After trial, first two Cologne muslim sex attackers walk FREE, laughing and cheering, as two victims weep; how Russians react

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Hassan T forced a kiss on a frightened German woman and then licked her face. Found guilty of assault, he got a suspended sentence.

Smiling and cheering as they walk free from court: Immigrants convicted of Cologne New Year’s Eve sex assaults avoid jail despite judge branding them ‘animals’

  • Hussain A and Hassan T walked from court with suspended sentences
  • They were convicted of being involved in mass frenzy of sex attacks
  • The attacks saw dozens of men arrested in Cologne on New Year’s Eve
  • Two of the victims wept openly in court as they described their ordeal 
A comrade who has lived in Russia commented:
Let these migrants try that kind of thing in Russia!
The article that would result in Russia, would be very different from that one from Germany.
“Russian brutes beat migrants to near death, claiming the migrants ‘misbehaved'”.
Russian ER doctor personally beats a drunk (in this case, an ethnic Russian lout) who molested his nurses
His drunken buddy protests and he gets it too.
Animals only understand brutality, and dominance or submission. There’s no “equality” in a relationship with a beast.
Either the beast dominates you, or vice versa. This depends solely on whether or not the beast is intimidated by you.
Vladimir Putin encounters Angela Merkel
German government workers – police, judges, etc – have a duty and responsibility to protect and serve the German people. Keep social order, and ensure the safety of the people in their nation. They are not fulfilling their roles. They have failed to protect or serve the interests of the German people, or society. They are as much at fault as the migrants. They must intimidate these migrants.
German government worker wimps are even afraid to send these creepers to jail. The German government is beneath contempt.
Animals will misbehave, if their masters do not discipline and intimidate the beasts. Dog training 101. Intimidating migrants is the duty and responsibility of the various governments in Europe. You’re dealing with primitive beasts, and primitive bestial “cultures”, that cannot resolve social conflict, that’s why the have perpetual chaos in the Middle East. Germany imported chaos and bestiality.
Russians understand all of this. You don’t see many migrants making a bee line for Moscow. Nobody is grabbing or licking Russian women. They know better.
The same is not true in Germany, and it will only get worse.
Germans have been brainwashed to think that cowardice is a virtue, they call it “tolerance”. But cowardice is utterly contemptible and vile. German government officials are guilty of cowardice and dereliction of duty. They should be held accountable for their criminality and complicity, along with the migrant creepies. .
Punish all of them, and fix the problem.
… this is why we need a new religion, Virtus, which means “the manly virtues.”

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