Activist-hero-martyr Michael Weaver advocates we place WNs quietly in key positions; my response

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The gentile lackey of jewry Vassily Blokhin personally killed thousands of his fellow whites, all conservative Russians, for opposing bolshevism. He later drank himself literally to death, his cause of death being listed as suicide.

This was the method this goy perfected for his racially neanderthalic masters, who were both jews and the ethnic Georgians Stalin and Beria, killing 300 good white men, Polish officers, every day with an efficient German Walther pistol (German, so as to blame the Third Reich!):


White nationalist Michael Weaver wrote this comment (edited by me and with photos added):


The discredited FBI is nowhere to be found in regards to left-wing domestic terrorism.
They have the resources to arrest white men for defending themselves against Marxist street thugs (Antifa) but won’t arrest Hillary Clinton for her numerous felonies.
Someone needs to investigate (((them))) for their acts of documented domestic terrorism: Lavoy Finicum (photo], Waco, and Ruby Ridge, for starters.

*** JdN


Waco — 86 dead

Time, of course, as jews always do, slandered, ridiculed and blamed their murdered victims so the public would just shrug its shoulders. It especially libelled the dead church leader David Koresh as a pedophile, a foul lie which had no foundation whatsoever.
Also, the Branch Davidians he led were not some weird new sect, but they still exist, they just want the government to leave them alone, and they have been around since the 1930s.
But under Bill Clinton the FBI got all hyper to shut them down immediately — with tanks and machine guns opening up on women and children — burning and shooting 86 innocents to death.


Local sheriffs have the jurisdiction to arrest these tyrannical tyrants for breaking the law and their utter contempt for our Constitutional rights. The FBI has become the Stasi of the Jewish oligarchs that rule America and Europe with a iron-clad fist.

George Orwell’s prophetic novel 1984 is coming to pass. The Jews know that the Internet has the potential to become their Achilles heel unless it’s censored. Observe closely. Our enemies are in panic mode to silence all dissent that threatens their power over us.
Here’s my prediction — once the genie is out of the bottle, you’ll see a domino effect. A force so great they will be unable to stop it!
Let’s hasten this process and a new dawn shall arise. Cheers….
The Jews and their minions are happy when a tragedy [like Pittsburgh] takes place. They never let a tragedy go to waste. They’ll use this tragedy to garner sympathy for the Jews and use it to advance their anti-white agenda. Here come the Orwellian wrongthink laws that’ll be used to stamp out dissent.
Lest we forget what their Bolshevik brethren did to our people!

This is what happens when you allow too many Jews into positions of power. You’re a fool if you believe they’ll relinquish that power or if you naively believe we can vote our way out of this mess. If so, I have a Ferrari I’d like to sell you.
They’re powerful because of their racial cohesion. That’s why they keep our people from organizing. There’s power in unity!
We must quietly place our people into positions of power. We need to recruit police officers, judges, military, etc.
Remember their revolution took decades to get to where they are today. Do Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin ring a bell? The 60’s counter culture revolution was led by the Jews and its disastrous effects can be seen today.
I loathe both political parties equally. Both the Democrats and Republicans are controlled by AIPAC aka the Jewish lobby. Alas, we are supposed to be a Republic not a oligarchy. The Lernaean Hydra can only be defeated by severing every single head. This (((monstrosity))) has wreaked havoc upon Western civilization.

The Lernaean Hydra was a monster in Greek mythology. It had many heads and every time someone would cut off one of them, two more heads would grow out of the stump. It was one of the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, the father and mother of all monsters respectively.
HYDRA LERNAIA (Lernaean Hydra) was a gigantic, nine-headed water-serpent, which haunted the swamps of Lerna. Herakles (Heracles) was sent to destroy her as one of his twelve labours, but for each of her heads that he decapitated, two more sprang forth.

So with the help of Iolaos (Iolaus), he applied burning brands to the severed stumps, cauterizing the wounds and preventing the regeneration. In the battle he also crushed a giant crab beneath his heel which had come to assist the Hydra. The Hydra and the Crab were afterwards placed amongst the stars by Hera as the constellations Hydra and Cancer.
Will history repeat itself? Let’s make America #110 [the 110th country to throw the jews OUT.]

I replied:


Thank you very much for this comment, Michael Weaver. I have often written about your heroism, activism and sacrifices. The Jews sure fear you and your activism!

It is a sign of how the old Deep South has died that so many white Georgia liberal Demoncrat gentiles, who basically are just soft bolsheviks (crushing dissent under the thinnest color of law), have been hounding and jailing you, and preventing you from getting a decent job for a decade at the Jews’ behest.
And now a hard-left black woman is poised to become governor of Georgia, which was previously unthinkable. The persecution of WN activists, if she becomes governor, would then only worsen dramatically….
…and all this today in the Georgia that once gave us the crusading anti-Jewish publisher (and US Congressman and Senator) Tom Watson, the lynching of horrid black rapists of white women…
In Lawrenceville, Georgia in the 1920s, 25 miles northeast of downtown Atlanta

…..and of the vile Jew rapist-murderer Leo Max Frank, and where the Second Klan arose with the Knights of Mary Phagan!




I do have to disagree with you about one thing, Michael. In the total-surveillance NSA state we live in since 9/11, with cameras, cell phones, and FBI “National Security” letters, I do not see any way for most WNs to hide their true leanings while getting hired for key positions in society.
Of course, if they just read WN books, and mentally join us, maybe yes.

BUT (((they))) read electronically your every e-mail, see your every post on Faceboom or forums, or at least note what WN websites you visit, and they then focus on you more closely, and learn who your friends are and where you drive to, especially with the new electronic cars with inboard computers.
In my view, after 40 years in this Cause, it will take another kind of upheaval….. more radical, done by a new kind of committed fighter ready to sacrifice everything.
As I say, Those who know the threat, yet refuse to sacrifice all, will end up indeed sacrificing all.
And to become that new people, fanatics who are willing to sacrifice ALL, we will need a new kind of organization that can fulfill the goal of the late, great Dr. William Pierce, for whom I worked directly 1981-84, found in the second line here:

This means a people who are not in mental denial any longer about anything.
We need a radically new kind of white man and woman who grasp and act on the FACT that

1) we are thrust, like it or NOT, into a life-and-death struggle with the jews, and

2) most of us will die anyway, either fighting our mortal enemies — or being just lined up and slaughtered.
This new kind of white man and woman will know also the facts of life after death, of near-death experiences and of reincarnation.
Knowing this, the new white people will be utterly unafraid to die while manfully deciding that, whatever the price, they will “take out the trash.”
Going back to the topic of the total-surveillance society we now live in, in my very own case the regime actually installed an illegal, federal “Stingray” tower just 50 yards from my rented house at 306 South Steel Street, Ontonagon, Michigan 49953, with even a big camera pointed directly at my office!
What Stingray towers are is federal contraptions that mimic real cell-phone towers as you drive by.
With gleeful illegality, they cheekily download EVERYTHING off your smartphone — seizing all your photos, chats, private messages, posts, and contacts — and all without the slightest search warrant or you being suspected of committing any crime!

My house is in pale yellow to the left of the tree.



I resigned from the National Alliance of Dr. Pierce in 1984 on good terms, comrae Weaver, because I realized that even the great Pierce could not create the fanatic mass movement we need, where at least ten percent of all whites become literal fighters.

In the American Revolution of 1775-81, 90% of Americans did nothing but watch and serve up cheap criticism..

But that committed ten percent did go out and make all the sacrifices. And after victories began, THEN powerful foreign nations joined the struggle with money, troops and warships, such as France, Holland and Spain, which were anti-British for their own separate reasons that had nothing to do with our goals, especially the absolute monarchy of Catholic France!
And in the end, with just that noble ten percent who were not numbnuts, and massive foreign help, we finally WON!
Let us never forget now this key fact:

the whole world, white and non-white, hates and fears the bullying, brutal US government and its unbearable, outrageous hypocrisy, always preaching about “freedom,” about “the rule of law,” about “democracy” and “elections” and “peaceful change” — and at tghe same time acting brutally against all dissent in total service to Talmudic Jewry.
The entire world understand what the great half-Jewish chess genius Bobby Fischer once said:


….The American Revolution succeeded because of FRANCE and DESPITE “The People”

Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette, who had sailed 3,000 miles to fight for the freedom of another country, disobeying his king’s direct royal order, confessed to General George Washington in December 1777, after six months stateside, that he was initially shocked by the lack of ardor for the freedom struggle of most Americans.

Generals Washington and Lafayette pass by a sentry standing in wind and snow at Valley Forge in December 1777, when all seemed hopeless. Within a few weeks, in February 1778, France had signed an alliance with America, Lafayette returned to France to strengthen it — and within two years the war was over.


“At the end of its tether” the American Revolution succeeds!



  1. Great article John. The struggle for our survival as a people demands that we face our fears with courage and soldier on. Only we can keep ourselves from moving forward. Only we can blame ourselves for standing down.

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