Aliens — or demons? — Some ARE both, so do Get Right With God…..

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The Great Pyramid of Gizah is at the exact center of the  largest possible landmasses on earth going north, east, south and west.

Tucker Carlson, once again using is freedom from the Fox News Channel censorship which he once endured to the max, discusses the idea of aliens as spiritual entities with Joe Rogan.

It is all fascinating BUT it should not weird anyone out.

We ourselves are “spiritual entities” who come from another dimension! We are souls that have taken on physical bodies. So in one sense this is “no big deal.” 

As Tesla says, everything is vibration and frequency. AM radio, FM, cellphone calls, TV signals — all happening in the same space and going right through our bodies — but happening on different frequencies.

And what are “dimensions”? Just different frequencies……


lf you laughed at the idea of Satan before — check out Rihanna and esp. the Mothman of West Virginia…..

This is the major update of a 2013 blog that covers both alien “mysteries” and outright evil.

And boy, it strikes me in recycling this, and other, important articles from yesteryear that I wrote since 2009 just how many really good YouTube videos that were in them have since been taken down by the Jews……


….Pyramids unearthed in Caral on the coast of Peru

More evidence of ancient Aryan culture …

Due to the fact these structures were built of stone, they are hard to date as to just how old they are. (“Carbon-dating” only measures carbon in — at one time — living things, such as wood, straw, leather, etc.  Stone doesn’t age, and also it never rusts, unlike metals.)

Pyramids, possibly long before Egypt


A town with a ritual, circular fire pit


Over in Egypt: A daring Russkie snuck atop one of the Great Pyramids and took this amazing shot without permission (which is why he is lying really, really flat.   )


The pyramids were built of a magnesium-containing sandstone that conducted electricity, with granite corridors that were lightly radioactive, but covered with a pure sandstone that was totally without any metal content and thus inert, like the plastic outside of a battery.

So did all this designing create, in effect, a gigantic, energy-collecting BATTERY?

Also, water hit by sunlight (to charge it) flowed in specially engineered zig-zag turns from the (then nearby) Nile River into the pyramids, creating a gigantic electric current. The pyramids apparently were some kind of monstrous weapon or transmitter, maybe even an early kind of HAARP.

This is exactly what Oxford PhD graduate Joseph Farrell said in this book:

Farrell, whose books are perfectly footnoted and seem very factual, says earth waged war on two planets  with the Great Pyramid as a gigantic weapon, a “death beam,” which

1) scarred Mars and wiped its cities on the surface out, and

2) exploded completely a planet whose chunks now form the asteroid belt.

Giant scars or gouges on Mars — no asteroid made these, making instead round craters!


Strikingly in view of the theory that the Great Pyramid gathered earth energies to make a kind of “death beam,” its location is exactly on the intersection of the widest possible land expanses in all four directions: north, south, east and west.


An Australian comrade and donor sent me booklets on Mars. Its surface has debris everywhere from a destroyed SURFACE civilization.


(What earthlings do not grasp is that technologically advanced civilizations live for their own protection IN planets, not ON them.

It’s kinda like how we live IN our houses, not on the roof.

Advanced humans grow all the food they want in the planet, in huge, hollowed out caverns, under artificial light. And they avoid surface dangers such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fierce winters, blistering summers, asteroid strikes, and hostile attacks in this way. Every time NASA and the US Air Force “debunked” life in our solar system, they cited how the surface or atmosphere of this or that planet — such as Mars or Venus — was all toxic, or too hot or too old. This is all true — but misleading. Advanced humans live down INSIDE these planets!)

Going bck to the pyramids and especially the Sphinx in Egypt, they also show strong evidence of water damage halfway up, as if a FLOOD swept through around 8,000 BC.

So if White earthlings were primitive, WHO built a 45-story battery? See below…………………….




The Law Code of Hammurabi, 1750 BC. now found in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

In the prologue, Hammurabi announces that he has come to “rule the black-haired people”; he is also referred to as “the White King” and the “White Potentate”.

Here, in the photo below, is the Law Code stele again, on the left. The statue on the right half is supposed to be the administrator of the city state of Mari, near Babylon, one “Ebih-il,” from around 2400 BC.




…..Satanic singer Rihanna

A German comrade sent me this info on Rihanna, a black singer from Barbados who did a huge, nasty show in Vienna, Austria that was full of degrading kinds of sexuality and a truly open use of Illuminati, Reptilian (as in David Icke’s exposés) and satanic symbolism.

The German comrades, believe me, love having been “liberated” by America from the evils of Nazism in 1945 so now they can get this!

Rihanna reveals her reptile breast tattoos


An Austrian newspaper breathlessly promises that her kinky show will be “wild”.… (same meaning in both English and German)…







Jacques Vallée is a distinguished French aeronautics researcher from the Sorbonne, the greatest university in France and the the oldest in Europe,  and high-tech expert who came to the US in 1962 and did huge work for NASA.

His view on the “aliens” topic is that some of them, at least, are really “from different dimensions” ….not from our own physical universe,  and some of them are from very evil dimensions indeed. (See the mind-blowing “Mothman” info below from West Virginia under the “John Keel” info!) Interestingly, this dovetails with what many Christians believe about “aliens,” although he does not come to this conclusion from their perspective, but from physics.

Excerpt from Wiki:

Vallée was born in Pontoise, France. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the Sorbonne [!!], followed by his Master of Science in astrophysics from the University of Lille. He began his professional life as an astronomer at the Paris Observatory in 1961. He was awarded the Jules Verne Prize for his first science-fiction novel in French.

He moved to the United States in 1962 and began working in astronomy at the University of Texas at Austin, at whose MacDonald Observatory he worked on NASA‘s first project making a detailed informational map of Mars.

In 1967, Vallée received a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University. While at the Institute for the Future from 1972 to 1976 he was a principal investigator on the large NSF project for computer networking, which developed one of the first conferencing systems, Planning Network (PLANET),[1] on the ARPANET many years before the Internet was formed.

He has also served on the National Advisory Committee of the University of Michigan College of Engineering and was involved in early work on artificial intelligence.

Vallée has authored four books on high technology, including Computer Message Systems, Electronic Meetings, The Network Revolution, and The Heart of the Internet.

Along with his mentor, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, Vallée carefully studied the phenomenon of UFOs for many years and served as the real-life model for the character portrayed by François Truffaut in Steven Spielberg’s film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.[2]

His research has taken him to countries all over the world. Considered one of the leading experts in UFO phenomena, Vallée has written several scientific books on the subject.

His current endeavours include his involvement in SBV Ventures[3] a venture capital fund as a general partner. He and the other general partner, Graham Burnette[4] on SBV are also in the early stages of launching a second venture capital fund.

He is married and has two children.

And now to the intriguing part:

UFO research and academic work

In May 1955, Vallée first sighted an unidentified flying object over his Pontoise home. Six years later in 1961, while working on the staff of the French Space Committee, Vallée witnessed the destruction of the tracking tapes of an unknown object orbiting the earth. The particular object was a retrograde satellite – that is, a satellite orbiting the earth in the opposite direction to the earth’s rotation. At the time he observed this, there were no rockets powerful enough to launch such a satellite, so the team was quite excited as they assumed that the Earth’s gravity had captured a natural satellite (asteroid). A superior came and erased the tape. These events contributed to Vallée’s long-standing interest in the UFO phenomenon.

In the mid-1960s, like many other UFO researchers, Vallée initially attempted to validate the popular Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (or ETH). Leading UFO researcher Jerome Clark[5] argues that Vallée’s first two UFO books were among the most scientifically sophisticated defenses of the ETH ever mounted.

However, by 1969, Vallée’s conclusions had changed, and he publicly stated that the ETH was too narrow and ignored too much data. Vallée began exploring the commonalities between UFOs, cults, religious movements, demons, angels, ghosts, cryptid sightings, and psychic phenomena. Speculation about these potential links were first detailed in Vallée’s third UFO book, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers.

As an alternative to the extraterrestrial visitation hypothesis, Vallée has suggested a multidimensional visitation hypothesis. This hypothesis represents an extension of the ETH where the alleged extraterrestrials could be potentially from anywhere. The entities could be multidimensional beyond space-time, and thus could coexist with humans, yet remain undetected.

Vallée’s opposition to the popular ETH hypothesis was not well received by prominent U.S. ufologists, hence he was viewed as something of an outcast. Indeed, Vallée refers to himself as a “heretic among heretics”. [;-)]

Vallée’s opposition to the ETH theory is summarised in his paper, “Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects”, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1990:

Scientific opinion has generally followed public opinion in the belief that unidentified flying objects either do not exist (the “natural phenomena hypothesis”) or, if they do, must represent evidence of a visitation by some advanced race of space travellers (the extraterrestrial hypothesis or “ETH”). It is the view of the author that research on UFOs need not be restricted to these two alternatives. On the contrary, the accumulated data base exhibits several patterns tending to indicate that UFOs are real, represent a previously unrecognized phenomenon, and that the facts do not support the common concept of “space visitors.” Five specific arguments articulated here contradict the ETH:

  1. unexplained close encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth;
  2. the humanoid body structure of the alleged “aliens” is not likely to have originated on another planet and is not biologically adapted to space travel;
  3. the reported behavior in thousands of abduction reports contradicts the hypothesis of genetic or scientific experimentation on humans by an advanced race; [ = what he means is that some of the abductions seem sadistic, monstrous, unrelated to any scientific research, and just-plain demonic… and I agree.]
  4. the extension of the phenomenon throughout recorded human history demonstrates that UFOs are not a contemporary phenomenon; and
  5. the apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer alternatives.

Vallée has contributed to the investigation of the Miracle at Fatima and Marian apparitions. His work has been used to support the Fatima UFO Hypothesis. Vallée is one of the first people to speculate publicly about the possibility that the “solar dance” at Fatima was a UFO. The idea of UFOs was not unknown in 1917, but most of the people in attendance at the Fatima apparitions would not have attributed the claimed phenomena there to UFOs, let alone to extraterrestrials. Vallée has also speculated about the possibility that other religious apparitions may have been the result of UFO activity including Our Lady of Lourdes and the revelations to Joseph Smith. Vallée and other researchers have advocated further study of unusual phenomena in the academic community. They don’t believe that this should be handled solely by theologians.[6][7][8]


Dr. Vallée is interviews at the beginning of this video through  8:41. I would emphasize that he is not saying aliens are  not real. He is saying real ships are really coming and real people are being really abducted and suffering real physical harm. (See the Mothman videos below!) The question is do we live in a “universe” or instead in a “multiverse” with many dimensions? And are some of these dimensions similar to the concept of hells, that is, evil worlds where very bad entities live? And if this is true, then do we not need to ask ourselves about our own spiritual condition where no angel wants to protect us? The people interviewed in the Mothman videos are all obviously very average Americans. What is it about average Americans that makes them NOT protected by any higher power? What is our karma — good or quite bad? — if demonic beings are allowed to attack?







What I like about Keel is that, like me, for decades, he thought the whole alien thing and supernatural stuff was more or less “bull.” He was no gullible believer in anything. After this Wiki passage below I am then presenting to you five shortish videos about the real facts behind the Mothman, and as you can see, it is factual, documentary reporting on a real town in West Virginia and interviews with the locals. HUNDREDS saw this creature, and over a 13-month period………….. All rather mind-blowing but a fully human mind is unafraid to expand to accept new ideas. The idea here is that really demonic things do exist, hence the need for an Aryan heroic religion — my calling — to shield us.


Wiki (

John Alva Keel, born Alva John Kiehle [German name] (March 25, 1930 – July 3, 2009) was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist who is best known as author of The Mothman Prophecies.

In 1967, Keel popularized the term “Men In Black” in an article for the men’s adventure magazine Saga, entitled “UFO Agents of Terror”. According to Keel, he initially sought to explain UFOs as extraterrestrial visitations, but later abandoned this hypothesis. His third book, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel used the term “ultraterrestrials” to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.

While researching UFOs and contactees, Keel began to have his own experiences. In Operation Trojan Horse, Keel wrote, “For a time I questioned my own sanity. I kept profusive notes-a daily journal which now reads like something from the pen of Edgar Allen Poe or H. P. Lovecraft. Previous to all this I was a typical hard-boiled skeptic. I sneered at the occult. I had once published a book, Jadoo, which denigrated the mystical legends of the Orient. I tried to adopt a very scientific approach to ufology, and this meant that I scoffed at the many contactee reports. But as my experiences mounted and investigations broadened, I rapidly changed my views.”[4] Towards the end of the book, he wrote, “In 1966, I was a lifelong atheist raised in the hard school of objective journalism, skeptical but hopeful that I could somehow validate the enthusiasts’ speculations about extraterrestrial visitants. The extraterrestrial hypothesis then seemed to me to be the only acceptable explanation. But my experiences over the past few years have changed both me and my outlook, just as similar experiences have changed so many others.”[5]




His 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies was Keel’s account of his investigation into alleged sightings in West Virginia of a huge, winged creature called the “Mothman.” The book combines Keel’s account of receiving strange phone calls with reports of mutilated pets and culminates with the December 15, 1967, collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River. (He had received a long phone call in October “from a being who was allegedly a UFO entity” and who allegedly warned him that there would be a major disaster on the Ohio River and that many people would drown. According to Keel, he wrote this in a letter to a woman in the area on November 3, a letter which he said the woman still had years later.[6]) The book was widely popularized as the basis of a 2002 film of the same name starring Richard Gere.[2]


And now a trailer for the Mothman movie, starring Richard Gere, which drove me away in 2002 because I loathe horror moves. Yet this movie is about a real story:

and now this

….and remember that a rash of UFO sightings accompanied the Mothman sightings.




    • Ti ringrazio per questo. È un’atrocità tipicamente ebraica: omicidio di massa, traffico di organi ed espressione di radicale mancanza di rispetto per i goy. Farò un articolo su questo.

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