UPDATED American heritage; Trump’s ear

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Burned to death by the US Army Air Forces in Dresden in 1945, a German nurse. (One of her granddaughters is a reader of this website.)



This is my private jet I take to the Houghton Walmart to save money. It is also the only photo ever taken by a fighter jet from above a Concorde that was flying at Mach 2.  And notice how flat the earth isn’t. Me, hey, I kinda like curves. 🙂

……American heritage

“WE Americans” is precisely what I can say about my family and myself. I know about this heritage, and I defended it in the Army infantry and Marine Corps. My family came here in 1635 and helped found Rhode Island in 1636.

It is, however, a mixed “heritage.” This is a loaded word, of course, and I ask, “Is bombing Dresden and roasting 500,000 white civilians alive part of this heritage? How about lethally defenestrating Admiral James Forrestal or CIA whistleblower Frank Olson? Is that not also part of ‘our heritage’ “?

There have been some great achievements, indeed, but let us be honest here:

Americans were lucky from Day One. What they found in North America was the opposite of what most other countries, and especially Germany, had to work with.

The Anglo-Americans who started coming here in 1620 settled a sparsely populated land… by driving out Stone Age hunter-gatherers with simple bows and stone-tipped arrows …in order to take over a land that was vast and bursting with natural resources.If any race (except for negroes) had settled this land, and ruled it under any known political system, it would almost automatically have become wealthy and powerful. And it had two very weak neighbors, Mexico and Canada.

Germany, in stark contrast, had at various times the great powers of France, the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, and the gigantic Russia for neighbors!

And Germany was both very heavily populated, and yet it had few resources except coal and good farming soil in many, but not all areas. And the mountains, viewed as gorgeous and picturesque today, were a serious economic and traffic obstacle back then. Tyrol, where I lived with all its majestic Alps, was the poorest part of Austria back in the days before trains, planes, and automobiles brought ski tourists with spending money thither. And there were no ski lifts either to get people up the mountain to ski back down it. Everything went up the mountainside at 2 mph by horse, ox and wagon.

View from Brandenberg, a village in Tyrol which I knew very well

Part of the moral “heritage” in the USA is truly cant — SAYING “land of the free and home of the brave” but DOING instantly whatever the jews DEMAND using bribes, threats and murder. Only the jews are “free” and “brave” (or, rather, unbearably insolent).

And the Protestantism of the English settlers, of half the German immigrants, and of all the Dutch and Scandinavians who came here was a judeophilic, Old Testament-revering, traitorous new form of Christianity. “The_Jews-are-[PRESENT TENSE]-God’s-Chosen-People” IS THE MOST TOXIC DOCTRINE OF ALL HISTORY.
I attended a Protestant Sunday School on the East Side of Providence (again, this was the city my ancestor helped to found), and it was non-stop jew folklore: Joseph is thrown into a pit and sold into slavery by his own brothers; he becomes master of Egypt; David kills the warrior Goliath via a rock from afar, etc. I asked myself: why am I reading stories about this alien people and how they tricked and dispossessed other people?

It was so typical of the American Protestant settlers to have Old Testament names even: Jeremiah Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, Zebulon Pike, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Daniel Boone, David/Davy Crockett….etc. I can rattle off these American names because this is MY heritage.

And so we see George Washington already was “making nice” (a New Yawk jewish expression) with the jews in 1790, just one year in office as president, and it just got worse from there.


While I received with much satisfaction your address replete with expressions of esteem, I rejoice in the opportunity of assuring you that I shall always retain grateful remembrance of the cordial welcome I experienced on my visit to Newport from all classes of citizens.

The reflection on the days of difficulty and danger which are past is rendered the more sweet from a consciousness that they are succeeded by days of uncommon prosperity and security.

If we have wisdom to make the best use of the advantages with which we are now favored, we cannot fail, under the just administration of a good government, to become a great and happy people.

The citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy—a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship.

It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.

It would be inconsistent with the frankness of my character not to avow that I am pleased with your favorable opinion of my administration and fervent wishes for my felicity.

May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants—while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.

May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy.

G. Washington

And along came 1913, with the jewish problem, which had NOT been tackled head-on by G. Washington, having festered for another 123 years.

Woodrow Wilson, in his book “The New Freedom,” shows that he and the Gentile multimillionaires whom he knew were afraid to even say who is meant here, but it is obvious:

In 1920, Henry Ford did say out loud who this “power” is:


So our heritage is both proud and full of bravery, but also rank with preachy and unbearable hypocrisy.

As a result, the world now hates our guts. I saw this already in France in 2004, when the war-mongering, flag-waying, semi-literate ignoramus Dubya was president. I went jogging a few times wearing a Marine Corps gray sweatshirt and got nothing but hostile stares. NO ONE except for a few eastern European fools, russophobes stuck in the old Cold War mentality, sincerely sees us as the good guys any more.

As a result, all the world outside the judeosphere is joining BRICS, and looking away from us to Russia and China, to do massive business deals with them, and wanting to emulate THEM, and not emulate us.

Samuel Huntington said it well:



…..Trump’s ear



The idea is circulating on the left of the shooting of Trump being a hoax, and ironically some overly conspiracy-minded conservatives are saying this too.

It escapes me why they think it improbable that a leftard would shoot with real bullets at Trump after nine straight years of the media, the alphabet agencies, the Demoncrats and the pedo Republicans demonizing the man.

The cartilage in the rim of his upper right ear is clearly shot away. I oppose Trump because he only talks tough but is weak and backs down, not because he is a traitor working for the other side.

Before and after photos:


I saw a recent photo of Trump (kissing Satanyahu’s arse once again) with his right ear looking healed and normal.


So my question was: Can ear cartilage quickly regrow, or if that is unlikely, since cartilage is not heavily vascularized, can reconstructive surgery rebuild an ear that has been severely wounded?

The answer is yes. See below.

I might add that my own daughter Ingrid had cosmetic surgery on both ears, which stuck out. The surgeon removed a slice of ear tissue, pulled the rest together, and sewed the ears back up. It was major ear surgery, but her ears looked fine two weeks later.

From the famous Mayo Clinic (which I and my late wife knew so well from her treatments there in the fall of 2019.)




Ear reconstruction is surgery to repair or rebuild the external part of the ear, called the auricle or pinna. This surgery may be done to correct an irregularity of the outer ear that is present at birth (congenital defect). Or it may be used to restore an ear affected by cancer surgery or damaged by trauma, such as a burn.

Several surgical approaches are available for ear reconstruction. Cartilage taken from the ribs can be used to make a framework for the ear, or a medical implant may be used instead. In some cases, an artificial (prosthetic) outer ear anchored in bone may be an option.

For children who need ear reconstruction for a condition present at birth, the surgery often is done between the ages of 6 and 10, although it may be possible at earlier ages in some cases.

Why it’s done

Ear reconstruction typically is done to treat the following conditions that affect the outer part of the ear:

  • Underdeveloped ear (microtia)
  • Missing ear (anotia)
  • Part of an ear is buried under the skin on the side of the head (cryptotia)
  • An ear is pointed and has extra folds of skin (Stahl’s ear)
  • An ear is folded over itself (constricted ear)
  • Part of an ear was removed or damaged as a result of cancer treatment
  • A burn or other traumatic damage to an ear

Ear reconstruction only involves the outer part of the ear. It does not change the ability to hear. Surgery to correct hearing problems may be planned along with this surgery in some cases.


Ear reconstruction, as with any type of major surgery, has risks, including the risk of bleeding, infection and a reaction to anesthesia.

Other risks associated with ear reconstruction include:

  • Scarring. While scars from the surgery are permanent, they’re often hidden behind the ear or within ear creases.
  • Scar contraction. Surgical scars can tighten (contract) as they heal. This might cause the ear to change shape, or it may damage the skin around the ear.
  • Skin breakdown. Skin used to cover the ear framework may break down after surgery, exposing the implant or cartilage underneath. As a result, another surgery may be needed.
  • Damage at the skin graft site. If skin is taken from another part of the body to form a flap to cover the ear framework — this is called a skin graft — scars may form where the skin was taken. If skin is taken from the scalp, hair may not grow back in that area.

How you prepare

Ear reconstruction is a complex process that requires a team of specialists. You’ll likely meet with a plastic surgeon and a physician who specializes in ear care (otolaryngologist). If hearing loss is a concern, a hearing specialist may be involved in the surgical planning, as well.

To see if you’re a good candidate for ear reconstruction, your team will likely:

  • Review your medical history. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Your health care provider may ask about medications you take now or those you have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you’ve had.
  • Do a physical exam. Your health care provider will examine your ear. A member of your team might also take pictures or create impressions of both ears to help with surgery planning.
  • Order imaging exams. X-rays or other imaging exams can help your team assess the bone surrounding your ear and decide on the surgical approach that’s right for you.
  • Discuss your expectations. Your health care provider will likely talk with you about the results you’re expecting after the procedure and review the risks of ear reconstruction.

Before ear reconstruction you might also need to:

  • Stop smoking. Smoking decreases blood flow in the skin and can slow the healing process. If you smoke, your health care provider will advise you to stop smoking before surgery and during recovery.
  • Avoid certain medications. You’ll likely need to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, which can increase bleeding.
  • Arrange for help during recovery. Make plans for someone to drive you home after you leave the hospital and stay with you for at least the first night of your recovery at home.

What you can expect

Ear reconstruction can be done in a hospital or in an outpatient surgical clinic. Ear reconstruction usually is done using general anesthesia, so you’ll be in a sleep-like state and won’t feel pain during surgery.

During the procedure

Several approaches to ear reconstruction surgery are available.

  • Reconstruction with rib cartilage. This approach, called autologous reconstruction, often is used for children with ear conditions that are present at birth. In those cases, the surgery is usually done between ages 6 and 10. By that time, the ear has almost reached its adult size, and there’s enough rib cartilage available for the procedure.This approach involves 2 to 4 surgeries, depending on the technique a surgeon prefers to use. The surgeries include:
    • Removing cartilage from the ribs. The cartilage is used to make a framework that looks like an ear.
    • Positioning the framework under the skin at the ear site.
    • Elevating the ear away from away from the head.
    • Molding skin from another part of the body — typically the scalp, other ear, groin or collarbone — over the ear framework to create a natural appearance.
  • Reconstruction with an implant. Instead of using cartilage from the ribs, this surgical approach uses a medical implant for the ear framework. The surgeon anchors the implant at the ear site and covers it with a flap of skin on the side of the head. Skin from another part of the body also is used to cover the new ear. Typically, reconstruction using an implant only requires one surgery. Children as young as 3 may be able to have this surgery.
  • Placement of an artificial ear. With this type of ear reconstruction, the remaining part of the ear is removed. An artificial ear (prosthesis) is then surgically anchored into the bone at the ear site. This approach may be used when ear tissue is severely damaged, as with a burn; when a large part of the ear is missing due to cancer surgery; or when another ear reconstruction approach failed. It is typically used in adults rather than children.

After the procedure

Recovery after ear reconstruction depends on the type of surgery you have. Some ear reconstruction requires a hospital stay, or you may be able to go home the same day.

After surgery, you may have:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Itching

Take pain medicine as directed by your health care provider. If you take pain medicine and the pain increases, contact your health care provider right away.

Talk to a member of your health care team about what you need to do to take care of your ear after surgery. You may need to wear a covering over your ear for several days.

Do not sleep on your side where the ear was reconstructed. Try not to rub or place pressure on your ear. Consider wearing button-down shirts or shirts with loose-fitting collars.

Ask your health care provider when you can go back to your daily activities, such as bathing and physical activity. Young children who have ear reconstruction need close supervision. Rough play or other strenuous activity could cause damage to the ear.

Ear reconstruction requires follow-up care. Talk to your health care provider about the appointments you need after surgery.


It can take up to three months for the ear to fully heal after ear reconstruction. If you’re not satisfied with the results, talk with your surgeon about the possibility of another surgery to improve the appearance of your ear.



…….Van Rensburg and Trump

In the 1917 Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy from South Africa, which happened during WWI, it is foretold that Germany would lose WWI, and then also go on to lose WWII. Then a “black boy” would become US president; this was unimaginable back in 1917 when the second KKK was actually rising.


He also predicts a black president of South Africa (Mandela) who will be treated like a saint — again, this was unimaginable for the Whites back then. Not only did Blacks not even have the vote in 1917, but South Africa was very conservative, and the Nelson Mandela whom he foretold was an open communist. (Everyone laughed at Van Rensburg for predicting this.) Then, as he went on, a white male American conservative “with a scowl and hair like a fluffy wig” would succeed the “black boy.”



This man, however, leads us into WWIII. Van Rensburg says (again, this was in 1917, not 1945) that something which he calls “horror bombs” will go off in WWIII.

England is entirely annihilated — no one survives, no one at all.

And now, as I have been blogging since 2017, Russia has a tsunami bomb of 100 megatons, called the Poseidon, a nuclear-powered drone submarine which can ignite a special hydrogen bomb to create a thousand-foot tidal wave to drown everyone, and the water is also radioactive to poison fields so they cannot grow crops. This tsunami bomb can also be used to inundate the entire US east, west and Gulf coasts.

But in WWIII most of Russia is also destroyed by the US. The United States is then in ruins for generations and becomes a minor power, busy only with rebuilding itself.

Van Rensburg tells white South Africans that the Blacks will take over their country and many Whites will be murdered (which came true from 1994 to now), but under no circumstances, NVR said, should the South African Whites try to move back to the Europe of their white ancestors, because Europe will be devastated, and “several countries will no longer exist.”

Russia produces first set of Poseidon super torpedoes – TASS

I predict that Trump, in order to avoid a second assassination attempt, and take back the WH, will cave in totally to the MIC (the military-industrial complex denounced by Eisenhower), and “get tough” with Russia, China and Iran, which will retaliate, and thus WWIII will erupt. All this was exactly predicted in 1917, 29 years before Trump was even born.

Trump is the only person I have ever seen who scowls all the time, just as in the Van Rensburg prophecy. (I note also that the female Secret Service agents are all gone. 😉 )


….Jewess union head rants that Trump is a fascist

Randi Weingarten, the Jewish head of the teacher’s union AFT (American Federation of Teachers) is paid $540,000 a year. This is the hack who favored the pointless Covid school lockdowns in 2020. Here (in the link below) she rants against Trump as a “fascist.”

If Trump had been a real authoritarian, as in China, or Russia, or in Germany 1933-45, our kids today would be learning math, science, reading, history, patriotism, discipline and physical fitness. They would have high-paying, skilled jobs in manufacturing awaiting them after graduation. They would live in spotless cities with zero crime, and be able to start a family and buy a house or condo. There would be zero drug addiction, and zero Muslim terrorism. Their children would be either boys or girls, not both or neither.

There are several YouTube channels of white Americans living in China and they LOVE it there. The Chinese people are also not anti-American; they actually only feel sorry for us to live under an insane government and be a nation in steep DECLINE.

And the reason is these people rule us, the Weingartens, Whitmers, Netanyahus, Epsteins, Madoffs, Maxwells, Schumers, Blinkens, Mayorkas, and Kamala’s husband, Doug Imhoff…

They literally hate us. And they hate white children. This is the truth we must accept, and the reality we must change, the cancer we must cut OUT, or we will disappear from history.


This is a YouTube channel below of skits from Russian life, featuring young children singing.

As a former teacher myself, I noticed the discipline and high spirits of the kids. And at 0:40 the art teacher blows a whistle, the kids all stand at attention, and then he orders them to be seated. Not one kid is overweight, or trans, or disruptive, or diverse. Russia is for Russians — imagine that!

(America is one big ATM for the entire Third World to pour in.)

The Russian economy is growing at an incredible 5% per year because there is no billionaire parasite class sucking all the money away. When they lovingly sing “Rah-SEE-ya” this means they love their “Russia.”

Unlike America, no jew tells Russian kids their nation is evil, and so they must have mass immigration because white nations are evil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=54&v=sBdabBaIWy0

In Ontonagon one can meet interesting people who are here as AirBnB guests. The gent, son of an Iwo Jima Marine as I am, did work for the US Air Force in Antarctica, and was involved in evacuating a very sick co-worker in -100 weather. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpniBBPAeGs She is from Shanghai, China.

It must be nice to be from a flourishing and happy country that is moving upward and onward!


  1. Nahum Goldmann schreibt in JÜDISCHES PARADOX: Als ich 1955 Restitutionszahlungen von der österreichischen Regierung forderte, sagte mir Kanzler Figl: Nein, Österreich war ja selbst Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Dann sagte ich: Gut, dann lade ich 1000 Journalisten aus aller Welt ein und zeige ihnen einen Film wie die Österreicher beim Einmarsch 1938 reagiert haben…Figl wurde kreidebleich und wir einigten uns erstmal auf 300 Mio. Schilling.

  2. I’m not even a little bit Slavic (some of my ancestors were New Amsterdam Dutch), but if my ancestors looked like those beautiful Russian schoolchildren I could die a happy man.

  3. America was the first country to make free speech the law of the land, along with the right to bear arms. And to this day the United States is the most free of all countries in terms of the spoken and written word.

    In 1941 the Jew Lindemann wrote that anti-Semitism did not exist in the United States among the masses of average people, unlike the European nations from which Americans were derived; and Lindemann coined the term “exceptional nation” for America for this reason.

    The destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and its consequences of American military action in the Mideast to eliminate Israel’s enemies and the introduction of surveillance on American individuals in violation of the Fourth Amendment, is giving rise to anti-Semitism in the United States for the first time in its two centuries of history.

    The Jews are fully aware of this and they know that free speech has become dangerous to them and they are taking steps, primarily through their control of the media, to neutralize this danger.

    However they are fighting a losing battle and they sense it.

  4. I was just cited for “hate speech” again. You Tube. I forget what I said or to whom, and they didn’t tell me.

    There is no Constitutional basis for “hate speech.”

    It is completely a Jewish concept.

    • Yes, and raw, blind hatred is itself at the very core of judaism, the subjugation and annihilation of innocent peoples who are minding their own business, raising families, and just expecting to live on their own land, enjoy their own culture, and get along with the world. Along comes the jews and says: You are an animal, and you are my slave.

    • Why yes. little one, you must not speak unpleasant words in Zioland, as the our Lords came to this land to purge the white European people of these gross errors and defects. Our Lords tell us how benevolent and open-minded they are towards humanity and who are we to question our Lords. After all, our Lords have patiently reminded us of the persecution that they and all their fellow Lords and, Lordesses, and young Lords and Lordesses, have suffered in every century since their all-powerful, Adonai, blessed this Earth and its inhabitants with their presence. Our Lords do make available a great many resources that us non-Lords can utilize that go a long way towards demonstrating that recognize our transgression towards them and the ideals that they shall have us live by, which is for the good of all. One resource is some good Holocaust education and this resource, in parrticular, provides a plethora of activities to take part as a means of showing the Lords at Youtube that you recognize your violations and apologize for them in hopes that the rights that the Lords so graciously provide you with via Youtube might be restored to you. A second way of showing our Lords that you are sorry and remorseful of the transgression you committed while interacting with your fellow peers on Youtube might be to avail yourself of some classes that explain how we can be more sensitive to the struggles of those amomgst us who are part of the LGBPTQ community. These classes are generally taught at local community centers and they are almost always free of charge. Whether our Lords at Youtube will restore the rights that they give you to use Youtube again upon completion and a genuine acknowledgement that you are sincerely sorry for your transgression us soley at their descretion. But, I believe that such actions on your part would go a long way towards our Lords allowing you to once again use Youtube. Oh, shiiit, Kendra, I could not resist from writing the foregoing. Hee hee. The gall of the hook-snooted, puffy lipped, sleepy-eyed, and always hateful little jew bast_rds that are behind all the deplatforming, cancelling, deleting, unemploying, blacklisting, and other finger-pointing and slandering jewish orchestrated bullshit that gets one “kicked off” or “suspended” from these kike-controlled platforms and institutions, such as Youtube. As you well know, these hateful and self-aggrandizing little jew bast_rds have never been made to pay for their incessant mass-murdering, warmongering, terrorizing, persecuting, thieving, civilization destroying, white genociding, finger-pointing and slandering, and lying behavior for over 2,000 years. The jews are treacherous and malevolent little bast_rds who have never been the persecuted, but always the persecutors. They are a misfotune to our white race who will likely retaliate with a fury so great that will make a so-called “holocaust,” more appropriately described as a “holohoax,” seem like a get together at a synagogue to discuss the latest books that these little jew-bastards find so culturally enlightening and inspiring. The jews are truly an evil and vicious people that our white race must deal with and the persecuting little jew bast_rds’ actions and behaviors will make us deal with them. I look forward to the time that occurs and do soo with utter glee. Near fifty, I hope that I live long enough to be here when it occurs, but if not then I suspect that the Almighty will have us deceased white men make a return in order to aid in the administering of justice at that time. God bless and please be safe.

  5. You might be right, John, plus foot soldiers have been rendered almost obsolete in a modern war. Most people don’t plan for the long-term future anymore. There’s no point when the prospect of WWIII is looking very likely.
    We’re dealing with evil, demented politicians who would sacrifice all their people just to satisfy their egos. They’re all warmongering scumbags who have spent trillions on the M.I.C. while their people suffer.
    And over 100,000 people a year are dying from the opiate epidemic in the U.S, mostly white males, and the country is a fucking mess.
    Australia is a decaying. fucking mess too, with planeloads of Indians, Asians and Middle Easterners coming here by air, being paid for by George Soros.
    We celebrate weakness, stupidity and sexual perversion, our own replacements, and mentally ill, sexual deviants.
    It’s become such a freakshow, being that all our politicians are mentally retarded people that are being manipulated by jews.
    All of Australia’s politicians are retarded, communist pieces of shit. Victoria is a communist state and the rest of Australia will follow.

  6. Die obig im Artikel abgebildete hübsche Krankenschwester ist im Bombenholokaust zu Dresden verdampft.

    Wegen des Gedenkens an den Bombenholokaust zu Dresden muß Gerd Ittner nun ins Gefängnis, wie heute abend auf der Seite des Volkslehrers zu entnehmen ist.

    Gerd Ittner verhaftet

    Heute morgen erhielt ich von ihm folgende Nachrichten über Telegram:

    Wurde eben in Nürnberg von der Polizei verhaftet wg. der Dresden-Sache vom Februar 2017. 180 Tage = 5400 Euro. Weil ich das nicht bezahlen kann, muß ich ein halbes Jahr absitzen.
    Komme jetzt dann in die JVA- Nürnberg. Bitte Kontakt mit mir aufnehmen und die Nachricht über meine Verhaftung verbreiten.

    Weiß noch nicht, ob ich in Nürnberg in der JVA bleibe oder nach Dresden komme. Bitte schickt Briefmarken, wenn mögl. auch etwas Geld (besitze nur noch 5 Euro). Allerdings weiß ich nicht, ob das Geld an mich ausgehändigt wird oder an den Betreuer (den ich auch loswerden will) geht. Werde das klären.

    Wenn das geklärt ist, kann ich womöglich mit Geldspenden freigekauft werden – der Tagessatz sind 30 Euro, also müßte eigtl. bei Zahlung von 30 Euro jeweils 1 Tag von der Haftdauer wegfallen. Ein Tagessatz von 30 Euro ist absurd hoch für einen Mittellosen – hier ist wohl von Absicht auszugehen.
    10 Euro wären angemessen, dann wären das bei 180 Tagessätzen 1800 Euro – und das bezahlt, wäre ich frei, bräuchte wegen der Dresden-Sache nicht ins Gefängnis. (Wie gesagt, die von 2017, nicht 2018.) Und wie gesagt: macht bitte auf meine Inhaftierung aufmerksam und gebt dabei die Adresse der JVA- Nürnberg an: Mannertstraße 6.

  7. 1. Why do you keep labeling that photo of Trump’s undamaged ear as a “Before” photo? As I said in a previous comment to an earlier blog post, that photo was taken two weeks AFTER the shooting, during a meeting with Netanyahu at Trump’s Florida estate. Trump had already removed the bandage, thereby displaying his completely undamaged ear.

    2. Trump did not have any type of surgery to fix his ear, according to his personal doctor, Dr. Ronny Jackson, a Republican Congressman from Texas. See article below. On the one hand, Dr. Jackson says in the article that a piece of Trump’s ear was blown completely off, but then he goes on to say that no surgery will be needed, and that the ear will heal on its own, thereby contradicting himself:


    3. If anyone thinks that Trump would never pull such a egregious hoax on the American people, they just need to watch this short video. He’s a clown who loves to act, and loves to “give the people what they wanna see.” Very presidential, eh? Would Hitler ever have done something like this?


    4. Below is that original Daily Mail article again, which shows Trump’s totally undamaged ear in his meeting with Netanyahu just two weeks AFTER the shooting, when Trump’s bandage had been removed. The Daily Mail is now doing damage control for Trump, as they recently published another article in which some UK doctor tries to justify Trump’s miraculous recovery, saying that it must have been just a grazing flesh wound, contradicting Dr. Ronny Jackson, who said that a piece of Trump’s ear was blown completely off.


    • I addressed the issue, as I said in my response to you, of how fast an ear can heal via plastic/cosmetic surgery with an entire webpage from the Mayo Clinic.

      It is a certainty that the Trump family has resorted to plastic surgery in the past, especially breast augmentations and, I think, also a nose job for Ivanka, whose Czech mother Ivana was a Resnikova. (Resnik is a classic-Eastern-European jewish name).

      If Trump had let the ear naturally heal, IMO it might not have grown all the way back in just two weeks, if it would ever have done so, because cartilage is poorly vascularized. (This is why kneecap injuries are so serious in American football.)

      Leaving the wound alone would probably have resulted in a lifetime disfigurement, so IMO, if it was not fake, Trump would have brought in a cosmetic surgeon to take care of it. And to get a tiny bit of cartilage from between two of Trump’s ribs and put it in the missing rim of his right ear might even have been an operation which a surgeon could perform in an hour under local anesthetic with a tranquilizer.

      I don’t think anyone challenges that real bullets were fired at the event, since one well-known family man, the firefighter (the one I met), was killed and got a big funeral, and two others, seniors, were shot and severely wounded in the chest.

      I am not sure about the whole thing at this point. But Trump is certainly a showman, and I would not put anything past him.

      The video about JFK is instructive, showing how the Deep State was out to get him and disobeyed and ignored his orders. In fact, Kennedy had to resort to journalists, Americans and French, to get vital messages to other world leaders because his striving for peace was seen by the MIC as “appeasement.”

      If you watch it, you can then apply this to Trump, with the difference being that Kennedy resisted the MIC and persisted in his goals AND WAS MURDERED, whereas Trump reverses himself under pressure AND IS STILL ALIVE, blithely forgetting “lock her [Hillary] up” and “drain the swamp.” Trump will do what is good for Trump.

  8. I understand your reticence to discuss Trump’s attempted assassination as being another fake crisis actor event, given what the Jews did to Alex Jones when he correctly said that the entire Sandy Hook school shooting event was fake, and that no children were killed. One of the fake Jewish parents then sued Jones for everything he had. So I understand. And of course, in all of these fake shootings, someone must “die” so that no one can publicly question it. But it was fake as hell, nonetheless.

    • It is not just that. So maybe the Butler thing was faked. And you have read me for years. I have debunked Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombing (with the guy in a wheelchair with his legs blown off) and the Las Vegas mass shooting. (There, unforgettably, machine-gun sounds were literally broadcast over a loudspeaker, and people hit the deck. But one gent stood up among all the people who had flattened themselves on the tarmac, possibly a military veteran or hunter, and said “This is fake. There are no bullets. The gunfire is coming from loudspeakers.”)

      So I do accept the concept of a fake shooting, or of a partially fake shooting. (Margi wanted to call around to Las Vegas-area hospital ERs and ask how many people were actually admitted for gunshot wounds, but things came up, and she never did.)

      But if it was fake, or let us say that just the Trump’s-ear part was fake (and then Comperatore was really killed and the two seniors were in fact shot in the chest), then this posits that the Deep State thereby wanted Trump to gain vast sympathy and compassion and to go on to win the November election.

      Okay, so maybe Trump has had a serious sit-down with the Deep State, and agreed to be a hawk on Russia, Iran and China…. which would be consistent with the Van Rensburg prophecy…..and my new article: https://johndenugent.com/african-refugee-stabs-three-english-girls-death-southport-trump-predicted-escalate-us-aid-jewkraine-my-2015-warning-trump/

      Then you would see the Deep State going easy subtly on Trump henceforth and discreetly aiding him to regain the White House. The MSM would start running kinder, more neutral, faire, truer, and more factual reporting on him….and bringing up negative stuff on Kamala being a bimbo and on Biden being a crook……

      If, however, the MSM resume their now nine-year-long demonizing of the man, and/or he is actually assassinated in a further incident — Alex Jones has suggested they could switch to poisoning or a truck bomb — then that would be consistent with the Deep State really firing bullets at Trump’s head and really seeking his death in Butler.

      My view remains that the Deep State still hates and distrusts Trump, and the act of Trump becoming a “hawk” is the Donald yet again kissing up foolishly to an irreconcilable foe.

      But whatever the truth is about Trump and his ear, and I understand both theories, all that matters is that Trump is selling out yet again to the jews, and as president starting WWIII. Either way, I will oppose him to the max.

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