WEBSITE ANNOUNCEMENT; and ALUMINUM nanoparticles: found in chemtrails, they cause mega-forest fires, AND they can enter the brain via vaccines, causing Alzheimers, asthma and ADD!

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Here, have a delicious bite. 
I would add to the vaccine info found below that aluminum is also found in chemtrails!
BLM fires and forest fires — same jews.
Scene from the powerful, true story “Only the Brave”

This is the trailer to the movie. I feel horrible knowing that

19 brave young white men, most with a family to support, were fried to death at the end.

It really happened.

These poor forest-fire-fighting fucks have no idea that chemtrails are filling the trees with highly flammable aluminum powder.

Screenshot from the actual last video by the Granite Mtn Hot Shots — all doomed. Surrounded by the inferno, their thermal protection blankets could not begin to protect them from 2,000-degree heat.

AND they are clueless that the jew Deep State is also causing, via these chemtrails and also by means of HAARP,

the terrible droughts we are getting out west in the US (but also right here in Ontonagon this summer of 2021!).

Trailer to this superb, reality-based movie:


The Big Jews are practicing multiple technical means to cause white depopulation and white genocide.

The Covid vaxx is just one of many methods. Economic collapse is another! So are gun confiscations! So is firing white male conservatives in the US military and on the job who refuse the vaccine!

The over-arching goal is white genocide by multiple means!


….See also

Chemtrail pilot’s shocking confession how they keep it secret


“Only the Brave” — superb movie & true story of working-class white heroes who fight forest fires



What are your thoughts on that?  Well, you heard earlier that there’s no real concern about aluminum because it’s such a small amount.  And, so it really shouldn’t matter.  But the kind of aluminum that we put into vaccines is a different kind of aluminum that we see environmentally.  This is called a nanoparticle.  And, nanoparticles bind really tightly to the bacteria antigens, the virus antigens of food protein antigens, and any other contaminants that are in the vaccines that we may not know about.  And we know that the biochemical properties of nanoparticles is that they are capable of entering the brain.

And, so we have not evaluated the safety of aluminum amount of nanoparticle and its injection and where it goes when it gets into the body and whether it gets into the brain.  Do vaccine ingredients belong in the brain? No.  Do they get into the brain? No human drug study we know of has ever studied it.

But animal studies using the same chemicals that are in vaccines that we give to children directly demonstrate that the vaccine ingredients do enter the brain.  We are ignoring this information.  There are scientists in Europe who’ve actually done studies on the aluminum nanoparticle, and have shown that it can persist in the brain for years and decades. 

And so what we’re seeing is a large outbreak of neuro, developmental disabilities in adults, including Alzheimer’s.  And one of the main factors that they’re finding in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s is the aluminum nanoparticle that’s directly related to the vaccines that we’re giving.  So we have never studied whether the aluminum that we’re giving in vaccines gets into the brain.  And we’ve never measured whether it stays in the brain and what it does if it does stay in the brain.  But we do know that vaccines are supposed to cause inflammation in the body.

But we have more than half of our children with chronic inflamed conditions.  And we’ve never allowed ourselves to ask the question, if the vaccines cause inflammation acutely, do they continue to create inflammation chronically?  We have one in 5 with neurodevelopmental disabilities, one in 10 with ADD and ADHD,

Margi has this ADD….. With an IQ that is off the chart –both her parents were brilliant —  her mind skips around constantly.

Her father, Albert Huffstickler:

Her mother founded and ran for decades a major Shakespeare festival in Asheville NC


… in 35 now has autism, one in 11 has asthma, and one in 20 under the age of five with seizures, and the autoimmune diseases are exponentially rising.

And we are finding that the viruses and the bacteria that we’re injecting into the body, along with the adjuvants, create something called molecular mimicry, which means the body sees those viruses, thinking that it’s foreign, but actually finds pieces of those viruses that match pieces of the self.

And the immune system doesn’t differentiate between what it’s been told to reject and itself, so it will turn the immune system on itself, leading to an autoimmune condition.

My gf in the 1990s was not only legally blind, but also had an autoimmune problem and constant pain, fibromyalgia

We know this about hepatitis B.
We know it about the Gardasil vaccine, and we know it about the flu vaccine.  And we continue to say unequivocally that the vaccines have been studied effectively, and that they’re safe.  And that’s just not true. –

…..I salute this noble ex-jew!


………This site will go down without a big donation immediately


We are both broke and cannot buy groceries or pay the website monitor. Or pay the car insurance.

It’s as real as those 19 guys dying, too.

If you want this site up on Monday, donate now.

We got in $50 for the whole week. But I need $200 a week due to endless hacking attempts. It takes two men to monitor and remove hacker intrusions.

This site is about to end.

Believe it, or laugh it off …and you will see. It is called “simple arithmetic.” 😉
Last week I paid the monitor just $150 for 60 hours work.

This week –nothing at all.

Yesterday, the site was down for hours — a massive hack attack.


And yet we are on the brink of a worldwide Aryan religion that will make us into fighters. This is why I incarnated again.

LOL….. I’m that guy. But so are you. You will be the one on fire. Literally. 


You when ISIS gets you:

You when the other muslims get you:

Kriss Donald, a Scottish kid, was burned to death by muslims entirely for being white


Jews love burning people alive. It’s fun for them. Dresden was one big party.



Of course, if Van Rensburg happens, it will be nuclear fire.


Don’t let yourself down.

I am telling you the truth. So was he.






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