What I learned from the cowardly “America First Committee” rejecting the great General Moseley in 1940 for demanding ALL-OUT CONFRONTATION with the Jews

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…..Praise for this article below, which first appeared in August 2018


Wow, you are really a wealth of knowledge, and you just tell it like it is.

I never heard of General Moseley, and that was really great to discover that here. I have a spiritual thirst for this kind of knowledge and I find it here in spades.

I also loved the section on the Normans in this long entry that started with that incredible general, previously unknown to me.)

…..I replied:


Thanks very much.

The fate of such a magnificent leader as Mosely — handsome, distinguished, well-connected, manly, and a total success in his military career and personal life — was to be ignored, even he!

Even when he told truths of incredible importance.

. Poor

But he was just the umpteenth example of white humanity ignoring dire, clear and true warnings. These visions of our downfall were uttered by famous and outstanding men, household words and heroes such as Martin Luther, Henry Ford, and Charles Lindbergh. They told us that our children were heading toward slavery, misery and death unless we, now, today, begin to drive the Jews out.

I tried twice to run for president — in 2008 and 2012 — and came up against this same brain fog. 😉

About 1/10th of 1%, then as now, of my readers even sent a contribution, and so we got eight long, nightmarish years of Barack Hussein Obongo. 😉

…and nearly the coup de grâce of Killary after him!

Thank God for Trump — for winning in 2016 and buying us true national socialists more time — for all his myriad personal flaws and nauseating kowtowing to the enemy so he can stay in office and accomplish SOME good…..

I felt deeply honored and loved by God when in 2015 a rather foolish local knocked on my door and gave me three books by Eckhart Tolle (handing them over with “I know you are into spiritual stuff, John, so here are some books that I can’t make head or tail of by this Tolle guy, but, I dunno, maybe you can use them”). 🙂

These works finally explained to me the exact mechanism by which people (of all races) deny reality while understanding , subconsciously yet completely, that their denial of what is coming at them will indeed lead them to a truly horrible disaster: for their nation, race and own loved ones.

However, what I also saw (and this bothered Margi a lot) was that Tolle, to get published by the jew-run publishing world, steered far away from all taboo topics (esp. rce and the Jews), especially as (horrors!) a white, male GERMAN! 😉 Also, he looks pretty unheroic, like a gnome, 😉

childless, and with his Chinese wife — exactly how so many Aryan men end up


It hit me that God wanted me to absorb the best of “this Tolle guy” and then use it as the core of the new Aryan religion which I always knew I was called up on to establish.

I had no idea that my brilliant, blond, blue-eyed grandmother, Elizabeth née Angell (Norman name) Colwell, an Ivy League graduate who had majored in German, was a closet national socialist.

She had fallen silent politically after Pearl Harbor, as did millions of other WN Americans and Republicans, because opposing the war AFTER >Jaopan attacked us, killing 2300 Americans, and we had declared war on its ally, Germany, was literally treason and sedition, and the FBI would be at your door to take you away. But Grammy had four children to raise, and a husband who worked as an auditor for the federal government.

But I do recall this, her looking at me scrutinizingly one day, as women will do — they study people more than things — and she gazed carefully at my hands, and said:

“John, you have minister hands.”

Funny how some thing just stick with you. 🙂

In Abraham Maslow’s famous “Hierarchy of Needs,” physical safety is the top need, then comes water, shelter and food.

So what on this benighted earth is the mechanism that overcomes the need fro safety? What causes us to deny Jew and race reality, and in effect to continue to stand on the railroad tracks as the locomotive bears down on us?

If the prime directive is survival, and it is for all creatures, enabling us to fight or flee when danger approaches, or prepare for battle, what THING in us is so strong that it overcomes our very need to survive?

It is our mind, it taking off as an independent entity, like a small plane getting on the runway without tower authorization, and taking off as huge passenger jets try to land all around us.

It is our mind gone wild.

It is our mind telling us what to do — and not we telling our mind what to do, or even ordering it to just shut up and observe reality.

That reality might be something super-nice like a gorgeous sunset, something to purely enjoy — without any thoughts interfering with our gorgeous moment in harmony with nature.

Sunset on Lake Superior, two blocks from Margi’s little house. Just shut the frigging Jews out for once, and race, and all your personal issues, enjoy, and “recharge your batteries”!

It might also be that magic when you hold hands for the first time and stroll with a winsome girl you adore.

For an enlightened national socialist, this first touch is full of added cosmic meaning —  we are males and females coming together, because through us the next generation of whites will incarnate and emerge to join us in our most noble struggle for Aryan beauty, power and truth.


But non-denial might also be just LOOKING at a Jew!

Just looking at a black, as he is!

Or studying an effeminate, militant queer, just as he is.

Stop thinking, focus! See what IS, and this will let your natural alarm system kick in!

There be DANGER!

Mississippi negro stabs to death two white nuns, nurse practitioners who helped poor blacks; liberal young souls learn the hard way

No animal denies reality, EVER!

Fight, flee or be eaten!

Putty-tat with a will to LIVE! https://www.kptv.com/caught-on-camera-cat-fights-off-coyotes/article_7bed524b-7e5f-5299-89aa-c6e27c2e7748.html

It made me think of the battle that will ensue between my new religion and Judaism with its three offshoots, 1) the twisted, Pauline (pro-Jewish) version of Christianity (“Jesus was a Jew”), 2) Islam and 3) kabbalic, Luciferian Freemasonry.

Their united goal is to annihilate the white race, then enslave and reduce the non-whites who remain to 500 mio sex and work minions while Jews live as pashas with 2500 slaves each on vast estates (Agenda 21).


While animals never deny reality, because they have no “thoughts,” neither does any advanced species in our galaxy deny reality, because they control their thoughts.

And multiculturalism is unheard of in our galaxy. No species or ethnic groups mix on other planets — it would self-evidently be absurd and a recipe for internal discord and strife. Our earth is a sad byword among all inhabited planets for insane mixing and perpetual chaos. This planet is a place where young souls incarnate, and where they CAN grow rapidly and tremendously via 1) suffering and 2) heroic struggle.

This planet’s young souls must learn the tragic lessons and use, and not be used by, their mind, their thoughts, their cogitations, their mental activity.

Know this: a mind spinning out of control is like a runaway child. The Jew will sidle up to it, take it away, and molest it.

I always loved this Norman Rockwell painting of a runaway kid and a state policeman who decides to sit down next to the lad. In effect, I am that protective concerned, vigilant cop. And that kid is your runaway mind. The Jew has been molesting it for all your life.

The mind must be reeled in.

To explain how to do that, that is the great task which will ensure our victory, even if it takes us 25 generations of hard, glorious, and selfless struggle. The Jews worked for 2,000 years to take back Jerusalem. But anything which such human turds can do, we as Aryans can do a hundred times better, and the world wants us to do it.

One of my oldest friends in this cause — we have known each other since 1985 — wrote me after revisiting my site and said, laconically:

You do resemble Vater (Father) quite a bit.


Why would I not return when our back is to the wall, and our final annihilation is nigh? If not now, when? If not me, who? 🙂 Otherwise, the “hellstorm” that savaged Germany will soon be upon us all!


…..Who really was and is JdN?

Margi took this shot in May 2019 near the old Franklin Mine in Hancock, Michigan, and you can see — in very, very exaggerated form with the dowward, sideways angle of the harsh sunlight — the unique double bulges over the inner eyebrow area — and the “V” that flares off it onto my side forehead.



Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler


I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.” My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man.

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-to-long paragraphs and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe. ;-= Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it.
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through in the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice — A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty since age 5 on that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH, a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE, of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth. 😉 Shit!


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deep blue.


Here is some humor — but the serious point is this:

The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people and the Spartans of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF ;-(


The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies. Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders.

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency — two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”

So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!




and glory!

And, Jews,

this time it will be the world!





……General Moseley demands war, not on Germany but on the Jews


January 5, 2010 Sam Davidson History, The Jewish Question 10
The following letter was written by retired Major General George Van Horn Moseley. He was Deputy Chief of Staff under General Macarthur from 1930 to 1933.
A copy of this letter can be found in the book “The Jewish Threat” by Bendersky. The trends Moseley saw in 1940 are even more prominent today.

[source: http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2010/01/05/general-moseley-and-the-jews/]

[For full info on this courageous American, see below.]

11 The Pardo
Atlanta, Georgia

October 23, 1940

Mr. R. Douglas Stuart, Jr., Director,
America First Committee
1806 Board of Trade Building
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Mr. Stuart:
If I am to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated October 11, I must, in keeping with the principles which have always governed me, write you very frankly. At the outset, I must say that I am happy to know that your organization has chosen such a vital mission. But I wonder if you realize the difficulties of such a campaign and the real strength of the enemy – and are you prepared to go to battle with him and his tribe? A number of organizations have started out bravely with a mission similar to yours, but too often they have melted away before the enemy.
I have had considerable experience on this subject, for I tried to arouse the American people from their apathy, pointing out the dangers confronting us as a nation. But I stated the truth too frankly and so, for many months now, my pen and my voice have been silenced.
Early in my endeavors, I received an invitation to speak before the Union League Club of Chicago, an organization I remember from boyhood, which always marched in step with the Republic. No date had been fixed but when the enemy went after me in the public press the heroic Union League Club evidently lost their nerve and they did not renew their invitation.
What prevents America from being first today? Let me be frank and point out the enemy who would themselves be first in America today, and that is the Jewish nation, a nation within a nation. If you will investigate, as I have – crime, graft, filthy publications and unsavory movies, the liquor and drug traffic, the red light district, white slave traffic and WAR – you will arrive headon against a pack of Jews in control.
I am not going to take your time to discuss in this letter the age old problem of the Jew, but if you are interested, you can get all the evidence concerning his plans for world domination from the writings of Jews, themselves. You do not have to rely on the statement of any Gentile. Suffice it to say, however, that they have been driven out of every country in which they have been domiciled, and for good reason, and EVENTUALLY THEY WILL BE DRIVEN OUT OF THE U. S. A.
The Jew may tell you that there are only some four and a half million of them in the United States. The fact is, there are over thirteen million of them in the United States today.


[! The beloved American author and humorist Mark Twain, who also became violently anti-Semitic, once estimated there were 25 million Jews in America, but that was likely tongue-in-cheek. In any case, both Mosely and Twain made the same point — that they are far more numerous than they want to admit. Interestingly, the Old Testament has a story of King David being cursed by his god Yahweh, with his son dying as a result, for the crime of conducting a census. https://predikuesi.wordpress.com/cursed-census/

The supposed reason for “God’s’ wrath” is absurd. All this stuff was written/invented/twisted many centuries later when the Jews had long since gone into exile and were living scattered amongst the goyim. The real issue was “never let goy rulers know how many of us there are.” See also my MAJOR project on “The Nameless War” to see how professionally and with what experience, financing and organization Jews go about subverting and overthrowing governments.


Formerly I felt sorry for the Member of Congress who could not face this problem frankly on account of Jewish influence in his district, but now I find the influence of Jews extends to every field. The banker, who may agree with me on principle just one hundred per cent, dares not touch this problem for some of his biggest depositors are Jews; many a lawyer will not face it for some of his big clients are Jews; the press cannot touch it, for so many of the big advertisers are Jews, and it is the advertiser who makes the paper pay. If we lack the character to face this problem squarely and solve it, we will experience the tragedy which overtook France.
I shall be glad to join your organization, assisting it as far as I am permitted to do so –
1. If you eliminate from your organization all Jews and all Jewish influences (they join all organizations and buy in on both political parties; then they keep themselves fully advised, and control or ruin);
2. If you will come out before the nation with a definite statement against the Jew and all he stands for, including the closing of our doors to all refugee Jews, of whatever nationality;
3. If you will take a definite stand against the control by Jews in local, state and national affairs;
4. If you will advocate the restoration of our REPUBLIC, bringing back in the written and spoken language throughout the United States the words, “Republic, Christ and Christian”.
If you will take the stand that I have suggested above, millions of Gentiles will rush to your banner. But if you fail to meet this issue squarely, your organization will accomplish nothing, except possibly to support a certain overhead, including perhaps several Jewish secretaries, placed with you for the purpose of spying upon you and your work.
You may not agree with me in what I have written above. Perhaps you will give this letter no consideration whatsoever, but may I ask you to preserve it, so that as the years roll by you may again read it, with the perspective of, say, ten or fifteen years. May I ask also that you make acknowledgment of it, for I plan to give copies of this letter to individuals over the land who know this problem and agree with me just one hundred per cent.
Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter inviting me to meet Mr. Lewis L. Strauss of Kuhn, Loeb & Company [a HUGE Wall Street firm], and my reply.
Very sincerely yours,
George Van Horn Moseley


January 5, 2010 at 5:34 pm
Some things never change. I’m sure similar pleas have been written throughout the centuries.

Andrew Anderson
January 5, 2010 at 5:46 pm
When was the last time an American leader of any stature or significance was able to criticize Jews in public without being marginalized and villified? Henry Ford tried to sound the alarm in the 1920s and didn’t achieve anything.


January 5, 2010 at 10:56 pm
From George Van Horn Moseley – Wikipedia:
Like many officers in the 1930s, General Moseley viewed Jews as a problem and opposed their immigration as well as what was believed to be Jewish interference with American foreign policy.

More details from TOQ-Kevin MacDonald-Bendersky BR-Vol 1 No 2:

Joseph Bendersky’s book is a history of the conflict between an increasingly powerful Jewish group and a declining Northern European group as revealed in the writings of U.S. Army officers gleaned from the files of the Military Intelligence Division (MID) of the War Department. As recounted by Bendersky, Americans of Northern European descent in the United States thought of themselves as part of a cultural and ethnic heritage extending backward in time to the founding of the country. The Anglo-Saxon heritage of the British Isles was at the center of this self?conception, but Americans of German and Scandinavian descent also viewed themselves as part of this ethnic and cultural inheritance. They had a great deal of pride in their accomplishments. They believed that their civilization was a product of their own unique ingenuity and skills, and they believed that it would not survive if other peoples were allowed to play too large a role in it.
Christianity was a deeply embedded aspect of the culture of the Northern Europeans, but it played a remarkably small role in the battles with the emerging Jewish elite. Far more important for framing these battles were Darwinian theories of race. The early part of the 20th century was the high water mark of Darwinism in the social sciences. It was common at that time to think that there were important differences between the races ?- that races differed in intelligence and in moral qualities. Not only did races differ, but they were in competition with each other for supremacy. Schooled in the theories of Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, Henry Pratt Fairchild, William Ripley, Gustav Le Bon, Charles Davenport, and William McDougall, this generation of U.S. military officers viewed themselves as members of a particular race and believed that racial homogeneity was the sine qua non of every stable nation state. They regarded their racial group as uniquely talented and possessed of a high moral sense.
But, more importantly, whatever the talents and vulnerabilities of their race, they held it in the highest importance to retain control over the lands they had inherited as a result of the exploits of their ancestors who had conquered the continent and tamed the wilderness. And despite the power that their race held at the present, there was dark foreboding about the future, reflected in the titles of some of the classic works of the period: Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race and Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy and The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under-Man.

This world of Northern European cultural pride and self-confident hegemony has vanished, and there can be little doubt that the rise of the Jews and the decline of Northern Europeans are causally linked. Bendersky’s book is as much a marker of that transformation as it is an extraordinary record of an important arena in the conflict between Jews and Northern Europeans. Bendersky’s sense of intellectual and moral superiority and his contempt for his Northern European subjects ooze from every page. The book is a triumphalist history written by someone whose sympathies are with the winners of the intellectual and political wars of the 20th century.

Three thoughts occur to me.
First, the existence, statements, and mainstream acceptance of men like Moseley puts the lie to suggestions, very popular today, that the current anti-White/pro-jew regime represents some kind of “White suicide”. White men warned of the threat decades ago, tried to counter it, and are now vilified for doing so. The regime is today officially focused on the “White Threat“.
Second, these White men were defeated mainly by being smeared and discredited as extremists who were imagining things, though now in retrospect it is clear they underestimated a real threat.
Third, this is not a good precedent for anyone who pins our last, best hopes on a revolt led by today’s more diversified, deracinated military leadership.

…..Wiki on this outstanding man



George Van Horn Moseley

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George Van Horn Moseley
MG George Van Horn Moseley
Born (1874-09-28)September 28, 1874
Evanston, Illinois
Died November 7, 1960(1960-11-07) (aged 86)
Fulton County, Georgia
Allegiance  United States of America
Service/branch Emblem of the United States Department of the Army.svg United States Army
Years of service 1899–1938
Rank US-O8 insignia.svg Major General
Commands held Third United States Army
1st Cavalry Division
Battles/wars Spanish–American War
Pancho Villa Expedition
World War I
Awards Distinguished Service Medal (2)
Legion of Honor
Croix de guerre
Order of the Bath
Belgian Order of the Crown
Order of the Crown of Italy

George Van Horn Moseley in 1919



George Van Horn Moseley (September 28, 1874 – November 7, 1960) was a United States Army general. Following his retirement in 1938, he became controversial for his fiercely anti-immigrant and antisemitic views.


Moseley was born in Evanston, Illinois, on September 28, 1874. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1899


…..and was commissioned second lieutenant in the cavalry. He served in the Philippines twice, from 1900 to 1903 and 1906 to 1907, where his assignments included commanding a troop of the 1st Cavalry and serving as Aide-de-Camp to Generals J. M. Bell and J. M. Lee. In 1901 Moseley, accompanied by only one other officer, without escort and under conditions of great danger, penetrated a major Philippine insurgent stronghold. 2nd Lt. Moseley and 1st Lt. George Curry convinced Brigadier General Ludovico Arejola to sign the peace agreement in Taban, Minalabac (Philippines) on 25 March 1901.

The honor graduate of the Army School of the Line in 1908, he also graduated from the Army Staff College in 1909 and the Army War College in 1911. During World War I, Moseley served as assistant chief of staff for logistics (G-4) on the staff of the American Expeditionary Force headquarters.

Moseley married Mrs. Florence DuBois in July 1930.[1]

He held camp and Washington assignments from 1920–1929. He was a member of several important commissions, including the Harbord Commission to investigate Armenian issues. After commanding the Second Field Artillery Brigade, in 1921 he was detailed as assistant to General Dawes in organizing the newly created Bureau of the Budget. In 1921 he was promoted brigadier general, Regular Army. Commanding the 1st Cavalry Division (1927–1929), he successfully interceded, under fire, with principals in a 1929 Mexican insurrection. His actions stopped stray gunfire from Juarez, Mexico, from endangering life and property in adjacent El Paso, Texas, and precluded further incidents. In 1931 he was promoted major general, Regular Army.

Senior assignments[edit]

He was the executive for the Assistant Secretary of War, from 1929 to 1930 and Deputy Chief of Staff of Army from 1930 to 1933.[2] He served as General Douglas MacArthur‘s Deputy Chief of Staff during the 1932 Bonus March on Washington, D.C., in the course of which he recorded his fears of a Communist conspiracy against the United States and his identification of Jews with radicals and undesirables. He wrote in a private letter:[3]

We pay great attention to the breeding of our hogs, our dogs, our horses, and our cattle, but we are just beginning to realize the … effects of absorbing objectionable blood in our breed of human beings. The pages of history give us the tragic stories of one-time leading nations which … imported manpower of an inferior kind and then … intermarried with this inferior stock. … Those nations have either passed out of separate existence entirely, or have remained as decadent entities without influence in world affairs.

In 1934, he asked MacArthur to consider the immigration issue in terms of military manpower, contrasting a group of “southern lads” of “good Anglo-Saxon stock” with their counterparts from the North with names “difficult to pronounce” that “indicated foreign blood”. Moseley linked the latter to labor problems and “so much trouble in our schools and colleges.” MacArthur expressed skepticism in response to Moseley’s argument that “It is a question of whether or not the old blood that built this fine nation…is to continue to administer that nation, or whether that old stock is going to be destroyed or bred out by a lot of foreign blood which the melting pot has not touched.”[4]

He was Commanding General of the 5th Corps Area, from 1933 to 1934 and 4th Corps Area from 1934 to 1936. His final assignment was as commander of the Third United States Army from 1936 to 1938.


While still on active service, Moseley expressed controversial opinions in public. In 1936, he proposed that the Civilian Conservation Corps be expanded “to take in every 18-year-old youth in the country for a six-month course in work, education and military training.”[5] In the late 1930s, when admitting refugees from Nazi persecution was a matter of national controversy, Moseley supported admitting refugees but added the proviso “that they all be sterilized before being permitted to embark. Only that way can we properly protect our future.”[6]


Moseley retired from the Army in October 1938 with a statement that described the New Deal as a growing dictatorship: “We do not have to vote for a dictatorship to have one in America….We have merely to vote increased government responsibility for our individual lives, increased government authority over our daily habits, and the resultant Federal paternalism will inevitably become dictatorship.” Secretary of War Harry Woodring called his statement “flagrantly disloyal.”[7] In April 1939 he attacked Jews and said that he foresaw a war fought for their benefit. He attacked President Franklin D. Roosevelt for appointing Felix Frankfurter to the U.S. Supreme Court. He predicted that the U.S. army would not follow the orders of FDR’s leftist Administration if they “violate all American tradition.” He described fascism and nazism as good “antitoxins” for the United States, adding that “the finest type of Americanism can breed under their protection as they neutralize the efforts of the Communists.”[8]

Time reported his view that “more money should be spent on syphilis prevention and less on national defense”[7] Two months after leaving the military, he questioned the President’s proposed increases in military spending: “Much of our present weakness is in the fear and hysteria being engendered among the American people for … political purpose. … A nation so scared and so burdened financially is not in a condition to lick anybody. And then, who in hell are we afraid of? With Japan absorbed…with the balance of power so nearly equal in Europe, where is there an ounce of naval or military strength free to threaten us?”[9] He became increasingly more outspoken and instead of the language of Social Darwinism expressed anti-Semitic and conspiratorial views overtly. In Philadelphia, he told the National Defense Meeting that Jewish bankers had financed the Russian Revolution and that

“The war now proposed is for the purposes of establishing Jewish hegemony throughout the world.”

He said that Jews controlled the media and might soon control the federal government.[10]

In June 1939, Moseley testified for five hours before the House Un-American Activities Committee. He said that a Jewish Communist conspiracy was about to seize control of the U.S. government. He believed the President had the authority to counteract the planned coup and could do so “in five minutes” by issuing an order “to discharge every Communist in the government and everyone giving aid and comfort to the Communists.” He said the President could use the army against “the enemy within our gates” but did not seem willing to do so. He said he held no anti-Semitic views and that “the Jew is an internationalist first … and a patriot second.” He praised the “impressively patriotic” German-American Bund and said its purpose was to “see that Communists don’t take over the country.” Among Moseley’s supporters who attended the hearing were Donald Shea, head of the American Gentile League and James True of America First Inc.[11] The Committee found a prepared statement he read into the record so objectionable it was deleted from the public record.[12][13] A few days later, Thomas E. Stone, head of the Council of United States Veterans, charged Moseley with treason and wrote that his praise of the Bund “abets a foreign government in the preparation of disruption against the eventuality of possible future hostilities, and that this he is acting in treason to our national safety.”[14]

Moseley held anti-immigrant views throughout his life. In his unpublished autobiography, he quoted approvingly from Madison Grant‘s The Passing of the Great Race.[15] He used the language of Social Darwinism to describe the problem the United States faced:[16]

Watch a herd of animals. If a member of the herd becomes unfit … the unfortunate is recognized at once and driven out of the herd, only to be eaten by the timber wolves. That seems hard–but is it, in fact? The suffering is thus limited to the one. The disease is not allowed to attack the others. … With us humans, what we call civilization compels us to carry along the unfit in ever increasing proportions.

He described the Jew as a permanent “human outcast.” They were “crude and unclean, animal-like things…something loathsome, such as syphilis.”[13]

Following the Nazi invasion of France he wrote that in order to match the Nazi threat, the U.S. needed to launch a program of “selective breeding, sterilization, the elimination of the unfit, and the elimination of those types which are inimical to the general welfare of the nation.”[10] In December 1941, Moseley wrote that Europe’s Jews were “receiving their just punishment for the crucifixion of Christ … whom they are still crucifying at every turn of the road.” He proposed a “worldwide policy which will result in breeding all Jewish blood out of the human race.”[13]

In 1947, he said of his years as a West Point cadet, “there was one Jew in my class, a very undesirable creature, who was soon eliminated.”[17]

In 1951, the president of Piedmont College in Georgia invited Moseley to speak. Students and faculty protested because of his racist views. TIME called him a “trumpeter for Aryan supremacy.” One faculty member was fired for speaking in opposition to the speaking engagement.[18] Calls for the president’s resignation followed.[19] Almost the entire faculty and 9 trustees resigned in the next two years and enrollment fell by two thirds.[20]

In 1959, Moseley was one of the founders of Americans for Constitutional Action, an anti-Semitic successor to America First.[21]

In retirement he lived at the Atlanta Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. He died on November 7, 1960.


General Moseley’s awards included the Distinguished Service Medal (one oak leaf cluster); Commander, Order of the Crown (Belgian); Companion, Order of the Bath (British); Commander, Legion of Honor, and Croix de Guerre with Palm (French); Commander, Order of the Crown of Italy. He was also a recipient of the Philippine Campaign Medal, Mexican Service Medal and the World War I Victory Medal.


Moseley had three sons. He married Alice Dodds in 1902 and married Florence DuBois in July 1930.[1] Alice was mother to George & Francis, Florence was mother to James.


…..Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the poor goyim


(See also https://johndenugent.com/?s=captain+ramsay)

…..OTHER especially important blogs & videos by John de Nugent

Justin L. Smith One of the most depressing lines of the song by Saga “Ode to a Dying People”: “The heroes of the race have already died…” We need giants to appear and lead our people.pu

–My university beats Harvard — why you get the best content on all topics here, and at my website:

Phi Beta Kappa means the top ten percent of the class at a top university — if you take hard-science courses, not basket-weaving, philosophy or French poetry 😉


With high honors (“magna cum laude”) (centered, above the university seal)

…..Reincarnation facts

Reincarnation Evidence

…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose President Donald Trump (b. June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose general George Patton (d. December 1945)

Trump, previously George Patton, is ready for conflict, war and death once again in this incarnation

…..Psychopathy in our leaders (religious, political, financial, and in entertainment)


Henry Kissinger one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child who later killed herself using heroin, with her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island (Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion); next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.


Chelsea Clinton wearing an inverted, satanic cross


FILE – AUGUST 24: Donald Trump has called for the investigation of the Clinton Foundation, further intensifying scrutiny on the institution. LOS ANGELES – AUGUST 1: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaks during a press conference announcing a partnership between The Clinton Climate Initiative and Large Cities Climate Leadership Group as the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa (L) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair look on August 1, 2006 in Los Angeles, California. The partnership aims to fight climate change through the reduction of pollutants which contribute to global warming. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores/Getty Images)

Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the party.


The Pentagon — its cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1941.


Inside the pentagram (a five-pointed star) a pentagon fits, a five-sided object

The sign of Baphomet (Satan)


……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from neanderthals

Neanderthals & Semites

Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany

…..Israel seeks global white genocide

Israeli fetus in soldier uniform salutes in a blood-red graphic from the Lis Maternity ward, part of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, featuring a caption in Hebrew, reading: “Received the Presidential Award of Excellence, 2038.” 

Racist Israel seeks global holocaust and enslavement

…..Reptiles at the Vatican

UPDATED Reptilian gloating all over huge Paul VI papal audience hall in Rome; black-magic principle of warning the victim; Book of Enoch: some “humans” are incarnated demons

…..WN biography of JdN



WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent


…..President Vladimir Putin uses my website to send Trump a message about assassination dangers, using Russia-1 television, on September 11, 2016



…..The Obama White House calls me on 23 November 2015 with a threat

“We are watching you!”



…..The price of not selling my soul

As I said recently, the attractive Jewess Natalie Portman (Oscar and Golden Globe winner as Best Leading Actress!!!) is committing career suicide in Hebrewwood by her bold remarks on the Palestinians and the Holo. (Two smarmy idiots whom I just blocked — after several clear warnings — had denigrated her courage.)
This woman will lose MILLION$ and be on a blacklist forever.
Do you faux “FB-post heroes” understand what is it like to give up your whole career — and your life’s dream — for the truth?
I do — I probably would be a US senator or even the President of the US today myself — instead of this undignified, tweet-o-manic and erratic Trump — if I had just toe’d the line as my dad urged on me repeatedly!
My father with Ronald Reagan 
With President Ford in the Oval Office
With Henry Kissinger and the Republican mayor of Providence 
His mansion overlooking Narragansett Bay and the Rhode Island Country Club
He and I in front of his house in a gated community in Vero Beach, Florida, on the Atlantic
Vero Beach

…..My childhood in the MK-ULTRA/Manchurian program

Why Khazars are building a pedophile elite; my personal hell as a child in MK-ULTRA

……New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s




…..UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

Knowing after Stalingrad that the war would likely be lost, AH evacuated the top scientists and elite troops in 50 U-boats with snorkels to the Antarctic. They dug in deep under a mile of solid ice and there await WWIII and the mutual destruction of Russia and the US. They have no choice; they are not strong enough to liberate us. After WWIII, the German Reich, with a population of just 5 million, will re-emerge and rule whatever is left of this planet. Not a pretty picture — but better than total white genocide.

And Israel, New York, L.A. and other major capitals full of Khazars are gone.

In 100 years, under the Reich, the whole planet will be blooming again under NS, and all races will live under wise, firm, caring Aryan rule, and accept the white man wholeheartedly as the best and most natural leader of this planet.

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats between 1943-45 down to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkel (to get air in to the crew while staying submerged for thousands of miles).

https://www.livescience.com/62350-sunken-nazi-submarine-found-denmark.html Note the final sentence: “Many of the original 118 Type XXI submarines were captured and dismantled after the end of the war, but countless others still remain missing.”

This vast, secret undertaking (comparable to the American Manhattan Project) is called in German the Absetzbewegung, which is a military term meaning “disengagement movement.” It means you strategically withdraw — conduct a planned, organized retreat — so as to fight and win on another day.
One could also call it a badger strategy — dig a hole, a burrow, and go into it.

A badger can be killed only if he leaves his hole. And you will be killed if you choose to go down into the burrow after him.
The wise badger waits patiently for his enemies to KILL EACH OTHER. Then he emerges again.
It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that will survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and in the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians like him, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

Excellent video by Robert Sepehr:


B: wondering if they will ever come back
John de Nugent After the dust settles from WWIII, when Russia and America are both gone.
They lack the power for anything but a dug-in, “badger” strategy. They are waiting for the two giants to destroy each other, which is all they can do.
B: I don’t even know for sure if they still exist.  
John de Nugent Look at this testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform. Does this general look like he’s “kidding”? Or that “Nazis” with super-weapons is a laughing matter to him?


–Two comrades were joking on Facebook about aliens and nuclear codes. One of them also friended me. I interjected: “Actually, while I enjoy reading this jocular banter, that part about aliens and nuclear codes is literally true. See the Malmstrom AFB incident in 1967 and the Ukrainian-Soviet ICBM incident in 1983 “back in the USSR.” Here is some factual information on that subject. PS Aliens do not view this planet as being “ours,” but instead see us as barbarians who are ruining a good planet which THEY have long used — and very much need intact today — so they can keep on extracting the raw materials they need, such as copper, hydrogen (from water), gold, titanium, etc.


…..The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics

UPDATED Whites of today a mix of Cro-Magnons and ET Nordics ” two different waves of humans from the galaxy that made ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Greece, Rome and the modern West

The scribe Sakkara (Aryan Egyptians put an ochre-colored powder  on their skint to prevent sunburn)

The very early Pharaoh Ka; ruled around 3,000 BC


A blond harpist (right) 

Circa AD 500, Egyptians depicted Mary and Jesus as blond, and a red-haired and a blond angel as protecting them

……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?

UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”

One more good reason why Christianity must be kept (though urgently fixed)

…..Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament

(On his 73th death day) AUDIOBOOK Young Hitler had a mentor named Dietrich — and here is the two discussing God, the Bible, Jesus, Paul — and BLINDNESS TO REALITY!


…..The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory (but emerging into a world in ashes    ) marches toward its fulfillment. Britain betrays America, Turkey betrays Russia, Russia invades Europe to “get in the first blow” and “horror bombs” go off.


According to the 1917 prophecy of the militant Boer Nicholas van Rensburg,


after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = Mandela) and later a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), and recall that back in 1917 such notions seemed absurd and even unimaginable), with the black US president described as “a black boy,” THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state. He will have “hair like a wig,” constantly frown, and he will end up (against his will?) waging a catastrophic war against Russia.

Russia will be destroyed, and some European countries as well, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.

Germans and Boers in South Africa will be the only major white survivors of this useless war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.

They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War, and these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose them..

As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of elite German scientists and military to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (on neither Soviet Russia nor that of Putin).

What are his prophecies about the Tribe, who are certainly our worst enemy?

He did not mention them. He was a fervent Calvinist Christian, thus a typical Boer, and not anti-Semitic. Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps), and he loved and admired the Germans. He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — alone — the third one.

Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”.

But this scenario is incredibly sad — the pointless annihilation of 95% of the white race.
No more Russia, Europe, England – and as for the United States, according to Van Rensburg, they will fall to the status of an insignificant country and will take decades to rebuild from the rubble.
The 2009 movie “The Road” with the stars Viggo Mortensen and Charlize Theron (herself a Boer, though a renegade) and with a little South Africa boy, Kodi Smit-McPhee, also used, playing the little son, depicts a post-apocalyptic America during the nuclear winter that takes place after WWIII. No plants or trees can grow in the long darkness — the atmosphere is full of dust from 20,000 hydrogen bombs going off on major cities — so food production stops. Many humans resort to cannibalism to survive.

See also:


…..Solutreans — the white first Americans

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world

…..White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Yes, in this heavily Finnish-Swedish-German area, we do have people who look like this here.

White Safety and Heritage Zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan


…..The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.

The Jewish War on the Kennedys


…..Holocaust course

If four million Jews were gassed, each cremated body weighing six pounds of ash, that would yield 24 million pounds of ash, which equals 12,000 tons of ash… Where is this Mount Ash?  



….The American Revolution succeeded only because of foreign help, NOT “The People”

Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette, who had sailed 3,000 miles to fight for the freedom of another country, disobeying his king’s direct royal order, confessed to General George Washington in December 1777, after six months stateside, that he was initially shocked by the lack of ardor for the freedom struggle of most Americans.

Generals Washington and Lafayette pass by a sentry standing in wind and snow at Valley Forge in December 1777, when all seemed hopeless. Within a few weeks, in February 1778, France had signed an alliance with America, Lafayette returned to France to strengthen it — and within two years the war was over.


“At the end of its tether” the American Revolution succeeds!

…..Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim


(See also  https://johndenugent.com/?s=captain+ramsay)

…..Youtube channel JdN


…..The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who borrowed from and largely intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class.

Prescott Bush (r) of the Bush political dynasty — note the nose — with then-U.S. Congressman Richard Nixon

Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

UK PM Theresa May, hooknosed and all smiles with South African President Ramaphosa, who is seizing all white farmlands without paying a cent.

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud


…..White South African tragedy

White South African Tragedy

…..For African-Americans (who actually are far, far more antisemitic than whites, and from direct, negative experience)

For African-Americans: Part 1

…..Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

…..Hitler’s love for the British people

Hitler’s love for the British people

…..My wonderful British grandfather and his eery “return”

Part 1 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBfrG5aMWj0

Part 2 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o3AwvcsDEA


…..Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

   I dyed it black so you get it. My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man.  

Humor — but the serious point is that the whole Hitler approach turned the Germans on — a highly militaristic, stern, soldierlike people and the Spartans of the white race — but all those uniforms and the sieg-heil-ing turned the rest of the world OFF ;-(



The Hitler strongman image was a huge turnoff to Americans, and was seen as a step back into the Middle Ages, and a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted. Even the young John Kennedy, who was very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while admiring the man.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton: “All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The Romans were certainly no liberal hippies  or against powerful leaders, but even they got rid of one-man rule and their kings — and established a dual consulship: two rulers, supervised on top of it all by a Senate.


…..Hitler opposed atheism and prohibited its expression



…..The Hebrews of the Bible  (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were actually roaming criminal hordes, a vast crime family, a DNA pool of psychopaths 

of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”



…..Washington Post blasts JdN over his Leo Frank exposé


…..My 54,000-view video on the Leo Frank case: “VIP Pedophiles, Kill Them All!”


…..My three hit videos on Hitler, his achievements and where we must go now

(1) (music) .https://johndenugent.com/images/AH-My-Heart-Will-Go-On-1.mp4

(2) (music) German girls and their soldier boys .https://johndenugent.com/images/Grateful-German-Girls-Kiss-Their-Soldiers.mp4

(3) Hitler then and now https://johndenugent.com/images/AH-Damals-und-jetzt-Then-and-Now.mp4

…..My lady Margaret Huffstickler on  Reichsmusik


If my site goes down, please try  www.jdnmirror.com  or  https://www.europeanknightsproject.com/john-de-nugent/  If my Facebook account is suspended or deleted, please go to  https://vk.com/johndenugent


Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953



Telephone:  +1 (906)  884-6689

VK.com  https://vk.com/johndenugent

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)

Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/john.denugent.3

Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. postings, and suspended me five times for 30 days each just in 2018.

Skype:  John de Nugent (Ontonagon)


Twitter: https://twitter.com/johndenugentESA

GAB (alt-right alternative to Twitter): https://gab.ai/johndenugent

To donate or volunteer, click here

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  1. Wow, you are really a wealth of knowledge, and you just tell it like it is.

    I never heard of General Moseley, and that was really great to discover that here. I have a spiritual thirst for this kind of knowledge and I find it here in spades.

    I also loved the section on the Normans in this long entry that started with that incredible general, previously unknown to me.

      • Brilliantly said on that reply, thank you (and more contributions on the way). And the fearless cat video fending off the three coyotes was a great addition!

        Also loved your comments on Tolle…my thoughts exactly! I haven’t read him except for a sample of one of his books last week after seeing your praise for his work (although I have read plenty of Wayne Dyer back in the day who I also ended up meeting in person while also falling in love with one of his stunningly gorgeous daughters my age but I couldn’t make that infatuation go anywhere . I also read his friend Deepak Chopra who also had some powerful writings).

        So when Tolle said that he had spent 6 or more months just doing nothing besides staying all day, every day observing nature at a park I thought he must have saved up a lot of money or had a nice inheritance! Or just had some good friends who fed him and let him crash at their pad.

        I don’t think I’ll have to read anymore of him since you already have and I can get it and much more from you here. The best “one stop shop” for truth, honesty and a viable spirituality/religion around.

  2. Comrade, thanks for your comment and support, but I am not worried, not in the least, to the tiniest extent, of all people, about what I look like. I am perfectly happy with my current appearance. It is what God wants for me NOW. I am not the head of a “German socialist workers” party! 😉

    This essay (did you actually read it??? and it is far too important to be speed-read) has nothing to do with that. But, yes, there are many rare and unique features he and I share: physically, psychologically, culturally and behaviorally. They are there so you know me.

    LOOK without cogitating, or fear, like a healthy animal, who sizes up reality.


    If there is reincarnation, then Hitler w-i-l-l come back, as we a-l-l come back, but especially HE must, since, as you know, the times are beyond dire for our race and nations.

    Hitler, in point of fact, was an average-looking person, not a movie star, and as such he was perfect for attracting average workers to our cause. (One general said he looked like a train station waiter.) I have not the slightest desire to look “exactly” like him, or to copy his silly mustache, which no one liked, or weigh a scrawny 140 pounds as he did from being a vegetarian, nor am I a teetotaler, pastry-gobbler or herbal-tea drinker. Most of all, I am not seeking again to be a leader on the world stage who is monolingual, who is monocultural, who is rigidly German (or American, or British, or a clichéd Crocodile-Dundee Australian 😉 ) and never visit any other countries until age 46 (not counting his war service in France). Hitler II must understand other white cultures, and have personal knowledge of other races.

    In 1940, the world was controlled by whites. Today, China, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel are major world powers, and Hitler II must understand them.

    Nor do I want to despise the Russians — as he did. Have you read this???


    Nor could I exactly resemble Hitler, since he resembled HIS parents as I resemble MINE, you resemble yours — and in every race on this planet we all resemble mostly our own parents. How could I, or why would I want to, resemble Klara Pölzl and Alois Schickelgruber? 😉

    I resemble mostly James Waddell Nugent and Constance Angell Colwell 😉 , but there are other elements in me that I just did not get from them: the brainpower, the unique forehead ( 1) slope, 2) the two bulges, and 3) the v-shape), the VERY DARK-blue eyes, the “marionette line” along the jaw, standing exactly 5’10’ as he was – and not one of these traits are from my parents or grandparents. (My mother had light hazel-brown eyes, my father small gray ones.)

    Having once been this man is about growing beyond this man, and offering the world something better, something more universal, and not specifically or narrowly German — a new dispensation that will have far better results than his purely secular, purely German, and purely idealism-based approach that was wonderful but, facing stupendous odds, a whole world against them, it failed. It had to. 🙁

    Religions are what permanently change the world and transform its peoples (in the case of the Arabs, Islam transformed them from zeroes to conquerors):




    This is the mission, comrade — men who no longer fear death, just the awful karma of cowardice when it is warlike manhood, not talk, mental fear, or failed old formulas, that we most desperately need.

    Reincarnation — it’s real. 🙂


    I realized by 1984 already that only a new Aryan religion can save us, but it took decades for me to accept that no charm, great writing, powerful videos, good looks, trained voice, or great speeches could accomplish that, nor, on the other hand, would gigantic outrages committed physically by non-whites against whites do the trick either.

    I just have to carry out my dharma and complete the arrangements for this religion, which must withstand, from its launching on, quick and then ever-increasing counter-attacks by the entire Jewish war machine and their goyish orcs.

    Everyone who supports me can know this: this religion will change white people from zeroes to heroes.

    Through grasping reincarnation, they will overcome the fear of death, and through karma, they will embrace HONOR.

    There is no other way.

    A German sent me $500 on PayPal, saying: “The word out there is this — if John de Nugent cannot save us, no one can.”

    It is a burden, and an honor, to be the only man in our cause with truly radical new ideas and ways to see and change our truly terrible reality.

    And consider this, my friend:

    Would I choose, if it were untrue, to identify myself with the most hated, despised, loathed “monster” in human history? I do it because it is true, and, at the greatest risk imaginable to my personal safety, it will aid our race to live.

    This is a time for heroes, AND THEY SACRIFICE THEMSELVES.

    • Thanks for your reply, John. I will re-read your essay.

      I had a rethink about my comment, and it was quite a silly thing to say. I was tired and not thinking too well. Who am I to make suggestions as to what you should do? You are far better than me at deciding what to do, including what I should do.

      Anyway, thank you for giving me more read and learn from.

      • Thank you for a beautiful response, and for wonderful aid to my mission.

        Btw, there were ten thousand hits (visits by readers) last night on this article and our exchange. 🙂

        I lay in bed last night and realized I had forgotten to emphasize another key reason for stepping forward as Hitler II:

        As a hundred news stories from Africa, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Ireland and India have shown, all those

        –whose ancestors suffered under the Rothschild Empire (known falsely as the British Empire)

        –who feel compassion for the Palestinians

        –who hate Wall Street

        –who hate the Jews for many other reasons

        –who hate Israel

        –who hate the Jewnited Snakes

        …..think Adolf Hitler was a truly great man.

        “Maybe he was a racist, but back then all the Whites were; it was the colonial period. And let’s face it, the white man has indeed done a lot, and Germany under Hitler was amazing.”

        In other words — while, ironically but logically as a result of media brainwashing and fear for their careers, it is most Whites who reject Hitler, their fellow white man — many non-whites think he was a great man.

        And when they support me this time, it will cause many moderate Whites who are averse to hatred, cruelty, imperialism, etc. to rethink their rejection.

        These articles are in denial of the truth, which is that positive feelings about Hitler as an enemy of UK/US-Jewish evil are far deeper than mere “chic.”



        Everyone around the world knows the Jews rule America and England — all except the white Americans and Britons themselves! 😉

        When I was in France in 2004-05, educated Frenchmen, line one I met on the golf course, would tell me quietly that America is run by “le Lobby.” Der Spiegel magazine in Germany calls it, circumspectly “das Lobby” and the meaning is crystal-clear — the Jewish lobby.

        So Hitler is a man above time – as Savitri Devi wrote – and above place, country, even race.

        He symbolizes resistance to tyranny by a man who did what he had too, and non-whites, not being “blue-eyed,” meaning not naive as our race naturally is, understand that in world politics, and especially when you fight the Jews, you had better not be a “Boy Scout” if you intend to win.

        And if, in their minds, Hitler did kill six million Jews, the non-white attitude is “Well, the Jews had it coming to them. How dare they whine about Nazis and yet look how thy treat the Palestinians — with perfectly Nazi-like brutality. Many nations and rulers have massacred and expelled the Jews, and so Hitler was not the inventor of antisemitism. And it takes a brutal man to do this, to get out a people who are so firmly lodged into the power structure — look how they dominate Trump now — and throw these parasites out.”

        Taiwanese high school kids do a Hitler parade in December 2016: :https://johndenugent.com/images/taiwan-high-school-students-ah-wehrmacht-ss-tank-2016.jpg

        Non-whites smile at Hitler (unrehearsed, candid footage) in the 2015 German movie attacking Hitler “Look Who’s Back”:


        So my decision is to use the Hitler thing because, while a two-edged sword, it will cut the enemy far more than me. It will create huge waves, coverage, and publicity, and that is my moment to address the world on what Henry Ford said in vain 100 years ago:

        And I will address the world about the travails Trump is undergoing, and why!

        Intelligent black man fearlessly exposes Jewry right on the street!


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