All three semitic religions are murderous ego trips; Rossellini’s “Germany: Year Zero”

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Cathar women are burned alive for believing in reincarnation and that the god of the jews was not the god of Jesus but an evil being.

A comrade in Italy wrote me:

“Our personal choice must not be imposed selfishly on others!”

I replied:

Thanks, and I agree.

I would add, with Eckhart Tolle, that any cause, no matter how justified — vegetarianism, and political and religious goals — can become a vehicle for the egoic mind. Before you know it, you are feeling morally superior to others.

What is shocking to me is that the Romans under Nero and later emperors, instigated by jews, burned Christians alive……

…but then, when Rome became Christian, Christianity adopted Roman methods and Christians began burning their enemies alive too!

The Cathars believed in many true things, such as reincarnation, and, “even worse,” in religious freedom.

They denied the divinity of Christ and the authority of the pope; and the Roman Catholic Church declared them heretics in 1176. IMO, “worst of all,” they taught that a good and loving god was the God of the New Testament, and the creator of the spiritual realm, whereas an evil god was the God of the Old Testament. Yahweh, in their view, created our physical world as a kind of hell. (This is certainly an understandable viewpoint, and many secular and pagan observers over the centuries have also made similar observations.)

Many Cathars identified this Yahweh, “the Lord” of the jews, with Satan himself!

The Albigensian Crusade resulted in their defeat, capture, and the slaughter of about 19,000 men, women and children, plus another 200 were burned alive.

Spread of Cathar-type ideas from Eastern Europe:

So Rome never really became Christian. Christianity, instead, became Roman!

Hence the term “Roman” Catholic has a sinister association….

But the Byzantine, Orthodox Christians were almost as bad. Here they are killing 100,0090 Paulicians in 843 for their Cathar-type views:


Every cause, no matter how noble or at least sincere, can become something hideous when people infected with the egoic mind take it over.

Americans stop “Nazi barbarism” in Dresden. P-51 Mustangs dropped leaflets urging civilians and hospital patients to congregate along the Elbe riverbanks to be safe from the bombing of the city. The next day they returned, and flew up and down the river, strafing these same civilians.

The great early WWII revisionist Maurice Bardèche in France wrote in 1946 that the American GIs and officers desperately NEEDED to believe in the reality of the Holocaust fraud just so they could sleep at night after seeing the bombed-out German cities, smelling the cadaver odor wafting all over these cities (John Kennedy remarked on this in his diary),

….and seeing German women sell themselves for food.

“Well, sure the Germans are suffering, but look what THEY did!

They gassed six million jews!”

This is all the egoic mind at work, telling you to ignore reality for something that will please it, that will puff up this thing which loves to see itself as right while everyone else is soooo wrong. 😉

….”Germany: Year Zero”

Everyone should “Germany: Year Zero” by the leftist Italian moviemaker Roberto Rossellini, who was appalled at the poverty and starvation taking place for YEARS AFTER the war ended.

The Allies trucked and shipped food OUT of Germany in order to CAUSE starvation, to break the German spirit, and to force the women of the Reich into prostitution to their conquerors.

This film does have some small, gratuitous “Nazi-bashing” (one “Nazi” is depicted as a pedophile…) ….IMO, this was just so the Jews would show the film, which otherwise shows the poor Germans with great sympathy. 

You will never forget the ending. 🙁 🙁  🙁


(Spoiler alert: This is the heart-breaking ending of “Germany: Year Zero”:] It is one of those films where you just sit quietly at the end, recovering.






  1. Alberich.
    Sono esattamente come questo individuo..
    Questa figura si è reincarnata nel corso del Tempo.
    Questi pittori hanno continuato a raffigurarlo sempre così..
    La personificazione dell’EGO.
    Colui che ha maledetto l’Amore.

    • Transl:

      They are exactly like this guy ….

      This figure has reincarnated over time.

      The great painters have continued to depict him always like this….. the personification of the EGO, the one who cursed “Love.”



      As I have blogged, after reading about the famous seer Edgar Cayce and his life readings of Americans who had once had incarnations on the island of Atlantis, I concluded that history really is repeating itself. The wicked, luciferian, insanely greedy Sons of Baal have reincarnated as the jews, and the virtuous Sons of the Law of One as the national socialists.

  2. Grazie per questo tuo scritto…
    Grazie per aver cambiato idea sui Catari.
    Sono sempre stati loro i veri messaggeri di Gesù.
    I Giudei distruggono tutto quello che toccano…sono quelli dalle mille facce!

    • Transl:

      Thanks for your writing …

      Thanks for changing your mind about the Cathars.

      They have always been the true messengers of Jesus.
      The Jews destroy everything they touch … they are the ones with a thousand faces! [end]

      My big objection remains that they refused to have children, viewing this world as evil. What a catastrophic and dysgenic viewpoint! I still object strongly to that, but in other ways, yes, they were very noble. 🙂

  3. Molti di loro avevano dei figli,forse avevano sposato una causa…come veri Sacerdoti.Non tutti possono essere tali!Come la stragrande maggioranza che fa “finta” di esserlo.
    Sappiamo davvero poco sul loro conto;del resto abbiamo le dichiarazioni subdole della Chiesa di Pietro e Paolo.
    Eppure sapevano che saresti arrivato con questo nome,”Giovanni”.
    Non si può Demonizzare la Luna,neanche la Vergine Terra,da cui tutto nasce,tutto si trasforma.
    Hanno solo “abusato” della parola Lucifero o LuciBel(Baal).Non hanno davvero nulla in mano.

  4. “Più ti concentri sul tuo nemico e più potere avrà su di te.
    La frustrazione è un canto antico che ha incatenato poveri e Re.
    Non è il tuo rivale il vero ostacolo, non è smascherandolo che vincerai.
    Diventa te stesso, compi il miracolo e con la tua luce lo accecherai.”
    Er Quercia
    PS:”Questo passo è collegato alle Nozze Chimiche,all’Iniziazione per conoscere,integrare l’Ego per annullarlo.
    Leggi anche questo…

    Questo documento è importante.Giacomo fu ucciso dagli Ebrei,molto fedele a Gesù.
    Ho notato questo “attaccare” Giovanni.
    Una Chiesa Spirituale;I Giudei sono entrati nella Massoneria dei liberi Muratori,dei veri RosaCroce con lo scopo di bloccare l’evoluzione dell’Uomo e il suo rapporto con la Natura.Sono stati davvero furbi..per questo riesco a riconoscere i loro delitti(come la povera Alice).

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