Afghanistan fell because of Winston Churchill

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Churchill (see below) was crystal-clear about one awful fact by 1942: his “ally,” the Jewmerica of Franklin Rosenfeld, was actually in sympathy with Communist Russia. Rosenfeld, as a part-jew, was what used to be called, tellingly, a “com-symp,” a communist sympathizer.

Rosenfeld granted diplomatic recognition to the monstrous USSR in his first year in office, 1933. For 16 years prior, under the Democrat Wilson and then three Republican presidents, the US had refused to recognize this diabolical regime.

Rosenfeld actually TOLD Churchill, as did his son Elliott Rosenfeld, that he intended to dismantle the British Empire as soon as the war was over.

On the other hand, speaking from the perspective of my last life, “we Germans” (nota bene, I am now an American), made FIFTY serious peace offers to Britain, especially from July 1940 to the spring of 1942.

I was thereby merely carrying out my decision for friendship with Britain stated clearly in Mein Kampf (1924-25), renewed in the 1928 Second Book, and never dropped. This meant a full military alliance between Germany and Britain, the one power ruling the Continent with its land forces, the other ruling the waves of the world with its seapower.

There would be no conflict between a land and a sea power, especially when based on our common germano-keltic blood, respect for two great peoples and magnificent cultures, and our common refusal to be dominated by either Washington or Moscow.

I offered with absolute seriousness that German troops would be sent by the thousands anywhere in the world — on British warships and passenger liners — to fight FOR BRITAIN AND THUS FOR THE INTERESTS OF THE ENTIRE WHITE RACE.

Norwegen, Schwerer Kreuzer "Lützow"

I met with the former prime minister at the Berghof, Lloyd George….

… and also with the former King of England.

I was personally close to two girls in the powerful British Mitford family, Unity and Diana.

And I never forgot how a brave British soldier had spared my life chivalrously on the battlefield as I staggered to me feet with a concussion and completely unarmed. Private Tandey just could not bring himself to shoot an unarmed man — “fair play” by a working-class Englishman!

Private Henry Tandey won the Victoria Cross for his feat that day, yes, the highest British award for valor, by killing 18 German soldiers, but me he spared because I was unarmed. That was “sporting.” 


In September of 1938, the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain travelled to meet with me for discussions at this private mountain retreat. It was hoped they would prevent Europe’s then seemingly inevitable descent into war. Whilst he was there he noticed a painting. I explained that the compassionate soldier was an Englishman by the name of Henry Tandey and that I owed him my life.

The one huge flaw in this video is that I did not just stare at Tandey (as at the very end), but instead nodded to him in the deepest respect and in gratitude!


This was one of two jarring events which told me I was meant to survive the war. The other was a voice telling me to “Get up and leave!” as I ate lunch with my German comrades in a trench. With no time for debate — as it turned out, the artillery shell was literally on its way!!!  — I jumped up, and ran down the trench and around a bend. Suddenly, a shell directly hit where we had gathered for lunch, and my poor comrades were vaporized.

The Duran video below is about the weakness of Britain today, and remember two things:

1) Joe Biden actively dislikes England, identifying in a negative way with his partially Irish heritage, in a Britain-bashing way.

2) Half of all Americans ( = white Americans) descend from courageous and hard-working immigrants from the British Isles: England plus its keltic possessions, Ireland (until 1921), Wales, Scotland, and Cornwall. There are genuine ties of blood kinship there. I remember watching the old “‘Superman” show, and the newspaper editor at the Daily Planet, “Perry White,” an American newspaperman, repeatedly referred to England as being “the Mother Country.”
Well, as America becomes ever browner, yellower and blacker, and with less and lesss British Isles blood coursing in its veins, that old kinship of blood, tongue and culture will be eroded.

And now the Duran video on Tony Blair and the decline of British influence in the world:



…..From the Nameless War — Churchill knew he was destroying Britain by war with Germany

I produced this material and audiobook using the wonderful content by the great Captain Archibald Ramsay, a combat officer in WWI with the Coldstream Guard, in which many of my ancestors had served.



After graduating from the best high school in Britain, Eton, Archibald Ramsay then attended the “West Point” of Great Britain, the royal military academy called Sandhurst.








Read by John de Nugent,

Lake Superior, Michigan USA


This is the actual 44-minute audiobook! [Source:]


But before I launch into how Churchill knew I was pro-British and Rosenfeld was anti-British, first this:

…..a supernatural warning

Look at those magnificent nordic heads on these elite Coldstreamers, carrying a fallen comrade’s body. He had died in 1943! 

Alma Williams with a photo of her late brother, the 6’4″ lance corporal Ronald George Blackham, kia in Salerno, Italy in 1943.

Mrs Williams remembers how a man on a bike came to the house to deliver the fateful news.

She said: “I was with mum at the front door, she opened this envelope and collapsed on the stairs with a stroke after reading it – ‘missing presumed dead’.

“For the simple reason, she knew what had happened. Apparently the week before she had had a dream, that she was swimming in a river with Ron and the water was red, and she said: ‘Something’s happened to my lad.’

“I had to go and get dad out of bed. He came and carried her up the stairs and she didn’t speak for six weeks.”

What a waste, of course.

But this was also a sußpermatural event, one of many in wartime, when a mother KNOWS her son has died.

In some cases, the son literally appears, in an immaculate uniform, with no wounds or gore visible — all cleaned-up nicely for his mom — he smiles lovingly, and waves farewell to his mother:

“Don’t worry about me, mum.”

A famous photo of WWII British soldiers and a fallen comrade posing with them

Now you might take seriously the words of the Horst Wessel song, and I said repeatedy in speeches that this lyric was to be taken literally.

Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen![a]
SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.[b]
Kam’raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier’n im Geist in unser’n Reihen mit.

Die Straße frei den braunen Bataillonen.
Die Straße frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
Es schau’n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an! [c]

Zum letzten Mal wird Sturmalarm geblasen![d]
Zum Kampfe steh’n wir alle schon bereit!
Schon flattern Hitlerfahnen über allen Straßen.[e]
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit!

(repeat first stanza)

Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA marches with calm, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.

Clear the streets for the brown battalions,
Clear the streets for the storm division man!
Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!

For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
Already Hitler’s banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now! [23]

And, btw, after Wessel wa smurdered we added these lines:

Die Fahnen senkt vor Toten, die noch leben
Es schwört SA, die Hand zur Faust geballt
Einst kommt der Tag, da gibts Vergeltung, kein Vergeben
wenn Heil und Sieg durchs Vaterland erschallt.

The flags are lowered before the dead who still live
The storm-division swears, his hand clenched into a fist,
That the day will come for revenge, no forgiveness,
When Heil and Sieg will ring through the fatherland.


Not only do our comrades and loved ones live on, but they never died, just their body. You can pray to them aand ask them for wisdom and support as you fight the battles of your life.

Unless they have reincarnated, they will hear your prayer.

My English grandfather does watch over me to this day, I am certain.

…..My wonderful British grandfather and his eery “return”

Part 1 of 2 .

Part 2 of 2 .



….and now back to The Nameless War and what Churchill knew and when


Throughout that remarkable book runs two main themes, as I have shown in an earlier chapter ” the one, a detailed delineation and denunciation of the Jewish Capitalist-Revolutionary machine ; the other, admiration for and eagerness for friendship with Britain and the Empire.

It is a pity, indeed, that so few persons in this island have read this book for themselves ; and it is a tragedy that they have instead swallowed wholesale, the unscrupulous distortions and untrue propaganda on the subject, served up to them by Jewish publicity machinery, operating through our press and radio. Let these people but try and obtain a copy of that book ; and when they find they
cannot, let them reflect, that if indeed its contents confirmed the lies that they have been told concerning it and its author, the powers behind our publicity would ensure that everyone should be able to secure a copy at the cheapest possible rate.

In any event, I would urge my countrymen to ponder most earnestly the following facts.

The Jew Karl Marx laid it down, that Bolshevism could never really succeed till the British Empire had been utterly destroyed.

Hitler laid it down, that the British Empire was an essential element of stability in the world ; and even declared himself ready to defend it with troops, if it should be involved in difficulties anywhere.


By unscrupulous propaganda on an unprecedented scale this country was led into destroying those who wished to be her friends, and offered their lives to defend her ; and exalting those, who proclaimed that her destruction was a necessary preliminary to the success of their ideology, forfeiting her Empire and
her economic independence in the process.



If the new-found knowledge of Hitler’s anxiety to preserve the British Empire has come as a surprise recently to many people in this country, it must surely have come as a real shock to them to learn that President Roosevelt, on the other hand, was its inveterate enemy ; that he was not only a pro-communist
of Jewish origin, but that before he brought America into the war he made it clear that he wished to break up the British Empire.

[JdN: His father was descended from the Dutch Rosenfelds and his mother from the Sephardic-Jewish Delanos. The openly homosexual and crypto-Jewish and leftist mayor of Paris, France from  2001-14 was Bertrand Delanoe.]



His son, Colonel Elliot Roosevelt, makes this last point very clear in his book, As He Saw It, recently published in the U.S.A.



On pages 19 to 28 of this book, Colonel Roosevelt tells us that in August 1941, his Father, having given out to the American people that he was going off on a fishing trip, actually proceeded to a meeting with Mr. Churchill on board a warship in Argentia Bay [JdN: in Newfoundland, later made part of Canada].


Lord Beaverbrook, Sir Edward Cadogan, and Lord Cherwell (Professor Lindeman of doubtful race and nationality), and Mr. Averil Harriman were present, he says. On page 35 he quotes his father as saying,
“After the war … there will have to be the greatest possible freedom of trade … no artificial barriers.” Mr. Churchill referred to the British Empire Trade Agreements, and Mr. Roosevelt replied, “Yes. Those Empire Trade Agreements are a case in point. It’s because of them that the peoples of India, Africa, and of all the Colonial Near East are still as backward as they are … I can’t believe that we can fight a war against Fascist slavery, and at the same time not work to free people all over the world from a backward colonial policy.” “The peace,” said father firmly, “cannot include any continued despotism.”

This insolent talk against the British Empire became so pronounced that on page 31 Colonel Roosevelt reports Mr. Churchill as saying, “Mr. President, I believe you are trying to do away with the British Empire.” This comment was very near the mark, as the President had been talking about India, Burma, Egypt, Palestine, Indo-China, Indonesia, and all the African Colonies having to be “freed.”

On page 115, the Colonel reports his Father as saying, “Don’t think for a moment, Elliot, that Americans would be dying in the Pacific tonight if it hadn’t been for the short-sighted greed of the French, the British and the Dutch. Shall we allow them to do it all over again ?”

These were not at all the reasons, however, given for the war, and for which Americans thought they were dying ; nor indeed does the President make any reference as to the pretexts given to his countrymen for the war.

The British, dying in greater numbers, have on the contrary been told that they are dying to defend their Empire from Hitler’s wicked plans. Little do they suspect, that it is their so-called ally who plans its destruction.

“When we’ve won the war,” the President is reported as saying on page 116, “I will see that the U.S.A. is not wheedled into any plans that will aid or abet the British Empire in its imperialist ambitions.”

And a few pages later:

“I have tried to make it clear to Winston and the others … that they must never get the idea that we are in it just to help them hang on to the archaic and medieval Empire ideas.”

Those who sup with the devil need a long spoon. Mr. Churchill, the self-styled “constant architect of the Jews’ future,” now found himself playing second fiddle to an even [72] more trusted architect ; so eminent, in fact, that he did not make any silly pretensions of respect for the British Empire. The earlier Moses, Karl Marx, had denounced the Empire long ago, and in the year 1941, it was only foolish opponents of Judaism and Marxism, like Herr Hitler, who were anxious to stand by that Empire, because they recognised it as a bulwark of Christian civilisation.

Although, as we have seen, Mr. Churchill is shown in this book as getting a little petulant from time to time over the President’s pronouncements regarding the liquidation of the Empire, this did not prevent him from announcing himself later to the House of Commons as “Roosevelt’s ardent lieutenant.”

Under what special circumstances the King’s Prime Minister could be an ardent lieutenant of a Republican President, whose design it was to destroy that Monarch’s Empire, Mr. Churchill did not explain ; nor has he yet done so. On another occasion, Mr. Churchill made an equally cryptic remark: “It is no part of my duties,” he assured the House of Commons, “to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire.”

No, indeed ! Nor was it any part of his duties, on being told that it was to be liquidated, to pronounce himself to be the ardent lieutenant of the would-be liquidator. Nor, we might add, when Minister of Defence, with Admiralty and other codes at his disposal, was it any part of his duties, as Mr. Chamberlain’s lieutenant, albeit not very ardent, to conduct a personal correspondence of the nature which he did conduct with President Roosevelt by means of the top secret code of the American Foreign Office.



He was very intelligent, very eloquent and he saw clearly his real duty to Britain and the white race, and he betrayed them both for money. Broke he let a jew, Henry Rakosch, bailed him out financially and from then on he was the jews’ slave.




As to what became of the soul of Winston Churchill in 1965, when he died, God is the judge.

But I will quote from Jesus (Mark 8:36):

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

As Michael Winkler’s The Spiritual World lays out,

….there are temporary hell world to which people like Churchill go.

Their own karma sends them there, their own low frequency.

There they must live with people exactly like themselves.

Psychopaths go to a world where everyone is a psychopath.

There are no gullible young souls there to trick, deceive, lie to and betray.

Everyone is a hard-boiled, suspicious, cynical criminal — just like you. And you had better watch your back every second in a world of killers.

And you will stay there in that hell full of people just like you until you feel sincere revulsion at your evil life.

All Churchill was, was a thug.

Churchill yet another upper-class homosexual?

A little postscript:

Every fiber of my being loathed this creature, and when he told my press secretary in Munich in 1932 that we national socialists should not be antisemitic, I had heard all I needed to.

“Antisemitism,” he said, “is a good starter but a bad sticker.”

In other words, it gathers support from the people, but then the jews will bring you down…. As if I did not know fully the danger from jewish power, but all this Churchill cared about was HIS benefit — his career.

My responsibility was our nations’s survival and victory over these jews waging war upon the entire world!

Distorted version of my almost encounter with Churchill: 4:18 to 8:29

As Afghan women go to sleep tonight under the savage Taliban, they can thank Winston Churchill for destroying a British Empire that could have brought light and progress to the world, and crushed the menace of radical Islam. There would not be one single Muslim Migrant in any white country with a German-British world alliance!

A white Nuri boy with obvious Aryan features from the high mountains of Afgahnistan:

Especially important blogs





  1. For decades the Americans wanted to break up the British Empire so America could inherit the British empire for themselves just to gain access to global markets and profits.Nothing to do with freedom or democracy, just financial greed. How much did America pay the Spanish Government for the Philippines? $20 Million , that included the inhabitants as well as the land. Look at American occupation methods in Europe after WW2. Or how American companies used mercenaries in Iraq to secure trade deals by using violence against business competitors in Iraq. Human suffering = money = j team involvement.

      • When Britain held the original 13 colonies , it was to grow food, timber cotton etc to supply the growing English population and industrial needs.It wasn’t about conquest and immigration. That happened when the Americans gained independence. All the world’s poor, unemployed ,tired oppressed masses were told to head to America as settlers . So they could be taxed and sent off to wars for profit.

  2. Churchill is an example of the decadence of the English aristocracy of that time, when it had absorbed a huge amount of Jewish blood.

    Before my Gramp became an American he was an Englishman who fought in the Dardanelles. This was a passage between the Aegean and waters that led to the Black Sea.

    Churchill had the bright idea of sending the Royal Navy through this passage and threatening to shell Constantinople [Istanbul], which he thought would result in a Turkish surrender. To accomplish this objective, English troops were landed on the beaches of the Dardanelles, with the objective of eliminating Turkish artillary set up there, thus freeing the strait for English warships along with supply ships for its ally, Russia.

    The landing of these troops on the Dardanelles shores was a disaster. The English had to retreat. My Gramp was not injured, but casualties were very high, about 50 percent. Churchill was completely to blame for this slaughter of English soldiers.

    • Yes, and thanks.

      Churchill had to resign as First Lord of the Admiralty, and became a frontline Army infantry officer instead. He was in the political dog house for decades over this.

      The film “Gallipoli,” which made Mel Gibson famous, was about this massacre of brave soldiers from the Australian perspective.

      The Aussies never felt the same about the British Empire after this.

      Not only were the Turks a fierce warrior people of long standing and with many successes, but they were German-trained and even sometimes German-commanded. My father fought alongside Turks and British Commonwealth (UK, Oz, Canada and NZ) in the Korean War, and said both were magnificent.

      Let us remember the jews caused this entire war for their purposes. I will restate why we even had WWI:

      Simplified, it is exactly as Mel Gibson blurted out in Malibu:



      The specifics of WWI:
      On orders from Rothschild, the French and British Deep States went to work to give Palestine to the jews.
      This meant destroying the Ottoman Turkish Empire, which held Palestine. Its sultan refused twice, even under bribes and threats by Theodor Herzl (the founder of Zionism) to give it to the jews against the wishes of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians who then were living innocently on their own land and bothering no one.
      But to take down Turkey meant destroying Turkey’s mighty teutonic allies, Germany and Austria.


      So the British and French secret services fomented in Eastern Europe a new ideology, called “Pan-Slavism,” so that the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and Serbs would want to hate the Germans and tear off huge chunks of eastern Germany and Austria, although well-run and prosperous, under the hateful idea of “Down with the arrogant, oppressive Germans!”
      And it was all for one thing:

      for the jews to get Palestine.


      And to get rich off the war.
      And to kill off the best and bravest of the gentiles.
      WWII then was designed to complete this diabolical process, and to get rid of the jews’ greatest foe EVER, Adolf Hitler.

      But the war is not over. It is just getting started.

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