After the jew-jab: Florida Ob/gyn MD reports miscarriage rates up 50%, fertility down 50%

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Short and sweet — a courageous woman — an eyewitness, an expert — speaks out:


  1. Man schaue sich die Gesichter der als Wissenschaftler kostümierten im Grunde genommen lächerlichen Figuren des obigen Artikels an – selbst der Osmane Attila Hildmann sagt, es handele sich bei Özlem Türeci und Uğur Şahin nicht um Türken, geschweige um Osmanen.

    Wer eine Antwort auf das Warum des Jew-Jab’s wissen will, der schaue bitteschön unter folgender Verknüpfung – denn nicht nur mein dort platzierter Beitrag trifft den Schlomo … Pardon … Nagel auf den Kopf, sondern der Artikel des deutschen Bloggers namens Vitzli an sich:

    Ist das schon Antisemitismus? (Überschrift des Artikels)

    • Danke, alles gelesen.

      Ohne Bewusstseinswandel helfen aber alle Fakten nichts. Man belügt sich täglich auf diesem Stern, der so seit Jahrtausenden eine Hölle darstellt. 1945 war nur die Rückkehr ins abnormale Normale.

  2. I have been reading Which Way Western Man? by William Gayley Simpson. This author, whose 1000 page book was published in 2003 by the National Alliance, believed that the Jews intended to wipe out the White race.
    His idea was that the Jews intended to rule the world, and they thought that White civilization stood in the way of this.

    • Yes, a wonderful book and author. In 1988 I met Simpson, then 96, and his lovely wife at his Cooperstown, New York home (not far from the Baseball Hall of Fame) and had the privilege of staying overnight there.

      I will never forget his brilliant, sparkling blue eyes, kindness and dignity.

      On my advice, WN publisher Willis Carto bought two hundred copies of Which Way Western Man? and sold every one after he ran my glowing review of this masterpiece.

      Simpson was a co-founder, btw, of the original American Civil Liberties Union, which arose in protest against the outrageous WWI persecution and prosecution of those opposed to Wilson’s evil war.

      William Gayley Simpson was so opposed to the lying, deceiving jewish spirit that, as Dr. William Pierce told me, he decreed that his book must never even be priced jewish-style at, say, “$8.99.” No, it had to be an even “$9.” 😉

      What a brave and beautiful soul.

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