Afro DNA on display at the Oscars; the day I slugged a traitor on-stage

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Afro egomania — The backstory is that Chris Rock was merely ribbing, questionably, Smith’s wife, an actress named Jada Smith, about having shorn hair as a woman. (This was due to her suffering from alopecia, making her hair fall out.) The referrence to “GI Jane” was about a movie where a woman, played by Demi Moore, undergoes US Army boot camp (recruit training), where, of course, her head is shorn like that of male recruits.

Will Smith got all “bent out of shape” about the joke about his wife’s hair.
Maybe his wife’s feelings WERE hurt at her shorn head being pointed out, and I can understand. Margi had to shave her hair off too when she began chemotherapy for her Stage III throat cancer, and she has gorgeous auburn hair.
What woman does want to lose her hair and walk around almost hairless?
But Smith was way out of line — the joke was not malicious, and Chris Rock had even sort of apologized right after saying it.
This is a display of African DNA at its worst — the tendency to resort to violence whenever frustrated. Millions of Whites in Europe, North America, and South Africa have experienced this!

And when Smith won the Best-Actor Oscar later that night, he did not apologize to Chris Rock, and he kept referring to “my people,” meaning his fellow Blacks.
Clearly, he did not consider white Americans to be part of “his” people.
But at least he was being honest, a genuine, anti-white, black racist… (as well as a violent narcissist).


It was written 97 years ago, and every single word has come true!


….Negro orderly beats elderly white patient

This happened in greater Detroit, Michigan, in a ward for Alzheimers patients. (Sorry the video is sideways.)


…..A traitor got a beating; I got thirty days

As most know, National Socialism was started by me in Bavaria, way down in the “Deep South” of Germany, the area with the Alps on the southern edge as well. The NSDAP began in February 1920 in Munich, the Bavarian capital.

This map shows the ridiculously truncated Germany of today. It was almost twice as big before the jew-caused WWI.

Bavaria, very much like Texas in the US, has a strong identity, accent, and also rightwing traditions.

Bavarians can be proud of so many great things….

Castle Neuschwanstein (which, btw, became the model for Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom)


Rothenburg, located on the “Romantic Road” 

Southern Bavaria is also famous for the Schuhplattler dance, and for the lederhosen and dirndl costumes — in fact, for a lot of things which Americans associate with the idea of Germany.

When I lived in neighboring Austria, just south of Bavaria, I saw the same things, because it is basically the same people. Part of it is the good German blood having a keltic admixture — fun-loving, loud, friendly and ready to fist-fight — and with the classic keltic dark hair plus blue eyes.
Anyway, as in every white country, there are feuds and antipathies between the different regions. And the jews and their minions rush in to worsen these ill feelings, exploit and use them in order to divide-and-conquer the despised goyim.

So they sought to weaken Germany by getting the Catholic, more dark-haired, fun-loving, southern Germans (the Bavarians plus also the Swabians, over in Stuttgart and Mercedes country) to dislike the taller, blonder, usually Protestant and often more serious northern Germans.

It was also known that ever since the Protestant Reformation under Martin Luther, in the 1520s, the government of France was promoting the breakup of Germany, the power of which it rightly feared, by getting the Protestant northerners to go to war with the Catholic southerners, and vice versa.
The same brfeakup of Germany was also sought by several Catholic popes, btw, especially after Protestant Prussia became the leader in Germany. In a war in 1866 Prussia quickly crushed the joint army of Bavaria and Catholic Austria — and even booted germanic Austria right out of Germany — this after the Catholic Habsburg dynasty had itself ruled Germany for 600 years!

Chancellor Otto von Bismarck (below is a museum depiction with a mannequin) was every inch a Prussian, and really kicked Austrian and Bavarian butt at the Battle of Königgrätz.

(But then he became very conciliatory to his germanic brothers and wisely showed great respect for his defeated opponents.)

Well, all of this German internal-division thing eventually got me thirty days in jail. 😉
It was not that I was personally feeling insulted — I was used to that — but that a Bavarian politician was actually advocating that Bavaria break away from Germany…and no doubt hook up with its ethnic relative, Austria…. creating a north-south conflict like the ghastly American Civil War.

That insanity killed off 750,000 good young white men (according to new expert figures, which include all who died of their combat wounds even after Appomattox).

Anyway, this politico was constantly advocating Bavaria leave Germany, a very dangerous and wrong idea, and the guy mysteriously always had plenty of cash. Why? Because the French were paying him off under the table so as to harm Germany.

In other words, the guy was a traitor, working for the enemy for money.

Beyond that, I wanted to symbolically as well as literally strike a blow for German unity which the northern Germans would see, good people who were thinking of supporting me — but there was always that stupid Bavaria-versus-Prussia feeling holding my progress in the north back.

I was certainly very proud to be an Austro-Bavarian, and I even loved personally wearing lederhosen… but even more so I loved all the German people, as well as cherishing all White civilization.

So I went to one of this traitor’s meetings, jumped right up on the stage, and in front of all his gullible followers socked the guy right in the mouth. 😉

I denounced him to his bone-headed listeners as the traitor and lackey of the French that he was, a scumbag trying to break our Fatherland up.

Yes, I got thirty days in jail, but it was worth it, and it felt so good. 😉

And the principle has not changed now. Tough love means some people need a good belt in the kisser.

Discipline one — educate one hundred.

Love, but TOUGH love, is how we will survive and we will win in the Dark Ages that are right ahead.

Remember, now — I have been predicting a nuclear war on this website since 27 June 2018, while other WNs ranted on exclusively, as usual, about only the race problem and the jews.



My video on the Van Rensburg prophecy; my interview with Simon Roche of South Africa; the resurgent German Reich and white survival

And our entire Disengagement Movement to Antarctica since 1943, since Stalingrad, has been predicated on Russia and America ultimately going at it — due to the jews, who hate the Russian people, egging their tools, the Americans, on — and the Reich will then re-emerge after they have destroyed each other. 🙁

So either I prevent this war, my primary goal, or we rule whatever is left, the secondary goal.

Either way, we win. This earth will be national-socialist, and some day incredibly beautiful and happy. What we did in the peacetime Third Reich of 1933-39 was a foreshadowing of the glorious era to come in a jew-free world.



Where have you seen before this unusual bulge above the area between the eyebrows?





…..To a French donor

I wrote a French donor today:

Thank you very much, comrade [], for the two hundred euros. 😊

The great thing about France in this regard is that it has always had a huge antisemitic element in the population…. going right back to Saint Louis! He burned thousands of Talmuds and expelled the jews!


Louis IX was the only French king ever made a saint


The Jews say 24 wagonloads of Talmuds were burned in Paris, all copied by hand — in the centuries before the German Guttenberg invented the printing press

The greatest king in French history, the blond Louis IX, ruled for 44 years (1226-70), dying (of disease) while fighting the Muslims in the Eighth Crusade. Once he realized what filth and hatred against Gentiles was taught in the Talmud, he acted.

Then there was the enormous Dreyfus affair….. So when Jean-Marie Le Pen (whom I met and interpreted for, and also corresponded with about a large donation) came along, he did not have to “reinvent the wheel,” to use an American phrase. Why not? Because millions of French understood the Jewish Question already.
We now have what is called “a perfect storm.”
This comes from the title of a bestselling book on a totally real incident of fishermen in Gloucester, Massachusetts/USA who were forced by the rapacious owner to take his fishing boat out to fish right during the middle of a hurricane.
In 2000, it became a very moving film starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg.

They all died, many of them husbands and fathers of small children, because of the psychopathic owner, who, of course, himself lost his ship as well as his crew. Utter, moronic, amoral stupidity causing a huge tragedy…
The perfect storm for our world situation is this simultaneous confluence:

— continuing mass immigration of non-whites into white countries, taking jobs, committing crimes, and creating a gigantic tax burden on whites
— economic hardship, soaring inflation, and even gloomier future trends
— serious food and fuel shortages


— realization and anger that Trump’s victory was stolen and a senile old pervert and warmonger was installed in his place, meaning that a VAST conspiracy exists by a VAST network of thousands of criminals (of which the jews are the cadre)
— rage as more and more people sicken and die from the provably jewish clot shot, and WOM, “word of mouth,” is spreading the truth, not just the alternative websites such as mine
— and now, most of all, the terrifying sense that a thermonuclear WWIII is at the gates
— the American realization that Russia PLUS China form an unbeatable bloc of power, and so this fast-approaching war will not be some “tiny,” limited overseas “adventure” like Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam
Comrade, the masses need to suffer to awaken, because by their own choices they are impervious otherwise to the truth and their duty.
And so God, in His tough love, has given us — and me specifically — this fantastic but also last opportunity to awaken the West.
You have been absolutely a hero, quietly sacrificing so much behind the lines.
But it is good karma to give. And if WWIII happens, 95% of us will die. Your euros, and dollars and pounds, will be worthless.
Only good karma, and guns, combat knives, attractive women who can sell their bodies, cigarettes (for all the tobacco addicts), gold coins and bars, silver, fuel, electric generators, and uncontaminated food and water will save anyone.
But most of even the preppers who have these things will die, too.
The History Channel documentary I promoted yesterday predicts TWENTY YEARS of nuclear winter. Agriculture will decline by 90%. 

Thus the judgment of God on these races of liars, these earthlings, and the Whites here are also liars. Mostly good folks with great potential, but, frankly, they lie.
I plan to address your major question “Is Putin a Jew” —and the jews hate him as if he were the purest “Nazi” — which he by now actually should be ! — and also translate my German article on the four German chemistry professors asking the owner of Moderna why some vials of this mRNA/gene-modifying “vaccine” are clear — and others, remarkably, a milky-grayish white.
The answer is some vials are mere saline solution, and the others deadly poison.
And this is why some have no side effects, and others drop dead on the soccer/football field.
Un grand merci pour tous vos sacrifices énormes.
John de Nugent


….Herbert Hoover, a good man (of German descent) but stuck in his American mental box

How about the freedom from starvation, rape,  murder and a bolshevik bullet in the back of the head?


…..Humor: Pets think yoga is silly


….New way to donate

If in the US, you can use Cash App:

Simply link it to your debit or credit card!

To send a payment:
— Open the Cash App
— Enter the amount
— Tap “Pay”
— Enter an email address (, phone number (if I gave it to you personally), or “$Cashtag” ($JohndeNugent)
— Enter what the payment is for (education)

It works in seconds, and you get an email confirmation!

If in Canada or overseas, set up a TransferWise account! Same basic idea.

Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!


….Recent donations

— 26 March 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada, a former Green Beret AND Rockwell party stormtrooper (from back when I was also in)

— 26 March 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France, a skilled worker in food service who also cares in filial devotion for his parents.

–-21 March 2022 $60 from M in Ontario, Canada

–-20 March 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 19 March 2022 $260 ($10 and then $250) from B in Georgia/USA


15 March 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

Historic downtown Boston — I lived nearby 1971-74 and 1994-2003

— 14 Mar 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Chicago 😉

— 12 March 2022 $50 from M in Texas via PayPal

— 11 March 2022 200 euros from M in France via PayPal

— 10 March 2022 $150 via bank wire from P in Australia; my balance went from $3 to $153. 🙂

— 9 March 2022 $50 via Paypal from V in Denmark

— 5 Mar 2022 100 euros from M in France



— 1 March 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 26 February 2022 $34 via PayPal from V in Denmark
— 26 February 2022 $100 check from K in California


— 26 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 23 Feb 2022 $80 via PayPal from J in San Francisco

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Duran coffee mug from P in Florida

A friend in Florida who also assiduously follows the Dynamic Durans, the best World-Figure-Outers Ever, bought me this elegant and sturdy Duran mug. This is the mug shot. 😉 Soon it will be full of hot coffee as a reward for a morning of snow-blowing (just off Lake Superior in Upper Michigan).


— 22 Feb 2022 $150 by bank wire from P in Australia



— 21 Feb 2022 $100 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 20 Feb 2022 $100 from K in Massachusetts from CashApp

— 17 Feb 2022 100 euros (same in US dollars) from C in Germany

 — 17 Feb 2022 $100 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts
From: “Cash App” <>
To: “John de Nugent” <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:13 PM
Subject: K[] sent you $100
Payment from $KPLnd

— 12 Feb 2022 40 euros in cash from M in France

— 10 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France



— 4 February 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France

Painting by Vincent van Gogh “A summer day near Paris”

— 1 February 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 31 January 2022 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 23 January 2022 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

A striking, short video in French with English subtitles by Léon Degrelle:

— 20 Jan 2022 $100 from K in Massachusetts via CashApp

— 16 January 2022 200 euros (same in dollars) from M in France

— 8 January 2022 300 euros (same in dollars) from M in France


— 4 January 2022 bank wire for US$200 from P in Australia

Activist/hero Nick Folkes (not the donor)


— 1 January 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France

A little metal thing by Gustave Eiffel (by his very name a man of obvious germanic blood, France being a mix of Keltic, Mediteranean and Teutonic)  

— 31 December 2021 $30 wire as a test from P in Australia

— 31 December 2021 600 euros via PayPal from S in northern Germany


PP gave me a lifetime ban in 2012, and banned Margi also in 2019, but I have friends with it!

— 31 December 2021 $200 in cash via FedEx from a loyal supporter and fellow former Marine

He is of proud Italian (and other heritage), not unlike this Marine general who dared to say:

“So many good men died, and for what?” my dad moaned once thinking about Korea. “All these no-win wars. You cannot expect a man to die for nothing.”


— 30 December 2021 $50 via PayPal from B in Denmark

— 25 December 2021 $200 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts

– 25 December 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 23 December 2021 $100 gift card from Amazon from J in Nevada

— 16 December 20201 300 euros from M in France

A Paris pastry shop

— 14 December 2021 $95 via PayPal from V in Denmark


The royal Frederiksborg Castle, north of Copenhagen, from an era when Norway and Denmark were under one king

The royal chapel, beautiful but empty, as with most Christian churches in western, central and northern Europe. This is an incredible waste of space, money and beauty at a time when Whites desperately need spiritual guidance but do not find it in the churches or their semitic stories. Christianity has been dead in most of Europe for generations — just as I foresaw and said would eventually happen in Table Talk at Führer Headquarters.

— 13 December 2021 300 euros from M in France

An actually very nice rap song by white Bretons about maintaining their celtic heritage…. The tribe of Dana in Celtic legends was an extraterrestrial people with extraordinary technology that was linked to the Celtic peoples:


— 10 December 2021 $5 in cash from M in Florida

— 5 December 2021 $90 donation via PayPal from H in California, a previous donor

— 4 December 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

Menhirs, prehistoric sacred boulders in celtic Carnac, Brittany, France

— 3 December 2021 500 euros (same in US dollars) via PP from S in Germany

Castle Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany; I was here with the Marines in 1979 with a NATO “Reforger” exercise nd went through the town of Angeln, whence the “Anglos” in Anglo-Saxons. The last Reich president, Admiral Karl Dönitz, ran the last German government from here in May 1945.

— 30 November 2021 US$100 via PayPal from V in Denmark


“Ramund” (hin unge) is a Danish folksong from around the 1600s. I am playing a nyckelharpa, an ancient Swedish instrument. It started to storm as I played. “Ramund” has around 20 verses, and there are different versions written down. It is mainly about Ramund, a man who goes to battle with the Jætter / trolls and then sails to the emperor to take his daughter to marry and then decapitates the emperor.

— 27 November 2021 $400 Australian ( = US$285), photocopied information on Australian WWII PM John Curtin (very pro-white and apprehensive about China) and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 $70 Australian ( = US$51), Christmas card and letter from P in Australia


  1. Velhal, a very good point.

    And still Whites welcome swarms of blacks/browns with open buttocks.

    I hope they die screaming.

    People are saying the alleged incident at the Oscars looks staged.

    Will the police arrest Smith for assault?

    Then BLM can go looting and shooting.

    It does look staged. Why slap a man? Why not go full queer and hit him with your handbag, Smith? 😉

  2. Will Smith must be suffering from mental illness. His hard-as-nails wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, admitted that she was cheating on him with singer August Alsina.

    Her selfish behavior turned their son into a cross-dressing homosexual pervert.

    If Will divorces her,she takes half of his wealth, and ruins his live. Just take a look at what’s happening to Bill Gates. His wife was dating him (the owner of the company), and she was sleeping around with co-workers, his employees! Now she is bashing him!

    Feminism has ruined women in West.

    In both cases, men look like they are mentally stressed out, and can’t take it anymore.

    I worked in the medical industry (not very popular among our Aryan race 🙂 ). I has seen this among all races — specially rich powerful men, and how their wives destroy them.

    O. J. Simpson’s behavior closely reflects Afro DNA; but then again his wife cheated on him as well.

    Sadly their behavior can be blame on our “western” society. In any case, what were our forefathers thinking when they brought in Blacks for laborer work?!

    I never understood why the f–k our ancestor replaced “Native American” with far more excitable creatures. Now Jews are using diversity to divide and rule the world!

    PS: I don’t feel sorry for that race traitor woman that O.J. “dealt with” nor with Jeda for losing her disgusting hair.

    Both cheated on their husbands, and as the saying goes, “karma is a b*tch”.

  3. Mr. de Nugent,

    Wasn’t the white man more motivated back then to have a family when the white woman was pure and classy? I think it’s a big reason why so many white men are dropping out of responsibility and society nowadays, besides all the other reasons. We don’t get a good deal nowadays.

    • 100% correcto.

      I am 67 and remember how nice women were, feminine, wanting babies and craving a real man to head the family.

      80% of all men were veterans then. Tough, because you had to be.

      And before China took over our economy, there were plenty of good-paying jobs if you were willing to work.

  4. Da hat Herr Hildmann anscheinend ins Schwarze getroffen im Fall der ‘Oscar-Backpfeife’ von Will SmithMan. Denn man schaue sich ganz genau die normal rasierte Glatze von Jada Smith an und sodann das Haupt eines Menschen, der wirklich Alopecia hat – da liegen zahllose Welten dazwischen!

    Nun hat nämlich das Bezahlfernsehen über Herrn Walulis die oben genannte Enthüllung beziehungsweise Vermutung von Herrn Hildmann zur Chefsache gemacht, womöglich eben weil Herr Hildmann ins Schwarze traf? 🙂

    Attila erklärt: Will Smith-Schelle hat mit Impfung zu tun | WALULIS DAILY

    Die Länge der Schmähbeitrags beträgt knapp 10 Minuten.

    Die Internetseite von Herrn Hildmann wird im übrigen im Schmähbeitrag genannt. 🙂

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