not knuckling under like ALL the other white nations.

……Victoria Nudelman/Nuland boasts how she torpedoed the Russo-Ukrainian peace deal in Istanbul of April 2022 that both sides had accepted   


[source: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nuland-admits-us-discouraged-ukraine-signing-russian-peace-deal-moment-it-was-really]


Nuland Admits US Discouraged Ukraine From Signing Russia Peace Deal At Moment It Was ‘Really Close’

Tyler Durden's Photo

WEDNESDAY, SEP 11, 2024 – 05:45 AM

There’s never a dull moment when former high-ranking State Department official Victoria Nuland goes on the record for a new tell-all. She’s certainly never shy about broadcasting her role in anti-Moscow covert maneuvering and machinations.

Indeed, many already know her as Victoria-‘Fuck the EU’-Nuland and for essentially running foreign policy in Europe stretching back through the Obama years as then Assistant Secretary of State for Europe, where many of the problems which sparked the disastrous and tragic Russia-Ukraine war were first set in motion.

Exiled Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar recently sat down with her for a new interview published to YouTube earlier this month. The most interesting part of the interview was when he  pressed Nuland on widespread reports saying that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson actively encouraged President Zelensky to back out of a potential peace deal with Moscow early after the Feb.2022 Russian invasion. There was a possible chance to end the war and perhaps avoid hundreds of thousands of deaths. But the West apparently convinced Zelensky to fight it out.

But a deal was on the table, and Russia was demanding a full commitment to Ukrainian neutrality regarding NATO. Nuland laid out that it was “relatively late in the game” when Kiev started seeking guidance on the peace deal from Washington and its allies. Zygar said there were statements from foreign leaders privy to the negotiations saying both sides were“really close” to achieving a deal.

“The Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going, and it became clear to us, clear to us and the Brits, clear to others, that Putin’s main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on. And it included limits on the precise kinds of weapons systems that Ukraine could have after the deal,” Nuland introduced in response.

She went on to describe that Washington didn’t like that the end result of the deal would leave Ukraine “neutered” as a military forcewhile at the same time the same limits weren’t imposed on the Russian military. “People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal, and it was at that point that it fell apart,” Nuland admitted.

Watch this section of the interview below:

Here’s what she described as her and the Biden administration’s main problem with what was on the table…

By contrast, “there were no similar constraints on Russia,” Nuland said. “Russia wasn’t required to pull back, Russia wasn’t required to have a buffer zone from the Ukrainian border, wasn’t required to have the same constraints on its military facing Ukraine.”

This constitutes significant confirmation that ultimately the US’ prime concern was not for the Ukrainian people, or for achieving peace any way possible.

Instead, Washington and NATO’s ultimate goal was to ensure a weakened Russia. What Nuland is essentially saying is that if a deal didn’t ensure a weakened or limited Russian military,then they were willing to crumple it up and go home, while watching Ukraine go up in flames, which is, sadly, exactly what has happened.

It was Foreign Affairs which first exposed details of the peace deal, tentatively agreed upon in April 2022, which had as its focus “a permanently neutral, non-nuclear state. Ukraine would renounce any intention to join military alliances or allow foreign military bases or troops on its soil.”

But no, it was too important for US Empire to pursue the NATO-ization of Ukraine, and the rest is the bloody, tragic history of the last 2+ years, with nuclear-armed confrontation looming on the horizon, and no end in sight. Another question that remains is: is the mainstream media going to cover Nuland’s blunt admission? 


See also:

Deep State MK-Ultra Routh



…….My situation is far from perfect but I must launch

There have now been two assassination attempts on on Trump in five weeks. Had either succeeded, Kommunist Kamala would be a shoe-in,  and OUR RACE IS OVER.

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