Almost all top American inventors were black, says Google; many blacks very down on Jews

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Betcha didn’t know almost all the top American inventors (sez Google) were black. But why’d they put that honky cracker Thomas Edison in there? 😉
Bobb Pira America should do this with it’s illegals
John de Nugent Black comedian: “We thought we were gonna have white slaves when Obama got in — vengeance day!” (Jack Sen sent me this.)Manage

Chetri Lefils Dimitroff Peanut Butter is not an invention; it’s a spread.


Blenda Richter And a recipe…


Chetri Lefils Dimitroff And food but hey if that’s all you got Roll with it 😂 👍🏻


Mike Mann John, what’s funny is that of the great Black “inventors” that are paraded before us on Jew-controlled GOOGLE, only the invention of one (Lonnie Johnson) has sufficient evidence cited to credibly confirm his invention. And his invention? The “Super Soaker,” a toy gun, “when filled with water, has the ability to supply children with endless hours of fun.” Lonnie Johnson is known as “Mr. Squirt Gun.”

I ask you, John, where the hell would any great civilization be without the “Super Soaker”?


John de Nugent And let’s not forget Ebonics! No white man could have invented that. 

Mike Mann That’s right, we have to give them credit for being the best at trashing a language. I don’t think another race has been better at making a science of being functionally illiterate.

Mike Mann “Never at any given time from the most infinitely remote antiquity until now, has there ever appeared a race of Negroes, that is, men with woolly heads, flat noses, thick and protruding lips, who has ever emerged from a state of savageism or barbarism, to even a demi-civilization.

“What woolly-headed Demostheneses, or Ciceros, or Calhouns, or Bentons, or Clays ever delighted and electrified vast masses of woolly-headed men with their eloquence? What woolly-headed Euclids, or Archimedeses, or Laplaces, or Gallileos, or Herschels, or Newtons ever investigated the truths of astronomical and mathematical sciences?

“What woolly-headed Caesars, Alexanders, Washingtons, Napoleons and Wellingtons ever led their marshalled battalions upon the principles of military science to either liberty, victory, or death? What woolly-headed Solons, or Alfreds, or Jeffersons, ever framed a code of laws to direct and guide the destinies of a great nation?

“What woolly headed Homers, Virgils, Dantes, Molieres, or Shakspeares ever inscribed their names upon the pillar of fame, by the numbers of immortal song? What woolly-headed Xenophons, Tacituses, Gibbons, Voltaires, Humes and Bancrofts ever depicted the actions of woolly-headed heroes, patriots and soldiers?

“Have the woolly-headed races of men ever produced even only one man famous as either a lawgiver, statesman, poet, priest, painter, historian, orator, architect, musician, soldier, sailor, engineer, navigator, astronomer, linguist, mathematician, anatomist, chemist, physician, naturalist, or philosopher?

“There is as much difference between the lowest tribe of Negroes and the white Frenchman, Englishman, or American, as there is between the monkey and the negro.”

-Quotes from John Campbell’s book, Negro-Mania: Being an Examination of the Falsely Assumed Equality of the Various Races of Men

John de Nugent The sad thing is that the modern world has little use for them. Even whites of average IQ will be less and less unemployable as robots get smarter

Mike Mann You are so right, John. The modern world really doesn’t have much use for what some refer to as “obsolete farm equipment.”

Here are the fields with the least amount of Black involvement:
1. Artists and related workers “ 0.8%
2. Environmental scientists and geoscientists “ 1.0%
3. Cost estimators “ 1.1%
4. Farmers and ranchers “ 1.4%
5. Dentists “ 1.4%
6. Surveying and mapping technicians “ 1.4%
7. Farm, ranch and other agricultural managers “ 1.5%
8. New analysts, reporters and correspondents “ 1.8%
9. Millwrights “ 2.1%
10. Miscellaneous physical scientists “ 2.1%
(Facts from Paul Kersey’s book Hollywood in Blackface)


John de Nugent What is scary is how they combine a testosterone-induced self-confidence with a lack of real value. Lotsa swagger… All hat, no cattle, as they say in Texas.


Mike Mann They have great entertainment value, though. Lots of Whites spending large amounts of money watching them slam-dunk over-sized balls, run for touchdowns with prolate spheroids, out-punch Whites in a ring, and twerk onstage in time to (C)rap “music.” A race of people that has the highest self image of all races has absolutely nothing of value to offer White civilization. But many of them are lifted up as icons and made rich by Whites while at the same time biting the hands that feed them.


John de Nugent In my view, about 5â„…of whites are bad to the bone — psychopaths. With Jews and blacks it is much, much higher. At least a third.

Mike Mann A race that represents about 13% of our population commits more than 50% of the crime and they are being used as a proxy army of the Jews in the destruction of our culture and civilization. Check out Colin Flaherty’s videos on (Colin doesn’t name the Jew) to see how much Black crime is covered up by the Jew-controlled media, Jew-controlled “justice” system and even our Jew-controlled “representatives.”
Colin even has a video of Killer Mike, the Black rapper, fist-pumping Bernie Sanders while Bernie was campaigning. Killer’s repertoire includes a piece that has the chorus “When you niggas gon’ unite and kill the police, mothafuckas?”

John de Nugent Colin has been doing great work for years, even while steering around the JQ. But the fact that we are expected to put up with the black crime wave indirectly leads to the JQ. I see Colin Flaherty as a great “conveyor belt.” 

Mike Mann John de Nugent I agree. I sent him a couple of his favorite cigars a few weeks ago. I told him, “We have to keep you looking good on camera.” 🙂

……Surprising good thing about blacks

African-Americans actually are far, far more antisemitic than whites, and based on their direct, negative experience and lesser nativeté

Black minister Dr. Ray Hagins of Saint Louis, Missouri rips into the “illegitimate people” and praises Adolf Hitler (with added German subtitles)



  1. I’m not a White Nationalist (I’m not sure you’d want a Jew in your movement anyway) but I have no anti-white agenda either. I just hate being fed a line of bullshit, and this stuff about black inventors on Google is pure bullshit!
    Most of the great inventors were White people, and Jews played a big role in science too. There’s no Black Isaac Newton, James Watt or Tesla. I have no outlet to complain about this kind of nonsense on the “regular internet” so I have to turn to your site to vent my frustration!

    • Actually, Heinz, I have many part-Jewish or full-Jewish supporters. I spoke just last night for an hour with one who is a full-blooded New York Jew by birth.

      I had a webmaster in 2013 who was a New York Jew on his father’s side (and, for that matter, in 2010-11 I had a black-Egyptian webmaster).

      Race and genes are not everything. What counts, if you believe in reincarnation and karma as I do, is what is in your heart and what you do.

      And actually, Jews have some good qualities. I know, because I grew up with them:

      –love of education,
      –“use your head as more than a hat rack.” 😉

      1/4 Jewish — Emil Maurice, Hitler’s first SS bodyguard and driver

      Standing behind AH and bending down to be in the picture — Landsberg prison 1924

      Also, in the future, or actually right now, we will be able to delete bad genes. (The movie “Gattaca” delves into this.) When having kids, any Ashkenazi Jew who is pro-white can have kids from his own genes who reflect the huge Slavic-Gothic percentage of DNA in his veins, and not the Habiru-neanderthalic side.

      Tzipi Livni, née Rosenberg

      This SS guy, I forget the name 😉 , had an interesting nose 😉 but did fine work. Losing him was like losing a whole army, as I said in 1942.

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