“An Education” — Jews gloat openly in Oscar-nominated movie about ruining British girls and widows — and negroizing entire neighborhoods

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It is amazing and shameful how all the non-Jewish movie critics of this 2009 British movie, based, btw, on a true, autobiographical story by journalist Lynn Barber, tiptoe and mince around the main phenomenon in this movie, the 900-pound, selfish, greedy, lying Eternal Jew, in this case, one David Goldman, in the room!

….and around the Jewishness of Peter Rachman, the notorious post-World War II London property speculator, for whom David Goldman is working.

This supposed “coming-of-age” movie (a teen learning about sex and adulthood) is overtly about how a fast-talking Jew in his thirties, one David Goldman, breaks the heart of a 16-year-old minor girl, a brilliant student, but a shiksa! (Hebrew word for “gentile female,” actually meaning “chunk of meat.”)

Oh, and smirking jewboy David — handsomish in a (((William Shatner)))-y way — enriches himself by ruining good English neighborhoods with negroes (while mockingly calling them in Yiddish “Shvartzes,” [  = blacks/n—ers]. He is deliberately deflating white property values (a classic jew real-estate scam which is called, in the States, “blockbusting”). Then he loots cultural treasures from displaced widows.

I did not exactly “enjoy” the film, obviously, but comrades Stan Hess and Jack Sen said I had to see it — watch Jews flaunt exactly how they really are, and ponder how and why the film was nominated by other cocky Jews for an Oscar for “Best Picture”! I guess they assume that the goyim are soooo oblivious that they 100% will miss the main message! “We Jews are scheming scum!” 😉

Comrade Stan Hess sent me the DVD of this film, btw. Btw, also a real-estate lady in western Pennsylvania whom we knew in 2008-11 confirmed to us how the real-estate Jews do blockbusting: bringing in negroes to get the whites to panic-sell. Senior citizen homeowners especially tend to sell all sorts of valuables at fire-sale prices. Then the Jews becomes the owners, and ruthless slumlords toward their new renters, negroes, fixing nothing until sued.

Here is a typical, jew-oblivious review by a goy:


However, no surprise, this Jewess, Debbi Schlussel, sure “got it,” and her review is one long Oy veh!:

Weekend Box Office: Anti-Semitism, British-Style & Dark, Fun Chick Flick


If this movie didn’t have such an anti-Semitic slant, so obvious and heavy-handed, I might have liked it.  But, instead, we’re told over and over that the villain in this movie, a criminal and predator of young and old, is a Jew.  It’s high-quality British Bin Laden cinema.  The authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion would be proud.

Jenny (Carey Mulligan), a teen girl in early ’60s London gets caught in a heavy rain and is offered a ride by a charming gentleman, David (Peter Sarsgaard), who offers protection for her cello, which she plays in a youth orchestra.  Soon, he is sending her flowers and sweeping both her and her working-class parents off their feet.  Jenny, a francophile and brilliant student, desperately wants to get into Oxford to change her life from that of her working class parents.  And David pretends to help her.  But that and his fancy car and money–it’s all a ruse.

In fact, he’s a criminal, con-man and a thief, who preys on old women (stealing their property) and young women (to steal their virginity and innocence).  This predator–whom filmmakers make sure we know is a Jew, Jew, JEW, JOOOO!–takes the girl to Paris, takes her virginity, proposes marriage to her, and ruins her life.  And then she finds out [spoiler alert] he’s …..].

The end.  Oh, and did I mention that this vile predator is a Jew?  Just in case you didn’t notice and just in case you didn’t get the anti-Semitic message of this movie that Jews are con-men, vile characters who prey on the innocent without even an iota of conscience.

If this movie is “an education” in anything, its in the curriculum of Ahmadinejad and Hitler.  I, myself, learned nothing. . . except that anti-Semitic filmmaking is alive and well in Hollywood and Britain.  And, sadly, even that isn’t news.  Irina Bragin of the Los Angeles Jewish Journal seconds my emotion and thought on this film in an excellent analysis I urge you to read.  I’m sure Pat Buchanan had multiple orgasms over this movie, or will when he learns of it.

We recently voted our nominations for the Detroit Film Critics Society (I’ll be posting mine on Sunday or Monday).  Studios lobbied us heavily, as did fellow critics.  And while they urged me to vote for “An Education” in several categories, I declined.  I will not give anti-Semitism a single nod of approval.  Nor will I give any accolades to those who go along with it for an acting job and paycheck.  When we vote our final ballots on Monday, I will continue with this policy concerning this horrible piece of Jew-hatred on the silver screen.


And then Debbie gives “An Education”  her lowest possible rating:

“Four Hitlers” (LOL!)





Her devoted teacher tries to talk sense into the gifted white girl, whose grades have plummeted:

Revealing dialogue (47:00-47:32)

“Don’t be bourgeois, Jenny. […].. We [we, the two Jews] are not clever like you [Jenny is brilliant and Oxford-bound] so we have to be clever in other ways. […]

You want to know what ‘stats’ are? ‘Stats” are old [white, English] ladies who are scared of colored people.

So we move the coloreds in, and the ladies move out, and I buy their flats [apartments] cheap. So now you know.”

And for once I would agree with this Jewess in giving the film four Hitlers. 🙂

Adi definitely would have sent a memo to Dr, Goebbels green-lighting this film project. Maybe he would have asked Leni Riefenstahl to do it. 😉

It just shows how arrogant the Jews are, and over-confident, that they would ever make such a film showing them at their classic worst.

Btw, the websites claim the actor playing the Jew, Peter Sarsgaard,  who is rather dolled-up, somewhat blond-colored, and semi-good-looking in the film, is a Catholic and of Scandinavian ancestry.

Err, you judge:

My verdict: See it, not just for the wonderful scenes of still-white London and Paris in 1961, but also for the same reason you saw Mel Gibson’s “The Passion” – what the Jews did to Jesus — and “Hellstorm” — what they did to the Germans.

(Margi and I did six voices for this film, btw.)

In “An Education,” it is about what Jews do to a pretty, bright Aryan girl from a very good home, but one, just like mine when I was a kid or young man where my parents were afraid to be un-p.c. when a jew comes a-knocking to take their child out.

….to crush another soul










1 Comment

  1. https://dailystormer.name/self-help-sunday-nothing-is-free/

    Self-Help Sunday: Nothing is Free

    Andrew Anglin
    Daily Stormer
    May 25, 2019

    Very often, we feel like the world has gone completely insane and we are now inside of the middle of a Biblical apocalypse type situation.

    It is worthwhile to consider eternal truths.

    What I have found to be the most relevant truth to human life is that nothing is free.

    Everything has a price. Not necessarily money. Not even usually money. You trade one thing for another. Sometimes these trades are good trades, sometimes they are not so good trades, like in that Stephen King book “Needful Things.” But you always get what you pay for.

    I saw a post the other day from a woman talking about how when she was 21 and pregnant with a toddler running around, she was seeing her friends from high school on Facebook posting pictures of their college parties and trips around the world, and she felt like she was missing out. Someone replied that she wasn’t missing out on anything.

    And I said “of course she was missing out – these sluts are having the time of their life.”

    From what I have witnessed, there is nothing funner that being a teenaged or twenty-something whore, with this incredible power over men that they have at that age, going around everywhere and getting whatever they want from whoever they want.

    Their predicament is that they are using this sexual power that they have for trivial fun times and power-tripping. They are spending their youthful beauty on frivolities instead of spending it a man who will marry them and take care of them long past the time that their beauty fades.

    By going on these sex-crazed adventures in college, on gap year, taking jobs in NGOs and whatever else these whores do, they are foregoing being able to find a man that is worthwhile. And then they get to be 30, and men of quality simply are not interested in them. They can get married, theoretically, but it will be to either a much lower quality man, or – if they’re lucky – a high quality man who is in his 50s, is divorced with kids, and who they will have to take care of when he ages. They will never have a big, happy family. They will never know the joy that I saw my grandma experience when she was surrounded by twenty-odd people who emerged from her body or from a body that emerged from her body.

    And by gambling with their youth this way, they might end up like Theresa May – 60-something, no children, hated by everyone, breaking down crying on television in front of the whole world. And have nothing at all to show for any of it, other than memories of sex affairs and power trips.

    This is the same dynamic with drugs.

    Drugs are fun. Cocaine in particular is incredibly fun, and it increases productivity. Your whole life goes faster. But taking part in this sort of lifestyle is not free. You pay for it with your body. By the time you are 40, you start to break down, and you don’t ever make it past 55. So you’re trading 20 years of your life for living at high speed in your youth. Furthermore, you run the risks of trouble with the law and certainly, you are going to have relationship difficulty if you’re a lifestyle cocaine user.

    Cigarettes are the same deal. They are enjoyable and help with brain function, but they give you cancer. And make your health a lot worse before you ever get cancer.

    Or a much more basic level, this is true of health.

    Masturbation feels good, gives you a dopamine release, but excessive ejaculation lowers testosterone levels and leaves you feeling hollow and bored.

    Cheap carbs are delicious. But if you consume them on a regular basis, you are going to be fat. You are trading your health for the sensual pleasure of the food.

    On the other side of that, you can deal with the discipline and exertion that is involved in going to the gym – spend your time and energy on that – and be significantly more healthy.

    The same is true with the amount of satisfaction you get from work. It’s going to be down to the effort you put into it.

    This concept may seem too simple to be worth talking about. However, people still don’t get it, so it is worth talking about.

    Women are so cartoonishly stupid that it isn’t surprising that they just go right along with the idea that they can go to college and party and get fucked and manipulate every man they meet and go on world tours and get a job where they just gossip and impede men while engaging in petty drama and romance – and then when they’re thirty, settle down with a charming man who loves them not for their body, but for who they are.

    But you’d be surprised the amount of men that don’t understand the idea that nothing is free.

    I meet guys all the time who are working on get rich quick schemes. Intelligent adults who think they can somehow trick the universe. Pick-up artistry is the same sort of thing.

    And ultimately, blaming Jews for your problems can turn out being something that makes you miserable, based on this principle of nothing being free. Jews are responsible for your problems – this is an empirical fact. But if you use that as an excuse to not exert effort to make your life better, your life is never going to get better.

    We all have mostly the same problems caused by Jews – what with women, money, these hordes of brown people flooding our space, faggots everywhere, the crippling psychological effects of trying to deal with people who don’t understand such self-evident reality – that is the baseline that we are all at, because that is the reality we live in.

    However, not everyone is doing the same in this fucked up Jewish nightmare and Biblical apocalypse situation. Some people are doing much better than others. And if they are doing better, it is not because the Jews fucked them less – it is because they exerted more effort into the things that make men’s lives better.

    So please: blame the Jews. But hold yourself responsible for your own life. Spend your energy wisely and be the best that you can be.

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