Accurate Dunkirk video; no, I did not “let the Brits go”

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France: We declare war on you, Germany!
Germany: ok….
France: Wait, oops — that was the wrong chat. 😉

This video bears out what I wrote here: I did not “let the British go at Dunkirk”!

Cornered forces, if brave and proud, and knowing they face annihilation if they lose, will always fight like lions.

This was something that Sun Tzu recognized in his “Art of War” in 200 BC already. In fact, he said some Chinese generals deliberately fought with their backs to a swift river, making retreat impossible, so their men would fight more resolutely.

Sun Tzu called this “choosing the death ground.

Had Hitler committed the bulk of his forces to wiping the Brits out, they would have fought fanatically, with literally their backs to the Channel.

The key thing in my mind was to quickly defeat the much vaster French army, with millions of men, good weapons and tanks, not worry about a few hundred thousand Brits who had abandoned their tanks, trucks and other equipment in their flight westward to the sea.

Besides, Britain itself was still not conquerable, even if the whole British Expeditionary Force had been captured. The Germans had NO high-seas navy capable of doing a D-Day, Normandy-style  invasion of England and no way in hell to sink the Home Fleet of the Royal Navy. We had TWO modern battleships — and NO aircraft carriers!

And, exactly as Churchill said, the Brits would have fought ‘on the beachs, in the hills, and on the landing fields, never surrendering.’ It would have meant Germans doing house-to-house fighting the whole length of Britain even IF the Germans had somehow succeeded in landing significant forces — 500,000 men and not just a few hundred commandos.

Remember that Britain also would have just raised another huge army to stop a German “home invasion.”

Great, brave and modern nations know how to fight on — even after huge defeats. The Germans fought like lions for 2.5 years AFTER Stalingrad.

The Confederates fought like lions on for two years AFTER Gettysburg.

And capturing or destroying the BEF would NOT have knocked England out of the war.

Beyond that, what would Joseph Stalin have done while Germany was bogged down fighting in England????? 

Twiddled his thumbs????

He would have attacked Germany himself from the east! It would have been “Icebeaker” in August 1940 instead of August 1941!

So my decision to concentrate on wiping out the far, far larger French army first was, yes, debatable — but certainly understandable, or, as the Germans would say, nachvollziehbar.

The big things that lost the war were these:

  1. Our ally, Mussolini (not Italy) never overthrew the king when he took partial power. The Italian monarch was an anglophile and secret Freemason, and it was he who controlled the military. Thus the Duce never controlled his own forces (and the same goes for Donald Trump now! 🙁 🙁 🙁 )
  2. When Italy then foolishly and unethically invaded a harmless Greece, the Italian military fought poorly (and also in North Africa) — because the anglophilic and Freemasonic officers secretly WANTED to lose so as to get rid of Mussolini. (In one North African battle, 110,000 Italians surrendered to a mere 10,000 Brits! The soldiers were not cowards — the officers were traitors!)
  3.  As fascist leader and Waffen-SS general Léon Degrelle rightly says, on the eve of attacking the gigantic Soviet Union, I was forced to divert massive German tank, troop and aviation forces down through the Balkans to rescue the Italians! This was so Britain would not seize Greece, build  RAf airfields for heavy bombers, and then begin bombing our huge and essential German oil refinery in Romania from there. No fuel — the war would have been OVER right then and there!
  4. But all this meant that when we finally did get to surprise-attacking Soviet Russia, our forces, especially tanks, had been tremendously depleted!
  5. After a thousand miles of tank combat, often in the mountains, our crews were exhausted and our remaining tanks, if they had even survived, needed a total overhaul!
  6. The worst folly of all was my decision to conquer the Russians, not come as their sincere liberator from communism.
  7. As a German, I wanted vast agricultural lands in the east so Germany would be self-sufficient in food, which was the great lesson of the British naval blockades of both Napoleon in the early 1800s and of Germany a century later in WWI.
  8. But coming in as a ruthless conqueror simply mobilized the average Russian muzhik to shrug his shoulders and go off to fight for the Motherland …. even if that Motherland was temporarily under the control of Stalin. (And just 45 years later, in 1990, those horrible communists were in fact gone.)
  9. And it was entirely my own disastrous decision to appoint the desk general Friedrich Paulus as commander at Stalingrad. He absolutely was incapable of decisive action, Guderian- or Patton-style.
  10. He had been the brilliant planner of the victorious three-week 1939 Polish campaign, but this blinded me to the fact that he was a nerd, and no leader of men.


But I do NOT “plead guilty” to “letting the Brits go at Dunkirk.”

I also had no illusions either about how a protracted war would end, in defeat, or that the US would eventually enter the war.

In the 1928 Second Book (a work written in frustation after the horrible electoral defeat of May 1928,when my NSDAP got a pitiful 2.8% of the vote — I then chose not to publish it)…..


…I stated clearly that because of jewish control and the massive power, size and the good racial stock of the then-United States, the Jewnited Snakes would prove the most dangerous enemy of Germany, not Britain or Russia.

The superpower that is America was (as I joked in Table Talk“a tiny jewish brain on a huge Aryan body.”  


UPDATED Excellent movie “Dunkirk” but the hair-blackening on English actors is just creepy; who is really behind the hatred of nordic genes?

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

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