AH in his previous life was Austrian field marshal Laval Count Nugent, born an Irish Norman, a hero who won the Maria Theresa Order

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Ford being awarded the Order of the German Eagle in 1936 in Detroit by the German consul

This article is fairly accurate:


What it does NOT go into is WHY rulers would discourage the acceptance of reincarnation ..because they want subjects who are afraid to die.

People afraid to die do not revolt. WHITE ARYANS who are afraid to die do not revolt.

Most white Christians, sadly, do NOT really believe in God or the afterlife  ” not as their faith teaches them. You can see it by their EXTREME fear of death (which shows they don’t REALLY believe in the Christian heaven) and by their behavior in life, which is shameless and shows no fear of divine retribution.

Most Christians,in truth, act just like atheists!

¦.atheists as in Dostoyevsky’s famous proverb:

If there is no God, everything is permitted.

The masses act exactly like people who think they have just one life to live and they might as well  be cowards, not heroes (because death is forever), and just try to have fun in the one life they have.

But the truth is that we have many lives, and are judged each time.

The famous Viking prayer, the real kind of prayer Vikings would said as death or victory approached, with words taken from various heathen Germanic sources:



My last go-round 1889-1945. I came back in 1954.

We were the greatest war machine of all times, but could not beat three superpowers that together ganged up on us.

This blog article is about how, before Adolf, two entire lives ago, 1777-1862, I, like my father, was a Norman-Irish aristocrat — descended from the Anglo-Normans who conquered Ireland in 1165.  Like my own father, a military man, I reluctantly left British-and Protestant-ruled Ireland to serve under a Catholic monarch who would desire my services. It was in that life that I developed the military talents that came out in my life as “Hitler” and also became a great patron of the arts.

The Normans, our distant and warlike ancestors, had been heathen Vikings and superb invaders and administrators.


But we gave up Thor and Odin and accepted Christianity in the 900s, very cynically, to get a big, beautiful chunk of northern France, henceforth called “Normandy” after “the Northmen.”

Normandy, across from southern England

150 years later, sooo tired of peace 😉  we Normans conquered England, a very rare feat accomplished once by the Romans — and then, four hundred years later,  again by the germanic Anglo-Saxons. No one has conquered England since 1066.


My cover story on the Normans — the good and the bad about them



After Normans conquered England in 1066, we de Nugents were part of the invasion of Ireland in 1165, and we gradually became somewhat Irish by culture as well as British. We spoke Norman French among ourselves until the 1700s, as well as Gaelic and English.


From Huscarl to Knight”“ normandescendants.org

Coat of arms of Nogent-le-Rotrou in Normandy


Yours truly in 2004  at the Abby for Men (“L’Abbaye des Hommes”), built by William the Conqueror in Caen, Normandy


Count Laval Nugent, who I was two incarnations ago, was born in Ireland, became a field marshal of Austria and recipient of the highest Austrian medal for valor, the Maria Theresa Order. Margi caught her breath when she saw the physical resemblance between him and  me in eyes, forehead, cheekbones and nose. (Laval Graf Nugent, Lithography by Eduard Kaiser, 1848)

A “count” (or in British terminology an “earl”) is just below the king in rank. Gilbert de Nugent was made a baron in 1172….

The Norman-built Castle Nugent in Delvin, County Westmeath, Ireland



King James I of England made us earls on 4. September 1621, giving us the additional title “of  Westmeath”.

Earl/Count Nugent’s castle in Croatia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubovac_Castle) was bestowed upon him by the Austrian emperor Franz Josef after he awarded him the highest Austrian medal for valor, the Maria Theresa Order.

The Order of Maria Theresa


As a Catholic nobleman I decided to serve a Catholic monarch, my services not being desired or trusted by arch-Protestant Britain. I very much missed Ireland, the English language and all the good things about the British Empire, but such was my fate.


The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud

Some of us warlike Irish went to Catholic France, such as the Richard Hennessy who, in 1765, after his stint in the French Army,  founded Hennessy cognac. 😉 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hennessy


Laval Nugent von Westmeath

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laval_Nugent_von_Westmeath

Laval Graf Nugent von Westmeath (November 3, 1777 “ August 21, 1862) was a soldier of Irish birth, who fought in the armies of Austria and the Two Sicilies.


Born at BallynacorIreland, Nugent was the son of Count Michael Anton Nugent von Westmeath, Governor [for the Austrian Habsburgs] of Prague [now Czechia].


In 1793 [at age 17], he joined the Austrian Army, becoming Colonel in 1807 [at age 30], and Chief of Staff of the Army corps of Archduke Johann of Austria in 1809. In 1813, he led the campaign against Viceroy Eugène de Beauharnais, separating French units in Dalmatia and simultaneously joining the English fleet, thus liberating CroatiaIstria and the Po valley.


In 1815, during the Neapolitan War, he commanded the right wing of the Austrian Army in Italy, liberated Rome, and defeated Joachim Murat at the Battle of Ceprano and the Battle of San Germano.


US Army general George Patton was a strong and outspoken believer in reincarnation, and was convinced he had been General Murat’s colleague, Marshal Ney.



In 1816, Nugent was given the title of prince by Pope Pius VII. In 1817, he entered the service of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies. After the outbreak of the Carbonari rebellion in 1820, he returned to serve in the Austrian Army.[1] In 1848, he led an Army Corps under Joseph Radetzky von Radetz against the Piedmontese, in the course of the First Italian War of Independence, and also against the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.


The famous “Radetzky March”: .


He received the title of Field Marshal in 1849. Nugent died on 22 August 1862 in the Bosiljevo Castle, near Karlovac,

A Croatian stamp depicting this castle


His body was later transferred to a sarcophagus in the Doric temple “Peace for the Hero”, in Trsat above Rijeka, next to the sarcophagus of his wife.[1]



I and my beautiful wife were buried here, until communists after WWII took out our bodies and threw them in an unmarked mass grave. although we had done so much for Croatia.

I was married to a beautiful Italian aristocrat of the Sforza family, Giovanna Riario.

Proposal for Zagreb Street to be Named After Croatia’s First Irish Immigrant

                                                                                                                                              Count Laval Nugent

An initiative to get a street or square in Croatia’s capital named after the country’s first Irish immigrant, has been presented at a meeting of the Croatian-Irish Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group at parliament on Thursday ¦

A proposal to have a street or square named after Count Laval Nugent in Zagreb will be submitted to the Zagreb City Council. At a meeting chaired by the Head of the Croatian-Irish Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group Domogoj Hajduković, and attended by Ireland’s Ambassador to Croatia Timothy Harrington, owner of the ˜Laval Nugent’ gallery in Zagreb Robert Kavazović Horvat, and Lee Murphy from Croatia’s Irish community, spoke about the significant contribution Nugent made to Croatia.

Nugent, who was born in Ireland in 1777, joined the Austrian Army in 1793, becoming Colonel in 1807, and Chief of Staff of the Army corps of Archduke Johann of Austria in 1809. In 1813 he led the campaign against Viceroy Eugène de Beauharnais, separating French units in Dalmatia and simultaneously joining the English fleet, thus liberating Croatia, Istria and the Po valley.

Nugent, who became a member of the Croatian parliament and was the first person to open a museum in Croatia, recommended that Josip Jelačić be given the title of Ban [ruler/lord] in 1848.



Ruler of Croatia 1848-59



In 1815, during the Neapolitan War, he commanded the right-wing of the Austrian Army in Italy, liberated Rome, and defeated Joachim Murat at the Battle of Ceprano and the Battle of San Germano.

Members of the Croatian-Irish Interparliamentary Friendship Group at parliament in Zagreb on Thursday

In 1816 Nugent was given the title of prince by Pope Pius VII. In 1817 he entered the service of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies. After the outbreak of the Carbonari rebellion in 1820, he returned to serve in the Austrian Army. In 1848 he led an Army Corps under Joseph Radetzky von Radetz against the Piedmontese, in the course of the First Italian War of Independence, and also against the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. He received the title of Field Marshal in 1849.

Nugent restored Bosiljevo castle in Karlovac

Nugent, who was renowned for never losing a battle, died on 22 August 1862 in the Bosiljevo Castle, near Karlovac. Nugent identified himself as a ˜Croat’ and left his extensive collection of possessions, including 2 castles he restored and expensive artwork, to the Croatian state.


  • Laval, Graf Nugent von Westmeath. In Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. 5. Auflage, 1896.
  • Nugent, Laval Graf von. In ADB. Band 24. Duncker & Humblodt, Leipzig 1875-1912. Online: [1]
  • Nugent-Westmeath, Laval Graf. In Constantin von Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich. 20. Band. Wien 1869. Online: [2]

I spent years after my retirement in 1849 collecting the fine arts, especially Greco-Roman antiquities, and also promoting the Croatian language and the Croatian nation within the Austrian empire.  Like millions since Roman times, I fell in love with the beauty of this sunny country, rich in both mountains and islands (1,000!).



Part of my collection was this statue of a Greco-Roman woman, given by a descendant to the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb in 1940.

Fulvia Plautilla, wife of the Emperor Caracalla


My love for all things Greco-Roman continued in my next life, where although absolute ruler of  Germany, and a lover of that country, I built almost nothing in the germanic style. 😉 (It was Himmler who loved all things teutonic.)

The Führer Building (1938) in Munich 

Troops at the temple for the 16 martyrs of 1923

Nuremberg — Zeppelin Field

The Congress Hall, never finished because of the war

Exterior “cassettes”

The colonnade


The planned interior of the Kongresshalle


The “sieg heil” salute we used 1922-45 was of course nothing but the Ancient Roman salute.


Emperor Marcus Aurelius

So, after lives as a Roman, a Norman, and Norman Irishman, filled with war, I became an Austrian and fell in love with the Austrian and German culture. When I died in 1862, an Austrian, I  came back in 1889 again as an Austrian, but having decided to be of the working class this time, and why?

Because the Jews were seeking to communize and bolshevize the working class to create revolutions and,by agitating and exploiting the workers, take over the white world.

One German general said I looked like a train station waiter. 😉  Others called me the “Austrian corporal.” Well,  Austrian, yes —  but corporal, no. 😉 Try Field Marshal. 😉

Was I a highly enlightened soul? No, but it seems, by my promotions and decorations,  I was obviously a very good, brave and intelligent soldier who also had a passion for the arts — and also for the Roman Empire. 😉

It is indeed just as General Leon Degrelle said, that I was “born at Versailles.” It was this outrageous treaty that pushed me out of the arts and architecture, and into politics.

It was fun translating Degrelle’s memoirs from French into English.

But as loyal as Degrelle ever was to me, he too sensed that someting was wrong — that I had “blown it” in the East.

I remember translating him on how many Slavic women had fallen in love with German soldiers, the Olgas, Tanyas and Ludmillas, and then “retreated back to Germany with their Hans and Karls and Dieters.” 😉

The Slavs just wanted us to liberate them, not be their new masters.

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia

But I wanted a German empire.

So you had Adolf.  And now you have me. 🙂

You know what? You had many lives too. 🙂


And we all had one or more lives under Rome.

We crushed the Jews then — in AD 70 and in 132 –and we can do it again.



We must.



…….See also

Christianity did NOT destroy Rome, THE JEWS DID

Major Jewish historian admits who destroyed the Roman Empire and ran the white slave trade


Will you now become a “Friend of John de Nugent”? The end of all freedom of speech, assembly and gun rights in America is nigh

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  1. On page 142 of the book below, there’s an amazing photo of an SS tank commander in the turret of his tank, riding into Kharkov, USSR in 1943. The photo caption reads “A battle-worn tank sergeant of the Waffen-SS Totenkopf Division, accompanied by panzer grenadiers, enters the Russian city of Kharkov in 1943. Pinned to his tunic are an infantry assault badge, an Iron Cross First Class, and a silver wound badge, indicating that he has been wounded more than twice.” Their skin is tanned very dark, apparently from constant exposure to the sun and elements for a long time, and they look half-dead. The tank commander is wearing a black SS uniform, SS deaths-head cap, tank commander headphones, and holding a lit cigarette and binoculars in his right hand. The look on his face and the face of the soldier behind him to his left is stunning. They, and the tank in which they’re riding, look like they’ve been through hell, and are expecting more of the same. It’s one of the most stunning WWII photos I’ve ever seen. I keep staring at it, and wondering if any of these men ever made it back to Germany. The photo alone is worth the price of the book:


    The photo was probably taken during the Third Battle of Kharkov between February 19 and March 15, 1943, in which the SS Totenkopf, under Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, took part in blunting a Soviet offensive:



    The combat on the Eastern Front dwarfs anything American soldiers experienced in WWII. Even my old high school history teacher told us this. He described how savage the fighting was on the Eastern Front in WWII, compared to the Western Front.

    The above book on the SS is part of this Time-Life series on the Third Reich, which I own. Of course, it toes the standard Jewish propaganda line about the “6 million killed in gas chambers with bug spray,” and demonizes Hitler’s Germany as the epitome of evil, accusing them of war crimes which have since been proven to be lies, etc., but it still has many photos I’ve seen nowhere else:


  2. I do have a scanner, but sending you an email would identify me, and I wish to remain anonymous. The book I linked to only costs $8.39, and there are even cheaper used versions of it, starting from only $0.30 – that’s a quarter and a nickel.

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