All these “amazing coincidences”….

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In a world of empty talk, Léon Degrelle walked the walk, fighting on the Eastern Front for four years. He was the most highly decorated of the 400,000 non-German citizens in the Waffen-SS.

We agreed that politics alone cannot change people; before our people regain their courage and act from within, and not because of constant propaganda or constraint,  there must be a spiritual transformation, but we both discussed how religion can also divide white people, just as it did for centuries —  especially in France, Germany, England and Ireland, leading to dreadful massacres — and that dividing and conquering white people is what the jews do best.



…My connections to both halves of Adolf Hitler’s personal library, now in Washington and Providence

The John HayLibraryin Providence, Rhode Island, contains much of the personal library of the courageous German genius who tried for 25 years (1920-45) to warn the entire West about the danger posed by satanic judaism ¦


It is part of the Ivy League university called  Brown University, and is located in Providence, Rhode Island near the corner of Prospect Street and that very Angell Street which was founded by my ancestor, Thomas Angell, in 1636.


My ancestor through both parents, Thomas Angell, helped found Providence in 1636 and the colony of Rhode Island, a unique bastion of religious freedom in a world where people killed each other over clashing doctrines. Angell then gave the land from his apple orchard for the building of the first Baptist Church in North America (photo below), and the old dirt road from then is now called Angell Street.



Over in Europe and also in Puritan Massachusetts, the Baptists, then called Anabaptists, were persecuted (and even burned at the stake) for declaring it wrong, evil, silly, and meaningless to baptize a mere baby, going goo-goo and gahgah, into any religion! 😉 Only an adult can intelligently choose his faith….. In Boston, after three warnings, people who skipped church were literally hanged, and if they did attend, were whacked on the head with a stick if they fell asleep during the SIX-HOUR Sunday service. 😉 How can any man say he KNOWS the mind of God, a Being who created this universe and all its billions of galaxies? A religion is just a signpost pointing to God! As the Buddha said, “A finger pointing at the moon is not the moon.” 🙂




The other half of Adolf Hitler’ private library is found today at the Library of Congress, across from the US Capitol and next to the Supreme Court.



Entrance to the Main Reading Room


Main Reading Room where I spent many hours 1978-2007


Margi and I knew the African-American from Louisiana (with a French-Cajun last name) who worked there in the Hitler section. He lived just three apartment doors down from us at the Glebe House in Alexandria, Virginia.

He was a tall, very educated, courteous, well-dressed and handsome man with a mustache. He also spoke excellent French with me, and invited me and Margi three times to visit him there at the Hitler section.

I think this — one of many “weird coincidences” reinforced my view that

1) that there was something unusual going on in my life, and

2) that American blacks, ironically, understand both Hitler and his opponents, the Jews, much better than many whites, both for instinctive and experiential reasons.

Adolf Hitler’s watercolor “Mary with Jesus” ” — note the clear and open gaze of the child. This is typical of an old soul, who is much more than your average groggy baby with a developing brain.

(From a very interesting website, which sadly was taken down:

Hitler told Martin Bormann:

Jesus was most certainly not a Jew. The Jews would never have handed one of their own people to the Roman courts; they would have condemned Him themselves.


It is quite probable that a large number of the descendants of the Roman legionaries, mostly Gauls [JdN: in other words, KELTS, often dark-haired and blue-eyed like Mel Gibson, like Hitler himself, or Stonewall Jackson and Nathan Bedford Forrest], were living in Galilee, and Jesus was probably one of them. His mother may well have been a Jewess. But Jesus fought against the materialism of His age, and, therefore, against the Jews.


Galilee is a lushly verdant, mountainous and heavily Gentile area (then as now) where Jesus was raised and did most of His preaching:

I have lived in France, and Galilee is like some of the most beautiful areas of the south of la France. I might note that the ancient word for France was “Gallia” (in English, “Gaul”), from the word for Kelt ¦ ¦Hmmm.

(A Keltic area now in Asia Minor/Turkey was long called “Galatia”; the “Apostle Paul” wrote an epistle to the Christians there.

Another scene from green, gorgeous Galilee…

A traditional Mormon depiction of Jesus. (The Mormons also believe — correctly — that many white, Western people lived in North America long ago.


[Back to Adolf]

Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn enemies of the Christians, suddenly realized the immense possibilities of using, intelligently and for other ends, an idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination.

[JdN: The key idea is that “God is love,” as in the famous phrase in the Gospel of John, especially the concept that God feels love and forgiveness for sinners who regret and forsake their previous egotistical life. M. Scott Peck, M.D’s huge 1980s bestseller The Road Less Traveled posited that guilt for letting oneself and others down is a universal emotion to which Christianity responded with the message:


God loves the sinner who repents, and sent Jesus, a part of Himself, to come down to earth, live among us and experience our earthly hardships and temptations, and then take the death penalty for us, paying Himself the supreme price for human sins.

The sinner’s slate of rotten misdeeds and cutting and lying words is thus wiped clean, and the person is reborn as a new, unselfish, helping individual. He can henceforth live and die without fear of divine wrath, now in this life we live and especially when he dies.

He can more easily abandon his selfish way of living, knowing that a kind, just and loving father rules the world, a god so unselfish he sent his only son to die to cleanse our lives. In my own mystical way, I, John de Nugent, do accept this message.]

[Back to Hitler, as recorded by Martin Bormann]


[Paul] realized that the judicious exploitation of this idea among the non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than would the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves.

It was then that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning the Christian idea.

Out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the Golden Calf, on the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he created a rallying point for slaves of all kinds against the elite, the masters and those in dominant authority. The religion fabricated by Paul of Tarsus , which was later called Christianity, is not [the religion of Christ, but] the Communism of today.  (Bormann, Table Talk, pp. 721-722)

* * *
I wrote once to a hostile Jew:

Adolf Hitler believed deeply in a divine power, which he frequently called die Vorsehung, that is, divine “Providence.”

Coincidentally or not, this is the name of the city of my birth, and the capital of the colony and later State of Rhode Island which, as alluded to above, was co-founded by my ancestor via both mother and father, Thomas Angell, in 1635.

Key books from Adolf Hitler’ personal library, replete with underlinings, comments and exclamation points in pencil, and even a dark-brown hair or two, are found here in the John Hay Library.


Located just off Angell Street (where my ancestor had his orchard), it is part of Brown University, an Ivy League school which George Lincoln Rockwell attended 1938-40; see the very accurate report here in Wikipedia)

Here is a Google Maps satellite photo of the East Side of Providence, Rhode Island, with the First Baptist Church where I graphically put a white dot on the roof, and the John Hay Library a few blocks away.



My father knew part of the Rockwell family, which lived in our town of Barrington, Rhode Island, and he spoke, offering his condolences, with a brother of Commander Rockwell right after his August 25, 1967 murder, who said he expected him to be assassinated.



— and it was at Brown Univrsity that I almost taught American accent to foreign students in 2003, except for a sudden university-wide budget crisis due to stock-market losses.

Statue at Brown University of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who was also a Stoic philosopher — and the last of the good emperors in the “century of good emperors” who ruled Rome (photo by Constantin von Hoffmeister). The leader-succession system which Hitler wanted to implement after the hoped-for German victory in WWII was that the national leader wold groom his own successor for a decade or more — and then submit him to a Senate for approval upon his retirement or death. 


So Emperor Trajan groomed the respected young leader Hadrian, who in turn trained the respected young leader Antoninus Pius, who taught the respeced young leader Marcus Aurelius — thus yielding 100 years of wise, strong, experienced and superb rulers, versed in the arts of both war and peace. The raised hoof in this equestrian statue symbolizes, asper the tradition,  that Aurelius had been wounded in battle.

Marcus Aurelius in the 2000 film “Gladiator” at the end of a bloody battle against the ancient Germans, as played by Irish actor Richard Harris



Adolf Hitler had a deep interest in religion for its own merits and also as a way to improve character, cohesion, morality, determination and overcome the fear of death.

See this illuminating article about the Hitler personal libraries from The Atlantic magazine:

Hitler’s critique of what I designate as Churchianity  never, ever, ever was an attack on Jesus.

Hitler’s objection was to “Christianity” -and that it led us to revere the Jews as “our elder brothers in the faith” and to “turn the other cheek” to them.


Hitler was sympathetic to Houston Steward Chamberlain’s view that Jesus,  judging by his values and his courage, had to be mostly Aryan, being from “Galilee of the Gentiles.”

[For what little it’s worth, your own Talmud, Jew, says that jesus’ real biological father was a Roman officer, a centurion (like a major) named Pantera.]


In this regard, I will quote Hutton Gibson, the wonderful father of Mel Gibson, about the “elder brother in the faith”:

The late Hutton Gibson with the also now deceased Australian-German revisionist Fredrick Toeben, whom I knew well


“Yeah, well, Abel had an elder brother, too.”

Cain slays his younger brother Abel:


An excerpt from the book My Revolutionary Life, where Waffen-SS general Léon Degrelle discusses his relationship with Adolf Hitler…. (Margi and I translated this): ($27)

(I also ghostwrote this book which came out in three parts in the magazine Barnes Review and was later made into a book. Half the research on it was by the late Ralph Grandinetti, a former Rockwell stormtrooper, and the rest was done by me.)



….Third Reich archives by the ton

Many of the collected papers of the Third Reich were captured intact in 1945 by the Americans ”the Germans made NO attempt to destroy them because they had NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF ” and were kept at the Torpedo Factory in that same city of Alexandria, Virginia where we lived 2005-08. (It also was the boyhood city of Robert E. Lee.) (

The factory was converted into an artist studio complex after 1974, and here my first wife (we were married 1976-89 and had two daughters)

Ingrid and Erika in 1989


….worked (and still works) as an artist, while I traveled 1987-92 around the US raising money for the WN cause via estate work; she is married now to the almost next-door neighbor from then, yeahhhh ¦.  )

“Congress stored documents [there]; the military kept German war films and records in sealed vaults.” (from the fourth paragraph here:

Margi, an opera singer had a boyfriend for years who was a very skilled, gifted white artistic painter named Terry. Then around 1994 he got involved with a Jewess, she got him into lucrative Jew-owned galleries, told him in effect “what would sell,” namely filth and trash, degeneracy of every sort, and so his art turned into the promotion of race-mixing and forlorn, lost-looking, naked white women having orgies with colored men ¦..

“Coronation of Concupiscence,” by Terry Rodgers

“Cryptography of singular vision,” which is about as pretentious a title as you can get for a porn painting of of a plain-old orgy, with natürlich non-white men “doing” the white women, by Terry Rodgers. (His Jewess corrupted and trained him well.)

So many pure coincidences ¦.

So many weird connections…. and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

More soon…..



JdN: I would like to conclude this chapter with some uplifting photos from this gorgeous Christian church built by white people with a thirst for love, beauty, spirituality and nobility.

Is there ONE synagogue in the world that is even one-tenth as beautiful?

I am proud of the men and women of our race who create such things. This race must not perish, but instead let us end the reign of demonism and hellish ugliness.


  1. Hitler’s Forgotten Library: The Man, His Books, and His Search for God

    ​​​​”Among the numerous volumes dealing with the spiritual, the mystical, and the occult I found a typewritten manuscript that could well have served as a blueprint for Hitler’s theology. This bound 230-page treatise is titled The Law of the World: The Coming Religion and was written by a Munich resident named Maximilian Riedel. During the first week of August 1939 the manuscript was hand-delivered to Anni Winter, Hitler’s long time Munich housekeeper, with the request that it be passed to Hitler personally. An accompanying letter read,​​​​
    Mein Führer!​​​​
    Based on a new discovery I have been able to prove, with incontrovertible scientific evidence, the concept of the trinity of God as a natural law. One of the results of this discovery is, among other things, the seamless relationship between the terms: Truth-Law-Duty-Honor. In essence, the origins of all science, philosophy and religion. The significance of this discovery has led me to ask Frau Winter to hand to you personally the enclosed manuscript.​​​​
    Heil mein Führer!​​​​
    Max Riedel​​​​
    Oberhachingerweg 1​​​​

    Riedel made a smart tactical move in delivering his manuscript to Hitler’s Munich residence. Whereas at the Berghof, Hitler received hundreds of books, and at the Reich Chancellery all such correspondence went through secretaries’ hands, in Munich the only filter was Hitler’s housekeeper. Based on the marginalia, it seems that Hitler not only received the Riedel manuscript but also read it carefully with pencil in hand. Individual sentences and entire paragraphs are underlined, sometimes twice or even three times.​​​​
    In this densely written treatise Riedel established the groundwork for his “new religion,” replacing the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost with a new tripartite unity, the “Körper, Geist und Seele” — “body, mind, and soul.” Riedel argued that traditionally mankind has recognized five senses, which relate only to the physical aspects of our existence, and that this hinders our ability to perceive the true nature of our relationship to God and the universe. He offered seven additional “senses” that every human being possesses, which are related to the subjective perception of the world; among them Riedel included our inherent sense of what is right and wrong, our emotional sense of another person, our sense of self-preservation. On a two-page centerfold he illustrated his theory with a circular diagram in which various concepts — “soul,” “space,” “reality,” “present,” “past,” “possibility,” “transformation,” “culture,” “afterlife,” “humanity,” “infinity” — are connected by a spider web of lines. “The body, mind and soul do not belong to the individual, they belong to the universe,” the author explained.​​​​

    Riedel’s “trinity” seems to have attracted Hitler’s particular attention. A dense penciled line parallels the following passage: “The problem with being objective is that we use objective criteria as the basis for human understanding in general, which means that the objective criteria, that is, the rational criteria, end up serving as the basis for all human understanding, perception and decision-making.” By using the five traditional senses to achieve this “objectivity,” Riedel declared, human beings exclude the possibility of perceiving — through the additional seven senses he identified — the deeper forces of the world, and are thus unable to achieve that unity of body, mind, and soul. “The human mind never decides things on its own, it is the result of a discourse between the body and the soul,” he claimed.​​​​
    The sentence not only caught Hitler’s attention — beneath it is a thick line, and beside it in the margin are three parallel pencil marks — but was echoed two years later in one of his monologues. “Mind and soul ultimately return to the collective being of the world,” Hitler told some guests in December of 1941. “If there is a God, then he gives us not only life but also consciousness and awareness. If I live my life according to my God-given insights, then I cannot go wrong, and even if I do, I know I have acted in good faith.”​​​​
    As I sat in the rarefied seclusion of the Jefferson Building’s second-floor reading room one day, listening to the muffled roar of traffic and the distant wail of police sirens in late-summer Washington, I attempted to comprehend the full significance of this sentence to which Hitler seems to have responded so emphatically. Back in 1943 Walter Langer had concluded — correctly, to my mind — that in order to understand Hitler one had to understand his profound belief in divine powers. But Hitler believed that the mortal and the divine were one and the same: that the God he was seeking was in fact himself.”​​​​

    ​​​​The source: Der Reichsführer SS/SS-Hauptamt, Rassenpolitik (Berlin, 1943))​​​​
    “The 15th and 16th centuries during the Middle Ages were a period when the Nordic spirit found characteristic expression in the Copernicus’s teaching that the earth revolved around the sun. The earth, which formerly was thought to be the centre of the universe, became a small planet that was just as subject to the harmony of eternal laws as the course of the stars. The former world of appearances collapsed, and the Nordic spirit opened the door to a new scientific worldview. As a result of his revolutionary discovery, the worldview the Medieval Church had so successfully built to control people’s minds gradually fell apart over the following centuries. Today’s scientifically-based worldview freed us from the spiritual domination of the priesthood. We owe to it our great advances in technology, the sciences, and economics.​​​​
    Today we are in the middle of another revolutionary epoch. Revolutionary scientific understandings of genetics and race have found political expression in the National Socialist worldview. Once again a world of appearances collapsed, which had concealed from our eyes the true nature of humanity and the connections between body, soul, and spirit. ​​​​

    ​​​The foundation of the Christian worldview is the doctrine of the separation of body and soul; the soul and spirit belong to a world independent of the physical, free of natural laws, and they are even to a certain degree able to free the human body from its natural setting. It is a major shift when racial theory recognizes the unity of body, soul and spirit and sees them as a whole that follows the eternal laws of Nature.

    “There were once prophets who preached a separation between body, soul and spirit.

    One cannot separate these three things. If you remove the body, nothing is left of the soul and spirit. If you remove the soul, you have a lifeless, cold being, and if you remove the spirit, you are left with a tragic idiot. These three things belong together.”

    Fate — I believe! by Robert Ley

    “The later Indian did not comprehend the three-fold significance Blood, Self, and Universe. He saw only the last two. And he perished in the attempt at isolated contemplation of the Self and in racial pollution, whose modern products are wretched mongrels, seeking healing for their crippled existence in the waters of the Ganges.”

    Race, Soul, and Indo-Aryan Religion

    By Alfred Rosenberg

    • Thanks. I have blogged on this Timothy Ryback’s article in the Atlantic magazine and his book many times regarding the books in Hitler’s libraries. I and my wife KNEW the librarian at the Library of Congress who looked after his book collection held in Washington DC.

      I believe that there is huge pessimism in both Hinduism and its reformed version, Buddhism, because the white, Aryan blood was dying out in India after a thousand years.

      It is telling that the biographers of the Buddha, whose real name was Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who was a nobleman of the upper, “kshatriya” caste, never fail to menton how 1) he had blue eyes, and 2) his black hair had no grey in it.

      So, for this to be worthy of mention, obviously fair eyes and hair were dying out even among the aristocrats.

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