Zimbabweans rejoice as their old white boss returns and starts his farm up again. Deep down, all honest Blacks who are not bombarded by jewish-bolshevik-woke propaganda are literally white supremacists — and want the white man to rule them if he is fair and caring.
Good, except it should be “Then someone agitates you to get angry [….]” Negroes deep-down know they are inferior and that they need us.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Albert Schweitzer was a Franco-German doctor, writer, theologian, anti-war activist and outstanding organist. He spent his final years as a physician helping black patients in the Congo. But he took a tough-love, realistic view of how to deal with Africans:
….Comment on VK by a fmr Marine
[id567389027|John], in my last year in the USMC the chain of command from the company commander to our platoon sergeant was all negroes. It was hell on earth for us of European descent.
I replied:
[id613111490|Hendrick ]I bet. My Jewish captain, Harvey Philip Gold, took me out of my intel platoon, the 35th ITT, and put me in an all-black supply unit.
There I saw something amazing for the US Marine Corps. This was in 1980. So a black captain, an obvious affirmative-action token, was supposed to give a talk on NBC weapons.
He was so stupid and unprepared, the black enlisted Marines began wadding up paper into a ball and throwing it at him.
Having had white DIs, an 80% white recruit platoon, and a 100% white intel unit, I was speechless.
Even Parris Island had no lasting effect on these negroes.
To this day, a civilian since 1982, if I see “railroad tracks” (captain’s bars), I want to go to attention. 😉
These africans at least “learned their lesson” after letting themselves be deceived and lead astray by the jews.
Will whites at least show a similar degree of intelligence?
Nope, they will keep on doing the same thing and expect different results.