Agnostic Revilo Oliver believed in an evil force that was behind Jewry — and in reincarnation as the basis of a new Aryan faith

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The late American professor Revilo P. Oliver, a great white nationalist and also a confirmed agnostic, was forced to conclude that there is “innate evil” and “pure evil” out there, “the sheer joy of committing crimes,” stating also:

“A theory that a conspiracy has been working consciously for many centuries is not very plausible unless one attributes to them a religious unity. That is tantamount to regarding them as Satanists engaged in the worship and service of supernatural evil.

The directors of the conspiracy must see or otherwise directly perceive manifestations which convince them of the existence and power of Lucifer. And since subtle conspirators must be very shrewd men, not likely to be deceived by auto-suggestion, hypnosis, or drugs, we should have to conclude that they probably are in contact with a force of pure evil.”

(Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, Conspiracy or Degeneracy?, USA)


Speech given before the New England Rally for God, Family, and Country on July 2, 1966 in Boston, Massachusetts: 58 minutes. (Source:


….Oliver refers to the Albert Fish case. Here it is


…….Dutch banker — at the elite parties they demanded I sacrifice children to Satan

He got out of banking when they demanded he KILL KIDS to reach the top; Belgian artist does murals of kids being killed

Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, ( …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.


Chelsea Clinton, Jewish via her maternal grandfather Hugh Rodham,  wearing an inverted, satanic cross


FILE – AUGUST 24: Donald Trump has called for the investigation of the Clinton Foundation, further intensifying scrutiny on the institution. LOS ANGELES – AUGUST 1: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaks during a press conference announcing a partnership between The Clinton Climate Initiative and Large Cities Climate Leadership Group as the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa (L) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair look on August 1, 2006 in Los Angeles, California. The partnership aims to fight climate change through the reduction of pollutants which contribute to global warming. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores/Getty Images)

Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the party.

1999 —- 2000


The Pentagon — its cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1941.


Inside the pentagram (a five-pointed star) a pentagon fits, a five-sided object

The sign of Baphomet (Satan)

……We Jews are literal aliens sent to this planet to conquer it

Video of infamous JDL terrorist Irv Rubin eating food literally like a reptile? Rabbi Laitman says Jews are aliens sent to conquer earthlings


……The Jews (Hebrews) descend from a gigantic Near Eastern crime family called Habiru by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites

of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”



…….VIP pedophiles


……Oliver saw reincarnation as the path

…. Karl Marx — Jewish satanist

With Jews, they are never really “atheists” — they are closet satanists.

An astounding book about jewish marxists as closet satanists was written by ex-Jew Richard Wurmbrand (


It is is incredibly important, showing how communist Jew Karl Marx was no atheist at all.


In fact, Marx from his youth on was deeply committed to the literal worship of a literal SATAN, and constantly wrote poems about him, and about loving hate, darkness, misery, and DESTROYING THE WORLD.

Marx and Satan

a book by Richard Wurmbrand, 1986


˜Marx’s chief aim was the destruction of religion.

The good of the workers was only a pretense ¦.Communism is collective demon-possession”. ”Richard Wurmbrand


The book is available online here &

The late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years as a prisoner of the Communist government in Romania , where he was persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ. His experience led him to spend further years researching Karl Marx and the Communist doctrines he developed. While Communism  portrays itself as a noble endeavor for the good of mankind, and claims an Atheistic view, Wurmbrand exposes its true roots, revealing that Karl Marx and the fathers of the modern Communist/Socialist  movements were inspired by the powers of darkness.

By examining the confessions, writings, and poetry of Marx and his followers, the author demonstrates how the “prince of darkness” gave these men the “sword” by which they have terrorized the nations. We consider this book an essential key to understanding the New World Order movement, of which Communism plays an important role. Wurmbrand proves that this movement is not simply the work of greedy men, hungry for wealth and power, but is “after the working of Satan” with the intent of destroying mankind.


I have recently read this book, and would recommend it to others. Those who know of the Jewish origins of Communism and the Satanic nature of the religion of Talmudic “Judaism” can already connect the dots. But this book is useful in that it provides a very compelling case that the man known as “Karl Marx” (an ethnic jew descended from a long line of rabbis whose real name was Moses Levy Mordecai) and his close associates at the center of the development of communism (almost exclusively known jews) were avowed Satanists or Luciferians, citing letters, poems, and other writings from Marx and his communist associates. It also details how a jew named Moses Hess actually recruited and shaped Marx’s thinking, and was the brainchild of communism, with Marx being the frontman.

As practicing Satanists, Marx and his Jewish cohorts desired, like Satan himself, above all to steal, kill, and destroy, and take as many people to the abyss as possible. And that was the purpose of the ideology of communism “ destruction. The lofty talk of “fighting for the proletariat” and improving society was just a bait, and the call for violent and permanent revolution against the existing (Christian) order the means to place the Jewish leaders of Communism into power.

And, as history shows, this agenda of death and destruction has been ruthlessly implemented by the Jewish communists from 1917 onward all over the world.

The book is available online here. It should also be noted that the author Richard Wurmbrand is an ethnic jew, a self-confessed “convert” to Christianity, and holds and expresses in the book the kosher views on the Holocaust Hoax and the idea that the jews are the descendants of the Israelites.

The following are some particularly interesting excerpts from the book. The first excerpt is a quotation from a Satanic drama/play titled “Oulanem” written by Marx.

From Chapter One, “Changed Loyalties”, Sub-Heading “The Satanist Church and Oulanem” (pp 15-16 paperback):

“Now I quote from the drama Oulanem itself:

And they are also Oulanem, Oulanem.
The name rings forth like death, rings forth
Until it dies away in a wretched crawl.
Stop, I’ve got it now! It rises from my soul
As clear as air, as strong as my bones.

Yet I have power within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you [i.e., personified humanity]
with tempestuous force,
While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears, “Descend,
come with me, friend.”

From Chapter Two, “Against All Gods”, Sub-Heading “Satan in Marx’s Family” (pg 23 paperback):

“Marx was an avowed enemy of all gods, a man who had bought his sword from the prince of darkness at the price of his soul. He had declared it his aim to draw all mankind into the abyss and to follow them laughing.”

From Chapter Four, “Too Late”, Sub-Heading “Family Letters” (pg 46 paperback):

“Another possible hint is contained in a letter written to Marx by his son Edgar on March 31, 1854. It begins with the startling words, “My dear devil.” Who has ever known of a son addressing his father like this? But that is how a Satanist writes to his beloved one. Could the son have been initiated as well?

Equally significant, Marx’s wife addresses him as follows, in a letter of August 1844,

Your last pastoral letter, high priest and bishop of souls, has again given quiet rest and peace to your poor sheep.

Marx had expressed, in The Communist Manifesto, his desire to abolish all religion, which one might as­sume would include abolishing the Satanist cult too. Yet his wife refers to him as high priest and bishop. Of what religion? The only European religion with high priests is the Satanist one. What pastoral letters did he, a man believed to have been an atheist, write? Where are they? This is a part of Marx’s life which has re­mained unresearched.”

From Chapter Five, “A Cruel Counterfeit”, Sub-Heading “Bukharin, Stalin, Mao, Ceausescu, Andropov”:

“Other evidences of Satanist persuasion among Marxist leaders are also significant. Troitskaia, daugh­ter of the Soviet marshal Tuhatchevsky, one of the top men of the Red Army who was later shot by Stalin, wrote of her father that he had a picture of Satan in the east corner of his bedroom, where the Orthodox usual­ly put their ikons.

When a certain Communist in Czechoslovakia was named head of the State Council for Religious Affairs, an institution whose purpose is to spy on believers and persecute them, he took the name “Hruza,” which means in Slovak “horror,” an appellation used for “dev­il.”

One of the leaders of a terrorist organization in Argentina took upon himself the nickname “Satanovsky.”

Anatole France, a renowned French Communist writer, introduced some of the greatest intellectuals of France to communism. At a recent exhibition of demo­niac art in Paris, one of the pieces shown was the specific chair used by that Communist writer for pre­siding over Satanist rituals. Its horned armrests and legs were covered with goat’s fur.

Britain’s center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London, where Karl Marx is buried. Mysterious rites of black magic are celebrated at this tomb.”

Anyway, as marxist Jew Saul Alinsky’s book on John L. Lewis shows (a good WN friend of long standing sent me this book via Amazon),


Lewis, this fiery and fierce Welshman, who led the United Mine Workers and later the CIO (the Congress of Industrial Organizations), and organized the steel and auto industries for the unions, raising living and safety standards tremendously for MILLIONS of white workers ¦.


¦.Lewis came to see through and loathe Franklin Delano Roosevelt — a filthy-rich part-Jew via both parents — as a total snake who not only betrayed him and lied to him to his face and sicked the FBI on him as a union leader, but did not care one whit for the suffering white working class at all.

The Alinsky book gave the world Roosevelt insights one would never get otherwise. John L. Lewis was a leader of the working man who WANTED to support Roosevelt.

But he realized he was nothing but a hypocrite who was sincere about three things only: 1) getting  reelected, 2) helping communists, and 3) using  war to crush Germany.

To the shock of his mostly Democrat followers, on October 25, 1940 the powerful union president therefore rejected the “hero of the common man,” Roosevelt, he endorsed the Republican, Wendell Wilkie, for President, and here (on page 188 of the Alinsky book) Lewis spells it out on the radio to 25 MILLION Americans (too f “g stupid to grasp what he was saying):


In fact, Lewis led huge coal-miner strikes during WWII (when coal provided most of America’s energy) and against the sacrosanct “war effort” to the extreme ire of the German-hating FDR and Truman.

And he moved for 32 years into the former Alexandria, Virginia home (south of Washington DC) of the Lees and Fendalls, which future Confederate general Robert E. Lee as a young man frequently visited to see his aunt!


  Captain Lee, US Army, in full uniform in an 1838 oil portrait


Daguerrotype of Robert E. Lee and his son William Fitzhugh Lee in 1845



From Wikipedia:

Robert Downham, an Alexandria haberdasher and liquor dealer, presided here for the next 31 years. The Downhams sold the house [in 1937] to

John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers. During the next 32 years, the house was the home of Lewis, his daughter Katherine and his wife Myrta. Lewis started life as a coal miner in Iowa and quickly worked his way up the union ranks to be president of the United Mine Workers of America for over four decades. He moved the headquarters of the UMWA to Washington, DC to be closer to the people in power.


As president of the UMWA, he increased wages by ten times, started the first safety regulations in the mines, and started health care facilities where there weren’t any before. He was also one of the founders of the AFL-CIO.

To do all this, he defied two presidents, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, and pulled the miners out on strike in the middle of World War II, causing a major energy shortage.

Duringt thestrike, Lewis was strung up in effigy at the corner of Washington and Oronoco, outside his home, as a traitor for hurting the war effort so much.

After Lewis died in 1969,  the house was leased until 1974, when it was purchased by the Virginia Trust for Historic Preservation. From that time to the present, it has become a well-known Virginia landmark and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. The Lee-Fendall House serves not only as an educational historic house museum but also as the setting for weddings and gala social affairs.[4]



Real Depression photos; from 1929-1941 Americans were in economic hell ” no jobs and no food stamps/EBT cards either. You just f “g STARVED in the nation with the richest and vastest farmland on earth.

Bread line in 1930 at the corner of Grand and Christie Streets in Manhattan, NYC




Roosevelt and the Great Depression were both Made by Jewry.

The Wall Street Jews CAUSED the Great Depression via the stock market collapse, which crashed the banks that had bought stocks.

Then the Jew-run Federal Reserve worsened and prolonged the terrible Great Depression, where literally millions of white Americans died of malnutrition and despair, the alcoholism it triggered, and domestic violence ”


” or were never born at all as Depression-Era birthrates sagged, by a seemingly nonsensical and insane, but really diabolically cunning, and totally counter-productive policy of tight money.

The jew-founded, jew-run Federal Reserve took money OUT of the US economy for eleven years  — 1929-1940!

It only stopped the endless series of foreclosures of Americans’ property and began pumping the economy up again for one reason:

in order to build a war-production economy to fight and defeat Adolf Hitler and his anti-Jewish Germany in WWII !

This is in some ways my most relevant and practical video for our times! Hacked, rehacked and rehacked, deleted off my every hard drive and banned ” until only this one shabby, low-res copy is left!



Happy workers, big families, honored women, good jobs, record prosperity,. clean and good entertainment ” and safe streets where a woman could walk alone along the docks at 3 am!


Franklin Delano Roosevelt was put in…


….to 1) prolong the Depression (so his Jew backers could gradually foreclose, month by month and year by year, at sheriff’s auctions, on millions of homes, businesses and farms and get them for ten cents on the dollar) and then

2) get WWII going in order to

3) create factory munitions jobs, the economic “solution” of the “military-industrial complex,” in Eisenhower’s famous word in 1961, to said Jew-caused Depression

4) and, most of all, save the Jews from Hitler before he could wake America up too.



Boeing B-29 bomber factory in 1944 in Wichita, Kansas ¦.Bomb them krauts, boys, and make yourself some good money again!

(Hey, I know it’s blood money, and Roosevelt is a closet commie, but after 12 years of Depression it still feels soo good to be able again to buy a new car, a steak, and a top-shelf Scotch whiskey.)


 Of course, it was not so good for the Germans.


Nuremberg: once one of the most fascinating and beautiful old cities in the world

Nuremberg-1945- Bombed-margaret-bourke.-white

We wuz jist followin’ orders.


Bodies of US Air Force officers in a German stalag (POW camp) ” killed by indiscriminate American carpet bombing

26 US officers killed Stalag XII Allied bombs

That stare ….. Greatest Generation, you can be so proud you murdered millions to make a buck. The woman’s grown son, carrying the little sister, looks like a sensitive artist-type. A Hitler Youth boy has the mom gently by the other hand.


Way to go, Greatest Generation! Since you refused to listen to Lindbergh, Ford and Pelley, all very famous men in America in the 1930s, here is your reward, what you really fought for, and what you bequeathed to your devastated grandchildren.

Omaha Beach US Cemetery (I was here in 2004) — note all the crosses for the gullible Pauline Christians


And now, in that SAME Normandy, muslims slit the throat of a Christian priest  ” in his church, while celebrating the Mass


And while the brave, stupid and gullible goyim killed each other in June-July 1944 at Normandy….




….Guess who had a cushy Army job in Normandy far behind the lines as a supply sergeant,

Obama’s jew grandfather, “Stanley Armour Dunham”!

Obama's Grandfather at War

Stanley Armour Dunham, Madelyn Payne, Barack Obama

As a bitterly disappointed John L. Lewis told biographer Saul Alinsky, FDR made it clear to the millionaire Republican industrialist class (people like my own father) that WWII was gonna be so great for their business and meanwhile he, the Democrat seen as “the hero of the common man” (big FDR phrase), he as president, if he got his third term (1941-45),  would keep those pesky workers who wanted unions, safe work conditions, and decent wages nice and quiet. 

Another famous friend of the workers and of FDR….


John L. Lewis “ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Lewis, who was the son of two Welsh immigrants and really shoveled coal himself as a young man, said Roosevelt was born wealthy (JdN: he was descended from Jews, the Warren Delanos, of the infamous Chinese opium trade!), he never worked an honest day in his life (exactly like my arch-enemy, David Ernest Duke and he had no idea or concern about how depressing, grinding and dangerous life was for working-class people before the unions arose.



But as my friend realized from hanging around them, liberals by nature are people who are impervious to the truth


They just are egotists, committed to feeling good about themselves,


feeling all righteous and oh-so-caring,


while their policies clearly HARM women, the young, the workers,


and the various racial minorities they claim to love as well!


Just look at these feminist Dems advocating bringing in more Muslims, for God’s sake!


How can a feminist approve of Islam???????


Child brides


female circumcision




Syrian threatens to smash his own baby if not granted a better refugee center.


rape of infidel women







1400 years of harems (forced sexual slavery): “Use any infidel women your right hand takes.”


brit-media-wn-the-problem-not muslims-blacks

“Grooming”of white girls for prostitution by muslims.


But “if there is no God,” as the great Russian novelist Dostoyevsky said, “then everything is permitted”  —  including living a lie about “social justice” just because

it makes you feel good

and creates a delusional notion of how

progressive, free and brave you are — as you do exactly what CNN or the BBC says.


Liberals don’t care if it’s a lie, or that their programs harm people.


It’s about me-me-me and feeling morally superior.



…”superior” to those with both feet on the ground and who care about having a good outcome, not just feeling good about yourself.


…..Shocking truth about the Children’s Crusade

Jews ran the disastrous Children’s Crusade – to betray the kids, castrate the boys, and sell them into muslim slavery



  1. “Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives. Some are older souls than others, and so they know more.”
    This is a pretty great quote from that article, what it means is that as scientists have found with discoveries in neuroplasticity, people can increase their intelligence and overall mental capabilities. These increases would then be maintained in later lives. In other words the atheist conception of intelligence as merely a meaningless random genetic trait is wrong, this is something that is developed actively through conscious effort. So for example, even people of races with lesser IQ, may still increase theirs and possibly their race’s intelligence in general as well if they put in the effort to develop their mind. It all correlates well with Rupert Sheldrake’s discoveries on morphic resonance.

    He has already figured out that each species has its own collective morphic resonance field which shares information, it’s natural that this would apply to individual races also, with positive or negative changes in some leading to the same effect in others of the same race. This most likely explains just how Whites originally evolved recessive genes like white skin or light eyes, as this cannot be easily explained by merely natural selection, which would prefer dominant genes and filter out recessive ones.

    What this all leads up to is the conclusion that racial differences in intelligence or compassion are built via experience and effort, not merely ‘random chemical acccidents’ as the materialists would argue. Meanwhile, this frees people from the belief that they are just prisoners of their genes, it would mean that anyone can advance themselves and possibly also their race if advancement happens in enough of a portion of the race to make a widespread change. Those more closely related in biology, like family members, would also likely be more closely connected via these morphic resonance fields.

    • Great comment — thanks! Well-edited, short, easily graspable and not stream-of-consciousness. 😉

      When I was around Robert Faurisson I sure felt his energy field. Great people are like that. 🙂

      • This essentially leads me to believe RFK’s famous quote is just literally true:

        As for Faurisson, I just read some of his blog you posted. He certainly was thorough. Never knew that jewish organizations actually failed a lawsuit against him and had to admit they couldn’t debunk his work as a hoax.

  2. Another great, older blog entry here.

    Sometimes I ask myself why do I read Revilo Oliver? I’ve found no one that can match his pessimism yet I still like reading some of his writings at times. A heavy depressing black pill it may be but simultaneously he gets the reader looking square at the situation, however brutal and crushing it may be. He called it how he saw it and it is pretty clear how he saw it was without any hope at least in regards to the thriving of whites and western civ as it once was.

    Something worth sharing here I believe. At the end of his 1979 work “The Enemy of our Enemies” he says, and I quote:

    “The Jews, whose racial cohesion has made them a super-organism, are undoubtedly a superior species. Beginning as a wretched band of marauders, they, in only 2500 years, scattered throughout the world while retaining with undeviating concentration the super-organic unity of their purpose, and achieved mastery of the globe. That you may disapprove of their methods or their character is irrelevant. They have given proof of biological superiority. One wonders whether that superiority will enable them to consummate their total triumph or whether the super-organism is too inflexible, its instincts too fixed and rigid to cope with an entirely novel situation, so that the multiplex organism will perish in the chaos it has created, exulting, perhaps, in the total destruction in which it also will be destroyed.

    So far as one can extrapolate from the present, disregarding our pathetic hopes for a psychological and biological miracle, there is one race which, by its own fatuity and degeneracy, seems likely to become extinct less than a century after it was master of the world.”

    Harsh. And terrifying to think of all that beauty and creative spirit being eliminated from this Earth. In this land of maybe I can visualize such a timeline actually being possible under certain incredible conditions…but I don’t intend to let that be on my watch.

    • All atheists refuse to acknowledge a higher power, so it never grants them any help.

      The Jews are not superior at all, just cheaters.

      1) They engage in overt favoritism, helping each other in jobs, getting loans, and other unethical forms of quiet cooperation, and

      2) They get help from those reptilian forces who sent here.

      My recent article from the renegade Jew Ron Unz proves that admission departments at Ivy League schools admit Jews with lower SAT scores over Aryans with much higher scores.

      And Rabbi Laitman proudly asserted that Jews are aliens sent here to conquer the earthlings.

      As for us whites, not only have Nordics repeatedly intervened to help us, but also “starseeds,” higher souls from Pleiades planets, incarnating here to serve, save us, and spiritually grow for the upward trajectory of their own souls.

      All whites need to do is avail themselves of all the help that is constantly offered.

      The Jews are not our equal or superior in anything.

      They just stick together.

      And that is what national socialism is.

      White’s sticking together. 🙂

  3. It appears that this Moses Hess couldn’t appear to be an ideologue of Karl Mordecai because his emphasis was Zionistic revolution. Might confuse the masses. “You try this Communism thing while i concetrate on Zionism, and we’ll see which one sticks.”

    From what I have read, Tukhachevsky wasn’t a Jew. A portrait of Satan displayed by a General of Atheism almost sounds like bikers with swastikas, real bad boy shit. Satan would have no problem with that.

  4. Watching that Revilo Oliver video was very enlightening for me. Unfortunately, as apt as Oliver’s views on overpopulation, dysgenics, and race were, he seems unable to come to a coherent conclusion. I also looked at the article you mentioned where he wrote on reincarnation, and it seemed lacking. He speaks about how the white race is superior morally and intellectually, but lacks the central and core drive to effective persuasion, a driving motivation and reason for life. A reason for strength, beauty, intellect, and all the things we find good in the world. He didn’t have that. He only seems to have appreciated reincarnation as a good philosophy from a still-agnostic point of view, which in no way would have the same effect as actually believing in it. Moreover, he only believed whites could reincarnate, and thought it biologically wholesome to imagine that all nonwhites simply perished like animals. If anything, that merely pushes the problem of meaning further back. For example, if only whites count as soul-possessing beings who can reincarnate, then that means all the animals are merely soulless creatures destined to disappear who exist for either no reason, or only to serve humans. Are all animals truly deserving of permanent death? More to the point, why would humans have lasting souls if animals didn’t? Humans are merely far superior animals. Even if humans only have reincarnating souls in the way we imagine reincarnation because of their superior nature as beings who can have personal identity, unlike many animals who don’t understand that concept or have long term memories, what happens if all humans go extinct? That would seem to imply that their souls would disappear, or that they would reincarnate as animals and forget their past.

    However, that too is still just a side point. It is true that people of many races observably reincarnate based on the Ian Stevenson reincarnation evidence, but the real question is what it all means. I think the core problem with atheists and many agnostics, along with many religious people who don’t really believe in their religion deep down, is that they can’t truly make themselves believe there is a purpose to life. If Oliver had managed to believe in one, or at least hold out faith that there was one, maybe he would’ve been more persuasive.

    Of course, this need not all be obscure metaphysics. The essential fact is that if white civilization can persist for a century from now and advance genetic science to its pinnacle, the capabilities of future humans could be beyond imagination. Suppose that eventually all humans use Embryo Selection when having children, and each woman has the best of all her eggs used when she has a child. This could go as far as raising each generation up by a standard deviation in IQ, as far as the racial limits allow it, at least. Still, it is quite possible that geniuses could be mass produced in this way and extreme intelligence could become the norm, along with great levels of compassion, beauty, and moral intelligence. Just how could anyone not want a future like that? Only religious traditions and fears of genetic engineering and the Nazi’s use of eugenics in typical German authoritarian ways really get in the way. But in reality, this sort of practice could become voluntarily accepted by a majority without anyone needing to be oppressed whatsoever, people want the best for their children when they’re in the right state of mind. Basically, everybody gave up on the idea of eugenics just before the science of genetics became known and the means appeared to create unbelievably good people, in one of the worst incidents of bad timing in history.

    Thinking about reincarnation, it seems clear that the entire point is to retain one’s former self as much as possible. If a race has many people who reincarnate over and over again, it could learn over time as they remember subconscious knowledge from their past. It certainly sounds much better than a world where nobody reincarnates and each generation is entirely managed by new souls reincarnated up from animals or newly created. If anything, though, people not remembering past lives is a problem more often than it is a benefit. It’s only from the perspective of the Clown World we live in that it seems normal to forget everything every life. Just imagine what would happen if everyone DID remember their previous life when they reincarnated. Everyone would feel themselves constantly improving and learning. An incredible ease would set in once nobody would be scared of death, and the great men like Washington, , Tesla, Newton, Alexander or others could continue to keep the world running generation after generation. Ok, sure, maybe not all the great leaders should reincarnate right away in such a world or else nobody else would get the chance to shine, but it would still be a whole lot better than our world. There would be zero atheism, zero potential for people to be manipulated by religious doctrine and made terrified of a fake Jewish God their whole lives, and near zero fear of death. Furthermore, if people could carry some memories from their interlives, they would all understand that their purpose is to advance themselves as individuals, nations, and races in peace with each other while maximizing happiness for everyone.

    To me, the more likely explanation to why we can’t live in a world like that right now is just that we aren’t spiritually strong enough. It isn’t sunshine and rainbows here on Earth in the slightest. It’s not like the universe is obligated to hand us some kind of psychic or spiritual perfection just because we exist, and the Jews have done quite a lot to basically crush the human spirit and prevent anything spiritual from happening time and time again. If we all get turned into Borgs like the grey aliens, we’re basically doomed. Even if we get to go to some transcendent afterlife after dying as Borgs, who could feel anything in an afterlife like that but boundless shame, despair, and regret that their whole history was for nothing? That would be the most terrible thing to happen in human history, so it absolutely has to not happen. It is not really even the survival of the self we should be most worried about, even though that is very important. It’s the survival of any meaning or purpose in our lives that matters more than anything, in my opinion.

    • Good comment on Oliver. Like all atheists, and I have experienced this for decades, he was full of himself and cold.

      He was viewing reincarnation as a means to an end, a Noble Lie, a useful fairy tale, and an aid to white survival, when it is far more – a law of the universe.

      It is part of humility to realize that our galaxy is full of far more intelligent life than here on earth. Maybe that is part of why the Gosia videos bother people. It is a more advanced group of whites talking to us, and I almost wrote talking “down” to us. Actually the messages are loving but also express frustration with earthlings, who are extremely recalcitrant, stuck up and in denial willy-nilly about all sorts of things.

      Take this germ theory issue, which has the jew-ridden AMA on one side (with their Jenner, Pasteur and Robert Koch) and Andrew Kaufman, MD; Kelly Brogan, MD; Steven Young, PhD; et alia on the other.

      The jew side says bacteria and viruses cause disease. The other says they reflect and fight disease.

      This is a simply stupendous divergence of opinion.

      If the latter are right, all the 72 vaccines given to kids by age five are because of an ego-ridden, money-hungry mega-crime by Big Pharma.

      If the terrain theory people are right and the germ theory proponents wrong (actually — literally — dead wrong), then we humans need to learn some humility and to repent. Millions of kids have been severely harmed since the 1790s by gullible white parents who never questioned authority and handed their kids over to their mortal enemy!!!!

      Earthlings are truly the scandal of the solar system, the ones poisoning their own children and slandering and hating, yes even murdering the truthtellers. About five or so years ago 12 naturopaths just in the State of Florida — healthy and, age-wise, in the prime of life — died who were exposing vaccines.

      I hope my never-donating readers understand that being a radical anti-vaxxer endangers me to the highest degree. Twenty percent of all medications revenue goes now to vaccines, $60 billion a year (according to Robert Kennedy, Junior). And I will be endangering that juicy flow of money, and opposing with all my brain and lung power the Gates vaccine cum biochip which are the key to absolute jew control of humanity, enslavement and then depopulation.

      • Well, it’s expected for atheists to be cold and devoid of a true driving force when their reason basically tells them everything is meaningless and they can only rely on their intuitions and instincts to summon up a sense of what’s right and wrong, but yeah, you are very right about that. I find it a little strange that you got upset at me agreeing with you earlier though. It seems like you felt disrespected, but i thought you already knew that I acknowledge you’ve done far more to spread the truth than I ever have. I’m not sure what else you want me to do to further acknowledge this, I had expected me saying i agreed would improve the situation.

        Since you want me to be quick about these posts, I will just summarize. Yes, the vaccine stuff done to kids is pretty much insanity, although I do think polio and so on were very much real diseases that were eliminated by vaccines, and that the vaccines only started getting sabotaged once they began adding certain substances like mercury and later squalene. Most people are so stupid when they think mercury in vaccines can’t do any damage. Of course it can, although i think that what they did was use mercury during the first few years, upgrade to a more deadly squalene adjuvant method like Jim Stone describes to get the nervous system to reprogram itself to attack itself, and then call all critics fools for thinking it’s still mercury while citing proof that the mercury there can’t be lethal in the way it’s used.

        However, people need to realize something-Yes, toxic metals CAN lower the IQ to drastic effect. Lead put in aqueducts and beverage containers did exactly this in Rome to an extent that destroyed the civilization! Of course mercury could also do it, and the only reason they’re not using it now is probably just to turn their former attack vector into a false trail to ‘debunk’ all the critics stuck on the old line of criticism as they move to maim the kids even more badly. Vaccines obviously have toxins, and the obvious proof is that you are categorically forbidden from just taking the vaccine home to a chemical lab of some kind to check its contents for yourself as Jim Stone said on his site. Independent testing=Doom for any vaccine conspiracy agenda. That’s the obvious piece of proof, if it was REALLY safe for everyone there would be zero harm in letting a few ‘conspiracy nuts’ check for themselves. Obviously, when skeptics and scientists talk over the internet and say that it’s toxin free, they can easily just lie, so this would be the key pathway to proving what the truth is. People seriously need to wake up on this! This is just common sense logic!

        Last VERY important note on the whole autism vaccine thing:The most obvious proof I know of that cuts past all surface level objections is the increase in spiking autism rates. From 1 in 10’000 it went to 1 in 90 then 1 in 30 and probably soon enough 1 in 10. That is NOT ‘improved testing capabilities’, such claims are absolute horseshit. No testing methods improve ~10’000 times over in accuracy, that is just the most heinous lie out there, it is maybe 2 or 3 times more accurate at best, ever. Furthermore they supply no proof for this claim and treat it as the null hypothesis, it’s just filthy lying. Nor did the population change suddenly increase autism as the rates are per ccapita, nor is there literally any other reason autism rates would increase that much. Obviously, Autism rates going up by 1000s of times in frequency from what they used to be is a conspiracy, people! It doesn’t get more obvious than that!

        • What is the source of these statistics?

          “[…] the increase in spiking autism rates. From 1 in 10,000 it went to 1 in 90, then 1 in 30, and probably soon enough 1 in 10.”

          • OK, here is the official figure from an official source:

            “The number of children diagnosed with autism or related disorders has grown at what many call an alarming rate. In the 1970s and 1980s, about one out of every 2,000 children had autism. Today, the CDC estimates that one in 150 8-year-olds in the U.S. has an autism spectrum disorder, or ASD”
            From 1 in 2000 in the 1970s to 1 in 150 more recently. I don’t know what it was in the 50s or 60s but it might have been lower. I’m not sure about that. I was more using 10’000 as an expression, but i was certain it was in the 1 in -5000+ at the minimum based on what i remembered from the stats i’d once seen, and it turns out it was. So it increased to over 20x as much, that definitely isn’t just increased testing accuracy. These people show symptoms with the damage caused by autism mentally, all that damage would have been noticed if it was just testing rates, and testing rates never cause some miraculous 20x or more increase in accuracy like this.

            Others also claim that it is happening because mentally ill children were rediagnosed as autistic instead of being called intellectually impaired, but that is just another layer of the lie in my opinion, it is the only other excuse they can make. There is no way a far greater than 20-fold plus increase in autism is all misdiagnosis, that is clearly a great increase in autism rates themselves.

          • When Margi and I lived in Sarver, Pennsylvania 2008-11, I met the husband of the special-needs teacher at the local high school. Sarver-Freeport HS.

            He told me that when she started teaching there (around 2002), they had exactly ONE kid out of 400 with autism, and after eight years, in 2010, it had grown to eleven.


  5. That’s horrible to hear that that happened, but it’s also great evidence. One key insight along those lines you can tell people to wake them up with that kind of piece of evidence is that a statistic does not need to cover the whole country of the USA to accurately prove some vaccines cause autism. That’s a fallacy invented by so called skeptics to prevent individuals from making discoveries, so they can keep all the power and authority in the hands of the more easily manipulated medical scientist class whose careers can be destroyed easily if they disagree with the autism narrative.

    For an example of how anyone can explain to random people on the internet beyond all doubt: If Autism is prevalent at a 1 in 100 or even 1 in 500 rate in just one town with a few thousand kids in it, and if the kids are repeatedly proven to get the autism right after they get the shot, it is >99.99% certain fact they were given damaging vaccines. A sample size of 500 to 1000 kids is FAR more than big enough to decisively determine that at least one specific batch of vaccines given to kids in a certain school or a certain town often causes autism. Even just 10 kids in one town being shown to have gotten autism right after they got the shot would already be abundant evidence that that shot clearly causes autism, because the timing of someone getting Autism symptoms on the exact day they got the vaccine is almost infinitely unlikely to be a coincidence. Heck, the mere fact that all the autism is happening among the kids who are the ones getting the most vaccines by far, not the adults who mostly just get their flu shots every year, shows very clearly that some vaccines are causing autism. The Jews are probably aiming at the kids on purpose because A:Adults already have fully developed and thus harder to damage brains and B:If many adults suddenly became unable to function anywhere nearly as well at their jobs, it would very rapidly be found out by other adults and stopped. They would also never take the same shot again if they felt their cognitive ability take a nosedive, and they couldn’t be forced to do so by parents indoctrinated by the system. Meanwhile, if kids are ruined near birth by 20 vaccines, the Jew-owned doctors can then blame the autism on their genetics. They now want to destroy America before it’s too late with a mandatory coronavirus vaccine to finally maim all the adults along with the kids like I am sure they have long wanted to do, but thanks to Trump they probably have no chance of making said vaccine mandatory. It is all just utterly insidious.

    I am sure that the arguments i outlined with no concrete evidence in them could be extensively proven with evidence as well with a little effort. It’s just unbelievably disgusting that the autism problem has gotten this bad.

    But all i said so far along with all that you already know about vaccines is more than enough proof, I completely understand if you do not want to spend too much extra time talking on the internet about facts you already know.

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