Alex Jones, defending Trump, almost names the Jew (and promoted my site on September 11…)

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A comrade wrote me:


Did Alex Jones finally name the Jew?  You can start watching at 12:00 and specifically at 13:41 he says it.  What else could he be referring to?


[JdN: I will add this — at 13;42 he says (to the, ahem, ”globalists”) ”You are weak, you are ugly, and you worship your father.” *(Well, anyone familiar with John 8:44 knows that is Jesus attacking the leaders of Judaism.]


A friend in DC told me, John, that the air there is definitely now in our favor. Some of the liberals have actually capitulated and expressed their best wishes for Trump and America. The ones that are still virulent are really ”low-energy.” 😉
I saw your article on nationwide concealed carry… That’s GREAT news.

….The two videos Alex Jones did showing my website (and knowing exactly who I am)

…..Red Ice

The comrade also suggested I get on Red Ice. 😉 I told him:

Already been there and done that 🙂

And I have promoted specific Red Ice shows many times:



And the show got great reviews:

However, I am very upset with Red Ice promoting the fagophile and gay-voiced Richard Bertrand Spencer (who of course has trashed me for years along with his jewess-screwing buddy, Jared Taylor):

Richard Spencer, Jared (”Jews are huwite too”) Taylor of Yale, and another superior being.


For Jared Taylor, slanderer and Jew-screwer:

(Btw, as I wrote the other day, rather bitterly, this Armstrong County in western Pennsylvania — where Taylor deliberately ruined my chances of getting vital support in a race for an open seat for sheriff by defaming me as a pedophile — just voted 74% for Trump.

It was a totally ideal race for a WN candidate. I can never forgive Taylor for what he said to slander me — and most of all, it is unpardonable how he thus hurt our cause.

I could have been the pro-white sheriff of the very angry, very anti-black, very pro-gun and pro-constitution, 98% white Armstrong County for five years now.

In a far more difficult race in 1990, a three-man race for US Congress, I likely won the GOP primary.

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent


Why did Taylor do it? Because he is Yale, and IMO he is CIA, and because he sleeps with a hard-core leftist jewess, Evelyn Rich, who is the mother of his therefore Jewish kids.
……Try, try and try again to get this through your gullible head

It is wrong to just mentally ”get it” about the concept of ”controlled opposition.” (Lenin said it best: ”to control the opposition, lead the opposition.”)

What this means is that 1) very prominent WNs who 2) put out good stuff and 3) slander real leaders with potential who cannot be bought are the controlled opposition.

By definition, they are people we know about and have been told to look up to.

If you were the FBI, is that not what your goal would be? To relentlessly trash the leaders whom you cannot control and go relatively easy on the ones you can?



….contact and support


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