Alien whistleblower you cannot trust: Robert Dean, ret. Command Sergeant Major at NATO

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Wiki says nothing hostile about the guy, whose basic disinfo message is “all these various aliens are our friends.”

Robert Dean (ufologist)

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Robert Dean
Robert Orel Dean

March 2, 1929

Died October 11, 2018 (aged 89)
Education Indiana University
Occupation Ufologist
Organization MUFON

Robert Orel Dean (March 2, 1929 – October 11, 2018) was an American ufologist from Tucson, Arizona.

Dean retired from the U.S. Army as a Command Sergeant Major after a 28-year career. He appeared on radio programs, TV documentaries and at conferences discussing the subject of UFOs and a government cover up of alien visitations to Earth.[1] Dean claimed to have viewed a classified government document called “The Assessment” that allegedly discussed threats posed by alien activity on Earth, and concluded that no such threats existed.[2] Dean said he considers himself a professional UFO researcher and had “cosmic top secret” clearance while in the military. In 1992 while employed as emergency services coordinator for Pima County, Arizona, Dean sued his employer for discrimination, saying he was treated unfairly because of his belief in UFOs, and because of his age, reportedly settling for $100,000.[3]

See also[edit]


  • Greatest Story Never Told (video), Margana Anagram Production, 1997 (author/host)
  • UFO – Cosmic Top Secret (video), Visual Corporation Ltd, 1996, ASIN: B000057YNB (presenter)
  • The UFO Anthology CD-ROM, Dreamland Interactive, 1998, ISBN 978-0-9669651-0-0 (host)



His voice is too smooth, like a tv envangelist, and he has a slick radio voice.

As a comrade wrote me:

A recent UFO sighting:

Very good point from Mike Adams about the very thin Martian atmosphere, and the impossibility of flying a helicopter in such a thin atmosphere. Mars does have a very thin atmosphere, because it has almost no protective magnetic field like Earth, which allows destructive cosmic radiation and solar radiation to reduce the Mars’ atmospheric Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc. to almost nothing. So, yes – Mars does have a very thin atmosphere, and yes, flying a helicopter in such a thin atmosphere would be impossible. Therefore, NASA is lying, and the entire mission is FAKE, existing only on their computer screens and fake telemetry readings.

This bit of information reinforces my belief that NASA is a totally fake disinformation agency, NOT a space agency. They clearly faked the Apollo Moon landings, and they are almost certainly faking all of these unmanned Mars landings, as well. Although with today’s advanced CGI capabilities, it’s much harder to spot the fakery than it was with the Apollo missions, which had many glaring mistakes, like shadows on the Moon pointing in two different directions, indicating two light sources, etc.


You can see from this info below that some aliens are hostile, ruthless and desire to enslave or etxterminate us

….and would if the others let them

This is of especial interest: Zeta Reticulans

1) The Zeta Reticuli Grays have an insect-based genetic system and are about 3.5 to 4.5 feet in height. They have no external genitalia. They are less aggressive toward humans than the other Gray species. These beings are from Zeta Reticuli in the Reticulum Constellation. These humanoids have very distinctive facial features with a turned-up nose and long slender neck.

2) The Reticulans appear to be a highly aware grouping of entities that function as a social memory complex. Individuality appears to exist, but is overshadowed by the group mind. The Reticulans are millions of years old as a species and have a weakened DNA structure as the result of conflicts that involved nuclear radiation. The Reticulans have relied on artificial reproduction or cloning and face extinction from incurable diseases. They are creating hybrid human-Reticulans capable of mating with humans.

3) The Reticulans are largely involved in scientific exobiological surveys as well as systemic geological observation and field studies. Their civilization appears to be totally dedicated to interstellar research and life analysis. The Network has been on Earth for the past 50 years.

4) The basic objectives of the Reticulans is to use nullification and domination to control the leaders of various targeted civilizations. They accomplish this by taking out the leaders and replacing them with entities they can control.

5) Military operations of the Reticulan species consist of colonization of unprotected civilizations for the purpose of setting up logistical supply depots, slave sources, acquisition of potential allies, and biological materials.

6) The process of conquering a planet involves location of beings that vibrate in resonance with their vibrational frequency. These located beings are then told that they are the Elite or Chosen Ones who will conquer or lead the human race and rule the world for their Gray masters.

7) Often the located beings are physically taken aboard a craft and given physical examinations, provided with implants, given accelerated data through inculcation methods that will help them serve the Grays. The function of the Elite is to decimate portions of its own race in an effort to reduce populations to manageable limits so the remainder can be easily controlled.

Also (from

In 1954, President Eisenhower met with a representative of another alien species at Muroc Test Center, which is now called Edwards Airforce Base. This alien [from the Nordics] suggested that they could help us get rid of the Greys but Eisenhower turned down their offer because they offered no [weapons] technology.

[…] Shortly after this it was determined in meetings between the US and the Russians that the situation was serious enough that a cold war should be manufactured as a ruse to divert attention of the public away from UFOs towards some other scary threat like the H-bomb. It was also decided to keep the ruse secret from any elected or appointed officials within both the US and Russian governments as it took so long to vet these officials and the ruse was easier to manage if the top people didn’t know about it.

In the late 1950’s NASA was formed to compartmentalize, containerize, and sanitize information from all space platforms and vehicles. We sold NASA to the public claiming that all information would belong to them but they got very little and even that was highly sanitized.

Our first efforts were to keep the public from learning about Venus. A very similar planet to Earth and its population is very similar to us, just technologically advanced. We have learned a lot from them, starting with the Russian Venera 1 and US Mariner 2.

We did make Venus look like a lead-melting, volcanic surface, spewing sulfuric acid into a pressurized atmosphere 90 times that of Earth. And, as often is the case, we overdid it and we wondered why nobody asked how a parachute survived a descent into 800-degree air. We set up operations in Pine Gap, Australia to preclude any prying eyes figuring out what we were up to. We regularly eliminated through extreme prejudice [murder] anybody who was part of the operation and made the least little tiny threat about disclosure or dissatisfaction with the operation.

Any space mission that included Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Mariner, Voyager, Clementine, and all the rest — all that data — initially came transmitted to Pine Gap, then it was relayed to JPL [the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in southern California] or wherever after sanitizing. We had a little trouble with amateur radio operators but we figured out how they could intercept these signals, and managed to deal with that.

When the Russian threat began to fade, we introduced Vietnam, which kept the public occupied for over ten years. The cover up and personnel to run the operation began to get bigger and bigger and required more and more money. We were forced to inflate the defense budget, which soon was not enough.


….See also



How I view the jew




  1. John, did you think about Tolkien had an (dark/evil tree -khaballa) and a )good tree -Yggdrasil( in his books -just an interpretation -what if it’s (yahweh/abrahamism) vs )Odin/europeanism( and that Ragnarok is the Allmother/nature who sets things right after each time we go against her as punishment ? Maybe Atlantis was the last time Ragnarok was unleashed –

    • Honestly, I never read Tolkien and just watched two of the movies, a bit bored. Anything “fantasy” irritates me when we need a real war.

      Now I understand Tolkien was very important.

      In what book were there an evil tree and a good tree?

      • ‘Dark Tree is a description of the growing threat of evil in Middle-earth – its roots can never be fully destroyed so that evil will once again arise if the ‘tree’ is left untended or unwatched’ – i don’t know if Tolkien was jew wise but i interpret it as abrahamism/talmudism vs. the two trees of Valinor/Aryanism

  2. Bene,di sicuro quei pianeti sono abitati all’Interno(e lo sanno bene).
    Nessuno vorrebbe incontrare i Rettiliani,Giganti di Ghiaccio,Troll e Goblin allo stesso tempo.
    La razza che sta destabilizzando tutto l’Universo e che vorrebbe conquistare e schiavizzare tutte le razze.
    Stavo guardando Thor;lo sai che la Marvel nel suo insieme ci comunica delle Verità Nascoste 😉
    I Giganti di Ghiaccio sono i Rettiliani!
    Ad un certo punto uno dei protagonisti ha cambiato il nome di Thor in “Donald” come nome Terrestre e non da Asgardiano.
    “Donald”,il Dio della Guerra???LOL
    Questi Rettiloidi confessano sempre qualcosa per vedere se ci “arriviamo” 😉
    Nello stesso momento sono caduta sul nome “Rea” e sulla storia italiana di Melania Rea,morta il giorno 20Aprile.
    Con una svastica disegnata sul corpo.
    Ma Rea non era “Rea Silvia” amante del grande Marte e madre di Romolo e Remo?
    Perché questo “delitto Rituale” è collegato direttamente al Fuhrer….???
    Ho già le mie risposte 😉
    Non sei il Dio della Guerra certamente e credo di aver capito le tattiche di questi Jotunn 😉

    • Well, for sure those planets are inhabited internally (and they know it well).
      Nobody would want to meet the Reptilians, Ice Giants, Trolls and Goblins at the same time.
      The race that is destabilizing the whole Universe and that would like to conquer and enslave all races.
      I was watching Thor; you know that Marvel as a whole tells us Hidden Truths
      The Ice Giants are the Reptilians!
      At one point one of the protagonists changed Thor’s name to “Donald” as an Earth name and not an Asgardian.
      “Donald”, the God of War ??? LOL
      These reptiloids always confess something to see if we “get there”
      At the same time I fell on the name “Rea” and on the Italian story of Melania Rea, who died on April 20th.
      With a swastika drawn on her body.
      But wasn’t Rea “Rea Silvia” lover of the great Mars and mother of Romulus and Remus?
      Why is this “Ritual crime” directly connected to the FÜhrer …. ???
      I already have my answers
      You are certainly not the God of War and I think I understand these Jotunn’s tactics

    E questi Rettiloidi vorrebbero raggiungere l’Illuminazione con questi simboli,schiavizzare il pianeta,diventare Dei,perché durante il corso dei secoli hanno solo rubato e rubato qualsiasi cosa.
    Il mito di Thor si collega a Prometeo,Apollo,Horus,Siegfrido,Marduk.Non sapevo che Thor fosse stato esiliato sulla Terra dal padre per cattiva condotta,che il martello rappresenta la spada nella Roccia dei miti arturiani.
    Si,esiliati tutti poi in Oriente dopo il Diluvio e dove gli Dei Asgardiani perdono il loro potere e si trasformano in DEMONI;umiliati e derisi da quel branco di Serpenti Guerrafondai che hanno acquistato potere nei Secoli su questo Mito.
    La carta della Donna nei tarocchi è la svastica,Rivelazione nell’Era dell’Acquario,luce Cristica e vittoria su questi Demoni che dovrebbero tornare all’ loro Habitat naturale.
    PS:Quando sono su siti compromettenti per loro mi esce il simbolo(Attenzione) 😉

  4. Ma possibile che l’umanità sta ancora dormendo????…mi fanno incazzare perché accettano tutto senza fiatare.Le varianti????Ma dai…
    Sembrano gli Uomini della pietra,senza cervello!!!!Li prenderei tutti a schiaffoni per svegliarli di colpo.
    Scusami se mi sfogo così…
    I miei bambini stanno soffrendo,proprio ora che potevamo passeggiare insieme,stare sotto il Sole e goderci queste belle giornate di primavera.Quando finirà tutto…?

    E lo stanno scrivendo nella pagina web che seguo da tempo.
    Ormai so che siamo al punto di non ritorno;quelli che si sono svegliati continueranno a lavorare sulle mezze Verità e sulle illusioni,gli altri invece continueranno a negare la Realtà.
    Ormai è un anno che ci prendono in giro con queste mascherine,le chiusure e il distanziamento sociale.
    Sta uscendo di tutto,quintali di scandali e le persone non si preoccupano e continuano a vaccinarsi.Almeno il Dubbio!Nulla 🙁
    Io credo questo:”Le persone hanno bisogno di una Sberla di Verità,tutta in un solo colpo”.
    Queste mezze verità non aiutano nessuno,sono deboli,non hanno nessun effetto e nessun riscontro.
    Passa tutto come un complotto…
    Ho compreso tutto attraverso la storia della Germania,sei stato il mio filo conduttore e sono arrivata a comprendere l’esistenza della Germania Imperiale,della Terra cava e di Agharta o Asgard.
    Questo ha significato molto per me come essere umano e mi tiene in piedi per lottare.
    So che la mia Vita ha uno scopo,una meta da raggiungere e so per cosa combattere.

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