Across the white world, Cohenavirus criminal fraud KILLING WHITES by postponing vital medical screenings

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In French: “pure race — fight for her!”


As per this blog:

Spiritual reading — breathe in the peace, and release the fear; Trump, feared and fearful

I wrote:

……Thank you to two donors —  in Germany and France

They know what governments are like, what life for white people is like, after you lose both guns and free speech. It is so much worse than what we Americans experience. All you can do is suffer in silence……


I personally know/knew (and, in some cases, Margi too) dozens of non-violent patriots who have been put on trial, in jail, or in prison for YEARS:

Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zündel, Manfred Roeder, Hervé Ryssen, Vincent Reynouard, Fredrick Toeben, Thies Christophersen, Hans Schmidt, Ursula Haverbeck, Sylvia Stolz, Pedro Varela, Gerd Ittner, and Horst Mahler.

What do these European donors “get” that you still do not? 😉

–14 November 2020 45 euros from C in Germany

–14 November 2020 50 euros from M in France

Dear John and dear Margi:

Good to know Margi is rebuilding her health.

What about you, Monsieur de Nugent?

The spiritual reading article of October 6 was entitled: “Take good care of, and love your body.” 🙂

But with this Covid hoax, “hundreds of thousands could die of cancer because of draconian Coronavirus restrictions.”

My own father’s annual heart examination, scheduled for this summer, was postponed to the end of this year! 

“The fake virus fraud kept those who really needed care from getting care.”


Thanks for posting on your site the articles of François Arouet.

Of course, no media talk about this. We all know who is in charge of the news.

How comes there is no white millionaire out there to finance a pro-white newspaper or TV?

You gave us the answer in your article: “For just this once, sympathy even for Bill Clinton when he was attacked by (((Chris Wallace)))” .

We must declare war on both the jew and on the jew inside every one of us who thinks selfishly of himself, who lies, who steals, who slanders his brother, and who refuses to help those saying the truth.




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  1. John,dimmi la verità,le persone che non si svegliano torneranno davvero all’età della pietra?Questo stanno canalizzando,ora anche che Trump non diventerà presidente,non è lui il presidente.Non ti ho mai fatto molte domande ma se “loro” si rivelano allora l’umanità sarà messa di fronte ad una scelta,salire o scendere di nuovo.Prendo la mia famiglia…solo mio marito si salva,i miei figli(benedica)il resto vive come se non fosse successo nulla…va bene tutto e neanche si pongono il problema.Si nota così tanto che ora sono in crisi?Non pretendo di salire.. però sono preoccupata per chi scenderà.Se sarà una loro scelta o di Dio.Temo questo argomento.

    • Transl:

      John, tell me the truth, will people who don’t wake up really go back to the Stone Age? That’s what some people are channeling, now that Trump [supposedly] isn’t going to be president.

      I’ve never asked you a lot of questions but if “they” revealed this, then humanity will be faced with a choice: go up or down again. I take my family … only my husband is saved, my children (bless) the rest lives as if nothing had happened … Everything is fine and they don’t even ask about the problem.

      Have you noticed that now I’m in crisis? I don’t pretend to go up .. but I’m worried about who will go down …. If it is their choice or God’s.


      Dear comrade,

      I understand your exasperation!

      But the problem with channelings is they can be fake or even from an evil source.

      In my opinion, by the way, Trump WILL win — and, either way, my appearance on the world scene is very near.

      I saw a story on RT France on how depression has doubled in France since the second lockdown, to 21% (and 35% among those with precarious finances). 🙁

      It is normal to feel anger and exasperation.

      But it is best to become more spiritual, not more depressed. It is vital to read Eckhart Tolle and every day make control over your mind stronger. 🙂

      If you need to take a break from active commenting, then, although I always appreciate your research and often use your material, it is fine to take time off. (You’ll be back. 🙂 )

      But I have to my job now, because the average person, however brilliant and sincere, can only do so much.

      Those who are leaders must do the rest!


  2. Ho fatto tutto il possibile per risvegliarli…ma ora devo proprio arrendermi,sono arrivata all’esasperazione.Voglio occuparmi della mia famiglia,anche se non possiamo andare chissà dove.Si,ho perso fiducia nell’umanità,nel suo risveglio…non ho visto progressi.Ti parlo dell’Italia,della mia regione,del mio paese.Non vedo consapevolezza,ricerca,domande…invece vedo totale assenza.Oggi mi arrendo in maniera ufficiale.Mi sono presa delle responsabilità più grandi di me,in realtà sono diventate piu’ pesanti del mio peso corporeo.

    • Transl:

      I did everything possible to awaken them … but now I really have to give up. I have reached exasperation. I want to take care of my family, even if we cannot go who knows where.

      Yes, I have lost faith in humanity, in its awakening … I have not seenany. I am talking about Italy, my region, my country.

      I do not see awareness, research, questions being asked … Instead, I see total absence. Today, I give up in an official way. I have taken on greater responsibilities than myself. In reality they have become heavier than my body weight.

  3. Non mi sto allontanando da te…è un piacere stare qui,ma da quello che divulgo… si,ho messo in campo anche il socialismo nazionale,quello che sarà,le menzogne dei media,il coraggio di alcuni dottori,la pedofilia.Non ho smosso nulla…sembrano muri che non provano nessuna sensazione.Ci ho provato con tutta me stessa,per aiutarti ad entrare in scena.Ma oggi dico basta.Si prenderanno le loro responsabilità.

    Siamo riusciti a fuggire 😉
    Puoi notare l’aquila imperiale(marrone),anche se sembra piccola nella foto,ma è davvero enorme!Almeno respiriamo…
    Stamattina mi ha fatto visita il pettirosso…di nuovo 🙂
    Ho sognato un grosso serpente,mi ha attaccata,ho tentato di strangolarlo.Mi ha punta con strani denti che sono fuoriusciti dal suo collo ma non ho mollato.Stavo mollando solo per pietà;ho continuato quando stava tentando di uccidermi.I serpenti non possono cambiare la loro natura…
    Forse è tutta la rabbia che ho accumulato…

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